That night, after dinner, they were preparing to the game of capture the flag between the Hunters and the campers. It was going to be a small game: only thirteen Hunters, including Bianca di Angelo, and about the same number of campers. Surprisingly, Drako and Thalia were going to play in the campers' team.
Zoë didn't want to let Drako play in the game, but they had an 'interesting' conversation, and she finally let him in.
We have to move back after the talk between Drako and Silena that afternoon.
After talking to Silena, Drako left the stable and walked with no objective in mind.
Down at the archery fields, Chiron was conducting target practice. Drako remembered that the centaur wanted to talk to him in private, and wondered when was going to be the best time for that. Obviously, right now wasn't the moment since he was teaching some of the demigods.
Drako sensed a familiar aura, the aura of a dragon. He looked at the top of Half-Blood Hill, where Dionysus and Argus were feeding a baby dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece.
Drako thought of approaching them but decided otherwise when he recalled the nasty personality of the God.
Finally, Drako decided to go to Artemis Cabin, where the Hunters were waiting.
Artemis' cabin is a silver building that glows at night as if reflecting the moon's rays. During the day, it looks like a regular cabin. It's decorated with the paintings and carvings of wild animals, mostly de stag.
Once he got there, Drako heard screams coming from inside.
Both voices were familiar to him, as they came from Thalia and Zoë. They were discussing the game that night.
"I said you can't!" Zoë shouted.
"If you do not let me fight with the other demigods, then this will not be considered a game, but a humiliation," Thalia replied.
"And what if we humiliate them? It's their fault for being so weak."
Drako put two and two together and understood what the main focus of the discussion was.
Apparently, Thalia understood the difference between the Hunters and the demigods, so she had asked to play on the opposing team. Obviously, Zoë had refused.
"Are you so blinded by your anger at Chiron for not letting you look for Artemis that you want to humiliate some children? Don't you have any shame inside your body? Not being able to help Artemis is tearing you apart inside?" Thalia slowly raised her voice. "Answer me, Zoë Nightshade!"
Drako rushed into the cabin when he heard someone has already raised her hand.
When he entered, he saw Thalia lying on the floor. She was very close to the wall, Drako had noticed that her body had hit the wall from the noise he had heard earlier. A few feet away was Zoë, watching her with eyes full of fury.
Drako understood her anger. Thalia's words had hit hard inside Zoë, she had been too cold to the lieutenant.
Thalia rose from the floor. On her face was the mark of Zoë's palm, and blood streamed from the corner of her lips.
"Bitch," Thalia cursed.
Zoë looked like she was going to hit her again.
"Stop it," Drako intervened. "Are you fools? What the hell are you doing, fighting each other at a time like this? Is this what Artemis taught you?"
Zoë hesitated a bit, but finally backed off. She then turned to look at Drako. "What are you doing here?"
"What's the matter? Can't I be with my mates?" Drako said with a smile.
Zoë gritted her teeth hard. It didn't seem that Drako's words had pleased her very much.
Drako wiped the smile off his face.
"I've come to talk about your nightmare," Drako said seriously.
Zoë frowned, "How do you know about that?"
Drako shrugged. "A goat told me."
Zoë raised an eyebrow, but then she stopped looking at Drako. "It's none of your business, get out of here."
"You're wrong," Drako folded his arms. "If Artemis is in danger, I want to help her as much as you do. Like it or not, we're both Hunters. Since I joined, I'm willing to risk my life for either of you, even if most of you hate my existence."
Zoë looked at Drako out of the corner of her eye. Drako understood instantly that Zoë did not believe his words. She must have been disappointed by some man in the past, causing her to be this way.
"Prove it," Zoë said. "You and Thalia will fight beside the demigods. If you beat us, then I will believe your words."
"What if we lose?" Drako asked. It wasn't going to be that easy.
"Leave the Hunters, and never come near us again."
Zoë seemed pretty sure of herself when she said this.
A light smile appeared on Drako's face.
"I accept, but I'm putting in two new conditions. First, you have to tell me about your dream. The second, you have to obey one of my orders, yes or yes."
Zoë hesitated for a single moment, but she finally nodded.
"Swear it for the River Styx," Zoë said.
Thalia and the rest of the Hunters were alarmed when they heard that.
"I swear on the River Styx that I'm going to leave the Hunters if I lose in the Capture de Flag," Drako didn't doubt at any moment.
"Now, is your turn."
"I swear on the River Styx that I'm going to trust Drako's words, I will tell him about my dream, and I will obey one of his orders."
They both took their oaths without hesitation. Now, there was no turning back.
Drako and Thalia left the cabin, there was no point in staying there any longer.
"What are you doing!" shouted Thalia.
Drako looked at her in confusion. "What? It's just an oath."
"No, it's not just an oath. It's an oath on the River Styx. The greatest oath that can be taken. Even the greatest gods won't be spared if they break it. What were you thinking?"
"What if I break the promise?"
"Something worse than death."
"Then I just have to win."
Returning to that night.
Drako didn't think much of this promise. Just as Zoë did not doubt her victory, neither did Drako.
He was 200% certain he could defeat the slayer group with his strength alone. Besides, he had the help of Percy, Thalia, and ten other demigods.
Zoë looked really upset right now. She kept glancing resentfully at Chiron like she couldn't believe he was making her do this. The other Hunters didn't look too happy, either.
Unlike last night, they weren't laughing or joking around. They just huddled together in the dining pavilion, whispering nervously to each other as they strapped on their armour. Some of them even looked like they'd been crying. It seems Zoë had told them about her nightmare.
On Drako's team, they had three Hephaestus guys, a few from Ares cabin, the twin brothers and Nico from Hermes cabin, and a few Aphrodite kids. It was weird that the Aphrodite cabin wanted to play. Thalia explained to Drako that they usually sat on the sidelines, chattes, and checked their reflections in the river and stuff. Still, when they heard we were fighting the Hunter, they were raring to go.
And their leader wasn't other than that girl.
"I'll show them 'love is worthless,'" Silena Beauregard grumbled as she strapped on her armour. "I'll pulverize them!"
That left Percy, Thalia and Drako.
"I'll take the offence," Thalia volunteered. "You take defence."
Percy was hesitating.
"Don't you think with your shield and all, you'd be a better defence?"
Thalia already had the fake Aegis on her arm, and even their own teammates were giving her a wide berth, trying not to cower before the bronze head of Medusa.
"Well, I thought it would make better offence," Thalia said. "Besides, you've had more practice at defence."
Percy wasn't sure if Thalia was teasing him. He'd had some pretty bad experiences with the defence on capture de flag. In his first year, Annabeth had put him out as a bait, and he'd almost been gored to death with spears and killed by a hellhound.
"Yeah, no problem," He lied.
"Wait, wait," Drako stopped both them. "Why don't you go both on the offence? I can pretty much handle the defence alone."
"Oh, I thought that you can help me on the offence…" Thalia said. "But that is cool too."
Percy nodded with his head, smiling with gratitude.
Thalia turned to help some of the Aphrodite kids, who were having trouble suiting up their armour without breaking their nails.
Drako noted a little kid running towards him with a big grin on his face.
"Drako, this is awesome!" His blue-feathered bronze helmet was falling in his eyes, and his breastplate was about six sizes too big. Drako wondered if there was any way in which he looked more ridiculous.
By the way, Drako was still wearing the same outfit that he was using when he left home. He had obviously washed it, so there was no problem with it.
Nico lifted his sword with effort. "Do we get to kill the other team?"
"Well… no."
"But the Hunters are immortal, right?"
"That's only if they don't fall in battle. Besides—"
"It would be awesome if we just, like, resurrected as soon as we were killed, so we could keep fighting, and—"
"Nico, this is serious. Real swords. These can hurt."
He stared at Drako, a little disappointed, and he realized that he'd just sounded like a mother.
Drako patted Nico on the shoulder. "Hey, look at me later. I will show you something amazing. And remember, stay out of Zoë's way."
Chiron's hoof thundered on the pavilion floor.
"Heroes!" he called. "You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team—Camp Half-Blood—shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis—red team—shall take the east woods. I will serve as the referee and the battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!"
"Sweet," Nico whispered next to Drako. "What kind of magic items? Do I get one?"
Drako was starting to lose patience when Thalia said, "Blue team! Follow me!"
In his insides, Drako was talking to Nico.
"Hey, Nico, I don't want my kids to be as annoying as you are."
At least, he had some conscience and didn't say that on his face.
Hi guys! Here GreatSage.
Well, I left a comment in a chapter days ago, but I don't know if you have read it or not. I was going to add this to the last chapter I posted, but I forgot about it.
The thing I want to talk you about is a recommendation of a fanfiction. I convinced a friend of mine to start writing, as he also read a lot of fanfics. He has started uploading in webnovel and the novel name is "Sex through the Multiverse".
It is a set of stories, which, as the name suggests, is about sex. There are a lot of lemon scenes in each chapter and I think they are very well written.
So far he have only uploaded four chapters (3.5k words each) and in each of them there has been sex. Give it a try, and leave some powerstones and reviews.
As always, thank you very much for your support, I love you.
btw, the poll about fate volume was literally 50/50 (the one characters pov) :p
They set their flag at the top of Zeus's Fist. It's this cluster of boulders in the middle of the west woods that, if you look at it just the right way, look like a colossal fist sticking out of the ground. If you look at it from any other side, it looks like a pile of enormous deer droppings. Still, Chiron wouldn't let the campers call the place the Poop Pile, especially after it had been named for Zeus, who doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humour.
Anyway, it was an excellent place to set the flag. The top boulder was twenty feet tall and really hard to climb, so the flag was clearly visible, like the rules said it had to be, and it didn't matter that the guards weren't allowed to stand within ten yards of it.
Drako was behind with Nico, the twins brothers (Drako learned that they were the Stoll brothers) and a son of Hephaestus (they called him Beckendorf). They were the ones in charge of the defence.
In other words, the ones with Drako were utterly useless.
"We'll send out a decoy to the left," Thali told the team. "Silena, you lead that."
"Got it!"
"Take Laurel and Jason. They're good runners. Make a wide arc around the Hunters, attract as many as you can. I'll be taking the main raiding party around to the right and catch them by surprise."
Everybody nodded. It sounded good, and Thalia said it with such confidence you couldn't help but believe it would work.
Thalia looked at the Percy, they were both the captains of the team. "Anything to add, Percy?"
"Um, yeah. Keep sharp on defence. We've got five guards, two scouts. That's not much for a big forest. I'll be going with Thalia, but I will be a little bit behind. Yell if you need help-"
"And don't leave your post!" Thalia said.
"Unless you see a golden opportunity," Percy added.
Thalia scowled. "Just don't leave your post."
"Right, unless—"
Drako saw with his own eyes a few sparks on Thalia's arm when she touched Percy's. That seemed to hurt since Percy keep quiet.
That's what you got for angering Zeus' daughter, boy.
"Sorry," Thalia said, though she didn't sound particularly sorry. "Now, is everybody clear?"
Everybody nodded. They broke into smaller groups. The horn sounded, and the game began.
Silena's group disappeared into the woods on the left. Thalia's group gave it a few seconds, then darted off toward the right.
Drako waited for something to happen. He climbed Zeus' Fist and had a good view of the forest. He remembered how the Hunters had stormed out of the woods when they fought the manticore, so he was prepared for something like that—one huge charge that could overwhelm them. But nothing happened.
He summoned Gandiva, waiting to attack any Hunter on sight.
He caught a glimpse of Silena and her two scouts. They ran through a clearing, followed by five of the Hunters, leading them deep into the woods and away from Thalia. The plan seemed to be working. Then, he spotted another clump of Hunters heading to the right, bows ready. They must've spotted Thalia.
"What's happening?" Nico demanded, trying to climb up next to Drako.
Drako helped Nico to climb, and he looked towards the Hunters that were going to Thalia and Percy.
They were far from Drako, but he knew that he could shot some good arrows there.
"Hey, Nico. Remember what have I told you before."
Nico's eyes lit up.
"Are you showing me something amazing?"
"Yeah," Drako nodded.
Drako created a magic arrow, to Nico's amazement. The arrow instantly gained the properties of a Noble Phantasm.
But that wasn't enough, Drako needed a blast.
He activated his latest ability, Branch Destruction. The arrow began to burn with a warm fire. Nico had to step back because of the pressure being emitted.
"You're going to burn the forest!" Beckendorf cried out in alarm as he saw what Drako was doing
"I don't think so," Drako replied as he fired the arrow.
The arrow was aimed at a place a little farther away from the Hunters, as he did not want to kill them.
A large explosion occurred on the right side of the forest.
The slayers following Thalia fell in a daze, but none had suffered more than a few minor injuries. It took a little less than a minute for them to come to their senses and continue running—just enough time for Thalia's group to continue without trouble.
"You're crazy!" Hephaestus' son screamed again.
"You idiot. I am the one loved by nature. Neither nature can harm me, nor can I harm nature."
Drako didn't even deign to look at him.
"Look," Drako pointed at the 'fire'.
To everyone's surprise, except Drako, the fire was disappearing. The flames, unable to spread, were rapidly disappearing.
Beckendorf lowered his head in shame.
"Sorry, I misunderstood you."
"Don't worry, I would have done it too if I were in your place."
Drako looked on the distance, Percy had separated from the group and went to the flag alone. Soon, he couldn't see him anymore because of the trees.
"Hey, forest, can you help me with this one?"
"Who are you talking to?" Nico asked.
"Hi, friend Of course!" An elderly feminine voice resounded on Drako's head.
Drako looked at Nico. "The forest, she is our fourteenth member."
Nico looked astounded, but Drako ignored him.
"The Hunters are going to appear soon, aren't they? Where are they?" Drako asked.
"Well, there are five with those guys running. One of them is the bait for your team on their flag, while the other five are waiting to ambush Poseidon's son. The last two are running towards you right now. They are going to appear here in thirty seconds."
"Okay, thanks for your help, sister."
"No problem! No problem!"
Drako looked at the rest of his team. They were… weak as fuck.
"Anyone has paper and pen here? I need to send a message to Percy."
They all looked confused until one of the Stoll brothers searched for something on his pocket.
"It's not a piece of paper, but this will do."
What he got was... pink panties.
"This isn't a pen, but I think this will do," the other brother said.
What he took out was one of those markers you use when someone falls asleep at a party.
These sons of Hermes...
"Okay, quick."
Drako took both and wrote a message to Percy, warning him of the Hunters' trap.
With another magic arrow, and after asking the forest for exact coordinates, Drako shot the arrow right at Percy's feet.
Percy was so surprised he almost peed himself, but that's something for another day.
"By the way, whose panties are those?" Drako asked out of curiosity.
"From one of the Hunters."
Drako prayed that no one would discover Percy with those panties in his hands.
Just as the forest had warned, two Hunters appeared in front of Drako and the rest.
They were none other than Zoë and the big girl, Phoebe.
Zoë ran ahead, knife in hand, while Phoebe stayed behind with her bow.
"You hold Phoebe, I'll fight Zoë," Drako ordered.
There was no way Drako would fight Zoë head-on with just his fists. She was going with a heavenly bronze knife, a super-effective material against monsters. Dragons were also a kind of monster, so this kind of material was almost as effective as dragon-slayers' weapons.
Drako put Gandiva away and brought out his new weapon, Laevatein.
The sword, now that its fire was suppressed, looked more of an obsidian colour. Unlike when its fire was fully unleashed and shone a dazzling golden colour, it now seemed duller and darker.
Zoë raced at Drako like a cheetah, wielding her hunting knives. Without a doubt, Drako activated his Touki.
Drako stats right now where as follows.
STR- 929
END- 579
AGI- 2160
MAG- 600
And Zoë stats.
STR: 1623??
END: 1459
AGI: 3123
MAG: 2135
(Remember that Drako in his human form has half of his stats. In his dragon form, with touki his stats are like this.
STR- 1860
END- 1160
AGI- 2160
MAG- 1200
In other words, he is half as strong as when he is in his true form. Also, remember that Zoë is the strongest of all the Hunters and that Drako is only a Dragon King right now. Tiamat, Yu Long and these dragons are Great Dragon Kings. Drako has still a long way to go.)
Drako's long sword and Zoë's knives clashed.
Drako had to step back instantly for two reasons.
First, the difference in physical strength between the two.
Second, Zo�� was running while Drako was practically standing still.
This had left Drako at a huge disadvantage.
However, Touki was not the only thing Drako had to improve his skills.
Branch Destruction was the best mana burst skill in existence. This was a mana burst skill of rank (A++).
Artoria Pendragon's mana burst is of rank (A), and is what makes that Servant so powerful. Her entire fighting style uses this skill as a centre.
Surtr's flame was very powerful, but Drako was confident he could handle it. Without thinking of the consequences, he let the flame circulate through his body.
Pain at the level of when he was evolving ran through Drako's body. Even with all his resistance, the pain was still significant.
Drako grimaced, but Zoë believed it was due to her superiority. She continued to attack, and Drako continued to retreat.
Drako took advantage of these moments to get used to the pain in combat.
"Surrender, you don't stand a chance!"
Drako laughed like a madman. The fire that coursed through his veins was thrilling him. Little by little, the fire was settling inside him, and Drako felt the pain disappear.
No, the pain was not gone! It was Drako who had grown accustomed to it!
Drako was not aware of it, but several notifications were appearing in the system at this very moment.
Step by step, his fire resistance skill was upgrading!
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 4 to 5]
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 5 to 6]
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 6 to 7]
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 7 to 8]
Zoë gritted her teeth and continued to attack hard as she saw that Drako was not giving up.
On the other hand, Phoebe was slowly breaking down the resistance. The Stoll brothers had several arrows in their helmets, and Nico was bravely trying not to die.
At least Hephaestus' son seemed to be barely defending himself.
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 8 to 9]
[Level of resistance skill [Fire Resistance] was increased from 9 to 10]
[[Fire Resistance] has reached MAX level]
Fire Resistance had reached level 10!
Each level, Drako cancelled ten percent of the damage caused by fire attacks.
In other words, Drako was totally immune to them now!
The flames of Surtr are the most powerful flames that exist, capable of destroying entire worlds. Drako had been enduring that flame inside him so that he could use it to his advantage. Thanks to that, he had managed to bring the ability to its highest level!
If Drako hadn't had Fire Resistance at level 4, cancelling 40% of the damage, Drako could have died before this skill went any higher!
In fact, Drako's HP had been reduced by almost 70%!
But, all this had been worth it.
[Resistance Skill reached level MAX, Endurance boost.]
END had gone up to 800! More than 10% of what I already had!
But [Fire Resistance] wasn't the only skill he'd levelled up.
[Level of resistance skill [Pain Resistance] was increased from 5 to 6]
[Level of resistance skill [Pain Resistance] was increased from 6 to 7]
Drako stats right now where as follows.
More importantly, Drako had assimilated the flames of Surtr into himself. A skill that was intended to be used in projectiles or Laevatein, as Drako had done before, had been assimilated into a body.
Drako was literally on fire right now.
Zoë was a little scared. Drako had gained new strength, and now he was stronger than she was.
She was being pushed back by Drako!
And this was because Drako was doubling all of his stats!
Drako using Branch Destruction (Dragon form)
STR- 1162*2= 2324
END- 800*2= 1600
AGI- 1350*2= 2700
MAG- 750*2= 1500
Human form
STR- 1162
END- 800
AGI- 2700
MAG- 750
With Touki (Human form)
STR- 1860
END- 1280
AGI- 4320
MAG- 1200
With Touki (Dragon form)
STR- 3720
END- 2560
AGI- 4320
MAG- 2400
(AN: I just realised since Branch Destruction is a *2 in all stats, is the same as Drako having his dragon power on human form xD.)
BTW, leave me anime's in comments of Beta main character, or dense main characters!
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