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20% Contractually Married / Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve: Lead Vocalist

Chapitre 12: Chapter Twelve: Lead Vocalist

"Hi." Ryan greeted Cari with a kiss on her cheek.

The boys doing their handshake except for Alex and Gavin. I noticed that the bitch is not around, but I didn't voice it out.

"Rian, what a stunning look for tonight!" Jack greeted me with a smile.

And my heartbeat stopped for how many seconds when Alex pulled me into a tight embrace and kisses me on my forehead. He's having an appreciative look on his eyes. Everyone in our group stopped their trance as they watched us. I looked up to him but he whispered in my ears... "Gorgeous." My eyes held so many questions and my mouth slightly opened. I heard Ryan's question and it made me back into the world again.

"So, what's with the clubbing tonight?" I glanced at Cari and my eyes questioning her. She smiled at me, that means she hadn't mentioned to him or in any one of them.

"It's a surprise, I told you."

"Surprise." Ryan repeat while nodding.

"Just wait... and be patient." she patted Ryan's cheek before she turned to us and we smiled.

"Wow... there is the group secret, I see." Jack shaking his head.

"You'll see it later. For now, relax and enjoy because later, we're going to turn the club upside down, I promise." Jenny and I laughed at her words.

I am sitting between Alex and Gavin. I can feel the heat radiating from Alex's body that sends shivers down my spine.

"I think I need an alcoholic drink." I blurted out after a while.

"Yeah, I agree. You need that." Jenny agreed with a smile.

Actually, I really need it right now, not because of my upcoming performance with my old band but for the mixed emotions creeping me inside with Alex right beside me. It makes me dizzy. Our body were brushing together every slight movement that we made. My stomach's churned every time his arms brushes my arm.

Questions are swirling in my head. Why is the sudden change in his behavior? He suddenly became interested in my well being, acting like a jealous freak, looking at me intently, hugged and kissed me right in front of our friends. These are new for me and I don't know if I can make it to the last minute without my heart exploding.

"Why does she needs alcohol?" Alex's voice snapped me from zoning out again. He's looking at me with question in his eyes.

"What kind of question is that? Of course everybody needs alcohol in our body, and were in the club so we need it...duh!" Cari rolled her eyes and I smiled.

For this moment-----thank you Cari.

As she was about again to speak, when the music died in the air and the so familiar voice of Gelo heard in the whole club.

"Good evening Ladies and gentlemen!" I sighed loudly and straightened my body. Alex noticed me and I don't know why but I found myself smiling at him. He looked at me---surprised, but I averted my eyes and looked straight on the stage.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" Cari cant help herself squealed.

"Me too!" and Jenny... as they did a high five on the air. Gavin and Nick were just smiling. But of course for the rest of the boys who doesn't have an idea what is happening, they all had a furrowed eyebrows.

"It's a Saturday night again, guys!" Gelo continued as the crowd---those regular customers of the club shouted 'Yes' in unison.

"But tonight I a bit different than the other Saturday nights. You wanna know why?" he put the microphone in the air towards the audience.

"Why?" Cari and Jenny also shouted as if they didn't know.

The anxiousness and excitement are creeping in me down to my toes and I can feel them curls as I breathe.

"Because we have a member back tonight! She's back. We found her again and she's going to perform with us tonight... as we give you the best music for this evening!"

"Wow!" "She?" the crowd's simultaneously asked.

"Yes! It's a she. Meaning a girl.. a woman who led our group for years!"

"Ahh!" Cari and Jenny again squealed loudly.

"Hey!" Gavin and Nick glared at them.

"A woman?" another came from the audience.

"Yeah! She's our lead vocalist!" Gelo shouted loudly.

"Wow! Amazing! But what happened to their vocalist, as they say, they found her again?" Jack asked as he focused again his eyes on the stage.

No one answered him.

"Are you ready to know who she is?" I heard Gelo asked again.

"Yes!" shouted again by my two girlfriends.

I stand up and the three boys... Ryan, Jack and Alex looked at me.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked as he grabbed my hand. His hand suddenly brushed my ring. My engagement ring that he gave me four years ago. His eyes searching for something on it. And I know what he is looking for, but I just smiled at him. I take my hand without saying a word and also smile to the group.

"Go, girl!" Jenny and Cari shouted.

"Rack and roll, Rian!" and Nick.

"I'm proud of you." Gavin stand up and give me a high five.

"Thanks, guys."

"Hey! What's happening?" Jack ... as curious as always. But no one again answer him.

"There... I can see her from here. She's now walking in the crowd towards the stage." Gelo saw me and he smiled. I smiled back at him. And I gasped as the spotlight turned to me. Now, I am visible to everyone, to my group, to Ryan, Jack and Alex.

"Yes! Here she is." Jordan stepped down from the stage and walked to me as Gelo remained on the stage.

"Nice outfit, girl." he said smiling while taking my hand and giving me kiss to my cheek.

"Thanks, Jordan."

"Whoah! I've missed you, Rian!" Gelo hugged me also giving me kiss to my forehead. I know his microphone is off. Franco and Eric also came from behind and hug me. The three of them have their microphones off, but Eric's is on and I don't know if he just forgot or he did it intentionally. When he hugged me, he didn't forget to give me a loud kiss to my forehead which causes the audience to laugh.

"Kelley! I've missed you so much!" Eric hugging me so tight again.

"Your microphone is on!" I whispered but for sure everybody can here me as it is placed on my shoulder.

"I don't care!  I really missed you. Did you missed me too?" he pouted.

"Of course, silly!" I playfully punched his arm.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, we the 'Solid band' would like to present to you our original lead vocalist.... Rian!" Gelo introduced me and the crowd started to cheers and claps. Then Jordan gave me another microphone.

"Thank you, guys." I started as I've opened the microphone. I then turned to the audience but the spotlight almost blinded me for me to look further and to find where my group is. "Good evening. Wow! I can't believe this. I'm so glad to be back. Is this really the feeling of it?" my bandmates laugh at me from behind.

"I would like to introduce first myself, I am Arriana Angela... but you can call me Rian for short. Singing is actually my number one passion since I was a kid. But of course you know, sometimes we need to set aside our little happiness to prioritize some things that comes first. So.... anyway, are you ready to sing with us tonight?"

"Yes!" they shouted back.

And then I turned to the group. We chatted for a moment before we picked our first song. It's a duet song for me and Jordan. Eric brought us two high chairs in the middle of the stage.

Now all the anxiousness and nervousness suddenly flew out in my body as I hear the string of the guitar and the keys of piano from behind us. Jordan looks at me smiling before the music started. The first song is,  'In case you didn't know'


I can't count the times,

I almost said what's on my mind, but I didn't...

just the other day,

I wrote down all the things I'd say, but I couldn't...

Baby, I know that you've been wondering

mmm... so here goes nothing

In case you didn't know,

baby I'm crazy 'bout you, and I would be lying if I said

that I could live without you...

Even though I don't tell you all the time,

you had my heart a long.. long time ago..

in case you didn't know...

We finished our first song with a round of applause from the audience.

"Nothing's changed, partner." Jordan proudly said with a microphone on.

"Yeah, I noticed." we smiled to each other.

And when I looked down the stage... I noticed that Cari, Jenny, Gavin, Nick and the rest of the group were now standing in front of the stage... clapping their hands and clicking pictures. I saw Alex with them but his face held no emotions... again.

And then the night proceeded with me singing the songs that mostly requested by the audience. We performed 2 to 3 songs until I came to my last song... who requested by none and only 'Cari'.

'Someday' by Juris.. my favorite singer from the Philippines.

Someday, you're gonna realize...

One day, you'll see this through my eyes

By then I won't even be there, I'll be happy somewhere

even if I cared...

I know, you don't really see my worth

You think you're the last guy on earth

Well I've got news for you, I know I'm not that strong

But it won't take long... won't take long..

'Cause someday, someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me...

Someday, someone's gonna take your place

One day, I'll forget about you, you'll see

I won't even miss you.. someday.. someday..

As I started to sing, my eyes focus only into one pair of gray eyes. As much as I wanted to be with him, I know it will never happen and I don't want to get used to those 'sweet' and 'sudden' gestures that he is giving me.

Right now, I know you can't tell...

I'm down, and I'm not doing well

But one day these tears, they will all run dry

I won't have to cry... sweet goodbye...

'Cause someday, someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me...

Someday, someone's gonna take your place

One day, I'll forget about you, you'll see

I won't even miss you.. someday,

I know someone's gonna be there

And before I finished the song, I gave them a short quote that I ave read, some time ago.

Someday, someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me...

Someday, someone's gonna take your place

One day, I'll forget about you, you'll see

I won't even miss you...

Someday.. someday..

All the lyrics in the song.. word by word.. I had sung it with all of my emotions I have within me. I want him to feel my hidden emotion, cause I know someday... I will have to let go of this feeling. And I will have to wake up from this dream.

Alex's POV:

It's only 7:30 pm on my wristwatch when Ryan barged in my suite. I am checking some e-mails and voicemails on my phone.

"Dude, 8:30 in the club near the beach." He said taking his seat on the couch with a glass of juice in his hand. He took it from my refrigerator.. the way he and Jack always do.

"Why?" I simply ask not looking at him.

"Well, Cari said they will also go there and I already told Jack." he seemed like a teenager, so excited.

"I'm not in the mood." I said, bored.

"Dude, way to kill somebody's mode, yeah! Well, she said Rian will come and they have a surprise for all of us."

"Surprise?" I am now looking at him.

"I don't know, but she said these will happen only once in a blue moon or maybe in a lifetime." he shrugged.

"What? What are you talking about?" I scrunched my eyebrows. Is this what he gets from being a lovesick puppy?

"Yeah. Just go so you will know."

"No! I'm busy." I huffed and check again my phone.

"Okay." he shrugged again." So you want your wife to mingle in every man in the club?"

I snapped my head on him feeling all my bones in my neck cracked. I'm sure I'm going to have a stiff neck if I've continued doing this. I gave him a death glare but he just laughed. He knew he can get my attention by mentioning my wife, and he succeeded.

8:20 on my watch when we entered the club. Jack chose the VIP lounge near the stage. The crowd is now starting to fill in the club. And not a minute passes, we saw Cari and her group entered the club. My eyes focused on the last person to enter... Rian. She's wearing a short tight black dress. And man! I can feel myself turned hard by just watching her walk. I swallowed hard when her eyes landed on mine. She is so beautiful.

They walked their ways towards us. I can't take my eyes on her as the other's greeting them. And before I can stop myself, I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. I heard her gasped and her body stiffened. I smiled inwardly. I didn't even noticed that I whispered her 'Gorgeous'. When I let go of her, I smiled but her eyes questioning me of what I did. But I just shrugged.

When we seated, I am right beside her. I want to rip Gavin's throat when he also seated in Rian's other side. Our arms brush together as I move. I know she noticed this because every time I intentionally brushed my arm on her, she flinched. I just want to feel the heat of her body against mine. Her scent filled my nostrils and it drives me insane.

I don't know why she requested for an alcoholic drink but Cari answered for her.

And then the music died as we heard the voice from the stage. They were saying something but my focus is only on my wife who suddenly sighed loud and straightened her sit.

"Are you okay?" I asked her with concern in my voice. She didn't say anything but she smiled at me--- she smiled at me--- a real and sweet smile. It's the first time she smiled at me again after 4 years from our wedding. But she averted her eyes quickly to the stage.

Cari and Jenny squealing as the guy on the stage talks to the audience and Rian suddenly stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked and grabbed her right hand. The first thing I noticed was a ring. I looked into it and I found that it's the engagement ring that I gave to her 1 week before our wedding. But it was alone. There's no other ring on her finger. She didn't wear her wedding ring. I don't know but I felt a pain inside my heart when I didn't see the wedding ring on her finger, but I couldn't blame her as I also hadn't wear it. But I have my reasons.

She took her hand and just smiled at me again before her friends tell her 'Go girl', 'Rock and roll' and 'I'm so proud of you' and she walked out from our lounge.

-'What do they mean by that?"

And it hit me when the spotlight turned to her. The guy on the stage said earlier that they found again their lead vocalist. I stand up and saw Rian walking towards the stage with another guy holding her hand. I formed my fists as the boy kissed her cheek before they climb up to the stage. Another set of 3 boys came forward to hug her, the same gesture as the first boy did. But the last one who for sure intentionally didn't turned off his microphone, called her 'Kelley'.

Little did they know that she's already married? And she's no longer 'Kelley', she's now a 'Smith' from four years ago.

And that's it, they introduced her as their member and long lost ... vocalist?

"Wow! How did it happen? Rian was their original vocalist?" Jack asked the question in my mind.

"Yup! Surprised!" Jenny and Cari squealed in excitement.

"How did it happened?" I asked in no particular one. Actually it's my question only to myself but I didn't noticed that I asked it out loud.

"She was their original vocalist since they were in college. But she said she needs to follow what her family wants for her. So, she kept it a secret ever since." Cari explained.

"Take note, no one in her family knows about her being a member of the band, especially being a lead vocalist." Jenny added.

"But why?" Ryan asked.

"How about Daniel?" Jack asked as they asked in unison.

"No! Not even Daniel. Although they're close, but you know Daniel is always the obedient child and just follow what their parents told them. And because Rian.. always stubborn as ever, always do the opposite. She became a band member... and you see, their vocalist." Cari answered them.

"But she stopped when she graduated from college. She applied for work and become independent. She said she wants to be in her own and not always under her parents' claws.. you know." Jenny added again.

"Hey, they started singing! Let's go to the front!" Cari grabbed Jenny's hand and lead the way to the front of the stage.

I already saw her singing on the stage, but this is the first time I've seen her in a near view. Where I can see her smile, enjoying the moment and being carefree. I didn't know she has this talent on her. She's always the shy type back then. She's giving all her emotions in her every song.

We spend almost 2 to 3 hours watching them. And I swear I can stay here for a lifetime just to watch her. And then it downs on her last song as she announced. Cari gave her a piece of paper. Ryan asked her but she only smiled and didn't say anything.

And they started the song. She is now looking at me while she sings. I can clearly understand every lyrics.. every word in the song. It's as if a silent message of her to me. And there is again the pain.

She paused in the middle of her song and tried to look at the audience despite the blinding spotlight...

"Before I finish this song, I just want to share to you this very familiar quotes that I have read, some time ago. It's very really related to this heartbreak song. And here it is.." she said and started to mention the quotes;

"Sometimes, we have to give up wonderful things

just to make everything's alright.

We have to bleed alone for somebody to smile.

We need those tears to flow just to save the tears of others.

We have to break our own heart to fill somebody else's emptiness.

And there are times when we have to give up our own happiness just to rescue someone's burden.

That is what you call love... it wasn't ... it isn't... and it will never be fair..."

The crowd shouted their cheers including Cari and her group... and even Ryan and Jack. But me, I was left dumbfounded. She continued again the song.

"Someday, someone's gonna love me,

the way... I wanted you to need me

Someday, someone's gonna take your place

One day, I'll forget about you

you'll see... I won't even miss you.. someday...

I know someday..."

Then the pain surged inside me. I don't know... I'm not sure if that song was really for me. Because it hit me, hard... and I couldn't imagine those things to happen. I don't want her to let go of what she feels.. or I don't want to let go of her. I just want her to me and all for me. I wasted long years to wait for her and call it selfish or whatever, but I've made a promise tonight.

I will make everything to make her completely mine, her body, mind, soul, heart and all of her that rightfully belongs to me. To hell with the restraint I've created for a long time, but this time... I will be her husband with fucking contract or not. I will show her that she doesn't need anyone and any man in this world but me and only me... whether she feels the same way as mine or not, I will make her fall in love with me!


Idiot! that is what we should call to Alex...hmmp..😡😡😡

thank you guys... for reading..

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