Eiro landed in front of his manor, stepping through the front door without listening to the words of the spirits beside him.
"Eiro, what are you doing? You aren't usually like this!" Nelli exclaimed, "You're usually so calm and collected, so why are you so angry right now?"
The Demon stopped walking immediately and stared at the Naiad, "Because I'm sick and tired of everything messing up somehow. Relationships are a pretty weird thing for me, if you didn't notice. I just..." Eiro groaned, "I just don't want Jura's brother to turn out being an enemy, alright? Just... If I need to ignore a bit of weirdness from him, I'm fine with that. I really, really am. Now, can we move on, and get started with practicing Arcana?" Eiro suggested, and none of the three spirits really knew exactly what to say. So, they just stayed silent as Eiro walked through the manor and climbed up into the infusion-chamber.
Sorry for the lack of a chapter for the past couple of days, some personal matters got in the way.