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13.63% A Psychic's Scarlet Dream / Chapter 23: Chapter 12: Insanity (Part 2)

Chapitre 23: Chapter 12: Insanity (Part 2)

She has crossed that line. However thick it was – Sona Pectus has crossed the line to insanity.

Dragon: "You really are that happy over my death?"

The dragon had already understood that she hated him for some reason, but to think she is this happy over his death is beyond his imagination.

Sona: "No! Not in the least!"

But she denies that.

Dragon: "What?"

The dragon doesn't understand why she would deny it. It's clear she is happy. She is laughing like crazy … to the point she might have become crazy.

Sona: "It's not your death that I am laughing because of."

Sona explains what she means. But the explanation only further confuses the dragon.

Dragon: "Then what … is it?"

The dragon asks his question – the only question that has filled the depths of his minds.

Sona: "It's my foolishness."

Sona answers - still bloodshot-eyes, death glare coming from her, hostile intent very clear, but not in the slightest trying to deceive.

Dragon: "Your … what now?"

The dragon just could not comprehend what he just heard.

Sona: "My foolishness. How ill-prepared was I?"

Sona repeats her answer. She says the words as if to mock herself.

Dragon: "What do you …?"

The dragon can do nothing but ask.

Sona: "There's just four days left. After that, you'll die."

Sona affirms the facts.

Dragon: "Yes, that's …"

The dragon supports the affirmation.

Sona: "While that maybe a good thing for everyone, but then I will never be able to take my revenge."

Then Sona finally voices her innermost feelings. These feeling – can only be called 'hatred'. It may get twisted in many other forms, but at the end of the day, it would remain one feeling – pure hatred.

Dragon: "What?"

The dragon is left bereft of words. Yet he could mutter that one word that describes all his thoughts at the moment.

Sona: "I can't let you die like that."

Sona elaborates.

Dragon: "You …"

The dragon can barely speak anything after the shock of finding out the level of hatred Sona has for him.

Sona: "You deserve to die by my hands."

Sona does not stop elaborating her hatred. She continues, paying no mind to the dragon.

Dragon: "W-why you …"

The dragon tries to stop her words. He tries to get some answers. He tries to ask a question that could explain that intense hatred of hers.

Sona: "That's the only way. There's no other way around it."

She does not give any answers. She only shows how true her hatred.

Sona: "Within four days, I'll have to somehow find a way to kill you."

She goes on and on as if talking to herself, motivating herself to kill. If this is not insanity, then what is it?

Dragon: "What's wrong with you?"

The dragon just asks a question he knows there can never be a good enough answer to.

Sona: "There's nothing wrong with me."

And yet Sona defies his expectations by her answer. Insane to the point where she is the only sane person in her eyes – that is what she has become.

Dragon: "How greedy can you be?"

The dragon asks her what he truly wanted to ask her at that moment.

Sona: "Greedy?"

But he used a word he doesn't even understand the true meaning of. That's a trigger – one the dragon has accidently pulled.

Dragon: "Isn't it enough I'm going to die?"

He doesn't even realize it, so he continues on.

Sona: "Of course it's not."

Her voice grows colder than it ever was. The dragon had thought he had seen her hostile intent, but all he had seen was the tip of the iceberg.

Dragon: "Tch!"

He clicks his tongue in how out of control the situation is. He had no idea there would exist someone who would hate him this much.

Sona: "Dying naturally as if you have lived a long happy life and are finally passing away – that's not the death you deserve."

She voices all her feelings in those words.

Dragon: "Why's that?"

The dragon continues to ask. He foolishly asks the question he never should have. And then without even realizing the severity of his words, he continues on. When the person he is talking to has already lost sanity, what effect can this bring – it's not the easiest thing to figure this out.

Sona: "Because you are the greatest sinner in the world. You deserve to die by the hands of those whose lives you destroyed."

Sona claims what she thinks is right. And what she thinks is right is all that matters to her.

Dragon: "Destroyed?"

The dragon can understand why someone like that would be hated so much, but he can't understand how he can be that someone.

Sona: "Never – you will never … ever … be allowed a peaceful death. You just don't deserve it."

Her anger bursts out as she shouts those words at the dragon.

Dragon: "Why would you … hate me that much?"

The dragon can never think of himself as such a grave sinner. Just what did he do?

Sona: "Ha! Ha! Why would I hate you that much?"

Sona laughs as if it's the most foolish question she has ever heard.

Dragon: "Tell me. At least tell me the answer to that."

The dragon demands an answer. Just what sins has he committed? He is dying to know.

Sona: "You took everything from me."

And the answer he gets is a vague one, yet the one that best summarizes everything that had happened.

Dragon: "What?"

Sona: "You took everything from me. Bit-by-bit you destroyed my life."

Sona adds the words that further explain his sins.

Dragon: "I …"

Sona: "Taking everything from me and expecting to not be hated – just how greedy can you be?"

And with that, she clears up the severity of the word 'greed' that the dragon had uttered before without knowing its value.


Ethan Kales is someone who has forgotten what sanity even means. With one massive blow, his sanity had run out of life and insanity had taken over his being.

Ethan: "I didn't expect you to be this early."

He arrives at the airport from where he and Sneha have to take a flight. But Sneha had arrived before him.

Sneha: "I just didn't have anything else to do."

She is being honest. She had received no orders from Vermillion for a while now. It did bug her if the reason for that is that they had found out about her being a double agent, but after a while, it won't matter.

Ethan: "I see. Well, I guess I didn't either."

Ethan, on the other hand, didn't have anyone to take orders from, so it was a natural response for him.

Sneha: "Not like you do anything anyway."

Sneha says that in a mocking tone.

Ethan: "That's harsh."

Ethan responds with a smile that's makes it hard to judge whether he took it as a joke or was hurt by it.

Sneha: "It's the truth."

But Sneha doesn't even bother with those details. She has come to understand that understanding this man is beyond her.

Ethan: "Not quite. I do have things to do."

Ethan keeps up the smile and denies her statement.

Sneha: "And what exactly are these 'things'?"

Sneha asks a question she truly wants to know the answer to after hearing his words.

Ethan: "Well, for starters, visiting a psychic."

Ethan casually states that.

Sneha: "What! Who are you talking about?"

But Sneha can't contain her surprise. Her voice pitches higher and her questions describe her feelings.

Ethan: "Well, Kais."

And Ethan continues to casually answer her questions.

Sneha: "You … visited him. What the hell does that mean?"

He was on the island and Ethan was here. How could he have visited him? This very logical question comes to her mind.

Ethan: "Come now, it isn't all that surprising."

But Ethan acts as if it's normal for things like that to happen.

Sneha: "Not surprising. How's something that's not even possible not surprising when it actually happens."

Sneha can't understand him – she knows that full well, but it is in moments like these when this fact starts to annoy her.

Ethan: "Well, shouldn't anything be possible? These supernatural things do tend to make everything that looks impossible on the surface possible after all."

Ethan says that as if he knows nothing about the limitations of various supernatural powers. But knowing those limitations is the entire reason he has become such a threat to Vermillion. So how could he say something like that?

Sneha: "These powers are not omnipotent. Now explain what you meant?"

Sneha demands an answer one could very well say she deserves.

Ethan: "Calm down, will you?"

Ethan casually asks her to calm down, not affected by the surprise that has taken over Sneha.

Sneha: "Tch!"

Sneha gets irritated by that. This is a feeling she has felt pretty much every time she had met this man.

Ethan: "All that happened was my soul got transferred to a dark place where I met him. I don't know how it happened, but it happened when I was sleeping last night."

He casually explains what happened.

Sneha: "What! Are you joking?"

Sneha just can't understand what he is saying.

Ethan: "I'm not. It really did happen."

But Ethan confirms that it's true.

Sneha: "Then how can you be not concerned about it. This is something I have never heard of. What if someone really powerful was pulling the strings behind this?"

Sneha voices her concerns - the concerns very genuine in respect to her own safety that could be harmed if this 'someone' knows about her being an accomplice.

Ethan: "Well, doesn't that make things more interesting though?"

Yet Ethan Kales talks about it like it doesn't bother him at all. The terrifying part – it might really not bother him at all.

Sneha: "What the hell!"

Sneha can't keep her irritation in check.

Ethan: "Calm down, Sneha. All it would mean is that another person is trying to get in my way. I'll just have to defeat them. It's not that big of a deal."

That's the genuine stance Ethan Kales has taken.

Ethan: "It doesn't matter how powerful that guy is."

No matter if it's a half-psychic, a psychic, someone like Sneha, spirit-user, a dragon, or even a god; all of them are beings more powerful than Ethan Kales.

Ethan: "If even a half-psychic can overpower me, then what benefit would there be in being more powerful?"

So it doesn't matter which one of them it is, all he has to do – is outsmart them.

Ethan: "No matter how powerful they are, they'll lose anyway."

It was not a sound logic, but that's the logic Ethan Kales has for going against pretty much everyone in the world. This logic was born when he first realized how powerful some people are in this unfair world. It was born when he met the demon he hates for than anyone else in the world.

Ethan: "It really doesn't matter at all."

That one blow to his sanity was all it took to make him cross the line. This – was the insanity of Ethan Kales.


Barry: "Those are the questions I have asked myself several times ever since I died. I just could not get them out of my head."

Ro: "That's …"

Ro tries to voice his thoughts but stops midway. He understands nothing will change even by him saying those things.

Barry: "So pitiful, isn't it?"

Barry says as if to mock himself.

Barry: "But these are my queries – If one tries to break a person little by little, how much time will it take to drive them insane?"

How much time - as much as it took to drive Sona insane?

Barry: "How distorted will their view be?"

How distorted – as much as to scare a dragon?

Barry: "If one tries to break them at once, how big should the impact be?"

How big – as big as the sight of the disaster Ethan witnessed?

Barry: "And how distorted will their view be?"

How distorted – as much as to put half-psychics on the same level as a god?

Barry: "And what will happen – if such broken people confront each other?"

Ro: "Ha! Ha! Well, they'll meet alright. They sure will. You'll find out your answer."

Barry: "I guess that's true."

Ro: "Yeah, they'll meet."

Ro does not know who he's talking about but he knows he is talking about someone real. And that's all he needs to know to understand – they are going to meet. And that meeting will change everything.

Barry: "Yeah, they'll meet. And I …"

Barry's emotion at this moment is that of excitement, just pure excitement.

Barry: "I … eagerly wait for the time that happens."


Zyanide100 Zyanide100

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Stay healthy!

Chapitre 24: Chapter 13: The Third Power (Part 1)

Psychics and ghosts have always had a very peculiar relationship. Even when the existence of ghosts used to be common knowledge among supernaturals, i.e., about 1000 years ago, the two groups rarely saw eye-to-eye. Ghosts referred to psychics as 'natural disasters', while psychics referred to ghosts as 'dead calamities'. It was a bizarre relationship where both sides helped each other out on numerous occasions, but never really got along very well. The reasons for them helping each other were purely political. What were these political reasons though? Mainly, they were trying to suppress a third power. This power was fairly weaker to the both of them but was led by people cunning enough to give both of them a run for their money.

Or so Barry says. Ro has no idea what these lines mean. What third power is he talking about? The question haunts him quite a lot. But,

Ro: "So who is this third power anyway?"

Barry: "You'll find out soon enough."

That's all Barry would always say whenever Ro tries to ask him directly.

Ro: "Would you answer already? What's the point of telling me all of that when you would keep the most important bit to yourself?"

Barry: "It's not that I'm trying to hide it from you or anything. It's just the simple fact that it will be incredibly hard to believe unless you see it with your own eyes."

Ro: "See what with my own eyes?"

Barry: "Be patient a little while longer. We will reach there soon enough."

Ro and Barry are floating in the darkness. Barry has told Ro that they are heading for a particular place. Barry never said what this 'particular place' is though. Floating around in the darkness not feeling any change when he moves, it's only natural that Ro is getting anxious. Are they really even moving? He has no way to tell.

Barry: "Getting nervous?"

Ro: "I guess. All I can see is darkness and it feels like we aren't getting anywhere at all. How do you expect me to stay calm at a time like this?"

Barry: "Well, I don't."

Barry is facing forward so Ro has no idea what his expression is but from the tone of his answer, he is pretty serious about this.

Barry: "I'm glad my sincerity is reaching you."

For a moment, Ro thinks he muttered his thoughts out loud, but then realizes the truth.

Ro: "Damn, you mind-reader!"

It's irritating for him to have his thoughts read without his permission, but he can't do anything about it except complain.

Barry: "Hey, I was just making sure you aren't going mad because of anxiety."

Barry's words still contain sincerity. Ro could relax a little after hearing that answer, but who can say Barry is not faking his sincerity? After all, a psychic like him should be able to do something like that pretty easily.

Ro: "You think I'm that weak."

Ro retorts with what should be a normal response. He knows his thoughts would have already been read, but he still tries to act differently.

Barry: "I wouldn't call you weak, but its normal human behavior to start over-thinking things in these types of situations.

Barry ignores Ro's actual thoughts too and tries to act as if he's actually just conversing with the man.

Ro: "Anyway, even though you are a ghost now, you are still able to use your psychic abilities, what is up with that?"

Barry: "Well, I did lose my abilities after becoming a ghost, just like you have now, but there's a way to gain them back. You will learn about it soon enough."

He answers calmly, but before Ro is allowed to process that,

Barry: "Anyway, we are almost there."

Ro: "How close is 'almost'?"

Ro asks to dispel his anxiety. Abstract words like 'almost' won't help him do so. He needs more numerical of a value so he can calm down.

Barry: "Well, at this rate, we'll be there in a minute."

Barry's sudden revelation surprises Ro. He thought there would at least be five minutes left, but they are a lot closer than that.

Ro: "We are that close?"

Barry: "We are."

Hearing so should prove to be good for calming down, but it doesn't. Ro is now anxious for a different reason.

Ro: "So what is this 'third' power?"

He's now getting anxious for he is near a power that could rival psychics and ghosts and he doesn't even know what it is.

Barry: "I said we are almost there, right? You'll find out."

Yet Barry refuses to tell him. Ro is displeased with Barry to say the least. When he first came here, he was afraid Barry might attack him and then that didn't happen, which filled him with a sense of security. Now that short-lived sense of security is washing away.

Ro: "I am starting to have doubts over my safety now."

Ro admits his concerns. When Barry can read minds, there's no point in trying to hide them anyway.

Barry: "Don't worry; they won't do anything to harm you. I am sure they'll have enough rations to not go berserk, so no one would attack you."

Those words were pretty suspicious. Ro is at least sharp enough to see underlying meaning of those words.

Ro: "And if their rations were low, they would attack me?"

This question starts bugging Ro after Barry's previous lines. It just sounds really ominous to him.

Barry: "You do still look like a normal human so, yes."

Barry straight up says so. He is casually saying something so important. This reminds Ro of Ethan and irritation swirls up inside him.

Ro: "What are they, wild animals?"

He tries to ignore the urge to abuse Ethan and asks that question.

Barry: "Nah, but you may think of them that way from a different perspective standpoint."

Now Barry's words are almost too ominous. What exactly does he mean? Ro would love to know but he just won't tell him.

Barry: "Okay, we're here."

Those words make Ro straighten up his back; that is to say, he would have straightened up his back if he had a physical body.

Ro: "O-oh, I see."

Ro's concerns about his safety are very genuine. In fact, if someone didn't get anxious in this situation, there would be something wrong with that guy. At least, that's what Ro tells himself to calm down.

Ro: "Damn!"

But no matter how he looks at the situation, the fact remains that there are people all around him who would not be anxious at this point.

Sneha Stone would be vigilant but not anxious; after all she had trained herself enough that she could keep her calm in any dangerous situation.

Ethan Kales would happily accept an invitation like this from Barry. That's at least the impression Ro has of him.

His superior, Garfield, would probably march right into the place without a second thought, partially because he is brave, partially because he is an idiot.

Kais would definitely be really cautious about it and be ready to run away (teleport) at any point in time, but with that preparation done, he wouldn't try to back down before going in either.

Mohammed would probably share his sentiment though, probably.

Ro: "No matter where I look, I have always been surrounded by weirdoes."

Barry: "Am I one of them too?"

Barry asks as if joking.

Ro: "You are the top of the list, or maybe second to Ethan."

That evaluation of his character surprises Barry. It doesn't bring him any joy or sadness to be thought of like that, but just surprise.

Barry: "Okay then."

Barry says as if getting back to work. He stretches out his right hand and makes his palm face forward.

Ro: "What the hell …"

Ro can't see anything in front of them so he has no clue what Barry is doing, but he is definitely up to something.

Barry: "Long … live … the death."

Ro: "What!?"

Barry utters what sounds like patriarchal solute but in a tone that indicates that he is saying a password.

???: "You may enter."

A robotic voice comes telling them they can enter. But where would they enter? That's what bothers Ro at this point. He can see no door or any other form of matter anywhere.

Ro: "Where … are we … supposed to 'enter'?"

He asks in an anxious voice knowing the answer might not come.

Barry: "Well, it's right in front of you."

However, an answer does come – only it ends up confusing him more.

Ro: "I don't see anything in front of me."

Barry: "That's fine. Just trust me on this one."

Barry asks Ro to blindly trust him. Trust him? What did he ever do to earn any trust from Ro? How can he just ask Ro to start trusting the guy? It's absurd. Ro could not think of anything else but how absurd his words just now were.

Ro: "Not a chance."

He straight up denies it. He would not even try to be considerate about it.

Barry: "That's harsh."

Barry says so as if joking around. In this darkness, somehow Ro can sense what Barry's expression is at the moment.

Ro: "I can't just start trusting you."

He tells Barry his honest opinion. There's no way Ro can trust Barry. That is the situation right now.

Barry: "Well, fair point."

Barry, on the other hand, doesn't protest against the statement and readily accepts it, surprising Ro once again.

Ro: "So? Explain to …"

Ro starts asking for an explanation as if giving Barry a chance to gain his trust. Though before he even finishes,

Barry: "Sorry, but I would rather not."

Barry says so as he raises his arms and points at Ro. A sigil appears behind Ro and pushes him forward.

Ro: "What! You …"

As soon as Ro enters the darkness ahead, everything becomes bright.

Ro: "Damn! What's this light?"

He is unable to look at the brightness of the light after being in the dark for so long. But as his eyes adjust to it, he finds himself in a large room filled with royal decorations and surrounded by many people.

Ro: "Uh …"

They are all very pale and are looking at him curiously. But other than the pale skin, they look completely normal.

Ro: "Who are … no, where am I?"

As Ro asks the question, a man comes out of the small crowd as if to answer.

Man: "You don't know where you are, I see, did Barry bring you here?"

Ro: "He did."

Ro had expected the crowd to know about Barry, so it doesn't surprise him to hear his name from their mouths. But what came next is a different matter altogether.

Man: "Well, you do look pretty delicious."


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