"This is great..." Rumia said suddenly, and Eiro slowly turned toward him with a frown, "What is? Were you suicidal this whole time?" The Demon asked with a slight laugh, before Rumia just shook his head with a broad grin on his face, "In a single day, I managed to get the support of four Nature Goddesses, get to kill the monstrous heretic that made my life a hell on earth this past year, and even get to become a Card Owner!" The man exclaimed, but Eiro just sighed deeply and shook his head disappointedly.
"Let's see about that." Eiro said, and could then hear the sound of a blade being swung toward him, splitting through the air, from his back. But in the next moment, Eiro could hear that blade hitting the ground while slight steam rose as hot blood streamed over the cool ground.
[Bern Siegheim -1124 Damage]
[You stabbed Bern Siegheim through his throat. +25% Damage and Heavy Bleeding effect activated]
[You defended against a sneak attack. +5% Damage]
So, this definitely is the most murd- Erm, A-Action packed chapters so far...