Ignoring the foreign students, Lin Sheng stepped into the bureau and pushed open the black metallic door.
Inside the office, a few persons in student getup were gathered before Dean's desk as they asked him in an authoritative voice. They were extremely unfriendly.
One of them was a strong blonde hulk of a man in a brown Kevlar uniform. On his waist was a gun belt and a metallic bow hung on his back.
He was extremely arrogant as he kept on interrupting the Defense Bureau staff, Dean as his finger knocking against the table.
Lin Sheng and his team's entry into the room attracted their attention.
The muscular man turned over, and his gaze caught Lin Sheng, the tallest of the lot at first glance.
"Baine's student patrol team? There's nothing for you here. The mission in this town will be taken over by the Foy Royal Academy, all of you can get lost!"
His expression was chilly, and his mood foul.
In case, there's any confusion between Mylissa and Melissa, they are both classmates of Lin Sheng's. Melissa is the one who's on the missions with him. This has mostly been rectified in the previous chapters, thank you.