Seven days later...
In front of the Lu Corporation, media were fawning at the incoming car. Flashes from each camera continuously clicked, snapping picture every second possible. Fortunately, the guards of the premises had controlled the situation hence, Ethan Lu's car entered the establishment without too much hassle, albeit slower than he usually does.
Just this morning, rumors about Ethan Lu and Laurel Wang's affair shocked everyone. The video clip of "them" making out inside the car had spread like wildfire. Thus, the chaotic situation outside the Lu Corporation.
"Rick, send our legal team." As soon as Ethan Lu got out of the car, he flatly instructed as his strides going inside the premises didn't falter.
When he entered the lobby, he still received respectful bows from the employees he passed by. However, their gazes bore strangeness in it — probably, because of the news.