Haruki quickly collected his two compatriots, saving Asuma from strangulation by a rather annoyed Kakashi, who had apparently been trying to sort the items in various was for the past 15 minutes. After calming them down and settling their accounts the two men helped carry the red heads purchases back to the apartment in friendly silence. They were about 5 minutes away before Asuma breaks the silence.
"Haruki if you don't mind me asking. How did you get your wind affinity so strong?"
Kakashi looked over clearly interested in the answer the red head would have.
Haruki didn't looked bothered by the question. Just tilted his head slightly as if in thought. After a brief moment of thought, Haruki decided to share a bit.
"I'm sure you know of the basic manipulation training where you half your chakra and grind it in on itself forming a blade."
Asuma nodded, already knowing this form of manipulation.
"Well the next step that I found was to add different styles of rotation to the grinding effect."
Asuma looked stunned at the idea but it was Kakashi that replied first.
"What do you mean by rotation?" he asked a curious hesitancy in his voice that Haruki almost missed.
"Well to get wind chakra in the first place you have to have rotate the correct yin and yang balance of chakra for the jutsu you are attempting into each other triggering the nature change. That's just the grinding effect basic rotation which is great for the blade form of wind chakra, but for suction type or repelling jutsu, you would want to grind them away from each other. Or for forceful walls, you would want to rotate it like a current so that it rolls in on itself. But those are just some examples. The key to wind manipulation isn't so much the grinding of chakra as it is the idea of rotational force."
It was at this moment that Haruki realized that he was the only one that was walking. Catching himself, he turned around to see both of them just staring at him.
"What?" he said looking at them.
"Haruki you do realize there is no way that I can believe you were not a sensei right?" Kakashi said with absolute certainty.
"Oh whatever, I didn't say anything that isn't already known." Haruki scoffed attempting to play it off but Asuma just shakes his head.
"No Haruki, all wind manipulation guides and scrolls that I've ever read focus on the grinding aspect. There are very few other wind users in Konoha."
Haruki just rubbed the back of his head sheepishly not quite sure what to say and feeling a little uncomfortable.
Asuma just shakes his head before asking, "Regardless do you think you could give me some pointers."
Haruki blinks for a moment but before he can speak Kakashi buts in. "Sign me up too. Wind jutsu are the hardest for me I could use some practice."
Haruki began sputtering but before he could say no. Kakashi and Asuma were already walking passed him and further discussing the details of possible training together.
Haruki sighed and decided that it was something that could be dealt with later.
As they approached the apartment door they discovered that it was cracked slightly about that time there was a small rumbling and flash from inside the apartment. Haruki merely chuckled as the other two looked confused. Pushing the door open they found a smirking red head doppelganger and a short soot faced Naruto who was rubbing his eyes and blink rapidly. Sealing supplies, training scrolls and other equipment were all over the coffee table and living room
"And that's why you double check your trigger matrix before you activate that chakra relay." The doppelganger said with a chuckle before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
"I know. I know. How long are these spots going to be in my eyes?" came the annoyed reply of the black faced blonde-haired boy as he blinked rapidly and rubbed his eyes.
Then from the door, the real Haruki replied, "They should pass in a minute or so." Causing the boy to jump in surprise. Naruto took a moment to blink a bit more and then scrunched his face.
"Kakashi-Sensei? What are you doing here?" For a brief moment his eyes widened in horror, "Am I that late for training?"
At this Asuma openly laughed while they stepped into the apartment and set the things down. Kakashi just sighed.
"No Naruto, you are not late and I was helping Haruki with some shopping." He finished setting down all the bags and packages he had been carrying on the table and floor.
Naruto relaxed at that for a moment before confusion formed on his face and he looked at Haruki who was carrying things into the kitchen to be put away.
"But why didn't Haruki-Sensei just make clones to carry everything."
The words had barely left his mouth when Kakashi and Asuma in unison face palmed and muttered, "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!"
In the kitchen Haruki just laughed and answered, "There's no need to waste chakra with such good help around. Right guys?" he shot a coy smile at his compatriots. The two jonin just glowered at him but did not protest.
"Anyway I believe some introductions are in order. Naruto, this is Asuma Sarutobi. He is the team leader and sensei of Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino. Asuma this is Naruto-kun my neighbor. He's also a wind user like you."
Whatever Asuma was going to say caught in his throat at this revelation and his eyes went from Haruki to Naruto and back. Suspicion and intrigue clear in his eyes though a bit hidden. Thankfully, his lapse in greeting was covered quite well by Naruto's immediate enthusiasm.
"Wow you're a wind user too! That's so cool! Are you super strong like Haruki-sensei? Do you know any cool jutsu? I am working on the leaf exercise right now with Kakashi-sensei, but it's really hard. I can only split the leaf half way. Do you have another affinity? Mine is water. I already learned a few jutsu so I can stop Sasuke now in our spars. Do you have any tips?..."
Asuma though was only half-listening, "Wind and Water affinity? Just like Haruki? What are the chances of that? Wait did he just say he split a leaf half way? How did he get so strong so quickly?" Asuma risks a glance at Haruki who is watching amused as Kakashi admonishes Naruto for bombarding the bearded Jonin with so many questions. "Of course Haruki could have taught him, but he still shouldn't be progressing this quickly, should he?" Deciding to consider these thoughts later, Asuma takes a moment to really take in the room and the genin's training materials in hopes of understanding his progress better. It's in that moment that he notices something interesting leaning in the corner.
Deciding to save the blond from Kakashi's lecture and hoping to get some information, "It's nice to meet you Naruto. Yes, I do have another affinity, but it's fire not water. I am very impressed though that you are so far into you training. Though I'm curious is Haruki or Kakashi training you in Bo Jutsu as well?" Asuma gestures to the corner where a wooden Bo staff leans.
"No Haruki-sensei gave it to me with a kata scroll but told me that I would have to wait to find out who my Sensei would be." The blond genin replied with curious eyes up at Asuma, "Do you know who my Sensei is?"
Asuma looked at Haruki as he answered. "No but I have a few guesses but whoever they are I'm sure that if Haruki recommends them then they are of good quality." In truth, Asuma knew exactly who the secret sensei was. He had used that same training staff with he was Naruto's age. All Sarutobi did.
A cough caught everyone attention then as Haruki looked to Naruto. "Honestly I was hoping Asuma would agree to help with your element manipulation training since my new duties and missions may prevent me from being around enough to give you all the attention needed for mastery. That is if Asuma-sensei is willing." Glancing at the bearded jonin, Asuma just nodded ever so slightly before smiling and looking at Naruto. "Sounds fun. Haruki seems to have done most of the work for me anyway haha. I may not be as powerful as him with wind jutsu, but I have a few tricks that may help. Assuming Kakashi doesn't mind?" Kakashi just waves him of, "Ma I can use wind jutsu not so much teach them. Besides those three are a handful I think I could use all the help I could get."
This of course incited a reaction from the blond who insisted that they were no more trouble than any other group. And as the bickering continued Haruki, who had finished sorting the packages, disappeared into the back bedroom to get ready for the party.
After the ridiculous argument subsided with Kakashi eyes smiling about his troublesome students much to the blond's frustration, Naruto makes an unexpected turn in the conversation. "So Asuma-sensei since you are a wind and fire user, do you have a lot of combination jutsu?"
Surprised by the question Asuma takes a moment to consider the too innocent eyes that were looking up at him. "I do in fact have some jutsu that I can combine for stronger results though it's not a tactic I prefer. It's important to understand that combination jutsu take a careful chakra balance that requires precise control, especial with another person. This usually results in the Jutsu becoming taxing and chakra intensive, which is not ideal in a fight unless you are finishing. Comboing with one self isn't common because it requires clones usually to be effective. I am sure Kakashi or Haruki have explained to you that you are an exception to the general rule when it comes to clones. Suffice to say while I can do them it's not my go to tactic." The bearded Jonin finished with a smile on his face as he observed the hyper genin's reaction. The boy would really have to get better at not making his thoughts so obvious on his face. Throughout his explanation, the blond had been intensely focused on his explanation, seemingly soaking it up like a sponge. "With that level of dedication it's not as surprising he's improved so much either." He had watch the boy's face deflate slightly as Asuma continued to point out the flaws and challenges of combination jutsu. Then at the end, it was as if a switch was flipped and he was staring at a ninja who was confident enough to move mountains and anything else in his way. "If only my students had that level of resolve," he thought with an internal sigh, "though Haruki has help with that. Actually,…" the jonin thought staring straight into Naruto eyes "I know where I've seen that look before."
His thought process was interrupted however when the blond spoke up, "I can handle it Asuma-sensei will you please help me." The blond looked down bit continuing without losing any resolve in his voice. "I know it's difficult and I have a lot to learn and accomplish before I'm ready to do the cool and awesome things, but…" he paused and looked at Asuma with a sharp intensity, "the sooner I can get the basics down the sooner I can help Sasuke and Sakura."
Asuma stared at Naruto in the eyes for a moment before chuckling. "I'd be happy to help Naruto when you're ready, after all you just found out your affinities yesterday, combination jutsu aren't in the near future for you just yet. However, I honestly will have to defer to Kakashi on this …"
"I am sure he would be ok with it ri-" Naruto burst out before a raised hand stopped him.
"That's not what I meant. I am not deferring to him because I think he wouldn't want me helping you. I am deferring because I can count on my hand how many people can combine jutsu as well as Kakashi can. Ninjutsu is a specialty of his."
The orange clad genin turned to his sensei who was eye-smiling at him and looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Not to worry my cute little genin. Once you are all competent enough in the jutsu Haruki gave you and strategic thinking, I'll start helping you combine your jutsu. In fact today I am have you and Sasuke begin synchronization training."
"Yatta! Thank you Kaka-sensei!" Naruto hollered and Asuma chuckled at the nickname while Kakashi deadplained. "Don't mention it. It's not like I'm your sensei or something."
"I don't know Kakashi given your tardiness and willingness to shrug your students, I was beginning to wonder."
The trio turned to the voice from the bedroom door to see Haruki dressed in a very fine light blue kimono with dark blue accents. It had orange moons and stars adorning it in intricate designs and when he moved it was as if they began dancing. His physique filled it out well and the orange sash seemed almost fitting.
"Well don't keep staring. It's not that ridiculous." The red had said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. This of course caused a tug at the back of Kakashi and Asuma's minds but they couldn't quite place it. Kakashi was the first to recover.
"Ma Ma. This just the first time we've seen you so official. You look good."
Yeah Haruki sensei your robe is so cool." This made Haruki laugh.
"It's not a robe Naruto. It's a traditional kimono but thanks."
Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly in embarrassment and in that moment, Asuma notices. He does nothing externally but resolves to get some answers from the read head as soon as they were alone. Speaking of which…
"Well Haruki it's about time to go to Kurenai's. I got the packages from the others when you're ready."
Almost as if sensing Asuma's need to remove them Kakashi follows up saying he and Naruto had better go get ready for training. Naruto stunned by his sensei wanting to get their early celebrates and follows him out the door after packing up his training equipment. At the door when Haruki and Asuma go to leave after the security seals fall into place Haruki turns to Asuma and says, "A hundred ryo says Kakashi ditches him as soon as they round the corner." Asuma snorts and replies, "I'm not stupid enough to take that bet."
They reach the bottom of the stairs in time to hear a certain blond shout and groan in frustration. The two just look at each other and chuckle.
The two jonin meandered their way through the village as the sun began to set casting an orange and pink glow across the sky. Both men had been quiet alng the way preferring to reflect on their own thoughts rather. Asuma for his part kept stealing glances at Haruki as subtly as he could. It was evident that he was contemplating something about the red head and was just trying to thing of a way to bring it up or even if he should bring it up. Haruki though didn't even noticed. He kept walking, eyes far away and staring at the dirt with a neutral face. His legs moved as if he was on auto-pilot. He was so engrossed in his conversation with kurama about what was coming and how they would handle the dinner that he jumped when asuma touch him on his shoulder. It was only then that he realized the bearded man had tried to talk to him. "Sorry, Asuma I was lost in thought; I wasn't trying to ignore you." Haruki said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly with a small grin.
Asuma though just smiled and brushed off his apology with wave of his hand while his eyes followed haruki's movement carefully. A spark of somekind appeared in the back of his eyes that Haruki couldn't quite place, but, just as he saw it, it was gone, the bearded man looking away as they continued to walking turning down another street.
"It's alright. I can understand why you were distracted. I'm sure you will be fine though. You wouldn't be a very good undercover agent if you couldn't handle a political dinner. Besides, you seem to have handled yourself in that arena well so far."
The red head just sighed in reply, though he seemed to relax a bit. "Good" thought Asuma.
"I've never been one to enjoy formal event like this, especially when I was younger. And the Hyuga in particular are big on pomp and circumstance. Their obsessive hold on their traditions has caused more damage to their clan than any good that ever game from them could undo. On top of that they are masters of subtlety and politics isn't my most enjoyable past time. No doubt they will probe me if for no other reason than because of my new position. That's the difference. As a spy I didn't have to and was never expected to be myself, just whatever person I was supposed to be. And even my job was to remain unnoticed and rarely was my opinion even matter let alone an honored guest. It was just easier not having to be seen, something I've found trouble doing now that I'm back."
There was a small pause before the dark haired man replied in a very light hearted tone, "Somehow I feel you are talking about more than a simple dinner."
Asuma would give the man credit. The only visible reaction was the subtle tension in his shoulders though giving his current attire and his rather impressive physique… it would be hard to hide.
Deciding to take his next steps careful, he still wanted answers after all and talking to the red head seemed to be working, Asuma didn't look at the man and instead pulled out a cigarette from a vest pouch and a lighter from his pocket. Asuma noticed the tension begin to recede from the red head who was no doubt watching him closely after his comment. He took that as a positive sign and decided to move forward.
"Well anyway no need to talk about that even if I'm right. I know you will be fine becuase I've watched you successfully navigate the council and out maneuver donzo of all people and anyone whos capable of that is a better politician than my father."
Haruki just snorted at that but let the comment go and continued to walk before suddenly turning his head as if suddenly remembering something.
"hey were you trying to ask me something? I never actually confirmed what you were trying to say?" blue eyes look quizzically and the bearded jonin while he took a drag, never looking at the red head face fairly relaxed and neutral, but with a hint of something Haruki couldn't quite place.
'Here's my chance. Now or never.' Asuma thought. "Oh that all I had asked to you is how you were related to Naruto?"
The red head immediately stopped walking and there suddenly was a presence in the air as if it was alive. It felt akin to being in the middle of a bee hive or maybe an electrical storm before the first bolt of lightning had actually struck. Asuma stopped walking a step after Haruki and the hair on the back of his neck stood up in warning. There was no one around on this stretch of the road. Yet when he looked at the red head, Haruki had a small smile on his face and a quizzical look on his face.
"What makes you ask?" he replied with legitiment curiosity seeping into his voice.
Despite Haruki's seemingly calm demeanor, it was very evident by the feel of his chakra, the way his body was subtly coiled and the surroundings that made it quite clear to Asuma that his next words should be spoken very carefully.
After briefly weighing his options and concluding that honesty was the best way forward, (if something is up its best he's aware others are catching on) Asuma replied.
"Honestly it's really just curiosity and it helps me understand you better. They were questionable coincidents at first but after seeing the two of you together it's impossible not to see them. A random Jonin returns from a long term mission right after the jinchuraki and pariah of the village is scheduled to graduate and you get the apartment right next to his. You have a heavy influence in his and his classmates lives out of nowhere. You have the Hokage's ear more than most jonin that have spent their entire lives around the man, and that's before getting into the physical similarities." He paused for a moment to take another drag from his cigarette and give the red head time to process what he had just said. Haruki didn't move or reply just stared steadily with his cerulean gaze piercing directly to his heart. Asuma didn't care, in fact he was glad, he had nothing to hide.
"Then there is the face, that your eyes are almost the same shade and your face structure is very similar you're just missing his birthmarks. On top of all of this, you have the same affinities. But what really inspired the connection was the look of utter conviction that he gave me while you were changing. I know where I've seen that look." Asuma paused again this time to send the red head a very pointed look with a smirk. After a moment of no reply Asuma just shrugged and casual kicked his foot into the dirt.
"The easiest way to explain all this is that you have some sort of relation to the boy that he seems unaware of. And your reaction to the topic is telling enough. You're too young to be his father. Are you and uncle, cousin or something?"
Haruki looks at Asuma for another long moment as if weighing him. The presence then suddenly vanishes and the red head continues walking seemingly having come to a decision of sorts. "Something like that." He says nonchalantly as he keeps walking down the road.
Asuma blinks for a moment before rushing to catch up. 'Well it's at least a partial answer.'
"It's very important though that you keep this observation to yourself. Tell no one."
The weight of his words was not lost on the bearded jonin even thought they were said in a light tone. Curiously he asked, "Not even Kakashi."
The red head snorted, "Especially not Kakashi."
Asuma frowns slightly at that but nods. For now, he would trust that the reasons were important enough to comply. If his father knew this, which he no doubt did, then there was a very good reason they had been quiet about it.
The following silence did not last long as if Haruki apparently didn't want him dwelling on the topic any longer.
"How's the teams training?"
"Not a very subtle deflection." Asuma thought before replying. "Well I'm pretty sure they are almost a completely new team. Shikamaru has been more active and eating more even going so far as to train on his own. They all have really. Choji is doing endurance training like you suggested and Ino has been practicing her regulation for days. That mission really opened their eyes to what they could be capable of with a little effort. My only concern if that this motivation will taper off in time."
Haruki smiled at the news though shrugged indifferently by the end. "It probably will knowing those three, which is why it has to be followed up."
Asuma turned and almost dropped the cigarette out of his mouth. "I thought you told them they were not going to be doing a mission like that so soon." The man was beginning to worry his students would actually plan his assassination if that wasn't true.
Haruki just chuckled at his reaction, "No, no. Nothing like that. I have a motivator planned for each one of them. As far as training goes, I plan to give each of them a weapon, their affinity and expand their foundation jutsu. Ino will be the hardest."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because I plan on having her merge her clan jutsu with her affinity and genjutsu. Two of those are already difficult for me to help her with and the last may be as well depending on what it is?"
"Then why have her take this route? I can certainly see the benefits. Making it so your opponents can't tell if what they are feeling is real, is the basic concept of genjutsu combined with the other two will always keep them guessing. But if you can't help her then why point her in that direction."
"Even if I couldn't help her, I would always point her in the direction to be the best she can be. That is our task to train the next generation beyond what we can do ourselves. But our task can't actually be accomplished if they don't take the steps to succeed themselves. It's not my job to hand her answers, it's our job to help her find her own in her abilities." Haaruki paused for a moment letting his words sink in.
"And I didn't say I couldn't help her. To pull off this path she will need the highest degree of chakra regulation. Which doesn't come naturally to her but is something we both can help her with. As she masters the respective pieces and additional tasks we give her she will get there."
Asuma huffed with a smirk eyeing the red head bemused. "You just have it all figured out don't you."
Haruki snorted as they turned down the last road that lead to Kurenai's apartment but didn't say anything. Asuma, noting where they were, decided it was time to put out his cigarette and stomped on it. Haruki didn't seem phased by this at all if anything he seemed amused. The reason being he wouldn't want Kurenai anymore frustrated with him than necessary when he gives her present to her. Considering the conversation he found himself excited for tomorrow and even more pumped to train his students. Stealing one last glance at the red head Asuma could help but wonder what was in store for them tomorrow. He had gotten some answers today and some new questions to match but there would be time in the future to address those for now he could be there for his friend and let things lie.
"Haruki can I ask you one last question?"
"You just did but fire away."
Asuma rolled his eyes at the childish quib, and focused on what had been nagging him, "Did you tell or influence my old man to select me for the mission."
Haruki seemed to think on that for a moment before stopping and turning to look Asuma, who had also stopped, in the eye.
"I will not deny that the Hokage discussed with me all the possible options for escorts and while I did lobby some for you given your skills and position on multiple levels it remains the hokage's decision and in no way should my involvement diminish that. There were other candidates that could do the job just as well."
As they approached the apartment, on the ground floor waiting in front of her door was Gai still dressed in his standard Jonin attire. "Now do you want to deliver these to Gai or will I?" Asuma stared directly into his eyes. "what do you think the answer to that is. he almost physically cringed in mock disgust. Haruki rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I told you this would happen. It's a good thing I got these extras."
Turning he handed the packages to Asuma, "Here you take these to Kurenai while I deal with Gai. Make sure to give her your present." He said with a wink as Asuma just averted his gaze before walking off.
"Well at least tonight won't be boring." Haruki says to himself as he watches an exuberant Gai great Asuma while Kurenai answers the door.
Little did he know just how right he was.
To say Gai was having a good day would be an understatement. His students were progressing well, his star pupil was healed, he himself had a had a very productive training session, and now he had the opportunity to get to know the man who was responsible for most of his good mood.
Haruki's actions earlier that morning had been unexpected and frankly at first Gai wasn't very happy with them. But as Haruki explained and tested his students. The magnitude of their weakness was revealed. It wasn't as if he didn't see the signs. He knew they were arrogant but the severity of the case was far worse when it was demonstrated in front of him. Tenten had been baited so easily that she didn't even think to use the exploding tags she had on her to try and hit him, or even process the reason for her lack of success. Neji had kept his calm throughout the exercise and had showed respect and so the severity of his case would be easily missed if you didn't know what you were looking for. It was the overwhelming evidence of his performance; he may not say it but Neji relied almost exclusively on his eyes as if they were infallible. And considering his belief system of fate, he probably still struggles with it a bit. Then there is Lee. Lee was Gai's own fault if he was honest. So eager to prove himself and overcome everyone's doubts, he had launched himself on a quest that just wasn't realistic. Gai had absolute faith in Lee that he would give it his all and that he could become a top tier shinobi. He saw so much of himself in Lee. It was this fact that no doubt prevented him from seeing the failure he was setting Lee up for. Now thanks to the red haired walking miracle, that wasn't a problem anymore. Gai smiled as he thought of that moment and the hope that had shined in Lee's eyes, then frowned as his thoughts returned to the one responsible for it. Something wasn't right with their newly returned friend and whatever it was it seemed to being weigh on him greatly. The latest shifts of responsibility and difficult tasks would stress anyone sure. But there was something deeper, something that seemed always just under the surface but out of reach. Thankfully there seemed to have been improvement in recent days. Or at least from what he has observed. Hopefully their excursion tonight would provide even more light into who his new friend is.
Gai was then broken from his thoughts when he saw a noticeable tuff of red hair round the corner at the end of the street. Speaking of the devil… And he wasn't alone it seemed, Asuma was with him. Gai shrugged to himself as he decide he would find out the details of this interaction later. So without further ado, the eccentric jonin rushed over to greet his two compatriots.
"Greetings Haruki-san Asuma-san on this most youthful evening! I did not realize you also were teaching a Hyuga Asuma?" Gai half stated half asked.
Asuma's bored expression at Gai's actions vanished into a panicked embarrassed stuttering. As he stood there waving his arms around like an idiot particularly with the expensive dress, which he then realized he was waving in the middle of his blabbering, and tried to hide behind himself. As amusing as the scene was Haruki decide to rescue Asuma but just as he tried to speak there was a cough from behind Gai.
The resulting silence was only broken by the intake of breath by the three males present. For behold it was Kurenai standing behind Gai in a light blue dress that compliment her curves nicely. Haruki was the first to recover with a smile. "Well at least one of you two is aware of the requirements of an evening like this." He looked pointedly at Gai.
Gai now broken from the spell had the decency to look at himself and then sheepishly chuckle in embarrassment having forgotten the formality of the occasion. Kurenai couldn't help but laugh into her hand a little at all of their faces and even further at Haruki's comment with a small blush. It was then she took note of the parcels Haruki and Asuma were carrying.
Gai recovering from his embarrassment cleared his throat and look at Kurenai as he took his parcel from Haruki and bowed slightly in thanks. "Ummmm…. Kurenai-san would it be alright if I change in a spare bathroom. I seem to have forgotten the ermmm severity of the occasion."
Kurenai just smiled and nodded before in a swirl of wind and dust Gai dashed past her into her apartment and was gone before anyone could blink. Everyone coughed in the dust as it settled. Kurenai sighed in frustration as now all her painstaking labor to get ready had been diminished. She looked up though hearing someone approach.
Haruki looked at her with a small smile and handed her a decorated yellow box with a lavender ribbon on it. "Don't worry so much. I think you will be changing anyway," he said with a wink before gesturing over with his head at the clearly uncomfortable, nervous Asuma. And with that Haruki step around her and let himself in presumably to check on Gai. Kurenai mildly wondered why she found herself completely ok with that but decided to contemplate it later when Asuma approached her. The bearded jonin was obviously nervous, but she decide to have mercy and not comment on it. In actuality, she was grateful to Haruki for giving them a moment in private.
"Erm… hey Kurenai I know we had decided to take things slow but it's been a few months and I never got a chance to give you a congratulation gift on being a jonin and I just wanted to be nice and it was your size at the perfect price and…." Asuma began after clearing his throat. Though he trailed off as he realized he was rambling. Quickly but carefully he handed her the parcel that included the dress.
Kurenai accepted the gift with a small blush and thanks and was very curious as to what it was. As soon as she opened the top, looking inside she stopped, and just stared at it. Asuma almost lost his marbles at that moment and had to use every drop of will power he had not to apologize immediately and curse Haruki for his terrible advice. After a few more moments, he couldn't bear it anymore and went to open his mouth. Only before he could speak, he was interrupted by a squeal and the feeling of lips touching his own. His brain took a moment to process what was happening before he returned itas best he could briefly before she pulled away and was visibly bouncing up and down as she hugged him. In his head, Asuma was doing a victory dance, 'Haruki I will never doubt you again.' After Kurenai had calmed down a little bit, she turned to ask Asuma details when the door behind them opened. Quickly separating, he two looked at the door trying not to blush as Gai and Haruki stepped out again. Gai was dressed in a dark green Kimono with light blue imperial style dragon winding up the back. Now he really did embody his name as Konoha's sublime blue beast.
"Thank you Kurenai. I think I am much more presentable now." Gai says giving a beaming smile and a nice guy pose. Kurenai simple nods while Haruki sighs.
Haruki looks at her though with a smirk and says, "Asuma why don't you help Kurenai gather her gifts while she changes."
Asuma just nods in gratitude for the excuse and the two slip inside for a minute.
The remaining two jonin stood in a comfortable silence for a minute. One clearly observing the other and the latter was too caught up in his own preparatory thoughts to notice or care.
Finally, Gai broke the silence, "Thank you."
Haruki blinked at the statement as he was drawn back from his chaotic thoughts. The read head turned and looked at Gai, who was staring at the sunset over the rooftops, before tilting his head in a perplexed manner. "Don't mention it Gai. But ahhh what are you thanking me for exactly."
Gai smiles as if catching an inside joke before looking over at Haruki, "And I'm sorry too."
"Sorry for what? Should I be aware of something?" Haruki said actually confused now. 'Was this about the outfit?'
"I am thanking you for your involvement in my students. For addressing their true needs as if they were your own and in was that I could not or worse would not do so. And it is that unyouthful truth that I must also apologize for. I should have been more supporting to you in training today and addressed the concerns you pointed out sooner. I promise it will not happen again or I will run from Komo and back on only my hands and if I cannot do that then I'll-"
However before Gai could continue what was no doubt a lengthy list of punishment goals for disciple, Haruki raised a hand with a resolved expression. "Enough Gai. That's truly unnecessary. You are not the first sensei to be blinded by love for his students and you will certainly not be the last. That fact alone means you are already an amazing sensei. There is not a Sensei I know of that has more passion in training with their students than you and that is due to the love you have for them. All of them. So quite with this apologetic bullshit and remember that sometimes the best way to love them is to be real with them" Haruki said with a bit of frustrated passion at the end.
Sighing, Haruki took a moment to let Gai digest his answer before continuing, "Gai I'm not some master teacher or genius at being a sensei. All I did was compliment what you are already doing. You are doing most of the work. So chin up man and take some credit for getting that group this far." Haruki finished with a genuine smile and a thumbs up at Gai who was speechless.
Sobering up after a moments thought, Gai smiles back at Haruki and nods to the red head. "Yosh. Thank you Haruki-kun."
Further conversation was halted though as the door to the apartment once again opened. What came out was a giddy and stunning Kurenai, now wearing the dress that she got earlier, followed by a madly blushing Asuma. The remaining Join neglected to comment on the pair but as Asuma looked at Haruki's face he could tell that this was not the last he would be hearing of this. All of a sudden, there was a bright flash and his vision swam with spots finally clearing to see Haruki standing there with a camera with a shit-eating grin. Asuma turned to see Kurenai next to him in a similar condition though.
"Anko is going to love these!" Asuma heard and that did it. In a burst of speed, the bearded jonin lunged for the now laughing red head who had aptly dodged and was now hastily make a retreat up and over the building laughing the entire way.
Get back here Haruki and give me that camera.
"Oh come on Asuma you'll want the memory besides Anko is going to find out eventually anyway."
Not the least bit deterred by Haruki's statement the bearded jonin continues his breakneck pace after the red head. Leaving Kurenai and Gai staring after them.
The former just sighed in frustration. "At this rate we will be late for the dinner!"
"No we won't," a familiar voice said behind them as they whipped their heads around to the source. Finding none other than Haruki standing their both jonin took a moment of confusion before say simultaneously. "Kage bunshin?"
Haruki just grinned, "Kage bunshin."
Laughing the trio quickly decided they had already suffered enough delays and it wouldn't be good to keep their hosts waiting, so they started their way toward the Hyuga compound each convinced that tonight would be an event too remember.