The next morning Izuku was at 6 a.m. on the spot while waiting, but unlike 3 days ago all the students were there.
Looking at Aizawa and the other Izuku said:
[Didn't I say it would work?] (Izuku)
The teachers were silent, they didn't like the methods Izuku was using at all, but they couldn't deny the effectiveness.
[Okay, today you're going to start training your skills and Quirks, while those in the support course will improve a little bit]. (Izuku)
[After today, you will fight each other and have a competition among yourselves, the support course will develop new equipment, while the Quirks and the Espers will have a small tournament]. (Izuku)
After that Izuku let the Quirks and Espers continue with the same training and left 2 clones to supervise.
While he went to the lab and started teaching the students in the support course, however, the lessons he taught were different today.
[Okay, now that you are all here, time to start teaching you some other things, let's start with how to use advanced technology, I let show a technology that I call Stark Technology]. (Izuku)
After that Izuku began teaching everyone about how iron man's suit technology worked, he explained the various uses of the Arc reactor and much more.
He showed some models and explained the functions and how to adapt the suits, teaching them to create various versions, and other types of technology based on the suit.
After a few hours, he finished teaching and said, for all students to develop their costumes.
No doubt the result he hoped for happened, the 4 students who were present mixed Stark Technology with the Kamen Rider System, the result was fascinating.
The weapons and equipment were superior to most of the technology the world has today, Power Loader seeing this felt like useless and at the same time blessed.
Even he who was considered one of the greatest geniuses when the requirement was heroic costumes, could not create equipment as the one Hatsume Mei created now, at her age.
But he felt Blessed, because Izuku was also teaching him, and showing things he didn't even think possible.
Seeing the technology he started to focus on learning, even more, he decided that he would not be easily overcome.
At the end of the day, Izuku returned to the main hall and waited.
The Pussycats will arrive soon, and he would receive them, all Pussycats have already been informed by Nezu of the type of training Izuku was conducting, and why.
Although they did not like it very much they agreed to help train the students, they would come mainly to check their mentality and take care of the girls.
After a few minutes, a Boom Tube was opened, and from inside it all 4 Pussycats arrived with a little boy that Izuku recognized as Kouta.
[Welcome]. (Izuku)
[Hi, I'm Mandaley] (Mandalay) He went ahead and said as he extended his hand.
[It's a pleasure to meet you Mandalay, I'm Izuku]. (Izuku) said smiling.
After that, all the Pussycats introduced themselves while Izuku smiled at Kouta.
[And you, what's your name?]. (Izuku)
Kouta seeing Izuku looked at him before punching Izuku directly into the balls, unfortunately for him, it was not Izuku who fell to the ground.
After punching, Kouta felt his hand hurt and saw Izuku looking arrogantly at him.
[Boy you're going to need a lot more than that to knock me down]. (Izuku)
Mandalay seeing Kouta quickly went to rescue him.
[Excuse me, this is my nephew Kouta]. (Mandalay)
[No problem, I hardened the area he was going to hit using some techniques, he suffered the damage]. (Izuku) said with a calm smile.
After that, he looked at Kouta and said:
[And then why did you want to hit my balls? After all, this is a very precious and important place for my happy future]. (Izuku)
[I don't want to associate with people who want to be Super[heroes]. (Kouta) said as he swallowed the cry and tried to put in a serious expression.
It was obvious that his hand was hurting a lot.
[Interesting, can you tell me why?]. (Izuku)
[You all just keep saying that you want to be heroes, but you always abandon others when you do that]. (Kouta) said with tears in her eyes.
[Everyone is crazy]. (Kouta)
[They call each other "heroes" and "villains," and they kill each other.] (Kouta)
[They talk about Quirks and stuff]. (Kouta)
[It's because everyone wants to show that they end up like this... that's stupid]. (Kouta)
Listening to Kouta all the Pussycats had complicated expressions, while Izuku just kept smiling.
[Is that right? And who abandoned you?] (Izuku)
[Shuts up] (Kouta) Shouted in indignation.
[Come on Kouta, we're just talking, tell me who abandoned you?]. (Izuku) said using a very soft genjutsu to make Kouta speak what was inside him.
[My parents, they chose other people over me]. (Kouta) said with tears.
[Hee, let me guess, your parents were heroes and some villain killed them, so you feel abandoned, right?]. (Izuku)
[Yes]. (Kouta)
Mandalay was about to interrupt when he noticed Izuku telling her to stop.
[I see, in that case, let me tell you a Kouta story]. (Izuku)
[The story of a person who was very similar to you, who had his world turned upside down because of other people's selfish acts, this story occurred just over 200 years ago]. (Izuku)
[A long, long time ago there was a young American man named James Smith]. (Izuku)
[James always dreamed of serving his country, he was young and foolish, and believed that being a soldier was a wonderful thing Kouta]. (Izuku)
[He was a good student, and had excellent grades in sports because he kept in shape]. (Izuku)
[When he turned 18 the first thing he did was join the army.] (Izuku)
[James was always someone who once did something, would do it completely]. (Izuku)
[After passing the physical examinations, he was accepted into the army, and that is how his days in the army began]. (Izuku)
[James was by far the best recruit, always obedient and efficient, learning all he could, every day he stood out more]. (Izuku)
[One day war began, and James was ordered to go to the place, while they said it was all for the good of peace, and for the good of the country.] (Izuku)
[James as a good soldier went to the place without complaining, he always imagined the glories that being a soldier would bring him]. (Izuku)
At that moment Kouta was listening attentively to Izuku, as were all the Pussycats.
They could almost visualize what Izuku was narrating, this was due to a slight Genjutsu that Izuku was using.
[But when he arrived, what awaited him was not glory, but hell]. (Izuku)
[Death and destruction everywhere, men wounded and maimed]. (Izuku)
[Mothers killing their children for a piece of old bread, women being beaten, children being killed, and much more]. (Izuku)
As they listened they all felt their stomach turn, but they managed to hold on.
[James at that moment understood that there was no glory in war]. (Izuku)
[But he still acted like a soldier]. (Izuku)
[He served his country with his head held high, and fought for the cause his country believed in.] (Izuku)
[He served faithfully for 8 years, and sincerely only God knows how many men, women, and children James killed]. (Izuku)
[He would use everything at his disposal to kill his enemies]. (Izuku)
[Well planned traps, poisons, explosives, and god knows what else, the situation reached a point where his enemies feared the mere mention of his name]. (Izuku)
[A normal soldier would have difficulty killing more than 100 people in a war, and even for those really talented the number would almost never exceed 3 figures, but James was different]. (Izuku)
[He had already killed several thousand enemy soldiers, and only God knows how many he hurt and wounded; he was relentless and inevitable.] (Izuku)
[There was one case, where he killed an entire city of civilians using well-planned explosives in city gas pipes just to destroy a supply route for the enemy army] (Izuku).
[But frankly, he didn't care, James believed that all he did was so that peace could be achieved so that the innocent in his country could have smiles on their faces and be happy.] (Izuku)
[With this thought in mind, James could do any kind of atrocity, for he believed he was doing things for the greater good.] (Izuku)
[Yet one day that changed]. (Izuku)
[One day James heard a call from his colonel, and discovered that the whole war was because some rich men wanted to get even richer]. (Izuku)
[And that was the end for him, that day James lost faith in humanity, for him being a soldier had become the same as being a common bandit]. (Izuku)
[He asked to be dismissed, but he was simply one of the greatest soldiers the army has ever had the pleasure of having in its ranks.] (Izuku)
[They called it the One Man Army]. (Izuku)
[His request was rejected by his superiors immediately, James was too important for them, for even his name caused fear in his enemies]. (Izuku)
[Knowing that they would never allow him to return home without an exceptional situation, James decided]. (Izuku)
[Using a confrontation with hostile forces as a smokescreen, James literally used explosives to lose his leg in such a way that it would look like a grenade exploded and ripped it off.] (Izuku)
[After that he returned home and studied medicine, and began treating many children, he saved many more lives as a doctor than as a soldier, and even when he died, he had no regrets]. (Izuku)
[Until the day he died, James never held a grudge against the soldiers or the army, even after all the atrocities he saw, all the friends and brothers in arms he lost, and having to sacrifice a leg to get out.] (Izuku)
[Or even after hearing that all this happened because some people who were already rich wanted to get even richer]. (Izuku)
[Do you know why Kouta?] (Izuku)
Kouta who was listening carefully shook his head negatively.
At that moment even the Pussycats wanted to know why.
[It was because he understood something very simple, yet something that can be considered one of life's greatest secrets]. (Izuku)
[Always smile and live your life to the fullest]. (Izuku)
[It's no use suffering for the dead because it will never bring them back if you miss someone who's already dead, smile, and be happy for them]. (Izuku)
[If things are difficult, smile, and think of a way to cheer up, it doesn't have to be something big, read a book, listen to good music]. (Izuku)
[Cling to the little beneficial pleasures of life, and live with a smile on your face]. (Izuku)
[Live your life as never before, enjoy, love, discover new things, have fun, have adventures, and enjoy]. (Izuku)
[For one day everyone will die, and when that happens, go to the other side, look into the eyes of the one you lost and say]. (Izuku)
["Hi, sorry for the delay, but I had an incredible and happy life if you want I can tell you the stories"]. (Izuku) said with a calm smile.
[James understood this and lived like no one else, and in the end, he died in peace]. (Izuku)
[Kouta, I know it hurts to lose someone you love]. (Izuku)
[But if you allow it to stagnate because someone died, it won't make anyone happy]. (Izuku)
[I won't tell you to love heroes again, but I suggest you don't judge someone simply because they want to be one]. (Izuku)
[There are wonderful experiences that you can lose because you have Kouta prejudice]. (Izuku)
[Think about it]. (Izuku)
After I said that Izuku told Mandalay:
[Mandaley, the teacher's accommodation is on floor 4, pick any room that doesn't have a sign on the door]. (Izuku)
After that Izuku left and let every one reflect on what he said.
All the members of the Pussycats looked at Izuku with enormous respect in their eyes while Kouta thought about it.
Izuku did not know it, but that day he had changed Kouta's life completely.
These are the chapters that I have translated so far, I will translate the rest and post every 6 chapters, later today I will launch at least 6 more.
Enjoy reading.