Hours later an exhausted Kazuma Haruki stubbles into his apartment to shower and change out of his now ruined training attire. He may have gone a bit intense today but it was necessary. It became apparent quickly that Haruki had not fully recovered from the final battle with Madara and his sleep and eating habits were likely not helping in that regard. That wasn't to say he wasn't immensely powerful, but if Madara showed up the next morning and he had to fight that same battle over again, it was likely that he wouldn't win and that thought terrified him. Kurama of course anchored his worrying mind from following every paranoid rabbit trial it thought of. What was most critical besides recovering at the current moment was getting a handle on his new abilities that he never really had time to fully appreciate during the last war. Orochimaru had really out done himself that was for sure. Haruki was confident that he was beginning to get a handle on his new ninjutsu skills. He would need them with how many handicaps he now had. As the warm water wash over his tired muscular form Haruki reflected on his current arsenal and more importantly its limitations.
'Of my three summoning contracts I can only use one. Which means I can only use one form of sage mode. My ninjutsu has expanded but I can't use the Rasengan or any of its variants until I have met with Jiraiya and who knows when that will be. I can't risk using Kurama's chakra even once, that cuts out some of my recuperation, speed and sensing capability. I'll need to make up for theses with my new abilities.' Haruki thought tiredly. He leaned against the shower wall and closed his eyes soaking up the heat.
"No kidding. Bet you'll start appreciating everything I do for you from now on." The fox grumbled. Haruki ignored the jab and turned his attention to the tasks he needed to handle immediately .
'I will need to create a kage bunshin for Sasuke's private lesson tonight. Another to go work at the office. One to stay here and prep tomorrow's training for team 8. I need to finalize the changed matrices for the village seal barrier. I still need to do more training but I just don't have the time. I'll send a clone to the fuinjutsu test and seminar tomorrow. It's not like there is going to be a high turn out of attendees. The deadline for my assessment is only a couple days away after all. And I still need to get with the old man and Shikaku about planning our next move. The window to strike critical blows to Obito's plan is coming fast and it won't last long.'
Haruki cut off the water and dried himself off with a towel while he rolled his eye's internally. He ignored the fox and continued to take inventory of his skills. 'Until I can use Kurama's chakra again I am vulnerable to fire which Jiji will no doubt use in our match. I need to finish the seal array on my new sword to compensate for this. Thank Kami my massive reserves allow me to abuse the hell out of Kagebunshin or I would be royally screwed.'
Getting dressed in some casual cloths Haruki walked into the kitchen where a naked version of himself was putting the finishing touches on a berry custard pie he had made for the occasion. 'I really need to remember that Kagebunshin appear wearing whatever I'm wearing when I make them. Not that there is anyone to see this but still.'
The clone dispersed and Haruki carefully picked up the dish and made his way out the door closing it behind him. He would have to hurry if he was going to make it on time.
The Yamanaka flower shop was the same as he remembered it, and though it was the home of his biggest critic Haruki felt strangely calm even relaxed as he approach the store front. The street wasn't particularly crowded and other than the occasional greeting in passing most people were minding their own business, mulling about as they prepared for whatever plan's their evening held. The Yamanaka clan didn't use a clan compound like the Nara or the Hyuga. And while their homes were spacious they had more freedom than most other clans in their internal structure. That's not to say it was good or bad but it was different enough that it mattered to Haruki. Going to a casual cook out at someone's home that wasn't patrolled by guards or required a particular set of rules was far closer to his style. It reminded him of happier times, of what he was fighting for. He ignored the pang in his chest as the fond memories surfaced. The dates he had with Hinata, the gambling nights with the guys, the various birthday celebrations that they had together, the laughter of the villagers celebrating at a festival safety inside the walls of the village. 'Walls that eventually burned to ash." He thought bitterly. Shaking himself out of that train of thought, it would do no good to reflect on that now. He zoned back just in time to be aware that someone was calling his name.
Looking up he sees the Nara head family approaching from the opposite direction on the road. Shikaku was the inside of the road carrying multiple paper sacks dressed in casual cloths. He had a small smile on his face and nodded to the red head in greeting. Opposite of Shikaku was the unmistakable sight of Yoshino Nara, the dark haired, simple civilian woman that Shikaku married and supposedly the most troublesome woman alive. In many ways Yoshino reminded Haruki of his own mother. Haruki had many interactions with her back in his own time but had yet to be formal introduced in this one. He would have to take extra care to act accordingly if he didn't want to appear anymore suspicion. No pressure right? Thankfully, Shikaku was in the know, so he would be able to help steer conversation in a safe direction. In between both of them was Shikamaru who was carrying another container of what looked like noodles. He was the one who had called out to him and had even strode faster to reach him.
"Haruki sensei you made it." The boy said stopping in front of the redhead with a small side-smile.
"Seems I did, I am not late am I?" Haruki replied while scratching the back of his hand nervousness.
"Right on time actually." A cough from behind the young Nara was all the prompting he needed to remember what he was suppose to do.
"Haruki-sensei, this is my Ka-san. Ka-san this is Haruki-sensei. He's the one that beat Tou-San n a game of shogi."
The red head pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed in exasperation. "You know I really wish you would stop bringing that up Shikamaru-kun." The genin shrugged but didn't seem apologetic.
Yoshino chuckled lightly at the whiny tone that the red head took even as she commented, "I'm sure Shikaku would prefer that as well. My name is Yoshino Nara and you may call me Yoshino, since my son neglected to give you my actual name. I've heard a lot about you, Kazuma-san."
"Haruki is fine. Well I can only hope they are good things I suppose." He replied unsure of what to really say.
"More vague details than anything. You don't really tell a lot about yourself. Your not a very open person from what I gather." She replied evenly with a hint of amusement in her voice.
Taken aback a bit, or at least pretending to be, by the blunt admission Haruki hesitates to reply but was saved when the door to the shop opened and two people exited to meet them.
"Welcome to my house Haruki-sensei," Ino said in greeting as she came to meet them, Choji just behind her.
"Dad is out back grilling the pork now. You're in for a real treat tonight sensei. What did you bring?" The curious Akimichi greeted before taking a closer looker at the package the red head carried. Haruki chuckled at his eager look when he saw the dessert he brought. 'Still thinking with your stomach.'
"Haha, here you go Choji. This is a berry custard pie. I made it fresh this afternoon hopefully it is enjoyable for everyone."
Choji looked like he was about to inhale the pie then and there as he examined it closely.
"I didn't know you could cook Haruki. It looks delicious. Perhaps I could get the recipe from you later." Yoshino said genuinely curious as she examined the pastry.
The red head smile warmly "Sure I don't mind."
"Well lets not stand out here all night. We have food to prepare and it was troublesome enough carrying all of this here in the first place." Shikaku huffed.
Quickly the others were led in by the Ino who immediately took Haruki on a tour of the shop. She showed him all the flowers they had on display deliberately showing him the ones he had her name the first day that they trained together.
"So what do you think of him?" Shikaku asked his wife curious as to her reaction to the red heads first impression.
"So far I like him. Well see how the rest of the night goes," she replied after a moment of bought.
"Just remember to go easy on him dear. The man is a guest after all." Shikaku warned.
"I know, I know. You told me." She said dismissing his concerns. Shikaku had explained what he could of the situation to here fore they came over.
Choji and Shikamaru had gone ahead with the food and gone to the back room and down the hall to where the down stairs living area was, before rushing back tp find Haruki and Ino. The Nara adults smiled to themselves at the kids not so subtle eagerness to spend time with the Jonin. Turning left into the kitchen they encountered their hosts for the evening.
The room was nice and spacious with a dining area on one side that had a table big enough to seat everyone comfortably though you could tell that chairs had been pulled from other area's of the house by the mismatch of styles. Over at the store a woman with brown hair wrapped in a bun and glasses was stirring a boiling bot that smelled incredibly inviting, while Inoichi was washing what looked like lettuce for a salad in the sink. Both were dressed casually and were wearing aprons as they prepared the food. Just behind the table that was set up was a a sliding door that was open to a patio area; the aroma of cooked spiced meat drifted through the open airway and filled the kitchen with salivating scents.
As the Nara family entered the woman looked up from the pot, "Oh look Shikaku and Yoshino are here" she said walking over to Shikaku. "Here I'll take those." She said with a smile as she grabbed the bags and began unpacking them and sorting the items that still needed some finishing touches. Shikaku nodded his thanks and relaxed against the counter.
Inochi had finished with the lettuce and walked over to greet his guests. "Glad you both could make it. Any news on our guest of honor; do you think he will actually come?" If he was honest with himself, he wasn't expecting the man to actually show.
"Actually, we ran into him just as we were arriving the kids are taking him on a tour of the inside of the shop. Ino in particular was very eager to show him the flowers you had displayed." Yoshino answered as she unpacked what they brought.
"Oh well that good, I must say I am pleasantly surprised." Inoichi said with grin.
"It wouldn't be that surprising dear if you didn't harass the man as much as you do." Came the knowing reply from over his shoulder.
"Now, now. There is no need to get into any of that tonight. We invited him here to thank him for the good he has done for our kids. Haruki is a man of his word, and he told Ino he would come. Let's not spoil the evening referencing potential… confrontations." The Nara quickly deflected not wanting his friends blunders to sour the mood or suffer further embarrassment.
"Your right as usual. I am sure he will be among in a minute. Hopefully at least. We may have to go save him from the children. Ino can talk someone to death is she's not careful." Inoichi said causing the others to laugh.
"Hahaha I'm sure Choji will keep them on track he can't resist sampling the dishes we brought anyway." Shikaku countered as he went to pick up dumpling before his hand was slapped with a wooden spoon by his wife.
"Absolutely not. He'll ruin his appetite." She said giving him a pointed look while he shook his hand grumbling.
"That reminds me here is the dessert Haruki brought. It's a berry custard pie he made fresh this afternoon." Yoshino placed the container with the other deserts on the counter.
"Oh well he didn't have to do that." Himora said.
"Haruki isn't someone to show up empty handed. He wouldn't come unless we agreed to let him contribute. He's a prideful man or at least appears to be. Not that that's a bad thing." Inoichi explained as he began setting the table.
"Regardless lets make sure he feels relaxed and welcome tonight, so be on your best behavior Inoichi." Yoshino said with a wink.
"Hey!" He exclaimed indignantly while the others laughed at his expense.
"Did we miss the joke?" Came a voice from the doorway. All eyes fell upon the red headed and the kids as they entered the room smiling with curious expressions on their faces.
"Not at all. How did you like the tour?" Inoichi assured the man as he walked over to greet him extending his hand. He flashed them a friendly reassuring grin.
"It was great; you have a lovely home." Haruki replied warmly shaking the clan heads hand though they shared a knowing look. Haruki had been humoring the genin after all.
"Yeah! Haruki knew so much about the flowers Tou-san. He could name almost all of them and even knew some stuff about them that I didn't. Can we show Haruki-San the green house?" Ino chattered excitedly even as all adults grinned while continuing to prepare the meal.
"So long as Haruki is ok with it, I don't mind. Just don't be long, dinner is almost ready." He said with a hidden smirk, perhaps he was enjoying messing with Haruki a tad too much.
"Haha is suppose, we can take a peek." Haruki acquiesced seeing Ino's pleading expression. He was immediately led through the kitchen before he could really process what was happening.
They exited out the door into the backyard to see Choza humming to himself as he cooked a large quantity of meat over a grill. Hearing someone exit the house the large man turned and smiled at seeing who it was.
"Welcome Haruki, I hope you brought your appetite. There is plenty to eat and it should be ready soon."
"I will certainly try Choza, training today was a bit intense," replied the redhead who stopped out of respect for the man.
"Hmm well perhaps you could tell us more about it once we have started eating. I'm sure I am not the only one curious how a man of your talents sharpens his skills."
Seeing the curious looks that the genin sent his way, Haruki just shrugged and gave a noncommittal answer, "Well we see its really nit that interesting. I think for now they are showing me the green house for the flower shop."
"Yeah come on Haruki-sensei this way." Choji said. If they waited any longer, Ino might explode.
And so the Jonin was pulled ahead by a very eager blond with her two genin compatriots tagging along. They had of course been to the house before but hanging out with Haruki was really the main point. One thing was certain tonight's dinner was going to be something to remember Choza thought
It wasn't long before the food was ready and the genin were called to return with Haruki and seat themselves at the table where their paces were prepared. More food had been prepared than was really necessary although you could never be too careful when planning a meal that involved Akimichi. There was a large selection of dishes that the group was likely to eat. However, no one complained as they quickly gave thanks for the food and dug in. Harkui was particularly thankful for the food. It had been years since he had Akimichi quality BBQ and Yoshino was a master of the kitchen. Combined with his intense training regime that day and his lack of proper eating days prior the red head consumed multiple helpings of food from almost all of what was provided to the clear pleasure of everyone at the table for a variety of reasons. Some were happy to see their food appreciated while others were happy to see Haruki act with any amount of healthy life choices. Choza even challenged the man to an eating contest after seeing the man put away his third helping, but Haruki quickly clarified that no man could hope to beat an Akimichi at eating BBQ.
Throughout the meal the members present discussed a variety of topics ranging from favored pastimes and dishes, to training techniques, to even silly stories from the Older Ino-Shika-Cho's genin days. They laughed and ate together each person relaxed in a calm environment. Haruki found himself feeling light and full of energy as he laughed to a story Ino told of how Inoichi had mistaken a Poison Ivy vine for a Climbing Ivy and sold it to customers for a solid day before figuring out what he had done when they first opened the flower shop, much to the older blonds embarrassment.
Inevitably, however, the curiosity of some people present became too great and Haruki found himself on the receiving end of questions about his own past.
"So Haruki-sensei, do you have any cool stories about missions from when you were a genin." Ino asked.
"Hmm. A couple I suppose, but honestly, they're not worth sharing. I'm not even sure I remember all the details right." Haruki said after a moment of thought.
"Oh, come on Haruki-sensei. You've got to have something." The blond insisted.
"Well… this wasn't really on a mission but there was one time during my training when I was a genin that my teammates and me beat our jonin-sensei in a spar." Haruki explained sheepishly with a grin at the memory.
"No way really? How?" Ino asked excited.
"I don't doubt it. Haruki-sensei is really strong." Chouji add.
"Haha actually, I wasn't very talented as a genin. I had a lot of chakra and wasn't very good at controlling it." Haruki admitted slightly embarrassed while the genin looked at him skeptically.
"Then how did you do it?" Shikamaru asked while Haruki took a drink.
"With a book." He answered with an innocent smile while everyone else especially the genin looked at him like he grew a second head.
"Huh? What do you mean with a book?" Ino asked the obvious question.
"Well you see, my sensei was a lot like Kakashi-sensei. He read all the time. Shortly before I became a chunin the Hokage had my team examined by our sensei, we had to capture a flag our sensei was guarding on his person. We fought him from afternoon all through the night and into the next morning and neither of us could pull it off." He explained.
"But what does that have to do with a book?" Yoshino asked confused.
"I'm getting there. See I had just gifted sensei with the latest addition of his favorite series and he hadn't had a chance to read it. So, we devised a plan to rush him while yelling out the ending to the book." Haruki said with a smirk. "He was so busy covering his ears and closing his eyes that we managed to nab the flag from him."
Everyone in the room deadpanned at the ridiculousness of the story.
"Wait, that actually worked?" Shikamaru asked, clearly having trouble believing him.
"Hey, it was good plan. It just goes to show you as a ninja to take advantage of any weakness you find." Haruki claimed a little defensive though they could telll it was playful.
"I don't know sensei. I think your sensei was just a dumb ass." Shikamaru said while shaking his head making the others laugh except for his mother.
"Language Shikamaru!" She warned firmly, though despite her tough exterior you could see the mirth dancing in her eyes.
Himora then began gathering the used dishes and tidying the kitchen. Seeing an opportunity now that the dinner was coming to an end and Haruki seemed to be in a far more relaxed state than Inoichi had ever seen him, he coughs to get Ino's attention signaling her that now would be the time to execute her plan. The children had discussed after Haruki left different ways they could thank him for the thoughtful gifts he had given them. Deciding to get him a gift in return they were trying to gage the best time to give it to him.
Understanding immediately flooding her eyes, she turns and grabs the two boys, "Excuse me Haruki-sensei, I meant to show Choji and Shikamaru how I redecorated my room. We'll be right back." And before either boy could really protest, she dragged them out of the kitchen and up the stairs in a blur.
Haruki watched them go before turning back to the adults still sitting at the table and arching an eyebrow. Inoichi doesn't meet his glance, standing up to help his wife clean and put things away. Haruki surveys each parent who seemed all too keen on pretending hatever just happened was perfectly normal.
Audibly sighing Haruki decides to address the elephant in the room, "Ok what's that about?" pointing over his shoulder with his thumb at the doorway the trio just exited.
Shikaku excused himself to the restroom to avoid answering.
After another ten seconds under his cerulean gaze, it was Yoshino who finally broke, "The kids wanted to thank you for the very thoughtful gifts you gave them. Even if it was for training each of them was very thoughtful and something that they would also enjoy."
Haruki groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "That really isn't necessary. It was a reward for their hard work and dedication. Ultimately each of the items is a training tool."
"Oh, but it was so much more than that to them. Ino was absolutely beside herself when she came home today. She ran in babbling about how amazing her dress was and wanted to show me immediately. When she could change to some colors at will and hold it for a few seconds as she showed me, the smile on her face was true satisfaction." Himora said from the sink.
"Choji too, he couldn't put the book down even when we got home. He actually fell asleep reading it until it was time to come here." Choza added before Haruki could reply.
"Besides it's nothing major, just a memento of appreciation. And it would mean a lot to them." Yoshino added.
"I suppose there is no getting out of this one then." Haruki said rubbing the back of his head.
Seeing the jonin still wasn't completely comfortable Yoshino decided to change the conversation, "So Haruki now that you're back is their anyone special in your life?"
The red head looked up and tilted his head slightly and asked neutrally, "What do you mean?"
"Oh come now, there is no reason to be coy. Is there a special lady in you're life now that you back?" Yoshino said with a wink.
Choza however was watching the red head and noticed subtly signs of tension slowly creeping in the man's posture as she spoke. Before he could interrupt however the red head replied, "No, I can't say there is at the moment."
His voice was neutral and polite betraying nothing of the tension beneath the surface that Choza could see. He felt a colder than expect breeze rush in from the patio doorway to his back. He thought that would be the end of it, but Yoshino pressed on frowning.
"Well that's a real shame. Young men like you shouldn't dawdle you know. Life doesn't slow down. You need to get out there and get a good one while you're still young. Everyone needs someone. If you're not careful you'll end up alone when your old and –"
She's interrupted Himora shouts in surprise. The room looks at her holding a dish to her chest away from the sink which had somehow frozen over with a trail of ice up to the faucet. Choza had felt the small chakra flare, a slight leak that burst from the red head. Before he could decide what to do, their attention is drawn back to the jonin in question as he stands abruptly sliding his chair back as he does so.
"Yoshino-san, thank you for your advice, the life of a Shinobi is not an easy one. You never know what is going to happen even during a time of peace. The world is cruel and fighting against that cruelty is one of the burdens Shinobi bear as is embracing that same cruelty. Love, or more accurately, loved ones and the bonds we share with them are what give us the strength to fight. They are the reason we brave the torment that awaits us. Love is our greatest source of strength." Haruki said in a voice just above a whisper, his eyes hollow and distant. He speaks as if to himself, as if he is no longer in the room. "And yet, our greatest power is also the most fragile of weaknesses. Despite every effort and power a ninja may possess what matters most can be taken from them. So then you can imagine what its like when that happens. And then the reality of the world's harshest paradox sets in that now you must continue on the fight with the knowledge that the most you have in the end is the memories of a love you failed."
The room is silent as the red heads eyes refocused and gain a dead steel to them pinning Yoshino. "If I told you, it was only going to hurt, if I warned you that the fires going to burn, would you walk in? Do it all in the name of Love? In the darkness? In the middle of the night? In the silence when no one is by your side, what would you do in the name of love? When there's madness? When there's poison in your head? When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed? Who is left to hold you in the depths of your despair? Would you call out in the name of Love? And then ask whoever answers the question, is it better to have loved and lost or never loved at all? Anyone who can casually answer that doesn't know the meaning of the word!"
"Haruki-sensei?" Came a timid voice from the doorway.
The red head closed his eyes and winced noticeably. He hadn't meant to yell. This wasn't supposed to happen, he knew he meant well. He wasn't really angry with her. In that moment all the emotions he blocked in reference to the past broke through his barriers. The he pictured her face, he just started talking and defending himself from an accusation Yoshino hadn't made. The guilt for failing, the hurt at never having what he lost again, the anger for criticizing his detachment it all boiled over causing him to justify himself to an unstated accusation. Haruki tried to clear his mind and refused to open his eyes. Yet the darkness of his mind would not shield him from onslaught of images of the dying Nara that flood his mind as soon as he heard those words from the doorway. 'Why now? I can't let them see me like this. They don't deserve this. I am not going to be around forever. I shouldn't let them get too attached.' Haruki thought as his stomach turns, panic rising in his mind.
Opening his eyes, he turns toward the door to see the Nara standing in it clear concern worn on his face. Resolving himself Haruki strode to the door. "I am afraid I have many things I still need to attend to. Thank you for the meal. I'll see myself out, you can keep the pie, consider it compensation for the trouble I caused."
Haruki strides passed the door even as Shikamaru calls out his name. He can't look at him not now. Not when all he will see is ghost of the past. He rounds the corner to find the other two standing along the wall. He absently wonders how long they had been there but doesn't break stride to really take note of their faces or what they are carrying. He hears them call for him but only quickens his pace. Shikaku comes out the restroom at the end of the hall. One look at him as he turns left through the door into the shop and Shikaku's face goes from bored to alarmed, immediately. Before he can speak though, Haruki is already gone through the door. He is vaguely aware of rain pelting the glass of the shop's windows. The shop door opens as he is half way crossed the shop to reveal a thoroughly soaked Inoichi. He looks up as he shakes his arms to get the water off and blinks confused "Haruki?"
"Thank you for your hospitality, but I'm going now." Haruki says quickly as he side steps around Inoichi to grab the door, but when he reaches for the handle his body freezes in place. Haruki becomes acutely aware that someone has tried to restrain him and his breath quickens. 'Keep it together.'
"You Will listen!" That same voice calls.
And now he is angry, irrationally angry. Why couldn't they just let him be?
"Let me go." He says without looking in a bitter commanding voice.
"Will you listen?" It replied back. That damned hybrid voice. He could hear them both. His past and his present.
"Let go!" He red head repeats himself this time with more force and grits his teeth.
"Not until you let Ka-san apologies and take Ino's gift." Shikamaru replies with force. Haruki can tell from the corner of his eye that Inoichi is watching off to the side standing at the ready.
"Sensei just-" A burst of chakra and killer intent washes through the room and Shikamaru who had been straining to hold the red head was knocked back on his butt and Inoichi jumped back in front of him to shield him just in case. The force of the chakra shattered the jutsu's hold on the jonin and he looked over his left shower a singe tear starting to escape down his cheek from his stormy blue eye as he whispered, "I told you to let me go." And then he was gone.
Boom! Thunder crashed over head as rain continued to fall in a torrential downpour. No one moved in the shop as they stared at the door trying to process what just happened. Ino and Choji were knelt behind Shikamaru trembling. That had been terrifying. Never had they been exposed to such a presence, such a massive turmoil of chakra. A light layer of frost that covered the store began to fade. Inoichi still stood in front of them staring at the door, his expression grim and determined. And then it was like world came crashing back in and they heard yelling from down the hall. "I told you not to bring up his past!" came the firm voice of Shikaku.
"I didn't! He seemed fine! I didn't mean to upset him. It all happened so suddenly. I was just trying to distract him from the kids present since he seemed uncomfortable with it." Yoshino yelled back defensively.
"Is everyone ok?" Inoichi asked with calm if serious voice finally looking away from the door and taking in the appearance of the genin on the floor.
"I-I think so," Choji answered a slight tremor in his voice.
"That was pretty ballsy Shikamaru. I wouldn't recommend trying that again." The Yamanaka clan head said extending a hand to help the boy stand.
This seemed to snap the Nara out of this stupor. His eye narrowed immediately and he stood up on his own spun on his heel and stomped back towards the kitchen, Chouji scrambled up to follow hot on his heels.
Inoichi turned finally to his own daughter that bent down to pick up the pieces of a vase she had been carrying. It was a special vase that had the clan insignia of each member of the Ino-Shika-Cho and was signed by the genin of team ten. Ino had been holding it when they followed Haruki into the store front but in her shock at being exposed to the chakra and killer intent of the red head she had unknowingly dropped it and it had shattered.
She sniffed slightly as she picked up the pieces slowly.
Inoichi sighed and went to comfort his daughter, "I am sorry Ino. You shouldn't have been exposed to that. It was irresponsible of Kazama-San to react-"
"What happened Tou-san?" Ino interrupted him causing him to blink in surprise. "What happened to make Haruki-sensei carry so much sadness? Why can't you help him?" She said in a broken voice as tears finally began to fall.
"Oh Ino. It's complicated, and I honestly don't know what the full story is." He said eyes softening as he pulled his daughter into a wet hug, her warm tears landing on his chest.
"You should have heard him daddy. He was so hurt and angry. He couldn't even look at us." She said as she cried. "Promise me you'll try to help him."
"I promise," Inoichi whispered as he rubbed her back, but if he was honest with himself, he didn't know what to do. He needed to find out why the man had snapped. Shikaku had told him that there was a good reason Haruki was hurting after training that morning. He insisted he didn't have all the details yet and they were going to discuss some of it later. If this was an indication of the man's psyche then he definitely shouldn't be active duty.
Meanwhile a much more aggressive parent child confrontation was taking place.
"How dare you!" Shikamaru shouted as he rounded the corner glaring at his mother standing by the counter packing food hastily arguing with his dad who was rubbing his forehead. Choza and Himora were busy trying to unfreeze the sink but stopped when Shikamaru stormed into the kitchen, as did Yoshino.
Yoshino narrowed her eyes as she faced her son. "Excuse me-"
"No, I will not!" He cuts her off fling his arm across his body. "How could you do that to him? Dad warned you. He told you that Haruki-sensei had no one, that the whole point of this was to help him reconnect with the village after being gone so long."
At seeing their surprised expressions, Shikamaru answered the unasked question, "I overheard To-san and you talking. He clearly told you sensei was recovering from a long mission that had hurt him and to avoid saying anything that would trigger him. He told you he lost a lot."
Shikaku tries to step in, "Shikamaru she had no way of knowing-"
But Shikamaru cut him off, "Yes, she did! Ka-san isn't dumb. Asking sensei about his love life would obviously bring back memories."
"It's a shinobi's responsibility to control their emotions, even allowing for whatever misfortune befell him what I said shouldn't have resulted in such an acute reaction." Yoshino responded coldly staring into her son's eyes as he gritted his teeth.
"How can you say that? You threw his loneliness in his face! It was inconsiderate. You're not a Shinobi how could you possibly understand what he's gone through. You just didn't care! You're just a housewife that nags about everything she doesn't like-"
The ranting Nara's eyes widen in surprise as he felt the sting on his cheek. He gentle raises his hand to touch his pulsating cheek before slowly turning to stare at his mother who was was staring straight into his eyes. "Shikamaru Hiroshi Nara, you are a brilliant boy and you can be right about a lot of things, but I am your mother and you will not speak to me that way." She said in a firm but calm voice. "I regret my error in talking with Haruki-San. I did not expect his reaction and that is my fault. I have been very blessed that the Shinigami hasn't taken anyone in my immediate family, yet but I have had countless friend pass on before their time. I have to worry about your father and now you every day. Every time you leave our home. I have to trust in the village that it will guard and protect you, that your sensei will train you properly and hope that the fragile peace that we have now is not broken to satisfy one man's greed. I pray to Kami that the price to maintain that peace won't require my son's blood. So, I understand that kind of lose. I can fathom the pain he is experiencing at least in part. I am very thankful for Haruki's influence on you, and you must know I meant no insult or harm to him. He is a strong man and cares for you. My foolish mistake will not change this."
Shikamaru averts his eyes still holding his cheek as he hangs his head in shame. She was right of course but… "You're not the one that he can't bear to look at." He whispers in a small voice looking at the floor. He is then enveloped in a hug by Yoshino.
"I know it hurts. But it's not your fault. Nor is it Haruki's. This world we live in is not perfect and sometimes scars on our hearts tear open. The wounds he has suffered must be numerous and deep. Many may be fresh; we have no way of knowing. Time and kindness are the only things that can help now. So, we need to be strong for Haruki-sensei so that when the shadows come and they block you from his eyes you can still be there for him. Right?"
"Right." He says sniffing. "I'm sorry Ka-san."
"It's ok, my love." she says smiling, "Now help me pack up, hopefully the rain will start to clear out."
Now that everyone was calming down, they worked together to finish cleaning up. Choji was silent the whole time. Eventually the rain passed and Yoshino left with Shikamaru and took Choji with them. He would stay over with the Nara's for the night. Himora made sure Ino went to bed after such an eventful day, leaving the three men in the kitchen to discuss what to do about Haruki well into the night. Death was common place in the shinobi world and while it was never easy, such a reaction indicated a deeper trauma than mere loss. This was major evidence that the man wasn't stable and the three argued about how this would affect his coming mission. In the end they didn't come to a consensus but agreed to keep doing what they had in the meantime. It was likely that Haruki would lie low for a while around them. It was important to treat him no different so that he would come back on his own. Chasing him would just cause him to run more. With heavy hearts and tired minds, the trio parted ways to get some much needed rest.