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62.5% Destiny of Moon / Chapter 5: CHAPTER FIVE: Secrets… or not exactly...

Chapitre 5: CHAPTER FIVE: Secrets… or not exactly...

Sat in the silence of the night, her feet skimming gently across the mass of water beneath her feet. Her hair flowing loosely in the chilly breeze, the sky blanketed in darkness as the stars danced to their own beat, the melody she sang in memory of home floating around her calmingly.

"... and under the sky, where our paths crossed, you looked in my eyes and time itself stood still… I love you to the moon… I love you to the stars…" her song trails of, eyes feeling with tears as her mother's soft voice continued the tune. It had been three days since the library incident, she hadn't seen Zitao since and honestly, she was relieved.

"I need to tell him…" The morning after the library incident they'd been taken to the forest for further training with the senior officers and hadn't gone back to camp since. If this was also another test it was uncertain, but they'd had combat exercises on their trek through the forest, so that meant the trek itself was probably the endurance test. She didn't complain though. Being surrounded by nature made her feel at peace and she was loving every moment of it; enough to sneak out to the river when everyone had gone to bed.

"... ahhhhhh…!" The blood-curdling scream that pierced through the forest made her jump and she catches herself just as she's about to fall into the water.

"What the…?" Picking up her boots, she dashes back towards the camp while manoeuvring herself through the foliage and trees, practically flying. She could tell her instincts and abilities had increased since joining the camp. Her awareness of her surroundings, the lightness of her body, everything she'd been taught by the villagers had assisted her in one way or another since coming here. She couldn't help but feel she indeed was getting closer to the version of herself she wanted. As she neared the camp, the frantic shouting of the senior soldiers sounded through the scattered tents.

"... hurry! Get the doctor!"

"He went back to the village with the young man from this morning since you told him tonight's our last night here, sir! He's not here!"

"Ahhhh! For fucks sake!"

"Sir! What happened?!" She asks shoving her way through the crowd to the middle, where two of her fellow soldiers were holding down another convulsing soldier, his face almost purple as he struggles to breathe.

"This idiot tried to run away from camp and something bit him!"

"Eh…?!" kneeling at the soldier's side, her eyes roaming his body finding two bug looking bites near his throat at the crook of his neck, "... spider… He was bitten by the dragonfly spider! Quickly bring him towards the fire and can someone get me salt and sugar water please!" Lifting him effortlessly, the men brought him towards the fire where Moon waited for them as two soldiers ran towards the food tent.

"Can you keep his chest elevated and his head lowered please so that the toxins don't get to his heart..." Nodding, they position him and Moon removes her knife from her thigh harness placing it into the hot water jar that had been placed near the fire, "this is going to hurt… a lot…" Positioning the knife over the swelling she makes an incision before bringing her lips to the man's neck as his darkened, clotted blood slowly began to ooze out of the opening. The warm bitter liquid filled her mouth and she spits it into the fire before returning her mouth to the bite sucking again. Doing this five more times, she spits out the final mouthful, taking the cup of sugar water one of the soldiers had brought before taking a mouthful and gargling it in her mouth and spitting it out in the fire. The man was now breathing easier but the swelling was still present and so taking the rest in her mouth she parts the man's lips, bringing her lips to his before releasing the sugared water and pinching his nose so he's forced to swallow.

"Can you fill it with some more water please?" She asks the soldier and he nods, moving to fill the cup again as she searches through her pockets, removing the vial Zitao had given her on the first day of camp.

"What's that?" Jiang Xi asks from his spot in the crowd as she scoops out some of the ointment with her finger to spread over the bite.

"Ointment. It's for cuts and bruises but it's got activated charcoal and herbs commonly used for detoxifications so it should combat the spider venom giving us time to get him to the doctor…" she pauses looking up to the senior officer stood next to her, "where's your fastest horse, sir? Acknowledging her question, he gets up running in the direction of the horses and she returns to tending the wounds.

"Do you ride Moon-er?" Big Sister Xi's voice sounds from behind her again and she nods, ripping off the bottom of her robe tying it around the man's neck and the senior officer returns with the horse.

"I'll take him, sir."

"Are you sure you can handle both horse and man, soldier?"

"I'm the best fit since I'm the lightest sir, meaning the horse won't be too strained running quickly with both of us. Plus, I'm familiar with this spider bite. Please don't worry, I'll get him to the doctor safely." Nodding in agreement he helps her secure the now unconscious man, giving her the horse reins before picking up her knife securing it back into her harness, his finger grazing her thigh.

"Wait…!" Jiang shouts as he moves next to her, also sat on another horse, "I'm coming along."

"Okay! You two, I'm counting on you, now ride!" The senior officer shouts, smacking both their horses and they take off through the forest before getting onto the path leading into town.

"Hey, how you holding up?!" Jiang shouts from beside her, the wind rushing through her hair as they rushed towards the town ahead of them. She'd placed her hair quickly into a ponytail when she'd gotten back to camp but at the speed, they'd been riding at for the past thirty to forty minutes she could tell it had gotten loose as flyaways blew across her face.

"I'm alright Big Brother Qing! My butt's a bit sore though." She jokes and he laughs as his horse speeds up and she follows suit. Up ahead, the light of the town is finally on the horizon and they both give their horses one final push straight for the town. By now, only the odd drunk and those finally leaving the brothels roamed the street, so they were blessed with an uninterrupted journey to the camp on the other end of the town. Upon seeing them as Jiang shouted to get their attention, the guards hurriedly opened the gates and they headed straight to the medical room; stopping the horses at the door. As Jiang lifts the man off Moon's horse with minimal effort, she rushes ahead opening the door and heading in to find the doctor.

"What's going on?!" He asks in horror as she burst into his chamber.

"Dragon Spider bite, we need the anti-venom tablet right now! He has minutes!" Getting up he rushes after her to the medical room where Jiang had laid the man on one of the beds, finally ceasing his pacing as he sees Moon and the doctor approaching.

"The wound…"

"I've gotten most of the poison out and applied an ointment with traces of activated charcoal and detox herbs but he'll need the tablet Doctor." Nodding, he moves to his draws collecting disinfectants and cleaning clothes before selecting a small bottle from along the masses in his cabinet. Moving to the man, he removes the cloth Moon had tied and studies the wound before nodding and setting to work.

"Grind two of these and add some warm water." He says handing Moon the pill bottle without taking his eyes off the patient.

"What can I do doc?" Jiang asks and the doctor looks up at him appraisingly before returning his gaze to the unconscious man.

"Hold him down. He may be unconscious, but this is going to hurt like hellfire." And that wasn't an understatement. As the disinfectant touches the man's wound, he screams. The cry filling the entire room, waking the soldiers that were asleep not too far on the beds near the other end of the room.

"Sorry about the noise boys," Moon says shyly, nodding politely before handing the crushed pill water to the doctor as he finishes up cleaning and dressing the wound.

"Thank you." Pinching the man's nose, the doctor pours the liquid into his mouth and he swallows hard, choking slightly before groaning and passing out.

"Well then. That's that. He'll be out till tomorrow evening. The rest is up to him now." Sighing, they all shrink back. The doctor in his chair, Jiang against the wall, and Moon sliding onto the floor as her legs finally give out.

"Too much excitement…" she groans, rubbing her sore legs. Moving to her side, Jiang takes her hand placing it around his shoulders as he helps her to a free bed.

"Rest, Little Brother." He says with affection in his voice and he pats Moons shoulder, a warm smile forming along his lips.

"Thanks, Big Brother." She sighs, smiling shyly up at him.

"What's your name, boy?" Looking at the doctor she notices his curious eyes trained on her and she swallows nervously.

"F-Fang. Fang Moon, sir." He hums nodding his head, getting up to put away his supplies and disposing of the dirty clothes.

"You did well in preventing the poison from spreading. You saved that man's life."

"I-I won't say I saved…" Jiang flicks her forehead and she shrieks at the pain, "... ouch… what was that for…?!" She questions, rubbing her forehead as she frowns at him.

"That was for the modest comment you were about to say, Little Brother." Jiang says grinning playfully and she looks towards the doctor as his chuckle reaches her.

"I see. So, you're the young man everyone's been talking about. The one Young Master Wei teased on the first day…" at the sudden reminder, she flushes, scowling at the doctor and he laughs wholeheartedly, "you really are an odd character, Young Master Fang. However, there's no hiding the fact that this man is alive because of you. You identified the problem and worked to stabilize it immediately with what little you had before taking him here did you not?"

"I-I… yes…"

"And by the smell of his breath, you also gave him sugar water?"

"I-I did… from experience, the bite from that spider causes on the vomit a lot once it fully kicks in and since I didn't have medicine, it was the…"

"The best choice. Well done." Quickened footsteps from outside sound drawing their attention to the door as Wei Zitao and Lu Han enter, both looking exhausted in their own rights.

"What the hell happened?! I heard someone…" Zitao's voice trails off as he takes in the scene, meeting Moon's eyes, "Moon! Are you injured?!" He practically runs to her side, completely ignoring the doctor and Jiang as he examines her for signs of injury and she chuckles flicking his forehead making him look up at her. The concern that meets her through his eyes made her freeze briefly before she smiles pointing towards the unconscious soldier.

"I-I'm fine… he's the sick one…" She says shyly, feeling her face heat up as she continues to look into his eyes. He visually relaxes, exhaling loudly, running his palm along his face and groaning as if in pain.

"... haaaa... thank god… please don't scare me like that. I'm already exhausted as it is… where're your shoes…?"

"Oh… in the heat of everything I must've forgotten…" She says sheepishly, looking from her dirty socks to Zitao. Frowning, he straightened himself before turning to Jiang, his cold exterior back up, "What happened?" As Jiang explains what happened from the man trying to sneak off, to Moon saving his life, her eyes didn't once leave Zitao's face. She still couldn't understand the emotions she'd just seen in his eyes and everything from two days ago came rushing back.

'I want to kiss him… I like him…' As the unfamiliar feeling coursed through her body, she shifts in her seat on the bed, her hands gripping tightly into her thighs. Roaming his face, Moon notices the bags beneath his eyes and the barely noticeable slouch in his posture. 'He wasn't like that when I last saw him… did something happen?' Lost in thought, she's shaken as arms snake around her back and under her legs lifting her into a strong, firm hold.

"What the hell…" her curse stops short as she meets Zitao's aloof gaze, "are you mad at me again?" Ignoring her question, he storms out of the room, leaving everyone in shocked silence as they stare at Moon hesitantly, as though unaware of what not only just happened but what to say or do, both in and after the fact.

"You're mad."

"I am not. Simply, annoyed." He replies as his grip tightened around her waist as they head towards his living quarters; Qui who had been waiting outside the medical room, following silently behind them.

"Qui if you wouldn't mind, please bring a bowl of warm water and some washcloths to my room please."

"Yes sir." Heading towards the baths, the older man smiles softly at her as their eyes meet over Zitao's shoulder and she flushes even more.

'Thank god, there's barely anyone abou…' As though for comedic effect, a group of guards around the corner, walking past them and it's clear that they were in shock.

"... oh god…"

"Don't mind them."

"You're not the one being princess carried, Master Wei."

"Zitao… when I'm holding you, call me Zitao…" Looking up at him in bewilderment, she chuckles upon noticing the flush of his cheeks.

"... you're so cute…"

"And you say I'm the tease, Moon?" He says, a coy smile playing along his lips.

"... you are…" She huffs as he reaches his room, the guard's station outside opening as they neared.

"You're both free to leave." Bowing politely, they both take off and he nudges the door shut with his foot before moving to set her down on the bed. Kneeling at her feet he moves to remove her socks and she jumps back in confusion.


"Stay still." He replies without looking up at her and she settles back as Qui enters the room, followed by another servant. Placing the bowl and cloths near Zitao's feet they both bow deeply, taking their leave. Positioning the bowl beneath her now bare feet, he rolls up the sleeves of his robe before wetting a single cloth and placing her feet in the water - her entire body melting at the warmth it spread through her and it was then she remembered she hadn't yet slept and it was most definitely well past midnight. Standing up, he wipes the cloth along her forehead and neck, followed by both her hands before kneeling at her feet once more. Picking up another cloth he meets her feet in the water wiping away the dirt that had seeped through the holes in her socks, his brow creased in concentration and annoyance.

"Don't you think this is a bit much, Zitao? Why do you keep treating this little brother so well? You'll make him misunderstand…" At his words, Zitao pauses before getting another cloth and wiping his feet clean, still silent.

"Then… misunderstand. Little brother, you say…" Finally standing he fixes his sleeve before looking her dead in the eyes, seriousness written all over his face and she flinches at the weight of his aura, "when exactly did you become my younger brother, Miss Moon?"

"I…" wait… what did he just call… Moon's eyes widen in horror as she meets his deadpan gaze, ".... y-you…"

"Know that you're a woman?" he asks unimpressed as he moves the bowl and clothes near the door before moving to stand before her, a gentle smile forming at his lips, "What man wouldn't know the feel of a woman, Moon?"


"The first time we danced together..." Dumbfounded, she stares blankly at him and he takes her chin angling her face to his, bringing their lips inches apart, "I've known you were a woman all along, my dear love, Moon." Bringing his lips to hers, the sincerity she felt made her melt - a soft moan escaping her lips as she kisses him back. 'He knew.'

"Open your mouth Moon-er…" Complying, another moan leaves her lips as his tongue welcomes itself into her mouth dancing with his, the warmth of his tongue and breath making her shiver and he pulls her into his arms, holding her as though she'd disappear if he let go, her hands gripping the sides of his robe as her mind went blank, tears forming and only his heat reached her, the only thing on her mind… 'I don't have to keep lying to him… he knows…'

Fu_Otaku Fu_Otaku

Double upload today!! Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!!


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