All the preparation was completed and they were ready to go to Mount Uzu.
Because Lana had been unconscious, even Carina's magic couldn't help regain her consciousness, the twins were assigned to stay behind. At first, Ian would complain endlessly.But because Kace turned deaf ears to his whining, and Hope was not able to convince Kace otherwise, only then Ian stopped and resigned to his fate.
For Ethan, he didn't have a problem at all. Whether he had to stay or he needed to go.For him, as long as the decision had been made and that was the best that they could have in order to help the situation, he would follow.
Moreover, he had been addicted to Carina's story about the stars and learned a few things about herbs and magic. Regardless of how he would never be able to perform the latter, he liked to see how different centaurs' magic to the witches' magic.
Edited by: Fikydiamond