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88.88% Star Wars: Fan Fiction / Chapter 7: The Senate's Threat!

Chapitre 7: The Senate's Threat!

(Notice! Drex isn't going to reveal how advanced his people are and he might or might not obliterate the death watch clan (I still haven't decided). Sorry for the delay and if this chapter is a bit dry)

Drex slowly awoke to the ambient noise of the ship, he rolls over to his side to check his transceiver too see if he has any messages and smiled seeing there was none. He wanted to have a nice relaxing day today and open his new bar to the public. He finally got his ass up put his armour on and went and got some food to eat. While he was eating DD walked up to him and said "Boss, there are some of those Jedi guys outside waiting to speak to you!" Drex nodded and said "Bring them in to me and removed that transponder they gave you!"

Drex continued to eat and heard the door open just as he put his helmet on. He spun on the chair and looked at Mace-Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn and said "Greetings Master Jedi's, How may i help you this early in the morning?" Mace-Windu was looking around trying to find out what the Republic engineers were making such a fuss about the technology for on this ship. Qui-Gon looked at Windu and jabbed him to bring him back to earth. Windu brought himself back and said "Sorry about that, The Repbulic would like you to give them your ship up for testing"

Drex knew what was gonna happen if he didn't he would be classed as a threat to the repbublic if he did not give up his ship. He quitely sent a message to his droids back at the bar to call all his men back to the ship pronto! he was not going to give up his ship even if he has to kill all the Senate. He looked up and said "I told them i'd never give up my ship. Plus your ships would never get me back to my planet's and i am not going to wait decades for you to replicate the technology"

Mace-Windu knew this was going to be the case and he hated the idea of the Republic trying to force the ship of a potential ally. If it wasn't for that Sheev Palpetine, he would of gave us the technology willingly eventually. Mace-Windu shook his head and said "I knew you were going to say that, we were sent to do it the peaceful way since the order wont take part in a war against you or your people. The Soldiers will be here soon and they will take it by force i am sorry to say"

Drex just laughed at him and said "I was wanting an alliance with the republic but i am guessing this has to do with that Palpetine guy right?" Windu looked at him with shock thinking did he read my thoughts!! Windu looked up and said "How did you know?" Drex just laughed and said "I'd recommend you to watch him from now on" Windu didn't get what was happening and soon he found the ship was filling with Mandalorian after Mandalorian.

Soon all the Mandalorians were on the ship and ready to leave, Drex personnely guided the Jedi's off and waited for the Republic soldiers to arrive. After several minutes about a Hundred Republic soldiers arrived at the dock armed to the teeth as if they were preparing for war. Drex waved at them and shouted "WELL I HOPE YOUR PROUD OF WHAT YOU DONE SHEEV PALPETINE, YOU CAN FIND US IN THE UNKNOWN REGION!" saying that the ship slowly lifted off and the cargo bay doors closed. The soldiers all opened fire on the ship and it was doing nothing to it, The ship then blinked out of existence as he warped out, it was the first time he had done that option on the ship but he wanted to show off too all the soldiers!

The Jedi just stared at the ship trying to figure out what had happened, they seen a wormwhole open up for a second and then it disapeared with the ship! The republic soldiers were all staring at where the ship was dumbfounded. Drex knew his home wasn't in the unkown region but he wanted to mess with the senate and especially Sheev Palpetine who is still the Ambassador for Naboo! Especially since no one has ever explored the Unknown Regions succesfully so they couldn't rule out a technologically advanced planet or race!

Drex's ship appears back outside the moon of Dxun and his ship fly's in extra fast landing as quickly as possible. Drex was going to get his army going now he was going to grow his army to the millions and make his temple and forge cover the whole inside of the planet! His plan so far was going to be divided into four steps. 1. Increase the temple and Forge! 2. Grow his army and ships! 3. Annihilate the Death Watch clan and leave nothing left of there planet. 4. Show the Senates mistake from letting Sheev Palpetine tell them to attack Drex for his technology!

Drex quickly rushed out of his ship and straight to the Forge and at the same time he shouted to Gold "GOLD GET THE BUILDER BOTS TO EXTEND THE FORGE AND TEMPLE PRONTO!" Gold retorted with "How big are we going sir?" Drex just said coldly "Cover the whole underground of the planet!" Drex got onto his holonet and called master Yoda "Master Yoda, i am sorry i had to leave on such bad terms with you and your order, I was going to go to the senate the next day and try and get a trade agreement but now i can't thanks to that palpetine" Yoda just stared at him and finally said "Unknown regions are you? how did you do that?" Drex looked up and took his helmet off saying with a smile "Warp Technology" he stuck his tongue out at the end just for Yoda and him to start laughing.

Meanwhile a Republic General was shouting at all his troops as he didn't order the attack on the ship or on Drex. The soldiers just stood there scared stiff as it was a chancellor who ordered the attack and that chancellor goes by the name of Sheev Palpetine. At the same time in Sheev Palpetines office he was screaming in anger "HOW COULD THOSE DUCKING USELESS REPUBLIC SOLDIERS LET THEM GET AWAY!!" he kept re-watching the video where Drex looked right at the camera and said "WELL I HOPE YOUR PROUD OF WHAT YOU DONE SHEEV PALPETINE, YOU CAN FIND US IN THE UNKNOWN REGION!"

Sheev didn't know how he found out about him and also they live in the Unknown regions and he couldn't prove it as the tracker he had put into the transponder was disabled before they set off. Now he had no way to find this Mandalore of the Death Watch clan especially since they didn't use hyperspace and litteraly opened a wormwhole in the middle of coruscant like it was nothing. He couldn't help but get angry thinking how the shitty republic soldiers had let them get away.

Drex's had decided to make a cloaking field for the moon designed to only show wilderness from now on, the only way to find out what be on the planet would be if they were on the planet. That was first order of buisness and he had to mask his work from Onderon, Over the next few months the Republic were arguing with the senate saying that the Naboo Chancellor had no right to order an attack on the newly arrived Mandalore especially when he came to trade technology and now they had no way to get in contact with them or find them after they warped out of existence infront of there own eyes.

The Jedi order were getting pounded by Chancellor Palpetine to give up information about the Mandalorians that arrived but no matter what he said the Council and the Order didn't say a word claiming to keep the galaxy at peace. Drex on the other hand was building up his Temple and Star Forge, If one could get past the cloaking device on the planet they would have to get past the hidden Planetary shield that covers the moon.

Unknown to Drex his little stunt with the warp in the middle of coruscant has but a massive bounty on him from the black market wanting his technology and other worlds were trying to get in contact with him so they could buy technology of him! there were only a few worlds who weren't willing to work with him and do it peacefully and that ofcourse was the banking clans and the federation soon to become the CIS.

While Drex had his moon getting renovated from the inside he made it so every droid got retrofitted with a plasma bomb inside them to wipe out any technology inside them selves, so that if a droid becomes unresponsive or is taken over it instantly blows up and the same for if it dies, he done this as to make sure no one gets his advanced technology. The planetary shield he used was a more advanced version of the planetary shield used in Rogue One, this shield was hidden underneath the cloaking field of course.

During this time he sent his droids to scour the moon for any sentient beings that he could bring into his army but all he found was ruins of old mandalorian camps with the Death Watch flag flying in them. All he could see were mass piles of skeletons from children to adults and everything was burnt down. It looked like these corpses had been here for a while now but the ruins weren't overgrown yet so he could only assume this could of been before he awoken or during the time he was in his coma period.

During the travels across the moon his men ran into many Rancors and other power full beasts but rather than killing them he had his men take them down and put them into cages to be tamed by some droids that Drex had designed in his spare time to tame his beasts and breed for him. Some were bred for food and some were bred for combat. The ones he bred for combat he planted chips inside there brains when they were young that would make them follow the orders of his bots or men. He had them patrol the outside of the walls wearing armour specifically designed for them and they had riders ontop of them.

He had the Rancors go in teams who would go into the forest and hunt there own food with riders atop of them ofcourse. Another few weeks past and the Council were constantly being pounded with requests by the Senate to contact them and get Drex in touch with the Senate so they can appolagise but every time the Jedi Council tried to contact Drex it just kept ringing and ringing and never gets answered.

Weeks go by and Drex was getting impatient with the Senate, He had secretly sent an Assassin droid into all the Senates rooms and placed listening devices. 90% of the Senate want to make friends with Drex especially since he came in peace and didn't fight back and just left peacefully. The only people in the Senate that seem to want Drex's head is Sheev Palpetine, The Banking Clans and the Trade Federation along with a few minor outdated and smaller Worlds.

The Senate had noticed by the way Sheev Palpetine had been acting that he isn't following the will of Naboo especially since many Worlds from the Senate had contacted the peacefull world of Naboo and asked the Queen of Naboo if Palpetine was following her orders. Padme was shocked to what she heard Palpetine was doing as she trusted him. She didn't believe them at first untill they played recordings of his speeches to her and she was in shock that he was leading this attack against an unknown group of Mandalorians just so they can get the technology especially when he offered to trade it for Credits and other parts.

What Padme found worse was that he ordered an attack on him when he was in a Republic controlled Dock and he managed to get Republic soldiers to attack him! She thought he was pretty cool on how he handled the situation. He didn't attack them and shouted at Sheev Palpetine even though he wasn't there like he knew extactly he was watching!. Padme was trying to get as much info on him as possible but what she didn't expect was as soon as he appeared on Coruscant he didn't even get 20 minutes to himself before he was invited by Master Mace-Windu directly into the Order!

She has never heard of that happening before and especially for a Mandalorian! She found out he wasn't even that much older than herself! He was in the same postition as her she thought, Being a ruler of her own people at such a young age, they had something in common she though. She kept asking people to track down more info about him constantly and the Palace staff were starting to begin she had gotten a crush on this mysterious young Mandalore with such advanced technology.

On the other side of the system the Death Watch clan has heard of this new Mandalore with advanced technology and they were furious! Since they had taken over all Mandalorian clans and by there standards there should only be one Mandalore! They were searching far and wide for information but all the info they have points to the Unknown Region since no one could track him and the only words Drex said about his location was the Unknow Regions but ofcourse they don't know that was a ruse made by Drex for him to buy time for himself to build a fleet and an army!

A few months passed and no one can find any info at all about the mysterious Mandalore only known as Drex. The council had kept there word in not giving up his race or that he has droids! He knew this due to the bugs Shadow had planeted eveywhere in the Jedi Temple and the Senate. He knew he could trust the order for now! But that didn't mean he could trust them forever and he also learnt that a little Queen was pursuing information about him more than anyone else out there! She was constantly wanting to get to know about him and she hadn't gave up. He started to blush as he liked Padme and didn't want a certain somebody to get with her!

He wanted to get to know Padme on a personnel level so he started to release a little bit of knowledge about him directly to her from an unknown sender and no matter who tried, no one can track the location of the sender! Drex always smiled at the attempts as it only revealed more information about themselves than what they were trying to find out!

The Army Drex was building had increased from 6000 to almost 2 million HK units. Drex was happy with his Progress with this army alone he could easily take over the weak nation of Olderon and fellow worlds before the Republic could even respond. His Star Forge had increased to take over most of the underground of the planet now. He was slowly making a First Order Dreadnought but there was no tower as that was a major flaw he added it all to make it a sleek design so there wasn't much weak points to it either! The shield and all the weapons were upgraded to be the best they could for the time being. He could make them super quickly but if he does that he won't be able to hid his location as he would have to go to space to for them to be built but it wasn't stopping him from storing the parts ready to be built at the last moment.

Drex was watching to make sure the buildup for the Naboo Invasion and everything was advancing as normal per say. The Senate had been watching the Federation, banking clans and Sheev Palpetine more carefully so they had to do more of there work in secret! The Naboo council had put Sheev Palpetine under investigation since he went and done something on his own voalition against a potential ally!

This put a hamper on Palpetine's plans as he was removed as the representitive of Naboo till the investigation is done! Drex was smiling about this as he wasn't expecting it at all! As it could bring Palpetine to run for now till order 66 but Drex was coming up with an idea to counter that since he had the trait called Advanced Technology Manipulation as he could litteraly hack all the clones to change the Order 66 to work under the Jedi or even himself. He could do anything with it but would he that is the thing!

(Sorry for the dry Chapter and the late release, Gotta get ready for work and stuff also got shit to deal with at the same time ahah!)

Jango_Dett Jango_Dett

Hello Everyone!

Sorry for not uploading at 0200 GMT like i normally do. Was super tired as i haven't been doing anything but drinking and writing. Ahaha

Anyway here we go!

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