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Chapitre 36: Ch.4

After teleporting back to earth I waited and once Odin sent Thor and Hulk back, they fought off the telekinetic and the brute. Or rather Thor caught them off with Tony and Strange. After they were killed, five Destiny class ships towed the donut ship to the outer edges of the solar system and blew it up.

Natasha called the full team to Strange's sanctum and I suggested we'd need a place where we could fight without worrying about civilians. Strange mentioned the mirror dimension and I shot it down. "The stones are to powerful to be forced into something like that. We need a sold ground we could fight on and not a maybe. Because if it doesn't work then we've got a war going on in the middle of a city."

Tony spoke up. "I've got an idea."

Everyone turned to him. "I may have scanned the earth with one of your ships high tech-"

I growled. "Get on with it."

He sighed. "Wakanda. It's more advanced than anything else on earth and has access to tons of vibranium which means nearly indestructible weapons."

I sighed. "I'll make the call. I'm friends with T'Chaka, the king."

Natasha snorted. "He invited you to tour his city years ago. I doubt he'd even remember you."

I chuckled. "True, let's see."

I called him up and gave him the situation. He agreed to gather the tribes and wait for us there. I opened a portal stunning everyone there. "What? I can't have secrets? Go on through. If anyone stops you say I sent you."

They nodded and I left Natasha to lead them before closing the portal after the last one went through. Wong stayed saying he needed to protect the sanctum. I called Fury and made a deal. My five Destiny ships as long as he got the UN's approval to lead them in their name. The ships belonged solely to the UN as a whole.

When he promised he'd have them call a meeting ASAP I told him he'd need to make it snappy because we were about to be invaded. He cursed me out before thanking me as I dropped off the command bracelet to the ships on the way out. I told him straightforward. "It'll only activate and give you full control of the Destiny class ships in the event of a positive vote. Hell, you can use my name if it helps."

I left him and agent Hill sitting in the parking lot as my suit took off flying at speeds that would make Quicksilver jealous. I arrived in Wakanda minutes later. I tossed Thor a new hammer to replace his busted one that Thanos had cracked nearly in half. "It's called Stormbreaker. I'm tolled the dwarves made it fit for a king."

He took it with a smile and I watched the grass grow vibrant green all around. Ivy appeared to sprout out of the ground. I waved everyone off. "Relax people, she's a friendly. Hello Ivy."

She sashayed past me and gave Natasha a kiss that had lesser men biting their knuckles. I snorted at their antics as Nat grabbed her as and it turned into a make out session. Thor smacked my shoulder. "It seems you have competition my friend."

I coughed. "Not really."

Both women broke apart and came to stand on either side of me. "Ivy meet the avengers and the Wakandan people. Avengers, Wakanda, meet Ivy. She's a nature goddess."

Thor frowned. "I don't remember anyone from Asgard looking like her."

Ivy spoke up. "You Asgardians pretending to be gods because you've tapped into nature's energy. You've no idea what a real god is."

She turned to T'Chaka. "Your people barely have an idea and you respect nature. I thank you for that."

She waved a hand and a vine grew out of the ground with thousands of heart shaped herbs on it. "Consider them a gift. Tell Bast I'll allow it this time for your willingness to fight a battle that was never your own."

He bowed and told his people to take them and prepare a mass ceremony to awaken the panthers of all the tribes. I saw Stark about to take one and told him. "Either you eat it or you leave it be Tony. She could turn you into fertilizer before you could blink. Suit and all."

He put his hand down and asked. "What are its effects?"

I pointed to T'Challa. "Ask him, he's on it right now."

They all turned to him and he sighed and told them about it. Tony took one and so did everyone else except Banner, me, Ivy and Natasha. When Tony noticed it and asked why I shrugged. "I'm already a perfect monster, I see no need to tempt fate. Natasha is the same and Ivy literally grows the stuff. As for Banner, you'd have to ask him."

Banner told us about his hulk problem and I nodded. "You're treating a kid like a leper weapon. You only call him out to fight then stuff him back in once the fighting's over. What you really need to do is fuse with him. Become the Hulk and Banner. That way you're one and the same and in control of all changes. Though you'd still have the anger issues."

I tapped his chakra point on his crown and sent him unconscious and into his mind scape. "He'll either deal with it like I said or wake up very angry and slaughter everything around. Who wants to dump him on the battlefield and wait to see what happens."

They looked at me funnily and I shrugged. "Anyway, he's useless either way until he's finished inside there. Leave him here, it'll be fine."

T'Chaka asked. "He's not going to destroy my city is he?"

I shook my head. "If he wakes up angry he'll come straight for me. He probably won't even care enough to sneeze your way."

I pulled out a wrist band and slapped it on Banner. "Just in case. Tranquil mode."

It turned green and a suit wrapped him up in it. "Those will force him to the battle field either way."

I turned to group and ignored Banner. T'Challa asked. "How long do we have until he gets here?"

Strange frowned and used the fake time stone. After a bit he stood up and spoke. "Ten hours give or take. It'll be the last stone he needs."

Thor cursed. "Thant means he found the mind stone on Niðavellir."

I sighed. "Let's go rest up and those with herbs use them. It'll help I hope."

I pulled Steve aside. "It won't work on you. The super soldier serum used the same plant as one of its ingredients. It won't give you any boost."

He frowned before sighing. "Well any suggestions then?"

I pulled out a wrist band and a shield. "The wrist banned will DNA lock. It's a set of armor better than anything even Tony has. The shield I personally forged. It's made of vibranium, Uru, the stuff Thor's hammer is made of, and adamantium along with some unique alloy's I personally made. It is literally indestructible. Even Thor's newest hammer couldn't scratch it and check this out."

I squeezed the handle and teeth like blades came out of the edges. "Razor sharp and can cut through almost anything except your armor. It's basically the same material."

I left him to try it all out and passed out wrist bands like they were going out of style to the team. Scarlet witch and even Vision got theirs because they answered the call. Antman got his and so did the Wasp. I told them it was designed to their specific needs.

I even gave spider boy one though I did warn him that he shouldn't be in this kind of battle unless he was prepared to kill. Tony didn't appreciate that but he could bite me. I even gave the Wakandan's some extra wrist bands to try and replicate if they could or simply use if they couldn't.

Banner woke up less than pleased but not in a rage six hours later. He'd succeeded a head of schedule but his control was still iffy. I gave the Wakandan's two potentia to use to power their shields. I told them it was experimental but highly stable.

The princess asked what it's source was and when I told her it was vacuum space energy she wanted to know everything about it. I told her to scan it and leave me alone. Once they hooked the potentia up, I smiled at the results.

The shields were at full power and seemed to be able to last that way for several thousand years. Even tony asked about the power source when Wednesday told him the readings she was picking up.

I simply told him I won the clean energy race. An hour before the battle Strange came to me in my guest room. He sighed. "Why are you pretending to be human?"

I shrugged. "I'm a werewolf so what?"

He shook his head. "We both know you're not just a werewolf."

I smiled. "Your point is?"

He frowned. "You could end all this right now, why do it?"

I lost my smile. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I'm not the one that set this table Doctor, I'm only playing the game to the best outcome. If you preferred I leave, say so and I'll be gone before you could blink."

He shook his head as sweat came off his forehead. I sighed and sat down, waving my hand and closing the door. I waved and a seat appeared for him as well. "Then what is it you want Strange. I won't tip the table if that's it."

He sighed and joined me. "Why did you let this happen?"

I chuckled. "You're assuming I could've stopped it in the first place. No, it started before I ever arrived to this world."

He frowned. "Then why haven't you stopped it?"

I made the image of Thanos appear before us. "He's a naïve fool but in a way he's not entirely wrong. Strength, true strength only ever sprouts in the wake of conflict. Humans evolved so quickly because survival demanded it of them."

"I'm letting the battle to go on because one day no one will be here to control the outcome. And on that day, humanity may not survive if they've not evolved enough. So sue me that I'm letting this happen to make sure everyone doesn't turn of those gifted with powers later."

He sighed. "You're trading one fear for the next. You're forgetting that fear is just fear in the end and it's easy to make them change targets."

I shook my head. "No, I'm buying time so that the world can be prepared for the evolution of humanity. Look farther ahead if need be, but don't give me crap about using a false stone. I've charged them all with enough power to get the job done."

He opened the eye of Agamotto and concentrated on his searching. I helped boost its powers even further and when he stopped, I withdrew my powers. He closed the eye and opened his own. "I'll do it, but I expect you to leave this dimension after the revival."

I nodded and he left the room. I went to see Ivy and Natasha. They heard everything and while Natasha was a little sad to be leaving this reality so soon, on the other hand she also wanted our alone time without any crisis popping up to ruin our days.

An hour before Thanos's arrival everyone headed to the battlefield while the barrier was still up. A dozen giant drop pods began falling from the sky as thousands of Wakandan's repaired to greet anything that came out of them. One of the drop pods landed on the shield and was destroyed in seconds.

Many more came down while I called Fury to cuss him out. He bitched and moaned about not being prepared and when I give him access to the latest ships and technology he's not even here to use them. After taking an ear full he said the UN was in talks right this moment about approval of not.

I told him he'd better hurry them up as meaty two dozen drop pods followed the rest down. Thanos didn't seem to be playing after the deaths of his two children. I told him to head for space over Wakanda and fire whatever ships are in orbit out of the sky as soon as they approved. After his confirmation I hung up and turned to see Strange staring at me for a minute before looking away.

I and Nat shifted then and there to give the people a confidence boost. Ivy hopped on Natasha's back and waited. When Steve and T'Challa went to the barrier to speak with the two leading the army, I listened in and roared when one of them said they had blood to spare.

My roared shook the earth and caused Banner to tap into his inner beast and roar as well. Natasha followed. When the drop pods opened and destroyed the forest Ivy got pissed and tipped over six of them like dominoes. They exploded in a fiery blaze killing thousands of alien creatures. Thousands more were unleashed and I recognized Chitauri among them.

Cursing myself in my head I watched as Steve and the leaders came back. I watched as the shield burned hundreds of them alive before they tried spreading out. I sent Steve a telepathic warning that if they surrounded us when the shield came down we'd all be too dead to stop Thanos.

He told T'Challa and the prince ordered the front section to lower on his mark. He ordered the army to charge and I bolted for the section I knew would open. By the time he gave the order I was already there and waiting. I tore into them and leapt into the center of their army moving at speeds they couldn't possibly see I killed hundreds in seconds.

Ivy and Natasha were the same as we racked up a body count close to genocide in the first few minutes. The battle raged on though and so did we. It seemed a never ending flood of aliens at this point. I was even starting to get tired of the taste of their blood and flesh.

I killed a Leviathan as they too started to appear. Luckily the X-men and evening the fantastic foursome showed up for the party. They joined the fight as well from outside the barrier. I had my suit call in the Red legion for extra help. Up above in space a battle all its own was taking place.

Fury had gotten the UN's approval and was now commanding the ships to battle. It was a few steps up from a single heli-carrier but he was managing. The fight on the ground seemed to turn in our favor until Thanos turned up. He used the power stone to blast us back before messing with Strange's mind and taking the time stone.

Thor did his axe bit and buried it in Thanos's chest. The snap still happened though and people began fading away. Thanos himself was killed because of it as the power wasn't nearly as strong as it should have been. With only one real stone, it used his life force to compensate and wipe out half of earth's population.

The universe was saved though so there's a plus side. All the stones in his gauntlet were destroyed except the soul stone. I charged up beside Thor and took the stone out of it and held up my own gauntlet with the stones inside. I put the soul stone in its place before snapping. I had to concentrate hard on what I wanted so I brought back all those that died this day.

Thanos came back with them and I grinned as my gauntlet was nearly fried I snapped again. Thanos and his entire army turned to dust and blew away in the wind. The gauntlet shattered and the stones fell to the ground.

I sighed as it was finally over. Strange retrieved the time stone and I asked him. "Think you can return them all? I've got a feeling the soul stone no longer works without the soul that was sacrificed for it."

He nodded. "I can do that. You're leaving today though right?"

I nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, today sounds good enough to me."

Thor was given the space stone and The others were taken back to their resting places. The mind stone was given to the dwarves and the reality stone was sent back to its resting place inside the dark world.

The collector was revived but he didn't exactly deserve a second chance with it. Asgard made their new home world look much like the old one, a paradise. When the avengers gathered at Stark's old tower, I announced our departure.

They were all shocked and Thor even more so when I revealed who I was. I chuckled at their expressions and told them the reason why I let the snap happen. "I recorded the battle and clarified that all those fought were either enhanced or mutants. They each fought to preserve the humans of this planet and therefore should be given equal rights. My company is backing the bill that's going through as we speak. Humanity needed to evolve so we found a way to make everyone special so that no one was."

Tony frowned. "How?"

I smiled. "The heart shaped herb? It's one of the ingredients in the super soldier serum. Another is a certain mutants blood. I've had both replicated and the serum concocted into breathable air. Those that don't have the mutant or inhuman genes will be turned into super soldiers so to speak. A world of equals."

Steve frowned. "But that would be chaos!"

I nodded. "For a time, yes. But that's life. I much prefer this outcome rather than the fear and genocide that would've been inevitable otherwise. Stark has the access he needs and he'll find the Red Queen answers to him now as well. She has all kinds of designs to help better humanity and other worlds. Including terraforming and artificial sun creation. With them you could literally expand the universe if need be, so it's time we left."

As I said that the girls made portals over after collecting our family. Natasha was carrying Xander as well when she came back. All ten of my wives were there with us now. Bonnie had picked up Nik and the others into the vaults.

I turned to them before smiling and turning back to the group. I tossed Tony a ring. "Can't forget that. It took me three months and a whole lot of resources to make it. Ask Clint how to use it and when you find him thank him for me."

I raised a hand and tapped the air. A door way appeared and the girls began stepping through. The ancient one appeared just as I was about to leave. She nodded and I stepped through. I knew she'd continue to protect them even in my absence.

She was still able to draw from my power so they were relatively safe now.

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