today has been very...interesting to say the least. apparently in my old life I died I still don't remember dying. by the way I just remember waking up in a foreign body of a 5 year old boy
I started panicking at first cause I thought I killed the boys soul. or absorbed it and took over the body
that's just evil to me. until a system pops up
yes a system but this system unlike all the other systems I read in novel's this was a guide yep and I had to spin the wheel to see what powers I got
I got chaos energy along with the chaos emeralds from those sonic games I used to play as a kid sonic
the power flow was surreal I felt superstrong like I could take on anything that stands in my way
(quest activated save Naruko from a mob)
rewards: spin the weapons wheel
yep my first. mission. apparently if I complete the mission I get to spin the wheel and see what weapon I get of course nobody sees the wheel except me so..
I am about to complete my mission as I see Naruko trip oh my god she's so cute how dare the villagers harm her."
me being the nice guy that I am pulled her out of harms way she was so surprised she was about to scream I had to sussh her
why.?.. couldn't I just take them on with my superior energy!
one i don't even know how to use it
wo I still have to practice it so even if I do use it
three I might faint and god only knows what the villagers would do to the so called demon lover. probably rape me.
I shivered at the thought
then I noiticed a familar white haired man made me furious "Mizuki" I snarled
scatter!" he ordered once the mob dismissed. I broke the big and she looked at me with those gorgeus blue eyes I don't care if she was considered a male in my past life she will be a looker when she gets older. and I think. she already has feelings for me considering I saved her and the fact that she gas a small blush on her cheeks as she's staring at my face
"u-uum thanks for saving me mister....?.
nick kowosaki" I introduced
names Naruko uzumaki she hintrodced back.
Naruko uzumaki
nice name for a beautiful girl like your self
my eyes widen when she fainted
"oh dear"
(mission complete save. Naruko from mob)
(reward weapons wheel 1 spin)
I grinned alright. spin
the wheel spun and spun and spun
a few seconds later
my smile fell
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