The bed was soft, the air was warm, and the light of the sun piercing through the window gave him a comfortable feeling. A boy was lying on his bed, he looked regal with golden hair and fare skin. His bed was clearly not normal either, made of a dark red wood with carvings of wolves, bears, and other predators surrounded by silk like fabrics it too gave off a magical aura just like the boy.
A maid stood nearby dipping a small cloth in a basin of cool water.
"Young lord please wake up." She spoke sweetly to the boy as she wiped his forehead.
Suddenly the boys face cringed and he released a groan as if he was in pain. The maid became startled and quickly pulled her hand back.
The boys eyes then shot open and he quickly brought himself into a sitting position. He looked around cautiously until his eyes met the maids.
The boys eyes were crystal clear, a misty blue color but as sharp as swords. He was calm but you could tell he was also tense.
The boy quickly threw off the sheets that were covering his lower body. He inspected himself, arms, legs, torso everything looked right to him.
"Young master are you alright?" The maid was still startled but didn't forget her duties. She quickly brought over the basin of water and cloth to wipe the boys body.
"Young master how do you feel? If you're in pain please let me know and i will gather the doctor." The maid looked ecstatic. The Young lord has awoken!
Hector was confused. This was not his body, and he definitely never had any maids since his wife forbade any other woman to enter the household, instead he had many male servants. 'I suppose this is where Iquillus dropped my soul?' Hector could only guess as to what that god had done to him, but he dropped the matter for now there were more important things to do like gather some information regarding his surroundings.
Hector turned to the maid wiping him down with a cold cloth and smiled. This was clearly a very young and beautiful girl.
She had long straight dirty blond hair that reached her waste. Her uniform covered most of her body but he could tell she was only a child of 15 or 16 at best, young and inexperienced. Hector had no interest in children but he believed this girl could tell him everything he needed to know.
"So tell me, what happened to me." Asked Hector.
The maid quickly stopped what she was doing and started to sob." That's what i would like.. to know.. two days ago young master you just collapsed and no matter what was tried you wouldn't wake up." The maid was sobbing as she spoke. a truly heart breaking moment Hector thought.
"I see, that does sound concerning" Hector began to think about his situation. Suddenly collapsing? If it was due to a head injury i would still feel the pain, overwork? Unlikely considering the situation, heatstroke? Its warm but by no means hot enough to cause that.
The maid continued her explanation as soon as she composed herself.
"The court physician believed it was due to a disease since he could not find anything wrong with you." the maid seemed to be bringing herself down.
"But then! The priest came by at your fathers request and examined you. He said that the gods were putting you through a trial!" The maid then took a complete turn and became extremely excited, with large puppy dog eyes she stared up at Hector and said "He said you could even become a holy apostle!" The maids childish excitement reminded Hector of someone, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"I see..." Hector replied blandly. Holy apostle? Who cares he was already the champion of a god. And a trial? Maybe that priest actually knows what hes talking about i was with a god.
"By the way" Hector paused, resting his chin on his hand in contemplation. "Promise me you'll stay calm first." Hector stared into the girl's eyes and patted the space next to him on the bed signaling for her to sit.
After some hesitation, the maid sat down on the bed next to Hector "I promise, young master what's the matter?"
"Where to begin.... What's my name? Also, who are you? And where are we?" Hector asked with a smile.
The maid began to sweat.
Hector could tell just from looking into her eyes that she was beginning to panic.
"Remember you promised, don't think to much just tell me what I want to know." Hector grabbed her arm just to be sure she wouldn't run out screaming for the master of the house or worse.
"Young master you don't remember? We should call your father, the doctors, or the priest!?" the maid was trembling now.
'This is going to be tough thought Hector.
"No,don't get anyone" Hector tightened his grip around the maids arm.
"Then just parents? We need to tell someone about this!" The maid was beginning to raise her voice in panic.
"No, calm down. Look we can go back and forth at this all day, why not just answer my questions?" Hector began to stroke the maids hair in hopes of calming her down. He also looked once more around the room for something to use as a weapon if necessary. He didn't want to start off in this new world as a murderer but then again whose to say he wasn't in the body of one already?
"Young master your name is Alexander Herod eldest son of master Halman Herod lord of Blackstone castle and its associated lands."
"I see, very good." So my name is Alexander now? At least it's a name I'm familiar with, although I did prefer my old name. And my surname is the same Herod, that's too much of a coincidence.
"That's very good," Alexander smiled sweetly and continued to caressed the girl's hair. "Before we continue, what's your name?"
"My name is Isabel."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"Thank you, young master. But you were the one who gave it to me." Isabel replied with a low voice.
Alexander wanted to reply but he was frozen in place. He had just noticed that on the back of his left hand which he was using to hold onto Isabel's arm had a strange mark on it.
'By the nine hell's what is that thing on my hand' Alexander was angry now.
'That dam god put a skull tattoo on my hand!' Alexander disliked tattoos and he knew that it was placed there by Iquillus. How did he know? He just did! It was as if the skull was laughing at him as he stared at it.
Alexander quickly calmed himself and turned to Isabel.
"Isabel let's continue, tell me everything you believe I'll need to know, and remember mum's the word." Alexander put his index finger against his lips and made a 'shhh' sound.
"Yes, everything."
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis