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54.16% Lives Worth Saving : Legacy of the Hokage / Chapter 13: Meetings, Training, and Duels? Part 1 (2)

Chapitre 13: Meetings, Training, and Duels? Part 1 (2)

They were completely silent as the group walked down the streets of Konoha. It was late and they were all a bit tired but none of the Sensei were about to leave the red head. After the bomb that clearly just got dropped on him he clearly needed support. The only problem was none of them quite knew how to do it. Whether it was because they didn't know him well enough or just were lacking in the comforting department in general, they didn't quite know how to begin. Kurenai had tried congratulating him on his recent promotion and had offered going out for drinks. It showed just how far she was willing to go to try and help the obviously emotionally charged red head as this was not like her at all. Haruki has just thanked her and politely turned her down. Even when Gai and Asuma tried to pitch in the red head rebuffed all their attempts. So they contained to walk with him in silence until finally it came for most of them to branch off back to their own homes. Seeing that the red head Jonin did not even break stride as he continued walking down his own way with Kakashi making no indication he was leaving his side, the smoker of the group called out to him.

"Haruki," concern and remorse evident in his voice.

At hearing the tone in his voice the time traveler stop still in his tracks, and though they could not see his face, his eyes widened at the sound. How had it come to this? Why did they care so much?

Taking the stop in his forward progress as a sign of improvement the bearded Jonin tried to keep momentum going and continued,

"We can't imagine what you're going through. It was clear to all of use how blind sided you were by the events of the tonight. And the ultimatum you are subject to, we believe to be completely unfair."

The red head didn't not react any just stood there ridged and listened , so the Jonin continued.

"I don't know why dad is choosing to do this. But you have our full support."

Haruki turns his head just enough to look back at them with one stormy blue eye. The Jonin stare back unblinking as if looking away would take away from his claim.

"You have been a huge impact on our students and on us. And though it may be hard to believe in such short a time we consider you a friend."

They could see a change in something behind the red heads weary eyes but could quite place it.

It was Gai that spoke next.

"We understand that you have your secrets. That there is more going on than we are aware of. We know that whatever it is that it is a heavy burden. Whatever you've been through know that while our youthful curiosity may not abate neither will our trust in you. You've proven yourself even if you hadn't intended to do so to each of us."

And just as swiftly as it left the tension returned full force before his shoulders slackened at the end. His face betrayed nothing though and Gai cursed himself for almost making things worse but it had to be said. Before he could continue though Kurenai spoke softly at last.

"Haruki, we are not demanding your secrets or even implying that you should share them at all. We just want you to know you're not alone anymore. This isn't Komo or wherever you came from. We want to help you. No matter how this test turns out. Not just for the sake of our students that admire you but for your own because you are our comrade and I hope friend. Maybe one day you'll be ready to share. Until then just know we are here."

During her speech, Kuranai had walk within touching distance of the red head, features soft and weighted with worry and sadness. The sweet kind. And when she reached the end she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek before turning around and walking back over to where the others were. Asuma couldn't even bring himself to be jealous. He knew what she was doing. Inochi's words from the other night came back to him as he thought 'Haruki doesn't understand love anymore.'

When she reached them she nodded to the both of them before turning her head over her shoulder and ruby red eyes met shocked Ice blue.

"Goodnight Haruki, we look forward to seeing you at training."

And after the other two Jonin offered similar parting words, they turned and walked the roads that would take them to their respective homes.

After this Haruki turned frozen in place seemingly ignoring the silver haired Jonin standing next to him watching him carefully with a relaxed pose with a deceptively disinterested lone eye. It wasn't until Haruki's hand had touched his cheek where she kissed him that Haruki had begun walking again silently looking forward and hand caressing his own cheek still. They continued on their way until suddenly Kakashi stopped.


Kakashi said with a slight concerned and mildly forceful edge.

"Where are you going?"

"Where does it look like Kakashi? To train." The red head replied with a snarky huff. Why wouldn't he just let him go didn't At this point the sky seemed to darken, wasn't it a full moon tonight?

Kakashi's lone eye squinted dangerously.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. You are clearly upset and training on anger and rage will only get you hurt..."

"I'm not Naruto, Kakashi!" Haruki spat as he whirled around to face the silver haired Jonin. "I'm not some genin that can't take care of himself. And no doubt you would let him go off to train to let off steam."

"Naruto's training doesn't involve flinging A-S rank Jutsu or concentration heavy Fuinjutsu where no doubt the slightest slip can result in a very painful death even for someone as skilled as you." Kakashi replied calmly though you could see his breath as he spoke.

"So you think that I should just sit by and relax until the Hokage's duel huh?! Fight a Kage with just casual preparation. Not just any Kage but arguably the strongest of the 3rd tier! Stronger than Onoki of Kekke tota Jiton ! " Haruki knew he was being irrational but he was so angry and hurt at the moment he didn't really care. He didn't know where all this emotion was coming from. Yes he was upset with the Hokage for blind siding him and yes he was slightly nervous about the whole ordeal. Not because he thought he would lose. No quite the opposite. And what if he hurt the old man? It's not like he's an Edo Tensen and could bounce back for everything? How would they all react?! What if his rather... New.. abilities raise too many questions? All this was going through Haruki's mind but none of it explained such intense emotions.

He didn't notice the pressure in the air or the thin sheets of ice from the light dew of the summer night that seemed to spawn every where and most blatantly around him.

"I didn't say that." Kakashi said as he pinched the bridge of his nose irritation set in his voice. Why were people so difficult? His mind was racing with possibilities. Something was very wrong. Why was Haruki's chakra causing this reaction? Did he have a Kekke Genkai?

"Of course you should prepare." He continued gesturing to the side. "But is now really the best time too.."

He was interrupted when Haruki in his tornado of emotions and the famous Uzumaki temper showing itself, got right up in his face. The air dropped drastically and seemed to humm though Haruki didn't seem to notice not even the rumbling that seemed to emanate from the sky at that moment. "You think their right! You think I can't handle it! You WANT them poking around in my head. I bet you even think the Hokage was right too..." He was suddenly and forcibly interrupted when Kakashi grabbed the sides of his arms and yelled with a mixture of rage and exasperated desperation as wind seemed to whip around .

"I didn't say he was right!"

Haruki froze, eyes widened and it was only then that he realized he had been radiating chakra. Oops.

Silence descended on them as Haruki swiftly cut off the chakra flow. Everything even the air itself seemed to sigh in relief, the temperature rose, the ice vanished, the pressure seemed to return to normal. Looking around it didn't seem that anyone had witnessed what had happened. Silence persisted for a moment longer then Kakashi continued still staring Haruki in the eye, concern evident though slightly less frustration.

"I didn't say he was right." He continued much softer with a sigh. He let go of the red head but Haruki did not move nor did he speak. Kakashi rub a hand through his silver hair as he relaxed a bit more, saving is mounting pile of questions for a more stable time. They weren't important right now.

"Look Haruki I can't change what the Hokage did, I can't change what the council decided, I can't change what you went through on your mission and whatever trauma came with it. But, what I can do is help you prepare, watch out for you and be there for you. If that means joining you on silent walks around the village dodging people looking to thank you for one of your miracles so be it." At this point Haruki seemed to blush a little though he was sure it was just embarrassment. Kakashi then fixed him with a reproachful glare. "And if that means I have to stand in your way to keep you from hurting yourself so be it. I am not going to risk your safety or the potential success of your test because of your emotions."

Haruki still didn't say anything and still didn't look away but twitched slightly at that comment.

Kakashi just stood there in the silence resolutely blocking the street that led out towards the training grounds. In all the time he had known the red head and observed him, he had never seen him act this way. What did Old man Sarutobi do?

Patiently waiting for some sort of reaction. Getting none he continued in a soft neutral tone.

"I think right now what would be best for you is a good long rest. You will not beat Hokage-sama with anything less than your best. Now we can continue to stand here or we can go back to your apartment."

Haruki took a few more steady breaths and finally broke eye contact. He stuff his hand back in his pockets feeling like a chastised child and wrestling with the events that had just unfolded that he hadn't managed to shove away. Still when he started walking in the direction of his home without so much as a nod of acceptance, Kakashi walked with him step for step. He didn't have his book out and any signs of tension seemed to have abated. He almost hated himself for potential contributing to the red heads current state of mind but was confident he was doing the right thing. Gai didn't give up on him all those years ago and he wasn't going to give up on Haruki now.

They continued on the path neither shinobi speaking until they came to the red heads apartment. As the red head deactivated the security seals and got out the key Kakashi had slid down against the railing opposite Haruki's door and was seemingly making myself comfortable. Haruki opened the door a few inches and turned, hand still on the nob, to one eyed Jonin eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?"

"Ensuring that you don't attempt to go and train without a proper rest." He replied nonchalantly as if it was a regular occurrence and the most logical not stalkerish thing to do.

Kakashi who had been getting himself situated had been expecting some push back or snarky comment or perhaps another burst of emotion. When none came he got curious and looked up to meet the red heads gaze only to find the door wide open and Haruki inside having just taken his sandals, Jonin vest, and trench coat off and walking toward his bed room. "There is a couch if you want it." And without further ceremony or exchange the red disappeared into his room, the bedroom door closing behind with a soft click.

Kakashi sat there completely stunned. Did Haruki just invite him to... sleep over? Kakashi sat there puzzled and bemused at that notion and as the minutes tict by and the front door remained open, he began to wonder if the red head was serious? Was this some sort of test of trust? Kakashi remained seated another half hour pondering everything that he knew and everything he didn't know about Kazuma Haruki before he got up and walked inside. He twitched at the tingling sensation that shot through him as the security seals seemed to wash over him and accept his entrance. Closing the door behind him, Kakashi settled in to enjoy the rest of the night.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office, the Hokage issued a tired but pleased sigh as the Spyglass Jutsu fizzled trying to look inside the sealed apartment. He had of course seen the altercation earlier between the two Jonin. It had been a big gamble but it seemed to be paying off. 'Haruki needed the push.' He said to himself hoping that it was a push in the right direction.


Kakashi awoke to a divine smell and the sound of sizzling. He opened his lone eye to stare at a blank ceiling, wondering who was in his apartment, how they got there and if he should kill them before or after breakfast.

Then in a moment of clarity, 'wait this isn't my apartment'. Fully awake Kakashi jolts upright and all but springs from the couch he had been asleep on. In the process he smacks his shin into the seal reinforced coffee table. Suffice to say the table is fine. "Itai Itai!"

"Kakashi?!" He hears a questioning voice call from the kitchen. Haruki rounds the corner to see Kakashi holding his shin hoping on one leg. After a moment of staring at the unfortunate Jonin nursing his hardly injured leg, Haruki can't help but start chuckling. A chuckle turns into a giggle and a giggle turn into to a full out laugh. It was like a damn that had long been held back was let loose. It was melodious.

Kakashi for his part eye scowled playfully at the red head while inwardly adding to his life win tally for starting the day on such a note. He loved hearing that laugh. Once Haruki had calm down he just eyes the Jonin with a bemused expression. "Well if you're done losing your Taijustu spar with the furniture, breakfast is ready."

He then turned and walked back into the kitchen. Kakashi made to follow (carefully this time) when something registered in his brain about their earlier exchange that morning. Haruki wasn't dressed.

Well that's not completely accurate. He was clearly wearing ANBU style pants and what looked like light blue boxer briefs under but everything else was uncovered. He could see his ANBU tattoo just like before but that's not what caught his attention. Nor was it the taunt and powerful physique that seemed chiseled out of marble. (I mean seriously this guy could give Gai a run for his money.) No it was the jagged scar across his left shoulder blade right where his heart should be, the only blemish oddly enough, that had the cyclops complete attention.

Trying not to get caught staring as the red head walked over to the counter top while Kakashi took a seat in the kitchen. He had relieved himself of his Jonin flack jacket last night.

Breakfast consisted of steamed rice, miso soup grilled salmon rolled tamagoyaki and various side dishes.

They eat together in companionable silence when Haruki set his glass down pointedly. Kakashi not sure what he was suppose to do just begins to collect the dishes. He stops when the red head looks him directly in the eye and says. "Thank you Kakashi. For last night." Kakashi hesitated for a moment unsure how to respond. He settled for an eye smile and "what are friends for". Haruki smiled softly in return.

"I suppose you have some questions. I could stand to give a few answers."

Kakashi looks surprised at this and tries to see if the red head is joking but the sincerity on his face is unmistakable.

Kakashi set the dishes back on the table and sat down. "Can you settle for two right now?"

The red head nodded soft smile still in place with a bit of relief in his eyes.

After being reassured, Kakashi leaned forward, "The two things I would like to know at the present are what happened last night?"

The red head seemed to have expected this as there was no visible reaction. Kakashi then let his eyes drift the giant mangled scar across the red heads well developed left pectoral and gestured to it with his hand. "And how you got that? I'm sure there is quite the story." This time he got a very visibly reaction as the red head immediately stiffened all his muscles moved and coiled, his eyes gaining a lost look for a moment before refocusing. Kakashi was about to say never mind to that last question when the red head began speaking.

"My scar is a long story. One that I don't really talk about. The short version is my best friend and I were at odds and he stabbed me in the chest with nature chakra enhanced lightning. Almost killed me too. We eventually made up before he died. But suffice to say it's not a memory I cherish. I don't want to share more than that right now."

Kakashi just nodded completely understanding that sentiment though internally he was filing this away for later with questions on what technique was used and how Haruki had survived it? He pushed these thoughts away as Haruki began again explaining last night's events with the story he and Kurama had concocted the night before (though Kakashi didn't know that).

"What you saw last night was the results an experiment I was subjected to when I first started my mission. A man named Hiruko was experimenting with bloodline DNA and had been near the border of Rai no kuni and Mizu no kuni hunting survivors from the bloodline purges and Komo shinobi. He succeeded in capturing me and two others. They didn't survive. Frankly I shouldn't have either the man is worse than Orochimaru but due to my unique gene pool my body was able to recover from the experiment. In a sense I am a success story for the insane man. A biproduct of this was some new abilities he did not anticipate me having and I used those to escape where I then continued my mission. So what you saw last night was my Hyoton chakra. It's not something I really like talking about either and would appreciate you keeping this ability secret until needed. I'll have to reveal it fighting the Old man anyway."

Kakashi accepted this easily enough and nodded. He was amazed at the red heads resolve and resilience to have endured what he did. His respect for the red head went up several notches. He also made a mental note to kill this Hiruko should they ever meet. (Irony) He wasn't overly concerned about it though. This man was basically another Tenzo.

'Well at least he's not constantly calling me senpai' Kakashi noted with an internal dead plain expression.

Satisfied in his answers and happy with the red head for opening up Kakashi got up and made his way to sink to wash the dishes.

"So are you going to go training today? Or should I expect you for team 7's usual?"

"Unfortunately I have to report to the Hokage. After that, inevitably, long meeting I'll savage the remaining time to train myself, by the time I'm done you guys will be doing D-ranks and I'm not in the mood to help with those. Then I train with the other teams over the next couple of days. So it won't be until just before my duel that I'll be available."

Kakashi just kept rinsing the dishes completely unfazed. "Well that's out of the question. The kids won't survive that long without you. They'd boycott training sessions until I got you back, so we will just do our D-rank first."

Haruki just dead plained at the copy ninja's back. 'Naruto? Sasuke? Boycott training? Those don't even belong in the same sentence.'

"Fine I'll be there."

Before long Kakashi said his goodbyes, gathered his things, and made his way back to his own apartment. Haruki finished getting ready and prepared to leave himself not too long after Kakashi. Securing his apartment's seals he checked the time and finding it to be sufficiently late in the morning to make the Hokage sweat a little he made his way to the Hokage tower.


The Hokage was mildly perturbed. The humor in that came in the fact that he was perturbed at himself. Why? Because Haruki's absence was actually BOTHERING him. Surely the man couldn't be that angry with him? But to be almost 6 hours late to report in. The Hokage knew better then to send shinobi for him. The episode or almost episode between Haruki and Kakashi the night before was evidence enough that may not be a good idea so soon. If Haruki had Kushina's temper all the more reason. Sarutobi barely repressed a shudder as he heard a knock at the door. Quickly setting aside the paperwork, he was working in and schooling his features, thinking it was the red head, Sarutobi called out to come in. However, the door opened to reveal Shukaku his Jonin commander instead, lazy slouch firmly in place but sporting a small grim frown as he entered. Intrigued and slightly worried the Hokage greeted the Nara clan head, "Good afternoon Shikaku. Is there something the matter?"

The Nara replied in a controlled and serious voice, "Hokage-sama could I speak to you privately for minute."

Now definitely concerned Hurizen signaled his ANBU out of the room and activated the security seals. After receiving a motion to continue Shikaku began.

"Hokage-sama before I continue I must inform me that as of yesterday afternoon. I became aware of Haruki's unique relationship with time."

The Hokage stiffened and narrowed his eyes at that revelation but made no effort to interrupt.

"I have not shared this with anyone nor do I plan too. I figured it out on my own mainly because I have pieces other do not. Haruki confirmed it after I cornered it out of him." Again his voice was controlled and calm as he paused again.

The Hokage relaxed a bit at that but still seemed concerned. Though it explained the odd behavior. Something still wasn't right.

"So he hasn't been by yet. I saw the Chunin renovating the office across from mine but they were waiting for Haruki's input on where to place everything. I was told he was due 6 hours ago."

"No he has not and yes he was." The Hokage replied slightly nervous about where this was going.

Seeing he was ready to continue,

"Permission to speak freely Hokage-sama."

Internally the Hokage sighed. He really didn't want to have to deal with this. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "Permission granted."

Shikaku took a deep breath. "Being aware of Haruki's unique circumstances and of what little I gather from your plans. I have to ask you one thing concerning your decision to test Haruki... Are you out of your GOD. DAMN. MIND!?"

Nope it was bad. Very much so indeed. And the Nara started pacing.

"I fail to understand, how putting Haruki in the position to either fight you and show his hand or have his movements be crippled is a good idea? We both know he can fight a Kage shinobi and we know why. How are we going to explain that to the council because we both know Haruki doesn't have the option to lose? And can you imagine the mental stress you just put him under? He was fighting the war to end all wars not even three weeks ago!"


"I mean if Inochi ever figures it out he will have both our heads. I know you believe he can't be helped but we have to at least try right? Not make it worse!"


"And another thing, has Haruki even told you what abilities he has? What is they are identifiable to people that he shouldn't know. I have little doubt that you intend to teach Naruto his parents' techniques so Haruki probably knows them. And..."


Suddenly a heavy Chakra presence flooded the room and Shikaku's back straitened and mouth clicked closed. Perhaps he had pushed it too far. But, judging by the Hokage's expression and by the rapidly disappearing chakra, he was just slightly annoyed at not being given the chance to reply.

The Hokage for his part was more so intrigued than anything else that his Jonin commander felt so strongly about it as to have an unannounced meeting to then yell at him about it. Even more so since said man was Shikaku Nara. 'Curious,' he wondered if others had similar thoughts.

Addressing the slightly relaxing Jonin who was grinning sheepishly under the Hokage's gaze.

"While the severity of your reaction was unexpected I'm not surprised by your objection. And while it is not necessary that I do so, I will try and explain my reasoning."

Shikaku just nodded and waited patiently for the Hokage to begin.

Hurizen stood up and approached the window looking over the village.

"The surprise of Haruki was an unfortunate necessity to prevent others from thinking it was a prearranged deal, but that is really just an excuse for the primary hidden reason. The truth is that Haruki is quite determined to remain as detached and under the notice of others as he can. This much I'm sure you gathered. It's certainly indicative of his mental state given he came from what we know as Naruto. But that is not the way of the leaf village nor is that the way of the Will of Fire I know to be burning deep within."

Turning back to face the Jonin, Sarutobi walk back to his desk. "Haruki claims this is prevent unwanted attention to early. However it became apparent quickly that his behavior had made no headway in forestalling such attention and left us with more questions to answer. No, Haruki wants to remain in the background because of what he's been through. It's easier. Unfortunately to accomplish what he wishes to do he needs respect, reputation, concrete standing, and most importantly people. It only helps that in gaining these he can begin to self mend his heart at least in part. But it's a treatment we cannot do to him or for him and required me giving a solid push in the form of a staged ultimatum."

Here Shikaku's eyed widened as it clicked. "You were hoping he would react as he did. Manipulate him into demonstrating both his strength as a ninja but his strength of character all while pushing him toward the few bonds he has here."

"And it settles the issues with the opposition while permitting us to accomplish our own ends."

Shikaku nodded processing everything. "But are you sure it will work. What if it has the opposite effect?"

"I've already witnessed positive development. Haruki growing attached to the Sensei of Naruto's generation, despite his own efforts it would seem" the Hokage replied with a small smile.

"I admit it was a risk but it's necessary. For his own good if nothing else. As to your other points, I have an idea of some of his skills and he no doubt has the capacity to defeat me though I don't exactly plan on letting that happen. I hope to make him my sparring partner after this. All that's left is to concoct a story and for that we need information from Haruki and now that you are in the loop we can make it air tight."

Shikaku nodded. Perhaps he had let his concern for Haruki blind him a bit. He could understand the Hokage's decision, the others though...

"You should know Hokage-sama. The other council members and Jonin are less then pleased about the situation. This had better go well or you may just have a situation on hand."

The Hokage just nodded grimly, he knew the risks of his decision but he was confident in it.

It was then that Hiruzen felt a jolt as the security seals were violently and forcibly removed, followed by a deceptively polite knock on the door.

Hiruzen and Shikaku both looked at each other before the Hokage permitted entrance. The door opened and immediately the air seemed to freeze under an Icy blue gaze contrasting powerfully with the heat that seemed to roll off his unruly red hair in his wake.

As Haruki swept into the room though, his face sported a soft smile which beguiled his mood.

"I apologize Hokage-sama I was unaware you were in a meeting. I was delayed so I thought I would step in but I can come back another time." Haruki finished in an all to sweet voice thought the look in his ees when they landed on Shikaku was sharp.

Seeing this the Clan quickly gestured with his arms that h had no part in what was going on. Though Haruki didn't seem to react well to that thought either. He just had to be so troublesome.

'So that's how it's going to be is it. Didn't know I was in a meeting my ass. So the security seals deactivated themselves is it.' The Hokage frowned as he thought in a snarky voice.

"No, Haruki that's quite alright. Come we have to get you settled in you new office and then I'm sure the three of us have much to discuss over lunch."

Not even waiting to be excused the red head didn't even bother opening the door but shunshin'd out of the office without another word.

'Hmmm. Not entering via the window. Not leaving by the door. Bare minimum interaction. Not even acknowledging Shikaku. Passive aggressive tone hidden carefully behind kind sentiment. Hmmm. Quiet. Hmmmm. This isn't Kushina angry at all. Oh no it's much worse. This is Minato angry.' Sarutobi thought with a grimace and cold shiver.

"Well better get this over with." He said picking up a stack of papers from his desk. He handed it to Shikaku. "Shikaku I herby order you to deliver Haruki his first stack of paperwork while joining us for our next meeting."

Shikaku blanched at that and stared at the Hokage with a look of betrayal. Inwardly the Hokage was doing a little dance at avoiding the eternal wrath of the red head through his sacrificial price Shikaku.

Grumbling something about "The epitome of troublesome" Shikaku took the paperwork and headed out of the office the Hokage following close behind.


Haruki huffed a moody tired sigh as he made his way towards where he knew team seven would be training. He knew he was late of course by a few minutes but considering who their Sensei was he could be forgiven. The meeting with the Hokage and Shikaku went as well as could be expected. He wasn't quite willing to let the matter go just yet. They formed a plan to explain is new abilities after he reveals them to Konoha during the duel. Haruki had told them about what he had told Kakashi and they decided to use that as a base. Of course that wasn't what really happened. Hiruko had been long dead before Haruki was 'granted' his abilities by Orochimaru. Before he ran out of lives, Orochimaru took a page out of Kabuto's book and went grave robbing. He then drugged Naruto during one of the few nights he wasn't on the main front and used his own knowledge and Hiruko's Jutsu to splice new genetics into him. Specifically to give him potentially other bloodline. Well it did much more than that and there was a heavy price, yet, had Orochimaru not done the procedure, it is doubtful they would have had the edge they needed to end Obito and Kabuto. Fortunately for him he actually had time to refine these abilities now. He needed every edge he could get. Speaking of which, he would have to do something about his sword soon. It needed an upgrade.

It was these thoughts that were rushing through the red heads mind as he came upon training ground three. He noticed immediately that they had already started though they hadn't noticed him yet. Kakashi was noticeably missing though he could sense his presence in the air not too far off. No doubt hiding from his own genin again. What was interesting was Sasuke and Naruto seemed to be in a full on spar with Sakura watching on. Seeing and opportunity presenting itself when Sasuke dispelled Naruto's kage bunshin and began going through seals Haruki's face spread into a foxy grin as he tied his hair back. This was going to be fun. And then he flash stepped into the middle of the action.

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Katon: Grand Fireball jutsu) yelled Sasuke as he shot a giant fireball across the field of incredible size for a genin.

Suiton: Suijinheki (Suiton: Water encamping wall Jutsu) a voice whispered in his ear from seemingly all around. Sasuke had enough time to see steam erupt from where he sent his fireball before his senses a presence behind him and was kicked across the clearing into the steam. He tried to orient himself to land in a crouch but was interrupted when another body impacted him. Collecting himself off the ground quickly he discover the other body was Naruto who was rubbing his right side and lower back as he himself got up. They immediately locked eyes and stood back to back.

"What's going on Sasuke?! Who's attacking us?!"

"I don't know. Just be calm and vigilant. Be ready to move. We'll wait for the smoke to clear."

It was then that they heard scream. A scream they both recognized.


As Naruto attempted to run off in the direction they heard the voice his arm is graves and yanked harshly.

"Don't go running off you idiot! It's probably a trap! If we act without thinking we can't help her."

Naruto, who had been struggling and about to chew Sasuke out for stopping him paused and relaxed a little.

"Fine. We'll do this together but we have to save her Teme."

"I know, I know. I'm thinking but why hasn't the steam blown away. It appears to be some sort of Jutsu to inhibit sight. And whatever enemy can use this, probably has a way around the handicap or operates just as efficiently without it."

Just then they heard deep laughter echo all around them.

"How perceptive little genin, I'm impressed. So tell me how are you going to fight an enemy you can't see and save your pretty little friend."

Sasuke gritted his teeth. He was just about to issue orders when Naruto yanked him to his side.

In the nick of time too as a Kuni knife whistled past where Sasuke was previously standing. His eyes widened a bit as he hadn't sensed anything coming at him.

"That was close." Naruto began before flinching and and yelling at Sasuke. "Incoming at 3 and 6 o'clock. I've got the others." Sasuke blinked owlishly for a second before nodding seemingly coming to terms with Naruto's apparent sensing abilities rather easily and prepared himself. Naruto withdrew three shurikan and a kunia from his pounce before flinging the shurikan in the 3 o'clock direction. There were some clanging sounds in the now obvious mist before two kunia appeared out of the mist in the 6 o'clock direction. Naruto quickly deflected both before landing back next Sasuke who had just deflected his own barrage from the other cardinal directions.

"Hahaha well done. You survived wave one. Let's see how much more you can take."

Sasuke cursed at that. 'If the enemy keeps us pinned like this how are we going to get out.'

After dodging and deflecting another wave of sharp metal projectiles, Sasuke spoke quietly to Naruto. "Naruto I want you to make 20 clones; henge ten into shurikan I'm going to launch them out of the mist have the rest make a break for it. Report back what you find."

Naruto grumbled something about bossy Uchiha but does what is asked. They act as the next wave of shredding metal cones at them, seemingly from every direction.

"Naruto give me a boost." Sasuke backflips away from a barrage, that landed where he was moments later, high enough to be under Naruto as Naruto coils like a spring. In an impressive display or coordination and strength Naruto twists and launches Sasuke into the air where the mist thins and Sasuke spinning from the launch flings the ten henged Naruto's towards the edges. As he's flipping down Naruto yells, "Sasuke the biggest fireball you've got 27 degrees to the right of the 5th. I'll cover you."

Sasuke waste no time going through handseals as he orients himself while falling to fire at the appropriate angle. He hears the summoning and dispelling of many clones as Naruto continues to take the kunia and shurikan for him as there were just too many to counter with his limited ammunition and skill. 'Just a bit more Naruto.' Sasuke thought just before he ended in the Tora seal. 'You better be right about this dobe!' Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Katon: Grand Fireball Jutsu)! He then unleashed his largest fireball to date using as much of his chakra as he felt he could safely use. The raging angry ball of red hot flames shot through the mist steaming and Expanding towards it's unknown target.

Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Suiton: water dragon Jutsu)!

The mist faded almost immediately as a monstrous construct of water in the form of a dragon roared and shot towards them, eating Sasuke's fireball without much effort before continuing towards them and producing steam out of the mouth. It was about to reach them just as Susuke was touching the ground when Naruto had two clones throw the both of them out of the way.

The explosion was massive. Rock dirt mud and metal bits were everywhere as the two boys rolled to their feet surveying the area, trying and somewhat failing not to gawk and the destruction for the Jutsu. A Jutsu that would no doubt kill them had it hit. Steam was still billowing out of the crater. They braced their shaking limbs preparing for the next assault. But all that came was clapping.

Both boys turned around to the sound and found their sensei walling towards them.

"Kaka-sensei it was you? Where's Sakura-chan?" Naruto yelled in slight confusion and relief.

"Not quite and don't worry she's safe. Probably recovering from the prank you two were just subject too." You could practically hear the grin in his voice. Their sensei was obviously amused himself.

"Well done you two. I wasn't sure how you would react to a sudden combat situation as intense as that one but you worked together and used what you had as best you could." Seeing the two perk up for a moment as he was speaking he continued. "Don't get me wrong you two would so be dead but I think I'll let your opponent explain why." He finished with an eye smile gesturing behind them.

They turned and saw Haruki and Sakura walk out of the steamed crater. Both had grins plastered on their faces.

"See I told you it would be fun to watch."

Sakura just giggled in reply though she did look rather sheepish when the boys looked at her with a mixture of shock and frustration.

Haruki then turned and addressed the two boys who by this point were glaring daggers at him.

"Well I must echo your sensei's remarks. Well done. You both responded as shinobi would. Sasuke you kept calm and factored in your teammates strengths and your own weaknesses when forming a stratagey. You also managed to release a fireball bigger and more powerful then I would have thought possible."

Sasuke straightened at the praise and a small smile appeared on his face.


And the smile disappeared.

"It is important to understand the areas you still need to grow. You flexibility and self-awareness while performing jutsu need to improve or your teammates will continue to get injured covering you." Haruki said this as he gestured to Naruto and specifically his left arm, which had a tear in the jumpsuit and blood coming out. Sauske's eyes widened a bit as he registered that Naruto must have thrown himself infront of that last wave. Respect for the blond grew slightly at that revelation. Haruki walked over as his hand started to glow green. "You're lucky they were not poisoned."

Kakashi filed this away and did his best not to stare. Haruki knew medical ninjutsu. He would definitely be asking the red head about it later though.

"You also need to work on your jutsu and sense variety. You are reliant too much on your sense of sight and that is even without your sharingan. And while (Katon: Grand Fireball Jutsu) is an excellent jutsu in your arsenal, it is also very draining and to use it only because you lack other options will get you killed as you will run out of energy before your opponent."

Haruki then turned is assessing cerulean gaze onto his blond haired counterpart.

"Naruto, you have shown an excellent mastery of the Kage bunshin Jutsu and its forbidden variant. This will prove to be an asset in your training I think. You also showed remarkable chakra sensing skills for someone your age. Yet, unlike Sasuke you almost lost your temperament when you thought Sakura-chan here was in danger. A shinobi cannot afford to be ruled by his emotions. Don't misunderstand me. Emotions are essential to the job. They keep you human and empower you with your conviction to farther than your enemy every can. The power they give is your will and your will as Konoha shinobi is the Will of Fire. With it inside you, you will not fail. But if you are ruled by your emotions instead then you are little more than a mindless beast asking for your enemy to slaughter you."

At this Naruto visibly gulps under the intensity of his stare thinking of the beast he keeps inside, unaware that Kakashi himself was staring at the red head hearing the same message.

"You also like Sasuke are lacking in the variety of techniques at your disposal. This though is something we can now begin to fix now that each of you have finished the first stages of chakra control. All in all I am most proud of you because I can see that you've learned from each other and you've worked together. And now that you have reached this point I've got a gift for each of you… or at least if your sensei permits."

The two boys were surprised by this but immediately turned and looked at their sensei.

"Well I certainly have no problem with it. They are practically your students too."

Haruki blinked at that and his shoulders seemed to slump though his face didn't change. Kakashi sighed to himself. Why did he always ruin the moment? He knew the red heads body language enough now to know he was saddened by his comment. But before he could attempt to fix his error, Haruki pulled out three scrolls and tossed one to each boy before handing the last to Sakura. Sakura looked at Haruki quizzically but he just motioned her to open it. All three recognized them to be storage scrolls and immediately channeled chakra into them. Three puffs of smoke later and there was a pause in the field and each genin and their silver haired sensei evaluated what appeared.

In Sasuke's scroll there appeared two tanto, a set of weights, several sets of shurikan, a thin piece of paper and a katana.

In Naruto's scroll appeared a different set of weights, a metal staff, a thin piece of paper and 6 other scrolls.

In Sakara's scroll appeared a large set of books, a thin piece of paper and 4 other scrolls.

Kakashi was shocked and his head snapped over to the red head when he saw the paper. Where his students ready for something like that? Well sasuke was already preforming fire jutsu and Haruki did say to treat them equally. But he was going to damned if he want the one to help his students take their first step.

"Alright everyone before we go any further I have an idea as to what Haruki is doing here and I would like to be the one to instruct you if that's alright Haruki."

Seeing the red head nod, Kakashi continued. "Alright I want each of you to pick of the piece of paper."

"What is it Kaka-sensei?" asked a chipper and curious Naruto.

Kakashi could hear a stifled chuckle at the nickname from the read head. Oh he'd get back at him later for it.

"This Naruto is chakra paper. It is harvested from a very special tree that is grown with chakra. It is used to tell shinobi their chakra affinity. Your chakra affinity is which change in chakra nature you are naturally gifted with. It will be easier to perform jutsus of the matching affinity while it will be more difficult to preform jutsu of the opposing nature type."

Kakashi paused to make sure they had digested this information before continuing.

"Now this does not mean you can gain affinities over time. There is training for each affinity type though this paper can only show basic affinities. Now when you chanel chakra into the paper, if it burns you have fire, if it splits in half you have wind, if it crumples then you have lightning, if it crumbles then you have earth, if it get wet you have water. Now go on and try."

Sasuke was the first to try with a bored expression as he already knew he had fire for an affinity. But when he channeled chakra into the paper, the paper crumpled severely and then the edges burst into flame and began to rapidly burn towards the center. Sasuke quickly dropped the paper before looking up at his sensei excitement hidden in his eyes.

"Well, Well Sasuke were you surprised. Fire and lightning that's quite the aggressive combination. Fire is a powerful offence and lighting is as well along with a strong support. And even better that is my primary affinity as well." Kakashi informed him with an eye smile.

Haruki then stepped up gaining their attention. "Sasuke you should know that the swords are all chakra channeling. And should you be willing to give up some of your personal training time id be willing to teach you how to use them properly."

The words had barely left the red heads mouth when Sasuke immediately responded. "Hai!" Sasuke seemed to notice how eager that sounded and blushed a little. It was a bizzare sight for the red head but he kept his face neutral continuing.

"Your natural speed and flexibility if honed properly could make you unbeatable as a swordsman. I can't train you all the time but I would like to get you pointed in the right direction and help where I can. Those weights are reinforced with fuinjutsu to specifically resist your body in such a way to focus on enhancing your speed. They can be deactivated with the smallest amount of chakra but be careful in doing so. Make sure you have time to adjust to their absence. Only I can increase them though I will show kakashi if he's interested incase I'm unavailable."

"Ok, ok my turn!" yelled Naruto excitement and jealousy clearly evident in his voice. It seemed that last gift had made his patience run out.

Kakashi picking up on this turned to Naruto and nooded. "Ok Naruto channel your chakra and see lets see what you get."

He did so and immediately the paper split down the middle, twice, away from his finger and thumb causing him to drop them. Each square then practically liquefied. Water droplets fell of the soaked pieces as they fell to the ground.

Kakashi stare for a moment and blinked and upon hearing a soft chuckle flung his eye to the red head who was laughing seemingly completely unsurprised again. Now it was understandable not to be surprised about Sasuke having to affinities since all uchiha had the fire affinity and usually had another from birth, but for Naruto to have two affinities, especially that one of them was a wind affinity, should be at least mildly surprising for anyone that didn't know about the Uzumaki clan. Perhaps Haruki was more aware of Konoha's secrets then he first thought. Though now that he was thinking about it that hair seemed very curious. He just filled it away though as Haruki had just finished explaining Kakashi's surprised look to the others.

"So I have super rare wind and super flexible water. Wait doesn't that mean that Susuke.."

"Yes your affinities trump sasuke's affinities under normal circumstances." The silver haired jonin interrupted trying to prevent the idiot from starting a fight through unnecessary gloating.

"That's not what I meant. I mean mine are perfect for combinations with wind strengthens his fire and his lightning can travel on my water. That is after I learn some jutsu and we train some more."

This caught everyone including Sasuke by surprise though he looked excited by the prospect.

"Yes and lucky for you those are two of my affinities as well. I had a hunch that those would be your affinities so I included two jutsu of each type in the scrolls along with a beginners scroll for fuinjutsu."

This just made kakashi more suspicious. How had Harruki known? Maybe it was just a hunch, after all he had those himself.

"The weights are different from Sasuke's in that their fuinjutsu formula is designed to increase your raw power to capitalize on incredible stamina. That's not to say you can't gain speed or that Sasuke can't gain power. But for now it is better to train your strengths to give you time to train your weaknesses. You are the right and left arms of the team."

Haruki was about to turn to sakura when Naruto cut him off.

"But what about the last scroll and the staff. Are you going to give me private lessons like Sasuke."

Haruki turned back to look and Naruto who was staring at him with uncertainty.

"Oh those are not from me though I was told to deliver them with the message that your tutor will meet with you soon. That scroll is to get you started on the basic stances and katas. As for private training, you and I will be doing fuinjutsu more in depth than with the group because they have their own skills and specialties to hone."

This seemed to satisfy the blond though it was obvious he was trying to figure out who his tutor might be. Kakashi could guess and if he was right… well now he understood why he was giving Sasuke private training.

Naruto then turned though to Sakura who was holding her paper but was looking in what seemed to be a medical book.

"Sakura-chan aren't you going to find out your affinity like us!"

Caught unawares the girl dropped her book and looked up sheepishly saying, "oh right. Opps." Inwardly she was screaming and Naruto-baka for distracting her from her book.

Sensing her thoughts Kakashi intervenes. "Ma ma no need to rush Naruto."

Sakura however was already molding chakra into the paper. The paper immediately stared to crumble from the edges before the middle crinkled and crumpled in on itself.

Kakashi couldn't contain his surprise and neither could Sasuke or Naruto.

"Well, that's …unusual."

"Did I do something wrong?" Ask Sakura as she looked at each of the shocked faces eyes finally landing on her sensei as he spoke.

"No, sakura they are just surprised. Its uncommon for civilian born children to have more then one affinity even more so that one is weak to the other." Answered Haruki as he leveled her a reassuring look.

'But clearly your not." Thought Kakashi as he wondered at the red head. 'and if my assumption is right then..'

"As for your scrolls, they contain two Doton jutsu and one Raiton jutsu along with elemental affinity tips for both in the last scroll. But the main gift is the medical books to begin you journey as a medical ninja. If that's where you desire to take yourself. These two will need you to patch them up until they can learn to do so themselves. Besides your amazing chakra control makes you a natural for this." Haruki finished with such a reassuring smile who wouldn't believe him now?

Sakura grinned and seemed to preen under the praise; quickly she picked up the book she had been holding earlier. "And you'll help me right. To um make sure I'm doing it right."

Haruki smiled and nodded. "Without a doubt, and I have a friend over at the hospital that I'm sure would love to help out when I'm not around. I'll introduce you after you've got some of the basics down. If you work hard and never give up I have little doubt you'll become as powerful as these two. Besides… "

Here Haruki knelt down to her level and spoke almost as if to someone else though the children didn't seem to notice.

"Who other than you can keep these to knuckle heads in check and stuck together." He finished softly with a hint or regret perhaps that he hadn't meant to come out but did anyway.

As Sakura smile gratefully up at the red haired Jonin, hints of tears could be seen behind her eyes, and in a moment of spontaneous gratitude closed the short distance between them and wrapped the red head in a hug.

Haruki freezes even as he returns the hug. His mind is instantly returned to the last time he had been hugged by his dearest female friend. Just before that mission. Just before the end. Just before….


Wait that was Kakashi's voice? Wasn't he dead?

It was then that the world sprung back to reality and Haruki could see Kakashi fast approaching as the other two genin seemed to be trembling and staring at him with wide eyes. He then noticed the fact that his chakra was flaring. Wildly.

Ah. That would explain their panicked looks.

Sakura though who was on the inside of the bubble seemed perfecty fine and even slightly confused as to what was going on. Staring at Haruki with bright green eyes. Those eyes hurt but this time for her sake he would make them strong.

Haruki immediately cut off the flow of chakra and suppressed it. Kakashi skidded to a halt and seem to just observe but prepared to continue if necessary, it was a demonstration of trust.

"Gomen Sakura-chan. I am very appreciative of your kindness. You remind me of someone I loved very much. One I am proud to say you mirror in many ways. It was because of this resemblance that I had the hunch as to your affinities." Haruki turned to the still twitching boys. "And that is why you don't lose control to you emotions."

The two boys just nodded and let the nerves leave them as best they could. The message seemed to sink in better after feeling such chakra.

Kakashi for his part was unsure of how to take the red heads explanation. Chakra natures had nothing to do with personality so he should not have been able to use that as an indicator to what her natures might be. On the other hand those emotions were quite real and he could clearly feel them through the chakra. It reminded him way too much of himself. Just what had his friend been through.

Before he had a chance to inquire or break up the moment, Haruki did it for him.

"Now how about we get the training started. I believe it is my turn to decide how training goes. So Naruto and Sasuke put on your weights so I can adjust them and follow me."

Haruki then made three clones and they were already standing in front of each of the students.

After Haruki took each member off to a different part of the clearing. It was just him and Kakashi left. They stood together in silence listening to the sounds of training coming from the various areas around the clearing. In one area in particular there was the sudden presence of a lot of Naruto kage bunshin. Kakashi continued to look side long at his newest friend, mind busy trying to make sense of everything. Haruki broke the silence before long, no doubt aware of the cyclops blatant staring.

"Wanna train?"

Kakashi turned to him and blinked.


"Do you wanna train? I know you still haven't gotten the hang of that Suiton jutsu I showed you yet." The red head answered glancing over his shoulder. "I figured if the kids are pushing themselves to such limits why shouldn't we."

Kakashi seemed to mull it over for a second seeming uncomfortable with receiving help from anyone before eye smiling and nodded.

"Well cyclops get that eye of yours out and let's get started." The red head finished with a grin.


Hours later the sun had already set and the last traces of the sunset were beginning when the members of team 7 final called it a day. Kakashi dismissed them with the orders to get a meal together before heading home for a rest. Tomorrow would be come early and they need to rest after the training Haruki had put them through. Each of the genin had made significant progress by the end of the training session. Sasuke had begun his lightning nature elemental training and had learned the basics of kenjutsu very quickly. Naruto managed to learn one of the water jutsu and was nearing completion on his first stage of wind manipulation training. Fuinjutsu was slower going but Haruki made him promise not to use clones to practice his fuinjutsu until Haruki cleared him to do so. Sakura was well on her was to mastering the lightning jutsu that she had been given and had begun the lightning manipulation training. Haruki even had time to go over some of the medical basics with her to expedite her introduction. Kakashi had managed to finally preform the jutsu by the end of the training session to the red heads satisfaction. And so it was that the two Jonin found themselves meandering themselves through the village, Haruki had said that he needed to pick up the reports, applications and other paperwork that his new position required him to now fill out and file. Therefore, the silver haired had naturally offered to accompany him. And so it was that the two made their way to the Hokage tower. It had been a full day since the meeting and by now the announcement of his new position and its purpose would have traveled through the rank and file of all ninja of rank in Konoha. This became evident when they reached the entrance to the Hokage tower and the chunin guards stiffened to attention as he approached. This reaction was usually reserve for people like Shikaku Nara and Ibiki Morino. It was mildly amusing to witness the red head that wanted the least amount of attention to be the center of attention. After entering the office and creating a clone to begin work on the pieces that he didn't want to take with him, he and Kakashi continued on their way toward the red heads apartment.

After taking back roads and side streets for most of the way for one reason or another, they took to the roofs. It wasn't until they were most of the way to Haruki's home that Kakashi spoke up finally.

"So you know medically ninjutsu."

It as usually wasn't a question but Haruki nodded all the same.

Kakashi without even looking up from his book continued. "How good are you?"

"good enough to take care of myself or someone else in a pinch. But not near good enough to be considered a medical ninja. Not by my standards at least."

The copy ninja just hmmm'd at that. No doubt whatever Haruki's standard was it was something ridiculous.

"May I ask who taught you?"

Haruki didn't release and chakra or show any bodily reaction but in his voice it was evident he didn't particularly want to continue this line of conversation.

"My friend. The one I told Sakura about earlier. She was a medial genius like any other. Always coming up with cures an better treatments. She had a short carreer though. I wish now I had paid more attention to her back when… well it doesn't so much matter now."

They continued onward in silence until they arrived at Haruki's apartment. Haruki quickly opened the door and left it open as he walked inside and took of his shinobi sandles, trench coat, and flack jacket. Kakashi walked in after the blond after he called out that he was making dinner and that Kakashi should eat something after using so much chakra.

Dinner was a small affair with light conversation about training and their students. Haruki shared his plans on the training of Gai's team the next morning. And they continued to talk about everything and nothing for a few more hours before Haruki announced he was turning in for the night. And dispelled the clones he had working on his paperwork here and at the Hokage tower. As the bedroom clicked closed, It was quite evident to Kakashi he had just been set up to spend the night again. But for whatever the reason he couldn't bring himself to care. Quickly preparing himself and finding a blanket waiting for him along with a pillow the cyclops smirked at the red heads antics and flopped down on the coach feeling oddly at peace with himself. Tonight seemed to promise a goodnights sleep. For the first time in so long.


Haruki awoke early the next the morning feeling surprisingly refreshed and energized considering the events of the night before. It had been a close call. Kakashi had actually knocked on the door and check on him. He had to brush it off on finding a spider in his bed. But even now as he stretched he could hear her haunting voice. 'You can do it Naruto I believe in you. We will win and we will protect them.' She had said. Oh how he had failed her. 'Go Naruto I'll be right behind you.' Of course she wasn't. but no doubt she told him that to get him to leave and buy them time. Kabuto had come to collect her personally. They had already lost most of their escort. Out numbered as they were he hadn't wanted to retreat, but their mission to retrieve the supplies was too important to risk and she knew that.

'Damn it Sakura why were you always right.' Thought the red head as he new tears fell from his eyes. Not many though he had cried most of them out in his sleep. Perhaps that why he felt so refreshed. You always feel better after a good cry.

Realizing he would have to be meeting team 9 soon he went and showered and got ready silently. Gathering the pieces he would need for their training today. He entered the main living area and saw kakashi laying facing the couch. Seemingly sound asleep. He could quite figure out why he kept 'arranging' for the cyclops to stay over. He couldn't deny that he enjoyed his company. And it was starting to become different then how he felt back them. More like a friendship and less like a teacher student relationship. Perhaps he was just so used to sasuke living with him from before that it just felt right. He promised himself he would think on it later as he quickly left a note to help himself whenever he liked although warning him against snooping. Grabbing his trench coat and a vocal though soft "See ya later Kakashi" and Haruki was out the door. The door clicked closed and a singular eye cracked open. Seems that he would have time to think on everything afterall.


Haruki approached the training ground he knew team 9 met at, thinking of what crazy exercise he would catch the two training crazies in today. But as he entered the training ground he was surprised to find several more people waiting on him. There was of course Rock Lee and Maito Gai but so was Neji Hyuga and Tenten-chan. The most shocking thing though was the two men standing next to Neji talking amongst themselves. He recognized both of them to be Hizashi Hyuga and Hiashi Hyuga. Haruki wasn't quite sure what was going on but he steeled himself for whatever wrench life was about to through in his face.

"Goodmorning everyone, it appears in my attempt to be early I find myself showed up late." Haruki said with a small smile when he was close enough to be heard. The gennin immediately turned to him and all had smiles of some degree. Gai and the elder Hyuga turned to greet the red head as well. Gai and Hizashi were each sporting there own traditional greetings while Hiashi maintained his neutral expression as usual. Before anyone had the chance to speak Tenten had rushed forward with puppy dog eyes.

"Haruki-senpai please spar with me! I even brought a katana today!"

"Oh How unyouthful Tenten. Stealing the first spar from me. This is something I would expect from my eternal rival not you."

"Lee im sure Haruki will have toime to spar with everyone but I have a new style to review with him. Seeing this to be the case I believe I should be getting the first spar."

Haruki laughed despite the senpai comment. It was both amusing and strange to see his old friends arguing of such petty things as sparing order like… well like children.

"I think I will be able to solve this problem fairly easily." Saying this Haruki then seallessly created three shadow clones. "Each of you will get the first spar and we will review your skills from last week while I discuss this week's training with Gai-sensei. Now off you go. Be sure to stretch before hand"

Each genin went off with a clone to part of the clearing. And now with them occupied and out of the way he could get to the bottom of what was going on around here. His clones were ordered to keep them busy until he signaled them. Hopefully this didn't take too long.

Haruki turned to face the others that were still waiting for a greating.

"Good morning Gai-san, Hizashi-san, Hiashi-sama. I did not realize you were joining us so early."

It was obvious who the comment was meant for and the individual took it as their cue to step forward. After all the red head now had a semblance of authority and should be treated with the appropriate respect, not including the fact they he considered the man a friend.

"Good morning Haruki-dono. While I did come to witness my nephews training and witness your teaching skills, if that's not too much trouble, I also wanted to be sure you received these." The man pulled out from his robes two envelopes. One was clearly addressed to Haruki personally and the other was addressed to the office he now claimed as his own in the hokage tower. Gesturing to the envelope that was addressed to the Hokage tower, Hiashi continued, "This contains all the proper paperwork and applications forms for all the Hyuga that want to join the sealing corps or barrier corps including my own. I was informed that you had already been by to collect the paperwork when I come to drop them off late last night and wanted to make sure you got them." Taking the envelopes from the man Haruki nodded and then observed the one addressed to him. Seeing his curios look the Hyuga clan head made to clarify. "That is a formal invitation to have dinner with the clan this evening. We would be honored to have you join us."

Haruki looked startled at this. This was not what he had been expecting, and he's not sure if he was quite comfortable with it either. Clan dinners like this, especially with this clan, usually involved far too much politics for his liking. But the fact the Clan head had gone out of his way to such a degree and deliver the invitation personal showed just how serious they were. So how could he turn them down? But on the other hand was he really prepared for such an encounter, he did have training to do afterall.

For Gai's part he was mildly surprised by the clan heads move and wondered at what the motivation was. Did he have some favor to ask of Haruki but then why not just ask him? Was he trying to gain favor in the red head's eyes? But didn't he know the red head well enough to no use such tactics? Or was he just using this as an opportunity to thank the Jonin for the service he had done for hiss clan? After looking sidelong and seeing Hizashi's impassive and unconcerned face, he decided to wait and see how Haruki handled the situation and intervene if things seemed to be going south. He had promised to support the red head where he could after all.

Sensing the red head's hesitation Hizashi spoke to try and calm some of the fears he was sure were running through Haruki's mind. "If I may clarify brother I believe we are inviting him to thank him for all the services he has provided our clan and welcome him back to Konoha, though officially it's to celebrate his recent promotion and meet some of those we hope to be his future students. I'm sure you could use a break from training Haruki."

Translation: We are not planning to interrogate you.

Haruki seemed to visible gain some certainty then. How could he say no to a thank you dinner? Especially when he couldn't think of a good excuse.

Nodding in understanding the red head issued his answer. "If that I the case I'm humbled that you would honor me so and gladly accept your invitation." He bowed slightly to them remembering the edicit lessons Hinata had drilled into him for such event.

Pleased by his acceptance Hiashi actually smiled and returned the bow before turning to Gai. "Gai-san you are certainly welcome to attend as well. I will also be inviting Kurenai Yuhi. This is a celebration of the great teachers that have impacted the live of our children."

Pouncing on the opportunity to not be singled out and before Gai could turn the invitation down, Haruki immediately agreed. "Absolutely! It would be most youthful to have you there."

Gai fully aware of what Haruki was doing laughs heartily and acquiesces, "Then I shall endevour to bring my springtime of youth full to bear at the gathering this evening."

Everyone just smiled though Hizashi thought, "Well Neji is probably going to kill me."

During this pause Hiashi to the opportunity to be certain that he could witness today's training.

"It's no problem at all Hiashi-sam… -dono , though I must request the small favor not to repeat to others the source of neji's training. You'll understand when you see it."

If Hiashi was surprised by this he didn't say anything but nodded that he agreed.

Haruki then turned to Gai and began going over with him the training he had in mind for the day.

"Gai-san do you mind if I take today's training in a different direction. I want to focus on training them in handling situations where they may find themselves at a disadvantage and hopefully helping the overcome these limitations. Today may be tough on them."

Gai's grin was blinding. "YOSH! That would be most youthful! Whatever you feel is right, I trust your judgement!"

Haruki nodded at this and signaled to the clones to send the genin back over for their training. Each student had worked up a sweat by this point though they appeared to still have plenty of energy. Good they were going to need it.

Once each of the genin had gathered around and were resting Haruki knelt and sat with them as they drank water. The other adults stood around and quietly observed what Haruki would do next.

Haruki look at each one as they recited to him what they had reviewed from last session. After being satisfied with whatever they had said he started explaining to them how training was going to go for the rest of his part of the session.

"Now that each of you has sufficiently warmed up in your strength areas we will use the remainder of our time together to identify and curb your weaknesses. Tenten since you asked first earlier you will be first."

The young girl sprung up despite her earlier spar and went to retrieve her katana again when Haruki put a hand on her shoulder.

"You won't be needing that. We are going to be doing some target practice."

Tenten blinked in confusion as she scanned the area for targets but only saw Haruki walking away from her. When he was about 40 meters away from here in the clearing he turned with a smirk and uttered two words that everyone heard. "Hit me."

Tenten understood immediately but seemed concerned. "What?"

Haruki's smirk widened. "Well weapon's mistress you have starting now one simple goal and that is to hit me with a weapon. You may throw or swing however many you wish. Aim to kill. That is your mission."

In the minds of her teammates and sensei this seemed a bit too simple. 'But Tenten's strength is throwing weapons? This should be easy for her.'

Tenten looked apprehensive but pulled out a handful of shurikan anyway and flung them with deadly accuracy.

Or so she thought. The shurikan whirled through the air right on target until about a foot from making contact where they then verd off course wildly and harmlessly connected with the ground. The members of team 9 were supremely confused by this none more so than Tenten. Again she flung another set of shurikan at the red head only to get the same result. Haruki for his part just continued to smirk.

"Feel free to hit me any time." He teased.

This made a tic mark appear on the back of Tenten's head and the other members of her team became convinced of he had a death wish.

And so the onslaught began and for the next 30 minutes Tenten sent barrage after barrage of shurikan and kunia and that insufferable red head. But time after time he evaded, without moving and her aim proved false. No matter what tricks she tried whether it was redirecting shurikan midflight or using ninja wire and kunia to try and just touch him. But nothing seemed to work. The shurikan always went off course and the ninja wire just seemed to snap around him. What made it all worse was the red heads continuous taunting about her skills and his smirk never leaving his face. He would yawn, stretch, and bend over. At one point he even started pacing seemingly in deep thought about something as her weapons just continued to miss him by at least a foot every time. Her anger kept her from realizing this fact however, even more so when she realized she was running out of the typically throwable weapons. The Hyuga of the group had long sense activated their Byakugan to try and figure out how the red head was doing it. They had seen then what looked like an ever-moving shell of wind chakra surrounding the blond like an invisible cloak and from the looks of things angling projectiles seemed like just scratching the surface of what it could do. What was amazing though was that Haruki had such control of the element to do so. Though considering what they had previously seen him do with lightning manipulation, it only makes sense that he would be this skilled with his primary element. Hiashi was beginning to see just how Haruki was able to pull off the seal he had heard about. His control over wind chakra was such that he had never scene before. It was just after Tenten's latest volley of projectiles that the red head called out.

"Come now Ten-chan. Surely you've got something up your sleeve that could at least bring me a scratch."

Tenten finally lost her temper hearing his remark and reached for her scrolls on her back.

"Fine since you want it so badly I'll give you my ultimate technique!" she screamed at him before tossing the two scroll in the air and running through a short series of handseals.

Ninpo: Sōshōryū (Ninpo: Rising twin Dragons)

She then jump up into the intertwined expanded scrolls spinning.

Those watching on the side lines that knew her were surprised she was using this in a spar, though the Hyuga were unsure if it would prove to be of any use. The adults however were also watching Haruki closely to see his reaction. Its good that they were or they have missed his resigned soft smile. One that seemed to have a hint of regret. It was then that they caught him utter one single word as Tenten started flinging every manner of weapon at ridiculous speeds.


They watched as his hands formed one single seal, his potent chakra released for all to feel, just as the first part of the wave was deflected.

Fūton: Daitoppa (Futon: Great Breakthough)

And then in a second it was as if a hurricane had spawned. Wind thrashed all around towards Tenten even as it was felt by everyone. The scale was colossal and deep gashes appeared thought the clearing and trees were shredded even as all the weapons were shot back toward Tenten at a much higher velocity than they were traveling at originally. The others all were covering their faces even as the intense wind threatened to shred them to pieces. Yet it was like all the blades of wind were being bent around them and it was just the sheer force of the jutsu they were experiencing. They had to channel chakra to feet in order to prevent themselves from being blasted clear across the clearing. What was even more insane was the fact that all the Jonin recognized this jutsu as a c-rank jutsu. It was not normally capable of such destruction or power. And he did it with just one handsign too.

Tenten who had been in the air found herself blown clear across the clearing where she rolled and bounced along the ground as the jutsu past.

It had been just a couple of moments but in that time the clearing had completely changed. Tenten groaned as she made to stand. "What was that?" She survey the carnage of the clearing around her and wondered, "how did I survive that?" Just then the was creak and groaning sound and Tenten looked behind her to see a tree falling on her. She could hear the others yell to get out of the way and watch out but her body just wouldn't respond. But just before the tree reached her it stopped moving and shattered into a bunch of splinters. Then she felt the pain in her back from where she had landed begin to sooth and a voice ask her "Are you alright Tenten?" Tenten realized that it was Haruki's voice and turned to see the red head's hand glowing green over her back and looking straight into her soul with his piercing concerned blue eyes. All she could do is smile as the red head scooped her up bride style and began walking over to the rest of the group. He smiled softly at her nod and spoke softly, "I knew you could handle it you're an incredibly tough shinobi and you performed brilliantly." The konochi found herself blushing under the praise and promptly tried to hide it as she waved off the others concern when he set her down. After checking her over for any major injuries and finding none that Haruki hadn't already taken care of (apparently he was a medical ninja), Gai nodded over to Haruki saying he could continue.

Haruki returned the nod and told Neji to head out to the clearing, as it was his turn. Before he walk out to join him though he left Tenten with some final parting words. "Tenten I want you to think hard about why you couldn't hit me today. We will discuss it further after everyone's trial."

At the word trial the two Hyuga looked at eachother both wondering the same thing. What did Haruki have in store for neji?


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