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58.33% Re-Nisekoi / Chapter 14: Teacher Rei

Chapitre 14: Teacher Rei

Rei woke up a little early the next day to make sure that he will not be late to the interview. A previous life of strictness and punctuality embedded quite the character in him, and being late is something he never liked. It just gave a bad impression from the get-go.

After he took a shower, he shaved and styled his hair which was now reaching his lips, so he decided to take a combover type of look. He wore a long sleeved black shirt to hide the tattoos(didn't care much if people saw, but he was aware of school regulations), no tie with black suit trousers and expensive black and white leather shoes.

He looked more like a stylish, rich playboy than a teacher but he didn't care much for it. Making his way downstairs, he remembered what happened to his Ducati and frowned slightly because he'll have to burrow one of his dad's cars.

Rei: "Dad! Can I burrow one of your cars to get to school? I kind of... trashed my bike yesterday..." he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, while his dad chuckled slightly.

Issei: "Yeh, here use this one. Actually you can go ahead and keep the car, it was a gift last year but I never drove it and I don't think I ever will." He throws him a key that seems to belong to a Chevrolet.

He made his way to the garage, scanning through the cars for any Chevrolet, and laid his eyes on a beautiful black Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. After admiring the car's exterior and luxurious white leather interior, he started up the roaring engine and made his way to the school. He noticed that after getting the 'Racer skills' yesterday, my entire body was itching to go faster, outpace everyone on the road. I managed to keep it under control for now, don't really want to get arrested on the day of my job interview so I drove at a moderate speed.

-Rei PoV-

I arrive at the school and I park the car in the teachers parking area, my car clearly stood out as all of the other cars were just about average or below(blame the teacher salary).

I ask the receptionist for directions, a short middle aged lady who did a complete 180 when she saw my face, and she directed me to a hall with chairs where the other candidates were waiting.

One of the candidates caught me eye, recognising him from an anime I really enjoyed, the man I'm talking about was Onizuka Eikichi(an ex-biker who wants to be a teacher because he knew that if he had a good teacher in his life, it would have gone in a different direction).

The delinquent looking teacher was talking to the cute Fuyutsuki Azusa, a young 22 year old graduate who I knew he had a thing for in the anime. I knew his personality is pretty fun, and enjoyable to be around so I make my way towards him, to befriend him from the get-go.

Rei: "Hi there, I'm Rei. You guys here for the interviews as well, right?" Onizuka looked at me and gave me 'death to all popular men' kind of look but still shook my hand, while Azusa just put on her usual bright smile.

Azusa: "Yes, we are. I'm Fuyutsuki Azusa, and this here is Onizuka Eikichi. Nice to meet you."

Rei: "Likewise, what subjects do two teach?"

Onizuka: "I teach Japanese Literature." He decided to join in, but put on a protective persona as to not let me get close so Azusa.

Azusa: "I teach Foreign Languages, more specifically English. How about you?" She asked with a bright smile.

Rei: "Well, I decided to come here and apply for the three sciences.."

Azusa: "All three? You look so young, I thought you were a fresh graduate like me..."

Rei: "Well I graduated high school early, so I managed to graduate from University early as well."

Our conversation was interrupted by my name being called to the interview room.

Azusa: "Good luck!" She said with a smile, while Onizuka just looked pretty indifferent. I'll strike a good relationship with him later... maybe.

I made my way inside the room, and saw the typical line-up of interviewers from 'Great Teacher Onizuka' including the bald vice-principal Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: "Quite the prestigious CV you have here, Dr Ichijo. We will be straight with you. We want you to teach biology and physics in our school, but we have to inform you of the... 'troublesome students' before you decide to start. We don't really want this to scare you, and we hope you find the school to your standards." He bowed a little after his words.

Rei: *So having Doctor in your name does give this sort of reactions from some people huh...* "I don't think that there will be any problems. Thank you for being so straightforward gentlemen."

Hiroshi: "A pleasure to have you here Dr Ichijo. We would like you to be here first thing tomorrow morning, where another teacher will show you around." He bowed a little again, clearly the ass-kisser.

I shook their hands and made my way out of the office.*This wasn't even an interview, they practically handed me the job.* I thought with a smirk on my face. Going out of the office, I saw Azusa looking at me with a expectant look on her face; probably to find out how my interview went.

Azusa: "So how did it go? Was it fine... were you nervous?" It appears that after every question, Onizuka would give me an even harder glare.

Rei: "Not at all, it went perfectly fine. I'm sure that you guys will do even better." *I can't exactly tell them that I got the job without even lifting a finger now can I?* I swear drop a little.

Azusa: "Thank you, you're too nice." She chuckles, and I think that Onizuka is crying tears of blood at our interaction. I decided to stop my game, don't really want to take her from him .

Rei: "I would wait for you guys to finish your interviews as well, but I have some important matter to attend to, so goodbye." I take my leave, shaking both of their hands with Onizuka trying to tighten his grip.

I speed off from the parking and make my way home, only to receive a phone call from...*Saki?* I thought a little surprised.

Rei: "Hey Saki, it's been a while. Why are you calling?"

Saki: "Well, I need you to do a favour for me Rei. I was hired to play in this prestigious event for the rich, but I don't really have time(more like she hates those kind of places I thought). Can you take my place?"

Rei: "Sure, just give me the date."

Saki: "It's this Saturday, at 5 pm. I'll send you the location in text. Oh yeah, my son told me that he met you a couple of days ago. You know he practically idolises you, because he heard and saw recordings of you playing. So this brings me to another favour I need to ask of you."

Rei: "You don't have to call it a favour, you're practically family Saki." She chuckles lightly at my sentence.

Saki: "I am, aren't I? But back to the favour- my son is going to play in a musical competition this Friday, and we are short on one judge. The instruments involved are only piano and violin, and I know that your violin skills are not any lower than your piano. Can you take the position of judge? It would mean a lot for Arima." She softens the last part, guess she cares a lot for the kid huh.

Rei: "I don't have anything planned, so why not. See you on Friday Saki."

Saki: "See you then, Rei. I'm glad you came back." The last part made me smile warmly, she was family after all.

Arriving at the house, I can see Ryu and two others mounting my new piano that probably arrived when I was gone onto the stage. *That beautiful white grand piano is really too alluring* I spoke pretty much entranced by the piano.

When they finished, I looked at the time and saw that I had hours to spare before the meeting my dad was talking about. *Wouldn't hurt to play this baby.* When I sat down, I started with some jazz solos so enhance the bar atmosphere... I mean the guys smashed it with the dim lights and oak stage. Everyone was relaxed, playing cards and some snooker and it wasn't packed since it was still midday so most of our guys were out completing jobs.

Ryu: "Sir, if I may, can you play me a piece?" Ryu asked while swirling a glass of whiskey.

Rei: "Sure, go ahead Ryu."

Ryu: "Well, I heard you singing in your room sometimes sir, and I practically lost myself in your songs. So can you play a piece where you sing as well? If it's not too much that is..."

While searching this world's musical world, I noticed that most of my favourite singers and bands don't even exist- Queen, Frank Sinatra or even Ed Sheeran. I really didn't want to get famous by snatching their songs, so I just kept to singing their songs in private and to my enjoyment.

Rei: "I don't mind, but please don't record me. I get nervous if anyone records me." I lie to avoid any of this spreading anywhere.

I put my hands on the keys and start singing 'Piano Man-Billy Joel' while everyone's attention is stolen by my alluring voice. I saw a guy trying to get his phone out, only for the phone to be destroyed by Ryu... guy takes my orders a little too seriously.

At the end of the song, I hear clapping from the entrance of the hall, coming from my dad and another man looking roughly just about as old as my dad. I recognise this man as Adelt Wogner Kirisaki, head of the Bee Hive Gang and father of Chitoge Kirisaki. *He ages a lot better than my dad* I thought, looking at his face which contained a lot less wrinkles than my old man.

Adelt: "Issei, who is the singer and how much do you pay him? Young man, I assure you that I can pay double whatever this man gives if you come work for me." He took out what looked like a check book from his suit pocket.

Issei: "Haha, Adelt let me introduce you to my eldest son Ichijo Rei. Rei, meet the boss of the Bee Hive Gang- Adelt Wogner Kirisaki."

I shook his hand, while he was studying my face, body and I guess sizing me up.

Adelt: "Haha Issei, here I was wondering wether your sons were capable but now I'm wondering if my daughter is worthy of your sons." He chuckles loudly, causing the tense atmosphere to pretty much disperse.

Issei: "Hmph, He is my son after all. Rei, play us another song before Raku and Adelt's daughter arrive."

Rei: "Do you want me to sing or should I play one of my personal favourites?"

Everyone: "Sing!" Even Adelt joined in, guess that he became a diehard fan by now.

I think for a moment, before I start playing and singing 'Killing me softly-Frank Sinatra version' the previous mesmerising atmosphere returning.

When I finished, I was showered with applause and praise something I was too familiar from my concert days with Saki. I nod my head in gratitude and leave the stage to get a drink for myself from the bar.

The bar is completely decked, with two bartenders- one working the night and one working the day to keep this day running 24/7. This is because some of our boys work all night and relax during the day, so Ryu took into consideration everyone when remodelling this place.

After getting my drink, I place it on the piano and just continue playing some slow jazz while taking the occasional sip. My father and Adelt were sat at a table, joking around and I guess talking about each other's children as Adelt would send me glances from time to time with some weird flint in his eyes.

This carried on, until the Adelt left and said that he's going to bring his daughter and Issei told me to go pick up Raku from school.

I drove and waited at the entrance of the school, in my new ride while some passing women would give me the occasional flirtatious smile. After about twenty minutes, I saw Raku making his way through the school gates this time with Shu, Onodera and Ruri.

I called out to Raku, who looked surprised to see me while I got out of the car to greet his friends.

Shu: "Nice to see you again Aniki, is this your car? It looks so cool." Stars shines in his eyes as he scanned every inch of my car.

Rei: "Yeah, got it recently." I turn my head to the other two girls."Hello, my name is Ichijo Rei I'm Raku's older brother, but please call me Rei. Quick question, which one of you is Raku's girlfriend?" Raku and Onodera both blush heavily at my words.

Raku: "What are you saying Rei! I don't have a girlfriend!" He shouted at me with a completely red face, while Onodera looked as if she was sighing with relief.

Ruri: "Nice to meet you Raku's older brother, call me Ruri. I heard that you're a doctor, do you mind talking to me what it's like? The things you deal with?" She asked with a lot more emotion than she shows in the anime.

Rei: "Sure, anytime just not now. I need to bring Raku home. Just drop by anytime, and I'll answer any of your questions." She nodded happily at my words.

Onodera: "Hi there Raku's Nii-san. I'm Onodera Kosaki, one of Raku's friends. Nice to meet you." I shake her hand, as her head looks towards the ground shyly, remembering my previous words.

Rei: "It was nice to meet you two, and a pleasure so see you again Shu." They just wave as me and Raku get in the car and drive back to the clan mansion. Raku was shouting most of the time for me to slow down... but in my eyes it felt like driving with 40mph inside of a 120mph zone.

Raku: "Oh I never felt so happy to be back on my own two feet... remind me to never get into a car with you nii-san." His face was still a little pale when we got out of the car.

Rei: "Come on Raku, with that kind of attitude how are you going to man up and confess to Onodera?"

Raku: "How did you know?!" He shouted with his face beet red.

Rei: "It's pretty obvious man... I actually wonder how she doesn't know it yet. Just go and tell her, you've got nothing left to lose."

I retell him with a hand on his shoulder to encourage him.

Raku: "I will... when I feel like it's the right time, I will." He said with his fists clenched, trying to gather confidence.

Rei: "Everyone at their own pace I guess... just don't delay it for too long, otherwise you will regret it."

With that talk over with, we make our way inside only to hear people talking from inside the hall.

?: "Dad, I won't date someone I've never seen before... and a yakuza's son on top of that!

Adelt: "Well, you're a gangsters daughter are you not?"

?: "That's different... I never wanted to be a gangsters daughter!"

Adelt: "*sigh* Issei, when are your boys gonna be here?"

Issei: "They should be here soon."

Everyone was interrupted when Raku entered the room, followed by me.

Raku: "It's you, the gorilla girl!" He shouted and pointed at Chitoge.

Chitoge: "It's the bean sprout! Dad... don't tell me it's this guy?!" She looked pleadingly at her dad, for him to cancel the agreement but he looked away not wanting to interfere.

Raku: "Dad, what's going on? Who are they?" Raku was completely lost at the moment.

Issei: "Well, that's the leader of the Bee Hive Gang and his daughter. To stop the war between us, we have decided that one of my sons and his daughter will become a fake couple." Raku turned towards me, with a pleading look in his eyes.

Raku(whispering): Nii-san, you know that I like Onodera... can you please be the one?" He asked me with puppy dog eyes.

Rei: "Sure, I don't mind. Dad, I'll take the position of fake boyfriend from Raku."

Issei: "Are you sure... you can get a girlfriend whenever you want, but Raku on the other hand..."

Raku: "What's that supposed to mean?!" He shouted with a small tear in the corner of his eye, but Issei ignored him and turned to Adelt.

Issei: "Adelt, I've changed my mind. My older son that you've met earlier will take the position."

As he was pointing at me, Adelt was looking at me with glittery eyes and bowed.

Adelt: "Thank you for taking care of my daughter!"

Chitoge appeared to notice me only now, and was looking at me with complicated eyes.

Chitoge: "Have I ever seen you before... you look familiar."

Rei: "Yes we have actually, about ten years ago. I'm Rei, me and my brother met you, Chitoge, but I didn't really think you'll remember."

Chitoge widened her eyes in remembrance, but had a slight blush on her face remembering that I was probably her first crush.

Chitoge: "N-Nice to meet you again Rei." Isei, Raku and Adelt were in complete shock at the sudden change in attitude from Chitoge. I just smiled and shook her hand, as her face was turned to the side to try and hide her expression.

*bang* *crash*

?: "Young Miss! I've come to save you from this den of heavens!" A white haired man in a suit broke in the back wall of the house.

Ryu: "Who the fuck are you ey?! And who do you think you're calling havens, to mongrels!" Ryu came into the room with a blade, pointing it at the new guest.

Adelt: "Claude! Stand down, you're disturbing Chitoge and her boyfriend." When he said that, both Ryu and Claude turned towards me and Chitoge.

Ryu: "Sir! I always hoped that there will be a girl that will capture your heart one of these days... I was worried if there was anyone worthy." He was crying tears of happiness, throwing himself at me.

Claude: "So... you are the Young Miss's boyfriend yes?" He pushes his glasses, giving me an interrogatory look.

Rei: "Yes, I am." I took a firm stance, grabbing Chitoge's hand who didn't pull it away but blushed a little.

Claude: "Then I have a question for you guys, how far did you go?... did you kiss yet?" All members of Bee Hive and Yakuza has their ears perked now.

Chitoge: "No! We didn't kiss yet!" She shouted in embarrassment, in case they would ask us to prove it to them.

At their words, both groups sighed in relief which surprised her.

"That's how it should be..."

"Young couples are so indecent these days, at least the young master has a pure relationship..."

"If they kissed this quickly, it just wouldn't be love..."

Ryu: "We acknowledge your relationship sir!" He bowed, and everyone in the clan followed his example.

Claude: "I'll... trust the Young Miss for now..." he said reluctantly, putting away his guns.

Adelt: "Alright, since everyone is pacified how about we go have a drink! Rei, play us some songs will you?!"

Rei: "Sure, I'll be there in a bit." I turn towards the other members of the Bee Hive Gang. "Come one, you're all invited inside. Let's put this war behind us, and let's get to know each other." They looked at each other but went along with my decision, while Claude walked towards me.

Claude: "So, you're a yakuza musician?"

Rei: "No, actually I'm a doctor but I play music in my past time. Now I'm currently working as a teacher though... Oh yeah, Raku!" I remembered that I forgot to tell Raku the news.

Raku: "Yeah?"

Rei: "Starting tomorrow I'll be working as a teacher at your school!"

Raku/Chitoge: "Huh?!"

Rei: "Be prepared so learn bro, because I'll make sure your grades are at the top!" He shuddered a bit at my words.

I walk towards the bar, followed by Claude who also decided to hear my playing as Chitoge was left in the previous room in a state of bewilderment.

Chitoge: "I thought I'll never see you again... Rei." She stood frozen while staring at my back disappearing from the room. "I'm so glad you never forgot about me." She spoke with warm smile on her face.

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