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96.22% Endless adventure: A Fairy Tail Fanfic / Chapter 51: Chapter 51

Chapitre 51: Chapter 51

"You lost it!?"

The shout renders everyone silent as the poor fool who lost the flute shivers in fear before his fellow guildmate. Anger was rolling off him in waves, his face dark with rage and his teeth clenching hard enough for them all to hear it. The staff in his hand shook as he restrained the urge to end this pathetic creature cowering before him. He gave him one job and he went and failed. He had told him to keep the flute safe, keep it hidden, keep it close. He had no reason to be wandering the train and flirting with every woman he saw. He and his foolishness ruined everything that was so carefully planned out. Had he not specifically told him to avoid the phoenix? He had informed him of there being two of them, the second less known than the first, but just as, if not even more dangerous. So why in the hell did he approach and flirt with one of them?

"Did I not tell you to stay away from the phoenix?!"

All the coward could do was nod, not even daring to look this man in the eyes. He was praying to every single god out there that Erigor's wrath and his stupidity were not the cause of his death. At this moment he was regretting every life decision ever made to bring him to this point. Yes, he had told him to stay away from the phoenix. Yes, he had seen a very detailed picture of the woman he was supposed to avoid and told very clearly that she had a sister that looks almost the exact same, mask or not, it would be easy to notice the both of them.

So why was he stupid enough to approach one of them? Why, oh why did he think it a good idea to flirt with her? He doesn't understand it himself and he just wished he could undo his foolishness.

"You ruined everything!" A gust of wind erupted from the angered Erigor, hitting Kageyama in the chest painfully. "But no matter"

He was calm within seconds, a smile growing on his face.

"They'll come for us and when they do I'll rectify your mistake"

No one said a word, but most of them had the same thought, or perhaps doubt in mind. Erigor planned on confronting them directly and not a single person there believed he could succeed. He himself is wary of them, warning each of them to avoid them at all cost. He, who always told them to fight, was warning them against it.

Now he plans on facing them?

Suddenly they were all regretting the choices that led up to this moment.


"Why are we following the train and not going to the council?"

The automobile swerved dangerously, sending Lucy crashing into Asher, who did not seem one bit affected by the rough handling of the vehicle and in turn everyone within. Lucy, tired of being thrown around constantly did not even try to move away from Asher, knowing the phoenix was the most stable thing to cling to at the moment.

"For one, Archer is in no way returning this flute" Wendy is the one to answer the question. The young slayer sat in front with Erza and Archer and had to turn around to face the blonde. The vehicle flew over a pretty rough bump, Wendy went up with a yelp, only to be carefully grabbed by Archer.

"Careful Wendy"

"Erza's the one driving so recklessly" Wendy rebutted with a look sent the redhead's way.

"I agree with the child" Came Nero's voice from the roof. How she managed to stay up there through it all is a mystery.

"We have to get to them before they do anything dangerous" while the argument was very much logical, the rest don't seem to agree because they have the flute.

Looks like they're heading straight for the men who want to kill a ton of people. Neither Erza nor Archer had said where they were headed and no one had asked. It seemed everyone had understood what was happening before Lucy, which made her feel left out. The fact that the group can agree on something without saying a word speaks volumes and she wonders if she'll ever get on that level with them.

"Comfortable are we?" Her thoughts are interrupted by an amused Asher who had an arm over her shoulders. She had been leaning into her since she was practically thrown into her arms, hoping Asher would not say a word. It was all hope.

"You're something to hold onto, don't get it twisted"

There's a chuckle, then she pulls her closer with this smug smile on her face.

"Then hold on tight, sweetheart"

Lucy groaned and wanted to move away then and there. She wasn't stupid, however, and would not risk flying off the automobile just to prove a point.

"Scarlet, we can stand to slow down a bit" Archer's reaching for the band attached to Erza's wrist in an effort to interrupt the overabundance of magic she's forcing into it. "You're wasting your magic"

Erza didn't even try to protest as Archer detached the band from her hand and placed it around her own wrist. The second the switch occurred the vehicle slowed and went across the sand far more smoothly than before. With the transition, Lucy untangled herself from Asher and moved to sit on her own almost immediately. She ignored the small laugh and the comment made about her swiftness in favour of staring straight ahead.

"We were not supposed to attend any missions for the next week" they were supposed to stay home for the week because they had been on mission after mission after mission for the last two months and Erza wanted a break. They were this close to getting that break and they would have been enjoying some well-deserved rest had they not stumbled into that bar. They could've left it alone and let the council handle it but they both know that the council likes to take their sweet time.

"Yes, well after this we'll take two weeks off but knowing the trouble our guild attracts I doubt we'll get any rest"

"Definitely not" Silver adds to Archer's statement, popping her head out of Archer's shirt. "I won't be surprised if something comes up tomorrow"

"Don't jinx it" the warning comes from Wendy, who was also looking forward to the two staying home for a while. She'd miss them between her following her brothers on their mission to them not being around when she has nothing to do.

"I don't believe in that"

"And you shouldn't, it's stupid" Carla agrees with a scoff. When is this exceed ever in a good mood? And you would think that the exceed with future sight would believe in such things

Silver was completely right and Archer knew that better than anyone. As it is, things are going according to her future knowledge, at least somewhat. If things continue as they are she'll most likely be facing off Phantom Lord soon and even that S-class mission on that island. She never could remember the name of that place, only that the residents there truly believed they were cursed. Then there was Gray's want to sacrifice himself with every opportunity. She'd have to be there just in case some drastic change takes place and the rest don't get as lucky as originally.

"Those fools have taken control of the train station most likely" the words pull Lucy's focus away from the three before her. Glancing at Asher she finds the woman gazing at the train with unreadable eyes, but a smile remains on her lips. She wonders what she was smiling about. "We could stop them so easily, but sometimes it's entertaining to drag things out"


"I knew you'd come, fairy tail"

No sooner had they arrived at the station and they're standing before the entire guild of mages. Erigor sits proud and smug above the rest of them, his smile nothing but sinister as he looked at them. To him they were no more than obstacles in his way to revenge, obstacles he would stomp into nothingness. He did not care that they were powerful mages from the strongest guild. He did not care about those under him that would definitely be injured or worse in this confrontation. All he cared about was revenge, revenge on every single person who did him wrong.

The question on Archer's mind is whether or not anyone ever truly did him wrong. Everything that happened to him was his own fault and he should learn to accept that instead of blaming others. He's blaming people who had absolutely nothing to do with the fall of his guild instead of just accepting things as they are and just simply move on.

"We've been wai-"

He is cut off by the presence of someone just behind him. His sense of danger immediately kicks in just in time to block the magic-infused blow headed straight for his head. Even with his weapon in the way of the blow he was still sent flying by an overpowering gust of wind that had him crashing into a nearby pillar that was quickly crumbling onto him by the sheer force of his impact. His guildmates are left in a state of utter shock as they watch debris collapse upon their leader, eyes wide and mouth even wider.

Standing where Erigor once was lording over them was little old Wendy, who released a breath of disappointment, apparently not having done the damage she intended. In her hand is the weapon used to block her blow, one she eyes curiously. Lying on her head was Silver, the cause of her sudden appearance behind the wind user. Holding the scythe effortlessly and carefully she descends to the ground and calmly rejoins the others, not saying a single word, nor glancing in the direction of the man she could've killed.

Wendy received a simple pat on the head as praise for her action while Archer could only smile in glee as Erigor struggled to climb out of all that rubble. She scanned of the group of mages who were supposedly on his side, noting the way each of them shook in their little boots. Him awaiting their arrival and expecting a confrontation is a very ridiculous plan. Did he seriously believe he would stand even the smallest chance against them? Hopefully, he realizes his mistake, for the youngest of them could kick his ass into next year with ease. When it comes to wind magic Wendy is only second to the dragon who taught her, and that is saying a good deal. While she is but thirteen years old, she is more than capable of handling mages more than twice her age.

In fact, Archer could leave her to fight the entire guild without a single ounce of worry, because all she had to do is steal the air right out of their lungs.

"That must be humiliating" Nero comments just as Erigor releases a shout of fury and burst out of the debris that kept him down with a powerful wind.

"This entire scheme of his is humiliating," says Asher with a shrug. "Why do humans entertain the thought of facing those with powers they cannot even comprehend?"

"Humans" was Nero's simple answer

Erigor is fuming when his eyes find Wendy. How dare a child mock him in such a manner? His anger towards Wendy had a powerful wind manifesting around his very being, overpowering magic gathering into one with its sole purpose to return the favour to the one who had so easily overpowered him. His manifested wind has most of his followers struggling to stay on their feet and fear overtaking their entire bodies.

"Don't just stand there you fools!" His shout is loud enough to make those with sensitive senses wince and those under his order snap back into attention. They hesitate to follow his words, but as always they do as told even while fearing for their life. It was hard to decide if fighting for him was better than fighting against him, especially after that show of strength from a child that could've killed him.

They should not follow this man, but they do out of fear and habit.

Lucy is smiling at this development despite the four men already surrounding her. She was suddenly itching for a fight and a fight she would get. She had no idea what type of magic these men had and she would not wait long enough to find out. They were already cocky, believing she would be easy prey. In their ignorance they didn't even try to use their magic, believing their weapons and fists would be more than enough to handle the single blonde

How wrong they were.

Nero and Asher stood over a pile of bodies, eyes only on Lucy who was so skillfully handling her aggressors. They had entertained the thought of helping her but realized there was absolutely no need. Two were already on the floor when daggers were thrown, laced with powerful magic the blades rendered them immobile upon contact. The other two, now shocked by the turn of events, were quick to adopt more guarded stances with magic circles already forming under their feet. It would be of little help to them because Lucy was not letting them use any form of magic against her. She was too quick on her feet, too agile and very much smaller than them, something that worked to her advantage.

She was quite ruthless on top of that, for even when she had all four men on their backs she still saw the need to grind her heel into their family jewels. That was quite the violation on her part, but all is fair on the battlefield they supposed.

Nero chuckled in amusement at the scene while Asher looked quite conflicted.

"I'm apprehensive"

"What? Afraid she'll hurt you?"

"Well, yes, she seems quite devious"



Erigor is angrily approaching the youngest of the group, eyes ablaze and a literal tornado brewing behind his back. The young slayer was on her own after Archer and Erza got dragged into their own battle. She had gone untouched, for the men working under Erigor did not have the guts to approach the child that had basically slapped their boss into a pillar.

"He's very upset" Wendy muttered to Carla who drifted just above her head. The exceed rolled her eyes at the very obvious statement but said nothing in turn.

Silver knew to take her leave when she saw Erigor approach and sat somewhere with a good vantage point. If she's needed she'll set to work, but for the moment her presence was not required and she saw no need to be a hindrance to the battle. She wondered how long it would all take since she was very much looking forward to returning home. Personally, she found that Wendy should simply steal the air right out of their lungs until they pass out and have this all over with, but she has no problem watching a fight unfold.

"Child, give me back m-"

"Why do you see the need for dialogue?" Wendy wondered when Erigor tried to say something to her. Her interruption and questions seemed to be vexing him even more as his magic spiked considerably. "If you had not wasted time talking to us I would not have so easily gotten to you. It was something that could have been easily avoided"

"You are but a child"

How many times has Wendy heard that coming from an enemy and how many times has she shown them exactly how much of a child she truly is?

She winced when Erigor released a shout, propelling the impressive tornado type attack he had accumulated towards her. She noticed the smirk on his face as he truly believed it would be end of her and she wondered if he was truly that ignorant.

"Such a fool" Carla sighed as she retreated to Silver who looked on with disinterest. "Does he not know who she is?"

"I don't think that would have done him much help, for stupidity ignores all else" Silver replied with a shrug. "I mean, he was stupid enough to await our arrival and even more idiotic to think he could pose some sort of threat without the flute"

The two exceeds watched on in silence as Wendy was swallowed completely by Erigor's attack, both feeling sorry for the fool when he broke out into maniacal laughter

It wasn't too long before his impressive attack was shrinking before his eyes as Wendy feasted on what he had stupidly offered her. Well, she wouldn't consider it a feast since his magic wasn't very appetizing, but it did the job as well as any other. It didn't take long before she had fully sucked up the attack he thought could harm her, leaving him staring in shocked disbelief.

Wendy made a face of disgust at the taste in her mouth, a look that offended Errigor deeply. She sighed whether it be in disappointment or regret at having eaten such disgusting magic she herself did not know. As disgusting as it was she would admit that it was very powerful magic as she could feel it coursing through her body fiercely. She felt as if she could be full for days and that was the only silver lining at the moment.

"Dragonslayer" Apparently Erigor had not known or perhaps did not believe she truly was a slayer of dragons. Either way, he was screwed and he refused to acknowledge it because he will not allow himself to be bested by a child.

"Well, yes that is what I am, I thought you knew this?" Wendy seemed genuinely confused at the moment. "But it would explain why you did something like that. You used a lot of magic in a single attack so now you're running low"

As she spoke Wendy held up the weapon she had stolen, gazing at it thoughtfully before making a slicing motion with her hand, slicing a piece off the weapon to make it accommodate her size.

Erigor did not wait for her to do anything else lest he end up under debris again. If he got to her when she's unprepared he would likely succeed in defeating her. At the moment it seemed like the best option, for he realized that Wendy must be taken seriously as she's as much of a threat as the others.

He truly believed it would work.

Wendy had learned to never be unprepared in a fight. She had learned to never let her guard down even when her back is turned to the enemy, even when she knew they could not defeat her, even when she busied herself with her new weapon. She did not let her guard down and was not at all unprepared for Erigor. She may have just acquired the scythe and never used it in her life but she knows very well that it is very sharp and did not hesitate to swing it at Erigor when he was in range. The sudden attack surprised the man for how fast it was on top of the obvious strength behind it as he narrowly avoided losing an arm only to be faced with another swing before he could recover from the last. He had to propel himself away to avoid losing a limb but he could not get away from her. She propelled herself after him adding more force to her own to close the distance between them. The scythe was discarded as she grabbed him by the scarf he wore, tugging it tightly around his neck and used the scarf to send him back to the ground with enough force to crack concrete.

The second his back hit the hard stone her feet met his stomach as she descended upon him with painful force, the entire act damaging him internally and sending blood out his mouth.

There are times when Wendy has absolutely no mercy.

Lucy saw the whole thing unfold and was left in complete shock at what she had just seen. Wendy was a sweet girl, but she had a different side to her when she was in the middle of battle. Lucy had seen this side before but it still shook her to her core.

She wondered if Erigor's even breathing still because that looked deadly.

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