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95.83% Lives Worth Saving : Legacy of the Hokage / Chapter 23: Memory of the King n°4

Chapitre 23: Memory of the King n°4

Haruki ran. He ran and ran and ran, dashing across roof tops and down alleys. He didn't really know where he was going he just couldn't stay where he was. The wind howled and the rain obscured his vision. He was soaked t the bone after five steps outside but he didn't care. They were still following him. Those damn voice. The haunting memories, the ones he failed, the promises he broke.

'Snap out of it!' He screamed in his head, 'That time is gone. It happened but its over. That why I'm here.'

'But can you really stop it' the voice said. That damn voice. It didn't belong to any one person. It was like all of them together and yet like none of them. 'Open your eyes and look. Can you really save us? You promised last time and look how that turned out?'

Everywhere the red head looked it was like his memory overplayed what was second he would see a wet dreary Konoha an the next nothing but ashes dancing in black flames. 'Stop it! I refuse to believe it.'

In a burst of speed the red head launches himself even faster through the storm. Sudennly though he lost his footing

'You can't out run us. We are with you wherever you go. Avenge us Naruto. Avenge your failure.'


'Naruto we rusted you. We believed in you.'


'Why didn't you save me Naruto? I loved you!'


In an instant the voices were gone. The world was back to normal. Haruki was lying face first on the cobble stone street of an alleyway as the cold rain poured down panting.

'What was that?' He thought as he felt his hammering heart.

"Time disassociation, It's a side effect of the paradox. We are very lucky your escaped this time on your own. You'll need to do something about this or the next time you may not be so lucky."

'What?' he replied to the fox tiredly trying to follow what he was saying.

"Your trauma is causing a time seal feedback loop. The same thing that causes your body to fail at certain intervals is also affecting you mind. If the balance of Yang chakra in the seal fluctuates outside the tolerable limits of the seal matrix your body will dissociate and exist in both times simultaneous, hence your condition. The more you feed it the worse it gets and if you get lost in the loop then your mind will break trying to be in two times at once. Stress on either chakra type production will cause this and my chakra can't compensate enough passively. My help would blow our secret out in the open which we can't afford."

"And how the hell am I supposed to stop that?" He snaps back exasperated.

"The same way you always do. By not giving up." Kurama responded evenly like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Time disassociation happens when you doubt, when want to go back more than you want to go forward. If you don't give up and focus on where you are going it will prevent you from subconsciously making part of the seal flow backwards which causes the imbalance that feeds the feedback loop. Your chakra is influenced by who you are and how you think. That's basic chakra theory numbskull. So, simply just don't give up. You might not be able to stop every instance but trying won't hurt."

Haruki stayed silent for a moment as he processed what Kurama had said.

"Hey Kurama."


"You suck when you're right."

"Love you too flesh bag." The fox scoffed sarcastically.

Haruki made to stand but as he took a step he began to fall only to be caught by an Anbu with purple hair.

"You shouldn't train so much." The woman's voice said.

Haruki just grunted far too tired to argue. The stress of breaking out of the time disassociation had drained him.

"The rain is starting to let up. Let's get you home senpai." She said and shunshins with him on her back.

They arrived at his apartment where he insistent he could stand now. "Thank you ANBU-san, but I can make it from here." He said opening the door while waving over his shoulder. She nodded and disappeared though he could tell she had only gone to the roof to observe him. At least the storm had passed by now. Haruki absently notes to himself that Kakashi must be at his own place until he walks in and finds a cup of hot chocolate waiting for him on the counter and Kakashi presumably asleep, on the couch.

Deciding that he can figure out how the man got in his apartment in the morning and frankly far too tired to care, Haruki walks into his room, throws off his cloths and crashes on his bed where he's asleep in seconds.


Be-Beep Be-beep Be-Beep Be-Beep *crunch*

Haruki opened his eyes slowly letting them adjust to the dim light that tried to bend around the blackout curtains that covered his bedroom window. He was laying face down naked in the bed only part of his left leg covered in his sheets. His right arm was still out stretched resting on his night stand with his fist embedded in the remains of his alarm clock.

Haruki blinked to himself examining that thought again; he was woken by his alarm. He hadn't slept late enough to allow his alarm to wake him since he had returned to this time. Taking his arm out the mechanical remains Haruki pushed himself onto his knees and stretch out, popping several joints across his body as he did so. He hadn't felt this good in a long time. Granted one healthy night of sleep and a belly full of good food was all it took to repair a good bit of damage when you were a Jinchuraki. With a yawn and one last stretch, Haruki got off his mattress and went to shower. His alarm was set to go off at 7:30 so he had a bit of time before he was expected to report at the Academy.

Haruki sighed as he quickly washed and then dried off. A lot had happened in the last couple of days and last night was just the most recent complication. He didn't know how team 10 was going to react to him after last night's episode or what their parents would do. Shikaku would understand even if he would encourage him to keep better control, but the others didn't know the details. Hell, he had just figured out a major drawback to his time seal and the cost if he slipped up. He would have to think of a way to help mitigate the risks of a relapse just in case. He would also need to tell the old man and Shikaku what was up, though he dreaded to do that. He didn't want them questioning his capabilities. He had had a meltdown of some sort almost every night since the meeting. At least now he knew what a contributing factor was. He had always been an emotional person even when he wasn't suppose to be and now it was beginning to haunt him. Mind breaking trauma and its consequences aside, several unexpected events had also happened the last couple days. First there was the twist at the council meeting, then Hiashi's request for help which came way earlier than he expected, then Genma's confrontation which was his own fault for not being careful enough, and then his interaction with Danzo and the Elders which still made no sense to him at all. There were too many new variables to consider. Today promised to not be any easier. First, he had to administer the sealing exams and then he had training with team 8 and if he was honest, he wasn't quite prepped for that yet after last night. Haruki needed a solid training session to clear his head and prep for his fight with Hiruzen later that week.

After getting dressed and cleaning up the broken clock that he just bought, Haruki left his bedroom expecting to find a Kakashi sleeping on his couch. He walked out of his room, absently noting that he hadn't closed his bedroom door last night, and was surprised to find that his couch was empty with the blanket half on the couch and half off clearly used. On the table in the kitchen was a note that looked scribbled in a hurry. It said, "Called for a mission. You've got the kids today, cancel their training at your own peril. Don't forget to lock your door this time."

Haruki rolled his eyes. Well that wasn't happening. He would send a clone to do individual training with them and then he'd give them the day off or tell them to train together. They wouldn't be getting many of those before too long. At least he knew how the cyclops got in his apartment in the first place. Deciding that he needed to be in more than one place at a time. Haruki formed a clone to handle this mornings testing. He didn't want to do the orientation lecture anyway and Shiho could handle the rest. 'Time to do some training in the old stomping ground.'

Quickly grabbing a bagel the red head exited his apartment and locked it with its security seals before racing off to the forest of Death. His clone headed to his office as his previous clone there had dispelled about two hours ago.


The Academy was bustling with activity as the introductory lessons and subsequent evaluation of fuinjutsu were supposed to be administered over the next three days. The chunin staff of the Academy had cancelled all class that day and were asked to assist the sealing department in setting up the facilities. This wasn't surprising to them given their role at the institution. What did surprise them was who showed up to spear head the orchestration when it was time for them to begin making preparations. Apparently, the Sealing Department consisted of two people at the moment. The department head, the mysterious redhead who just appeared out of no where and was the talk of the ninja community in Konoha right now, and his new assistant whom had shown up loaded down with files and books and looking extremely flustered. The staff quickly took pity on the poor girl and offered to go and retrieve the rest of the materials from her office.

The girl just smirked and said, "That won't be necessary," before opening one of the giant scrolls she brought with her and unfurled it. Channeling chakra into the scroll, she tried hard not to laugh at the expressions of the chunin staff as court yard was quickly filled with stacks of paperwork books and other materials, including stage pieces and a small host of chairs.

"This ought to last us the testing period and the orientation class. Could you please begin sorting the stacks to the appropriate room? Each should be labeled already. The rest of you please assist me in setting up the stage and presentation table for the director."

The dumbfounded chunin instructors quickly shook themselves of their surprise and began following her specific instructions.

Shiho was incredibly pleased with herself and simultaneously incredible nervous. When Haruki-senpai came to inform her that she had gotten job she was incredibly surprised. She of course was thrilled at the opportunity and was confident that she could do the job but surely there had been more qualified people that applied for the position. The man hadn't given her much time to process her success and he left her a lengthy list of secretarial tasks to accomplish. These ranged from familiarizing herself with her new work space the files inside, fuinjutsu protocal and the new sealing knowledge that she was supposed to become familiar with. Learning sealing from a seal master was one of the biggest perks of the job but Haruki-senpai said she had a lot to learn on her own before he could really teach was all a bit overwhelming. It also became readily apparent that Haruki never stopped working and thus had a tendency to forget that other people couldn't make endless copies of themselves to work around the clock. Never one to back down for an academic challenge though she pushed forward and this was the culmination of her work. If she could successful establish the testing environment then perhaps, she could affirm to herself and her rather mysterious new boss that she was the right person for the position. It was probably silly of her to view it this way, but she couldn't help it.

With the amount of help available and a diligent effort the academy staff under Shiho's direction was able to finalize the preparations in a little over an hour's time. She was just finishing the finishing touches to the presentation table when the first of the test takers started to arrive.

For the next twenty minutes a steady stream of ninja arrived for today's presentation and evaluation ranging in rank from genin to jonin with some ANBU mixed in though they were not in uniform and so the only way to tell was to look at the registration paperwork they filled out after the fact. Everything was going smoothly except for one critical facet.

With ten minutes left until the beginning of the orientation, the presenter had yet to show.

As registration was about to close for the day one final party arrived that raised Shiho's stress levels to new heights. The Hokage and his advisors had come themselves to view today's presentation. Shiho stood off the side of the stage trying to suppress the building panic inside her if her boss didn't show up.

'Where is he! After all this work I'm going to have to get up there and try and wing an orientation about things a barely know. I haven't learned enough myself to answer all the possible questions they could ask. What do I do? What do I do?'

The hokage greeted and spoke with many ninja as he and his advisors found their seats. The courtyard was almost completely full, at least five hundred ninja were present. Most seemed to be chunin and jonin all of which had seniority over her.

She stilled herself and took a breath, 'Calm down. I don't have to pretend to know the answers I can just skip the introduction to sealing and go straight to examination-'

Just as she was taking the stage to bluff her way through the opening speech gaining the attention of the assembly she saw a familiar stock of red hair round the corner into the academy court yard. She made eye contact with the man and he stuttered slightly in his step. 'Good' Shiho thought, 'glad he understands the situation. Then again maybe I shouldn't be trying to intimidate my new boss.'

Sighing to herself she addressed the crowd, "Thank you all for coming today to the first fuinjutsu evaluation exam and orientation. My name is Shiho and I am the assistant to Kazuma Haruki the head of the Sealing department and Barrier corps. After a brief introduction you will each be dismissed to a testing room indicated by the color letter and number on the card you received when you registered."

Here she held up a sample card that was red with the letter B and the number 48 in black inscribed on it.

"When you receive your test please mark the correct color letter and number in the boxes on the top right corner. This will reveal your test. If you do this in correctly you could end up taking the incorrect test and your evaluation will not be counted. The various versions of this exam have been formulated based on the level of experience that was indicated in your file or on your application. Each test is customized and thus cheating is not advised as it is likely not to work and is self-defeating to the purpose of this evaluation. Your scores can be calculated quickly so you should know your results and the corresponding sealing proficiency assigned to you by the end of today. You have as long as you need to take the test and may take breaks as you desire however submissions will not carry over to the next day and all submissions must be turned in by 5:00 pm today to count. If you leave the academy grounds before you have submitted your test then you test is void and you will need to take it again another time. Food stalls will be set up in the court yard following the orientation for those who will need a food break. Be advised that these evaluations are meant to push the limits of your understanding." She finished holding up her finger as drawing attention to her reminder.

Seeing nods of understanding Shiho continued, "Kazama-dono will now lead the orientation into sealing. I wish you all good luck." She finished with a bow.

The crowd looked to the side of the stage as she exited to see the mysterious jonin take her place. If he was perturbed by the honorific, he didn't show it. He was relaxed as he approached the table set up for him. Looking out into the audience Haruki saw several key figures. Hiashi and his brother were both present with several members of their clan including Neji. Haruki could also see Choza and Shikaku along with the Hokage and his advisors. Danzo was in the back stoic as ever. He saw genma , Raido, Yugao and Hayata sitting together off to the left of the stage. Sighing internally, 'Bosses orders suck. I'll just have Shiho do the rest of these.'

Keeping a pleasant smile oon his face with hands stuffed in his coat he addressed the crowd. "Thank you, Shiho. Welcome everyone. I hope that for most of you what I am about to say is mostly review." The red head begins neutrally before gesturing to a stack of books next to the demonstration table. "This stack of fuijutsu texts represent the ten levels of fuinjutsu. As a fuinjustsu master I have a proficiency with all ten of them what we will be discussing today, however, can all be found in the first volume. When you receive your score today, it will assign you a sealing rank from one to ten. This rank is partially to make you aware of your proficiency and establish objectively where your fuinjutsu skill stands. It also serves as a mark of authority to handle certain tasks on missions and within the village. The reason for this will be explained in more detail later. The rankings are as follows: The first level and corresponding volume means you have mastery of the basic of basics, seal recognition, the foundational languages of seals, culminating in the storage seal. The second is an introduction in synchronized and localized reactions, i.e. explosive tags, as well as building multifaceted arrays. Level three of his fuinjutsu books is about manipulating chakra networks on a basic level. This volume outlines the principles for how chakra suppressor, paralysis seals, shock tags and even resistance seals work, how they connected to the chakra system and the effects on the body. The volume includes a detailed diagram of the chakra system along with the placement of every tenketsu."

"Beyond this level is the intermediate level. Most of you that have dabbled in sealing long enough may know bits and pieces but lack mastery of these levels. Level four covers the beginnings of barrier and other security seals, include methods to detect chakra and motion. The fifth level expands intermediate sealing theory; it includes an understanding of variant sealing languages, ideas about chakra and a start on log and algorithmic seals. This is also when elemental ninjutsu begins entering fuinjutsu, focusing mainly on infusing elements into barriers and ideas on how to suppress jutsu. The sixth level is focused on application of seals involving techniques on increasing the speed you write, how to write on the move, how to etch seals into hard surfaces, such as rocks or foundations, to increase their stability. The technique, called Chakra Engraving, allows for a concentrated micro blade of chakra to be made via a conduit. Chakra etching is rare because it takes a long time compared to the ink based or the materialization methods but they were longer lasting and more secure from outside influenced as it took another etching to interact with the seal. It also required a good bit of chakra control, comparable to that of a medical ninja. The seventh level is about linking and merging sealing arrays, how to make different arrays compatible enough to be merged or how to build the bridge if they weren't. It also focuses on other methods of activation like timers or changes in weight or temperature. There were several non-chakra methods to activate seals, experts could even use emotional states to activate a seal. This requires an understanding of the more theoretical side of fuinjutsu. The evaluation book includes even more advanced symbols and sealing languages."

"The final tier of levels and corresponding evaluation volumes are for experts culminating in the tenth level which grants mastery. It goes without saying that these topics are restricted and few of you have even close to the right skill set or temperament to use them. The eighth level concerns juinjutsu, how to create them, how to counter them. It also includes how to expand and condense arrays, how to see full arrays without activating the seals and methods of seal concealment and cloaking. And before you ask not all Juinjutsu are the same and not all have anything in common with the more infamous one some of you have heard of. But you can learn more about that when you are ready. Level nine involves the theories behind space-time fuinjutsu/ninjutsu. Mostly it covers summoning and advancing storage seals to create stable pocket dimensions. Finally, level ten well.." Haruki trailed off and observed the audience. "I'll let you work to find that out." He said much to the audiences obvious disappointment. "But enough about the divisions. By the end you should all be able to tell me the significance of sealing a kunai into a scroll. But first we need to establish three truths, what is chakra? Anyone? All right you there in the blue, tell us your name." He said pointing to a young man who wore standard chunin attire with ab lue bandana covering his head. The guy had clearly not been expecting to be called on and was probably cursing the red head in his head. Those around him sympathized but were also relieved that they hadn't been singled out. No one expected this to be interactive.

"Ah right, sir, um my name is Hatoru Kajui rank chunin. Chakra is a form of energy that is made up of two parts that can be access and controlled to produce other effects, sir. At least that's the simple definition taught at the academy." He answered quickly hoping he hadn't made a complete fool of himself.

"Just so," Haruki said nodding his smile still in place, "Excellent recitation Hatoru-san." The chunin smiled at his success as he seated himself again, "However, that definition will not suffice for the purpose of fuinjutsu. There is a significant word missing from the standard definition that impacts your foundational understanding when using fuinjutsu." At this declaration most of the audience became curious as to what the red head could mean, none more so then the chunin academy staff.

"Life," Haruki began as he allowed his chakra to calmly leak out of his coils and blanket the area. Letting its flow and vibrance be felt and thrum through the air, washing over them. The audience gasped at the feeling and the implications. Chakra often couldn't me felt so much as perceived accept by skilled sensors but this presence was thick if not oppressive. Refreshing was the closest word to describe it. The fact that all this was coming from this one guy further established respect and awe for the mystery man from the ninja population gathered.

Choza reflected onit truly puzzled him. The jonin's chakra hinted nothing of the previous night's events and wasn't certain what this meant. The hokage grinned under his hat. 'perhaps there is still some of the old Naruto left after all. Then again maybe he's just trying to establish himself to those who don't know his skill.'

Hiashi emmersed himself in the feeling. 'you can sense his experience through the chakra.'

the feeling as it washed over him. There was a contentment in the flow that hadn't been their before. "Chakra is life energy and is made up of our essence of life in both areas of connection, our devlopement of our physical bodies and our strength of spirit. This energy fills the vessels that produce it, the mind and the body and by training those vessels you can both increase the amount that that can create and the amount that can control."

Withdrawing his chakra, Haruki made sure he held their attention leaning back against the table. "This contributes directly to our understanding of chakra control. I'll give an example. When I was young, I was unable to perform the clone jutsu. To this day it still can give me difficulty," he admitted catching the surprise on many people's faces, " This is due partially to the sheer volume of chakra I had when I was young. Now I know what many of you may be thinking. What does this have to do with fuinjutsu and we will get to that just bear with me. The advice I was told by my academy sensei was to ' Just improve your chakra control.' While this wasn't incorrect, it was also supremely unhelpful. What does that mean? Is there a unit that can be manipulated and measured? Admittedly even knowing that answer would not have helped me much. I was a bit of an idiot haha. But the point remains that such a casual exploration of what chakra control is will not be sufficient for fuinjutsu. And honestly, you should consider making the change for the entire curriculum."

"The benefit to this is that the principle can be applied to other disciplines besides fuinjutsu. So then we are lead top the next question, What about chakra are we controlling?"

At his question many of the younger members looked lost as they tried to come up with and answer. This time a dark haired man with sunglasses raised his hand. At the red heads acknowledgement he stood to give his thoughts, " Yamashiro Aoba, rank Tokubetsu Jonin, Aoba is fine. We manipulate both the form and the nature of chakra as well as the volume used in our jutsu using control."

"Yes, that's true, but once again that definition is too broad for fuinjutsu. Remember chakra is life energy and is influenced directly by the two areas of life that formulate it. These are divided into the Yang and Yin portions of chakra. It is the change of the position and the ratio of these base elements that allow different jutsu to be preformed. Most of this is intuitive and there in lies the challenge. Each person's unique chakra is mixed at its own ratio and position naturally and this produces your chakra nature, form called frequency in fuinjutsu, and volume. This is the reason I as a jonin still have trouble with the bunshin jutsus. My chakra base is skewed sharply toward yang chakra which very little of is needed for the bunshin jutsu. But again, I bet you are wondering how this effects fuinjutsu. Bear with me just a bit longer."

Haruki raised his hand with three fingers extended while still leaning casually against the table.

"What is the final piece needed to execute a jutsu?"

"Handseals!" This time it was a genin that stood up, though he didn't bother to introduce himself in his excitement.

"Exactly but why?"

Not expecting to have to explain himself further, the genin stumbled over himself, "Uh because uh, they help change the chakra?"

"That's right but it's specifically how it changes the chakra that gives us our answer." Haruki said patiently. He decided to not embarrass the eager boy and continued on.

"Since each person has a predetermined natural state that their chakra appears in it is extremely difficult to change the ratio of yang and yin to achieve the desired effect. The handseals provide a mechanism and focus for each person to alter the ratio of a portion of their chakra to accomplish the desired effect is. Your mind alters the yin aspect of the chakra through your will and your movement focuses the alteration of the yang half of your chakra to the desired amount. The more drastic the change is from the based the harder it is to accomplish. Over time and use our chakra grows with us because it is life energy and it responds more to our use of it, gaining flexibility. This is how new affinities and chakra growth occur. This is the basis of chakra and jutsu theory." The audience by this point was enraptured. While some of the concepts were deeper than the surface stuff they were used to. Haruki's simple and relatable explanation was maintaining their interest.

"Here is why that matters for fuinjutsu.' Haruki continued "Fuinjutsu uses the physical expression of a seal to alter the yang aspect of chakra to the desired amount and what the seal represents alters the yin aspect. These interactions result in whatever effect occurs from a base chakra being applied to the seal."

"This means that so long as the seal is clear and balanced appropriately, it can accomplish practically anything for anyone at anytime. This reality makes fuinjutsu one of the most powerful and dangerous arts known to man."

"To drive this home in each of your minds I have one final demonstration," Haruki formed the horse handseal, "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullett) has 44 handseals to complete the technieque for most practitioners. My level of mastery allows me to accomplish this with just one."

Instantly a giant dragon made of water swirled like a waterspout from behind the stage towering thirty meters in the air and at least 5 meters thick. It roared loudly before launching itself into the middle of the audience. Before the ninja could react however the redhead appeared with the scroll that had been laying on the table open between his arms.

"Suin Fuin (Water Seal)." He said neutrally and instantly the water dragon he made was absorbed into the seal. The audience as a whole was tense after that display while the red head made his way back to the stage.

"Now, I would wager that not many of you can preform the same jutsu I just did and even less could with the same proficiency. If you attempted it, the jutsu would simply fail because you only partially completed the change that was necessary, because you only used one hand seal. Now let me ask you this, how many of you can use a sealing scroll despite not knowing how it works mechanically?" The look on every person's face, except the most experienced, transformed from contemplative to fascinated terror.

"Exactly. Chakra applied to a seal will execute the seal that is present, whether it is complete or not. So never and I mean never experiment with fuinjutsu until you have mastery of the level you are on. This is why the levels exist. You will only get yourself and others killed. This also means don't apply chakra to a seal you can't read or don't understand. Any questions?" Seeing that most of the audience was still processing what he just said, Haruki started walking back down the stage steps.

"Good well, if you have any later you can come find me and I'll do my best to answer or direct you to where you can get an answer. Now you are dismissed to take you examination, the test will begin in thirty minutes."

Meanwhile in the forest of death the real Kazuma Haruki began training in earnest the past couple of days he had been pushing his body to the brink and experimenting with ninjutsu. He had to be careful not to overdo it though. His next priority was to confirm that he could still summon and use sage mode. What was most critical besides recovering from his battle was finish expanding his repertoire that was now limited due to his need to hide critical facts about himself. Orochimaru's alterations had more than made up for his limits in power though he still wasn't comfortable with the price that the knowledge to do this came at. Haruki was confident that he was beginning to get a handle on his new ninjutsu skills

'Of my three summoning contracts I can only use one, it's about time I checked in. Which means, I can only use one form of sage mode. Well here goes nothing. Kuchiyose no jutsu (Summoning Technique).' Haruki flashed through handseals and bit his thumb drawing blood before slamming his hand on the ground. The usual seal array appeared on the ground; however, the pull of the chakra was pulling on him not whoever was on the other side. At that realization Haruki vanished in a puff of smoke.

The next thing that Haruki felt was the rush of wind and a chill grow across his body. Taking in his surroundings it was quite plain what had happened. Whenever the summoning jutsu is preformed by someone unbound by a contract, the seal pulls them to the most compatible partner available. He was currently in a clift side facing a ravine where another cliff met his gaze several hundred meters away. He could not see the bottom of the ravine as it was obscured by a fog and he could just barely see the sky high above. Air currents of different amounts of force streamed through the crack in what was now unmistakably a mountain. 'I suppose at this point in time I haven't actually made contact with any of them. Which means, it would draw me to the one I was most compatible in chakra too. This is definitely not Ruchi Cave or Mount Myoboku or Shikkotsu forest. Haruki had never been to the Miho Pine Grove on Mt. Miho in his previous time. The contract he made with the Hawks was made after the war had already begun and he was undercover in Iwa. It was just as likely that his place was somewhere altogether new.

Behind Haruki there was a cave that had not floor. The cavern stretched on far past his sight.

'What do you think Karuma?'

"There is no way to find out other than to go forward. Still its probably best to be cautious. Not all summons are looking for partners and you could find yourself in store for a fight." The fox reasoned lazily not particularly concerned.

Haruki nodded and began molding chakra before suddenly jumping backwards away from the edge as a hail of sebbon came out of the darkness and impacted the ground where he stood.

"Hoho, this one has good reflexes ni-san." Came a high pitched scraggily voice from the darkness that echoed around the room.

"Indeed." Came a much deeper reply from behind the red head from the cliff side. "I think however our intruder is not as much a threat as we first supposed."

Haruki knew that voice even before he turned. Carful to not turn to quickly Haruki pivoted so that he could see in both directions. He was now in the shadow of a massive hawk whose eye was fixed on the red head.

"What do you mean ni-san? We could feel his chakra from all the way back at the nest."

"Yes, but this man matches the great mother's description besides his attempt at disguise. There is no doubt that he is our yet to be summoner."

Haruki smirked and relaxed his stance. "Nothing ever could fool your eyes Takarashi. How is Kazehime-bachan doing?"

The massive hawk landed with a rush of wind and without a crash or shake. His towering form resting unconcerned without removing his saze from the redhead.

"Your use of the great mother's given name in such a casual manner give credence to my conclusion. She speaks highly of your skills and your character, Naruto-sama. You seem unsurprised by my ability to see you. Why did you where such a disguise?"

"To be honest I wasn't expecting to be called here when I tried to summon you. As to my disguise, well it complicated."

"Hoho and we are just suppose to take your word for it. The great mother can be quite an air head sometimes. She could have inflated her perceptions of you." Came a voice from beside him as a much smaller and chubbier bird landed on Haruki's shoulder. To his credit Haruki didn't outwardly react to the snobbish and shrill voice, inwardly he was marveling and the sheer skill it must take for that bird to be so quiet.

"Ma ma, Reinoske. Don't be so harsh on bachan. Here has some jerky." Haruki says pulling out some jerky from his rations seal from his pocket and tossing it too him. The plump bird immediately snatched it out of the air.

"What can we do for you Naruto-sama?"

"Honestly I was just trying to check in and fill whomever in on the situation at hand. I didn't know what I would find." Haruki explained.

"We have been expecting you for a little while now. One day you name appeared faded on one of the seal tags hanging from the great mother's nesting tree. She said the winds told her who you were and that you would come to explain yourself to us. She wouldn't tell us much else other than you were a honorable and powerful warrior worthy of our clan's support." Takarashi said politely explaining the circumstances though there was definite scrutiny hidden behind his words. It was certain that the respect he had for the sage was the only reason Haruki wasn't under attack at the moment.

"Perhaps then I can offer this as assurance that I am who she claimed I was." Haruki said as his eyes changed and his feet left the cavern floor. The Hawk boss's eye widened at the sight as Reinoske squawked. "Takarashi, I need your help, and I have a long story to tell you."

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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