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30.76% The Sacrifice of the Lamb / Chapter 4: What's in A Name

Chapitre 4: What's in A Name

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

For one whole week I was the busiest I had ever been, but I was happy to be busy, twelve years of staring at concrete ceiling and floor had made my mind not very active. Rosealinde was training Maya and I for something, again I wasn't sure what training facility we were being accepted to. Rosealinde wasn't always around to tell us what to do, actually it was an hour a day we would get a glimpse of her, then she would be gone. In her place was the guard she had talked to me about. His nickname was Russo, I didn't know him as anything else. He was a handsome man, very stocky and tall, the only problem with him, according to Maya, was the smell. I was starting to notice it as well, for instance when he stood in the wind. Maya had told me he was a werewolf, she though was unable to find out anything else, as we were sure he had lied about his name, well, his last name.

I was woken up everyday by Rosealinde staring at me (creepily), then she would order me to run up and down fifty-seven flights of stairs. What she hoped to accomplish, was a mystery. Although I noticed every day I got less winded and was able to do them faster, so maybe it did have a greater purpose. Then I would run up them again to get Maya. (She wouldn't let me do it at the same time) Then we both would stuff our faces as fast as possible before Rosealinde sat at the breakfast table as well, that was when we pretended to be well behaved children. If our manners were not up to her standards, she would make us run up and down the stairs again as a punishment, requirements for this was: eating and talking, chewing loudly, slurping, cutlery wasn't allowed to make any noise, no gulping, no burping, no farting, no sighing, no yawning, no talking, no gossiping, no spilling food or drinks, no big mouthfuls and no complaining. This was only in the morning, at lunch and in the evening talking and gossiping was allowed as was yawning, mainly because she wasn't there.

The food I ate, I realised was very different to what Maya was given, Rosealinde seemed to be able to live off drinking spirits and smoking. Russo would often eat with us for lunch; breakfast and the evenings, he made himself scarce. He lived somewhere in Rosealinde's palace, but apparently the girls' wing of the house never touched the boy's wing. Maya was under the impression Rosealinde was a singer, when she showed me records and the Grammys and VMA awards they had received, I believed it; but I found it hard to take Rosealinde seriously every now and then. Apparently, it was a cover, this was how she appeared in the world, the 'Don' thing was highly secretive. Even Maya didn't know about it, nor was she aware that Rosealinde was the dead princess.

Rosealinde did explain more or less the Mythological framework of politics, it was rather vague and archaic but it made sense according to her. It all ranged on power and influence and wealth. The Don was the one with the highest power and influence, following her was the King. The King was voted by the people, he would then form alliances with the Gods (apparently Hades was one), nobility and The Don and the military. The military were the law upholders, there was a section called the 'Private Royal Guards' or simply and commonly known as 'Praetorian', they were the guards who kept the Royals safe from nobility and the people who might try to harm them (they had failed keeping 'little princess' Rosealinde safe and their punishment was on-going, apparently). These guards were quite often nobles themselves, who worked for… wait for it… Don. Their contracts were under her name, so as to keep peace between nobles and Royalty, because it made them neutral to any fighting that might go down among them, hence why they couldn't kill the current Queen. The Royal family was a total number of three hundred people, though not all were qualified to be heirs. To become an heir one had to prove themselves in: battle, democracy and social community. Everyone was involved in making someone the king or queen, they didn't discriminate. And the person who judged people, secretly dug up dirt, made life decisions and controlled military equipment and investments was The Don. She had yet to explain what she was and how come she was richer than her father and had been ruling as 'The Don' long before she had even been born. That remained a mystery.

Another thing that seemed to be even more mysterious than the topic of The Don was the topic of the Lords. And when I had pushed Rosealinde for answers, she had waved her hand saying that was for another day. I liked learning about this world. Not about all the noble family names, or the stupid court behaviour Rosealinde was trying to implement me with. But things about Mythological Creatures that human thought were monsters. In reality they were just normal people. Because most of them had been humans, so they understood many ranges of emotions as well as experienced them. This I saw everyday with Maya, she acted like a teenager on her period constantly.

One day at breakfast Maya asked me a question that I had expected someone like Martha or Mr Ramsbottom (the tall, strict, moustache man) or even Rosealinde to ask; none of them had ever done.

"So, what's your name? Or are you like 'he-who-must-not-be-named?'"

Rosealinde did something very unlike her: she flicked a grape at her (Maya), however, the impact of the grape on Maya's forehead was strange, it hit her and she suddenly was flying across the room, she went through the wall and landed in the hall staring at Rosealinde with shock written all over her face. Throwing food is against the rules! I guess her mentality was: she made the rules she didn't need to uphold them. Today's breakfast was scrumptious, the French chef had come in today: so croissants, crêpes, chaude chocolate et crème, fresh fruits and on it went. I had never eaten so many variations of food, and it only breakfast, nor had I tasted anything that was this good. Maybe freedom made everything taste nicer.

But my appetite vanished. As Maya climbed over the hole and back into the room and took her place, scowling and rubbing herself, I watched pensively as the wall repaired itself, with its luxurious patterned wallpaper.

"Ignore her, she is stupid." Says Rosealinde.

I found it funny how someone with Rosealinde's knowledge and eloquence would sometimes resort to the simplest of words to insult other people. And I think that, that in itself was more insulting than if she used any complicated insult. Almost as if she was saying: you are not worthy of such elaborate insults. Maya chocked indignantly, but I felt the need to answer her.

"I was never given a name." Maya stares at me, Rosealinde sighs.

She obviously didn't have time for stupidity, she looks at her watch then she stands up. I watch as Russo comes out of one of the portraits lining the walls, behind many portraits were more secret corridors which lead to various places in the castle. He was carrying her walking stick and a hat; another footman was carrying her blazer and her overcoat. She just stands there with her arms out allowing others to dress her. She doesn't put on the hat or take the staff; she looks back at us then gives a strong glance at Maya who shrinks back then she walks out. Maya was forced to run up and down the stairs for three hours, so I was left by myself for some time.

But I didn't sit well after that, it had always bothered me how I didn't have a name; Rosealinde, on the other hand, seemed bothered about Maya's perception skills. I heard from Russo that Maya was given a stern talking to by Martha from Rosealinde as well as Martha, which was surprising considering the fact we weren't exactly besties.

That day I trained harder than the rest, I put all my frustration and anger into my fighting. By the time evening rolled around, I was proper annoyed. Rosealinde walked in as Don, she removes her hat puts her walking stick to one side and sits down watching for a while.


"I don't think the air does justice." I stop kicking to scowl briefly at her, she starts removing her blazer then she started rolling up her sleeves calmly.

The entire gym changes décor, it now resembled a fighting rink in an urban setting. She walks in, hopping easily over the rope. Her skill and agility in heels fuelled my anger. I clench my fists trying to reason with myself, but it was impossible.

"Anger can either be an advantage or a disadvantage." She tells me in an annoyingly calm manner.

"It can fuel your muscles, or it can cloud your mind." Fuel or cloud. I try to teach myself; I try to make room in my mind for Rosealinde's teachings. Rosealinde was one of the few people who had earnt my respect, my admiration and my need to prove myself and not fail any task she set me… this felt strangely like an obsession.

Rosealinde had slowly become someone who I felt almost an adoring feeling towards. I don't know what it was, but when she walked into the room my stress or tension would dissipate. My problems and worries would vanish as she would either solve them or just prioritise them for me. And right now, I felt like listening to her was the only thing keeping me from going insane. I didn't want to lose myself to my memories. I had murdered often in cold blood. No one had cared that I had no name. I had told them to call me whatever they liked, and in the end, they didn't even respect me enough to give me a name. They would call me: You or she. I grind my teeth together. Rosealinde as a whole hadn't used those pronouns. At least not in the context of an absence of a name. Also, it just wasn't her way of speaking. But Maya was right, everyone had a name. Everything had a name. The dictionary was full of them, however, I could never bother to give myself one.

"Fuel is good, clouding is bad." She continues saying, she was walking slowly around, she didn't look ready to hit me. She was upright, with her hands behind her back and she was drawing a circle whilst she walked with her heels.

"Emotions are good as far as they aren't damaging your chances of survival."

She stopped right in front of me. She stepped into the line she had been drawing, pay attention idiot, Rosealinde taught you that in your first lesson, pay attention to your surroundings, its critical to observe both the opponent as well as the area of combat.

"You are to control your anger within the limits of this circle. In this circle rules are: no causing blood and no missed hits. Out of the circle these rules disappear: it's fights till the death. Lets' see if you can handle your own emotions." I think she almost smiled there, maybe sadistically, but in my mind it was a smile nonetheless.

I look around me, the circle was two meters roughly each side, control. I think firmly. I hunker down, a plan formulated in my mind. I run at her full speed, I grab her around the waist, she moves, but not because of my impact. She was busy measuring my anger, we both went back, but not over, I reign myself in. Control. Rosealinde was all about control, if she wasn't she would be burning everything, her magic would probably lash out and hurt people. Rosealinde knew a lot about reigning in one's anger.

Then I feel her un-hook my arms, she swings them around so fast they pop out of their sockets, she holds me against her chest with my arms drawn around my chest, I feel my cheeks flush and my chest constrict. I swallow but ignore the feeling of embarrassment that was creeping up me.

"Control." She whispers in my ear. It felt strangely… erotic. Weird.

I try to use her strength as leverage, I lift myself over her head, and I land behind her with my arms still trapped in her grasp. I had overstepped the line. I pull her close, Rosealinde was obviously very bored. She steps out from under my arm, she spins again breaking all sixty-four bones in my arms, again, she probably had shattered them beyond repair, then she lifts me and throws me over her shoulder. I land in the dirt, without arms that worked I had lost. And that had taken her less than thirty milliseconds to defeat me. And I was back in the circle. Her control was absolute.

"Your anger is emotional." She tells me, the fighting arena disappeared and Rosealinde and I stood in her gym. Me: sweaty and tired and frustrated and she looked normal: peaceful and in control. That was unfair.

She looks at me, and a strange feeling ran down my arms, she had fixed me!

"Follow me." She says.

I traipse after her tired with life. She leaves her blazer; I notice a maid sneak in while we were leaving. Rosealinde worried about the big picture, small stuff like picking up after herself was for others to think about. It was good being Rosealinde, sure of herself and everything going her way, I sigh.

I was taken to the lift, I had never known she had a lift, I didn't know she had had a lift; figures me and Maya weren't allowed to use it.

She pressed B and we went shooting up, then down, then vertical… by the time we arrived I was feeling quite sick, I was glad I had never used the lift. We stood in a gigantic circular spiral room it was shelved with even more books. How the hell did she manage to remember where specific books were, was a mystery. She walked past rows of scrolls and old leather-bound novels; I try to understand some of the writing on the oldest books but it was quite impossible, plus the light down/up here wasn't bright. It was dim, actually, this whole place had a creepy vibe to it. I hear her snap her fingers and a book fell off a shelf onto my head; I rub my head and pick up the massive leather-bound book. On the cover were the words: A name a person, makes that person a somebody. Interesting title. I look up to ask Rosealinde what I was to do with it, but she was no longer in the room. Giving up, I look around trying to find a table. And I start reading when seated…

Zoe Lakisha Abscond walks out, strides longer and filled with confidence, yep, I now have a name everyone.

The gong sounds for dinner and I run to the dining room, I couldn't find the lift that had brought me here. I got lost several times, but I was too happy to be upset. Rosealinde had yet again fixed my problems; I was grateful and sad. Maya had told me that the forms had come, the dreaded forms had arrived, Rosealinde had told her she was looking over them and writing a request letter for me and a recommendation one for Maya. I was sad, leaving Rosealinde made me realise that she was more than my employer/saviour, she was also my friend. Sure, she hadn't done the requirements friends normally do: shopping, gossiping and calling regularly; but she didn't have time for useless things. She did the things that had to be done and the things no one else wanted to do, all the hard decisions were on her shoulders, this was reflected on all her mannerisms. Her confident walk, slow and deliberate, her way of taking her time to do even the most menial of tasks… it infuriated people who didn't know her, but as Rosealinde told me: 'they don't know me, who cares what they have to say? I pay their wages; I get to boss them around.'

I was surprised to see Russo sitting at the nine meters table with a man size hole in it. Today the table was laden with Chinese cuisine and a chef stood in the middle. My favourite! I take my place, offered to me by a footman, a first; Rosealinde didn't allow them to serve us normally.

"Today is both a happy day as it is a sad day." Rosealinde stood up to deliver a speech.

I watched Maya and Russo carefully analysing their table manners. They had their hands in their laps, I quickly copy them.

"Maya, I have finished writing your letter. And it will be sent to your room where you are to pack it with your belongings. Do not forget it. -She turned to me-. And I think… you should tell us your news."

I was happy how she didn't steal my moment of glory. In my excitement I knocked over a glass, as one, all the footmen moved. Rosealinde waves her hand, the glass flies to their trays and the table-cloth is cleaned with magic. I apologetically bow to her and the chef the two seniors in the room.

"Yes, I have very good news. Maya… you will be able to call me Zoe from now on. My full name is Zoe Lakisha Abscond." Rosealinde applauds politely, Maya and Russo follow suit.

"Ugh, Zoe, not to burst your bubble but you're not allowed to have three names." I stop smiling and scowl at her, she raises her hands defensively.

"That's true. Only Royalty and Nobility are allowed. The rest of the 'peasants' make do with two." Says Russo.

I look at Rosealinde, she was a solution finder, she probably had known what name I was going to choose anyway, so she would've have solved my dilemma in half the time it was taking me.

She waves the head butler over. He approaches me with a silver tray and a letter opener. I realised Rosealinde had also started eating, she was dabbing secretly at her mouth. She winks when I open my mouth to sell her out, well, that's surprisingly friend-like.

"Your credentials. A passport is included in there, as is a health card. I am covering your insurance and there is a number of every good lawyer firm. Anything else, you may call me. Twelve years, changes a lot of things, Zoe."

I take it and open the envelope. Mr Ramsbottom, continues standing there, so I tip the contents out on the tray. There were two passports. One had the Royal emblem (a big crown held up by two putti angels sitting on a throne, and on the crown were the words: The Royals serve you sincerely. The other was The Don's emblem, this I hid from Maya, as I knew she didn't know anything about Rosealinde being 'The Don'

I look inside and read my name:

Zoe Lakisha Abscond has applied for a job with The Don who permits the usage of Royale act 3 for identification purpose. Identity for Don is of the up most importance and she is in need of this middle name to strengthen her core. Anyone who has a problem with this may personally ask for The Don, enclosed with this is also The Don's signature. I hope this will suffice. Long Live our ruling sovereign and his family.

The Don

I look up, she winks again and steals some meat off a plate that passed her. Maya had shot around to my side to peer over my shoulder (damn vampire speed, did I forget to mention she was a vampire? And Russo was a werewolf? And Rosealinde was… goodness knows what, an alien?)

"Woah… a signed authorisation from The Don herself! I didn't know you wanted to sign with her! Also, you could pretend to be Royal at times."

She smiles and pats my shoulder then whizzes back to the head of the table. Russo sat opposite me, and Rosealinde sat at the other head secretly wolfing down food when the plates passed her.

"Rosealinde when's your next big tour."

Rosealinde scrunches up her face, it looked almost as if she was trying really hard to remember, but considering the way Rosealinde could memorise the contents of every book in her house by staring at the cover, it was obvious she was over doing the acting. Now, who's the Drama Queen?

"In a month's time. But I have interviews to get to, and new songs to record plus Lefty wants to buy a new 'pad' so we'll travel around until we find something suitable. What do you think, guys? A new house?" She addresses the room while waving her chopsticks, she looks around pointedly making eye contact with everyone.

"But I like this place." Whinges Maya. Rosealinde shrugs in a very un-like-her fashion.

"So, do I, but you're leaving soon and I can't live up in the clouds forever Maya; we keep colliding with air planes from time to time (Rosealinde's jokes were always cute). Anyway, you will see, the new house will be better plus you will be able to see Lefty and monitor his sexual activities. You never know, you might walk in on one of them and be offered to join." Maya's cheeks turned red, Russo and I laughed and she thought Rosealinde didn't know of her crush!!!! Ha ha ha ha, poor girl.

Although, Rosealinde isn't someone I would describe as warm or fuzzy or even slightly humane, when she was with Maya she displayed a warmer side to her, I wasn't jealous no! We dig in, Rosealinde stops eating, she reclines back and lights a cigarette and slowly drinks her brandy.

So much for living off smoke and alcohol, I eat whilst trying to grab other plates of food that came around on the belt. The three of us fight over every morsel; Russo went as far as bearing his gnashes at us. The atmosphere, in general, was very relaxing and calm, Rosealinde closed her eyes at one point and drifted off. The three of us stopped eating to stare at this miracle. Rosealinde, could sleep? Maya edges closer, Russo stares at her adoringly (something he did very often, and I think I was catching it) and I stand the other side. Rosealinde when she slept or at least when she closed her eyes, was a marvel to look at.

"Is she sleeping?" Maya asks.

"Nah… maybe she died of boredom," Russo says, we look at him, he was standing behind her chair peering over it at her.

"Do you think we should alert Doc?" I ask

"I think we should ring the fire alarm; this could be considered a fire."

"We have a fire alarm, where?" I look at Maya, we stare at each other.

"Guys, you're missing the point. If she were dead, which I doubt it. Then we could scare other people by tweeting this." Russo says excitedly.

Maya whips out her phone, I stare confused. Was a bird going to fly around screaming 'Rosealinde is dead, alert, alert! Rosealinde is dead'. Russo pulls out his phone, and their fingers fly over their screens.

"Whatcha you write?" Russo asks Maya peering over her shoulder and squinting. Maya moves away and reads from further away.

"@TheDAfanbase #Rosealinde #Info #isshereallydead? What did you write?"

"On Facebook… hey guys check out twitter, what do you think?" Before both of them could press send, or what it was they did with all that, Rosealinde's dark shadows grabbed their phones and broke them. We in unison look down at her. She still had her eyes close, and she still looked very peaceful, only the slight crease in the middle of her forehead gave her away.

It was a nice farewell party, just it would've been nicer if she had stayed awake for all of it. Maya and I chased Russo around her house; tried to find her booze and cigarette cabinet but came up empty handed then we sat singing in Maya's room a DA song. The band Rosealinde was in was called The Dark Angels.

Izzyweirdz Izzyweirdz

Hey guys! love to see the views. Maybe if some of you could leave some encouraging reviews? Tell me your thoughts? Do you know what the name means? What would you call yourself if your parents had never named you?

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