You and your brothers went to celebrate in the house.You got out some soju.You and your brothers celebrated happily.Yoongi said "I have a gift for you.", he gave you a small box that had a ring with "Work Hard" and a necklace that said "You can do this", You said "Thanks hyung.", You got ready and went to the studio to listen to some songs.You saw the CDs of the songs you listened too when Yoongi was gone.You got some wrapping paper and tape.You covered it and added a ribbon for the finishing touch.You went to the massager and said "Let me try sleeping here and not use a blanket.", You went and started the massage as you laid there.You slowly fell asleep.Yoongi found you sleeping in the massager.He turned it off and carried you to the room.Jin followed him, When he laid you down, Jin said "Yoongi, look at your studio desk. He gave you a gift.", he went back to the studio to see your little gift.He got it and opened it.He saw the songs you made. He smiled and said "I'm so proud of him.", He came back to see Jin laying next to you, you were in his arms asleep. You were hugging him.Yoongi smiled and laid next to you. He hugged you and said "I love you, twin brother.", You had the best dream that made you smile while you were sleeping.Yoongi woke up early to see you smiling, he smiled and said "Can you stay happy like this forever?", you woke up by the sound of his voice but you pretended to be asleep and said "I would if you help me make music later.", he said "All right. Can you wake up?", you layed on his chest and wriggled.You said "Five more minutes.", he said "Wake up or hyungs will punish you later after we eat,I mean all of us.", you pictured it happen and kept laying on his chest.He called Namjoon to your room to wake you up.He said "I almost broke your X box!!", you instantly woke up and said "Appa, not my toys!!", he laughed and said "I was just joking." as he ruffled your hair.You looked at him and pouted at him and said "I don't like jokes from you.", Yoongi said "Do you want to eat breakfast?", you nodded and said "Me want jajangmyeon and ramen.", You woke Jin up and said "Hyung, cook jajangmyeon and ramen, Jaebal?", he said "Of course, anything for you." with a smile. You said "Hyung, I want to confess to Y/N in the concert, but I'm too shy to talk to her.", Jin said "Don't be shy because she likes you too.", You said "Can you make breakfast now since today is my brother's 6th anniversary which means I don't get to join since I don't belong in it...", he said "You are coming no matter what, you are a part of BTS now and you are our brother.", You still looked gloomy when you came downstairs and sat on the couch lazily wearing a hoodie with the hood hiding your face.Jimin saw you looking gloomy, he sat next to you and said "Are you okay?", you ignored him and looked down at the floor sadly.Jimin knew what you felt.He hugged you tightly and said "You know, you are a part of BTS now. Don't worry, we will make sure that you get the full experience of having our 6th anniversary.", you went to the dining room and sat on your chair not saying a word to anyone and ate.You got ready and wore a black hoodie, jogging pants, Gucci shoes and got a black mask on to not be noticed.Your brothers were very concerned about you.Yoongi and Jungkook were very worried.Jungkook saw you put your headphones to block the sounds.Jungkook said "Jin hyung, why is he like this?", he explained what you said to him a while ago.He understood and said "Let me call Y/N", he called Y/N and said "Y/N, we need help. My little brother is not him today.He feels distant from us since today is our 6th anniversary.", she said "I will join you later.Meet you guys in 5 minutes.", he said "Thanks, see u there." and hung up.When all of you went to the car, you saw Y/N following you from behind.You were smiling behind the mask.You kept your headphones on to not show your happiness.You went next to the window and looked outside sadly.Jungkook,Jimin, Jin and Yoongi knew you were still feeling distant from them.Yoongi said "Y/N, if you are sleepy, you can sleep on his shoulder." and gave her a wink.She understood and layed her head on your shoulder.You were blushing behind the mask.You put your hand on her head and whispered to her "Good night, princess.", she smiled and slept on your shoulder.Yoongi noticed that you were keeping her warm by getting a blanket from the compartment that was in front of you.He smiled and told the others about what is happening.Jin said "Look how cute,they look together.", the others agreed and said "Let them be, let's see what happens next.", you were slowly feeling sleepy and layed on the pillow behind your head.You fell asleep while keeping your arm on her shoulder.Jungkook smiled and said "Let's post this and let army see it.I hope they ship them.", Jimin took a pic and posted it.Army shipped both of you and said "You were cute together.", You and Y/N woke up when Jin said "We arrived at the amusement park".When you stopped, your lips met Y/N's lips.Both of you were blushing when you broke the kiss. You put back on your mask and hood and left your headphones in the car.Your brothers looked at you and gave a sly look to each other.Taehyung said "Let's let them be alone.Let's see if they get closer together and let's see if he confesses.", You and Y/N left the car holding hands. Your brothers gave you money that you can use.Both of you ran off to have fun.Your brothers went to where they wanted and had fun.While they had fun, both of you were in the Ferris wheel. You held her hand and said "It's okay, I'm here.", When the ride ended.You went to get some prizes.You won stuff toys for Y/N while she won action figures for you.You came back to the parking lot to wait for your brothers.You sat on a bench near the car, you said "You know, I had fun being with you today.I have a question?", she looked at you and said "What is it?", your brothers were watching from the entrance. Jin said "He is gonna do it!!!!", Jungkook said "I hope she says yes", You asked her while blushing "Will you be my girlfriend?", she said while blushing "Yes, I would love that.", You smiled and kissed her.Your brothers ran to you and said "YOU FINALLY DID IT!!!!", You hugged them and said "Of Course, who thought I won't get her?!!", they all pointed at RM.You said "Even you destroyed the best moment did you!!!", You calmed down and said "Appa, I forgive you this time.", he said "I'm proud of you.", You ran to her and said "Let me put the prizes in the back.", You got the prizes and put it in the back.You went back to the car sitting next to Y/N who laid her head on your shoulder. You said "Jagiya, do you want to sleep next to me tonight.I can buy you clothes since I have nothing to do tomorrow. I am gonna let you borrow my clothes.", she nodded and asked "Jin Oppa, will you all-", he said "Yes!!", You looked at Yoongi and said "Which means, the old ships come back.", he smiled at you and said "I'll allow you since you already confessed.", you arrived at the building and went back to the dorm. All of you got ready and went to bed.You hugged Y/N as she slept in your arms.You said "Good night princess", she smiled at you and said "Good night, jagi.", Both of you slept soundly.
I really like the storyline so much, I read this in my free time.I hope all of you liked the ships.Author nim out.
You woke up next to Y/N.You whispered "Jagiya, wake up.", she woke up and said "Good morning, Jagi.", You said "Good morning, beautiful" as you kissed her.You and Y/N went down with a smile on your faces.Jin said "Good Morning, Love birds.", you said "Hyung, not yet.", he nodded and said "Sureeeeee" as he put the food on the table.He made Ramen, Jajangmyeon, and Spicy Noodles.You sat next to Yoongi as Y/N sat next to you.When you both ate, you fed Y/N as she fed you.When you were both eating jajangmyeon, both of you got sauce over your faces.You laughed seeing her looking so cute while eating.Jin said "Even if you just confessed yesterday, you look like you have been together for a year.", you looked at him and said "We do?!!!", he nodded and said "You still look cute together anyway.Anyways, you should hurry up eating, we have to go somewhere.", You and Y/N ate fast and got ready.You wore black hoodie, red pants, and white Gucci slip ons. Y/N said "Jagiya, be careful and take care.", you kissed her cheek and said "I will, Bye.", she waved goodbye until you went in the car. You put your headphones on and listened to music. Yoongi was listening to the songs you made.Jin was driving as the others were talking.When you arrived, you went down and left your headphones in the car. You put your phone in your pocket. You were on weekly idol since you were invited. You introduced yourselves and went to your seat.Doni said "Jin, so your little brother is here.", he nodded and pointed to you.Coni said "I heard you are great in dancing Girl Group Songs.", you nodded and Namjoon said "He is better than all of us.", they were shocked and said "Let's see.Cue the music.", they played many girl group songs but you never missed a beat.They were Jungshook but when you did sexy dances, your brothers jaw dropped.Coni said "He really is amazing.", You thanked them and said "When I was a trainee, I got taught by a girl mentor so we never danced to boy group songs but I am the best one in dancing to girl groups", you had fun there.When you left to film a new mv, you had to go to film in a school.It was about you finding your happiness through your brothers.The first scene was you going through the door looking down.You had to walk slow.After that, you had a break.Yoongi sat next to you and said "I listened to your song that you made.You did very well for your second time.", you thanked him and went to do the rest of your scenes.You were okay until you had a scene, you were falling from the stairs.You hit your head on the floor and fainted, It was a good thing, your brothers came out of the bathroom to see you there unconscious.Kookie picked you up and put you in the car.Namjoon asked the staff to finish the shooting tomorrow.Taehyung hugged you in the car.He was making sure you won't fall.Yoongi called Y/N and said "Y/N, can you come to the hospital,Your boyfriend fainted.", she was very worried about you.She said "Ok-k-kay, I w-wil-l-l se-e-e you guys th-e-ere." while crying.Yoongi hung up.He layed your head on his shoulder. You were dreaming the weirdest dream.You were doing "it" with drunk Taehyung.You woke up in the hospital and saw Tae next to you.You instantly kissed him but he was flustered.He said "What are you doing?", You said while blushing "Nothing, hyung.", your brothers said "Tae, watch our brother while we go buy dinner.", he nodded as they left.He said "You want to do "it" with me, don't you?", you bit your lip as a yes.He went on top of you and kissed you passionately.You flipped him over and said "I have the upper hand now." with a smirk.You removed his shirt and kissed his abs and neck.Your right hand went down his pants and teased his member.He was moaning from the pleasure.You kissed him as you pulled his pants and underwear off.You removed all your clothes and said "Now for payback." as you entered him without any warning.You went in him fast and got faster and faster.He was having fun and came on you.You pulled out and forced him to give you a blowjob.He deep throated you as you put it in his mouth.You came in him and laid next to him.You smiled at him and touched his abs.He said "Are they well developed?" raising his right eyebrow.You said "Not as mine but yes.", You kissed them and stopped when he kissed your neck.You said "Hurry, put your clothes back on and sit down in your chair.Help me put my clothes on so it won't be obvious.Y/N texted me that she is near.", He put his clothes back on and helped you put them back on.He wiped the mess you made and sat on the chair.You laid down and said "Hyung,why is Yoongi and Kookie my twins?", he said "They are since mom entrusted both of them to you as a twin to give you twice the protection.", Y/N opened the door and found you there talking to Taehyung.She was overjoyed to see you awake.You held her hand and said "Jagiya, I'm fine.My legs just got injured.", Just in time, your brothers came inside with your food.Jungkook and Yoongi sat next to your bed and said "Hyung will feed you.", they fed you a plate of jajangmyeon and fried chicken.You were thankful to have them.Y/N said "Jagiya, let me feed you.", she glared at the both of them as they stood up and went to their chair.She fed you food and gave it to you like a mother.All your brothers gave her the jealous look but you stared at them with your blood red eyes with anger.They stopped staring at her and ate.Jimin said "Look how cute.", Jin nodded and said "Who is gonna sleep here?", you pointed at Yoongi, J hope and Y/N.You said "Namjoon will sleep with me tomorrow just make sure he won't break the bed.", Namjoon said "I won't",You said "Hyung, remember my graduation is coming near.", Jin said "How many universities did you graduate from?", You said "15",they said "Jinja?!!!", you said "Its because I'm a genius like my twin brother Yoongi.", Yoongi said "It is true.", You started to fall sleepy as you laid in your bed.Jin said "Sleep now, dongsaeng." while landing a kiss on your forehead.Y/N tucked you in and said "Sweet Dreams, Jagiya." as she pecked your lips.You kissed her cheek and fell asleep.You were dreaming about your mom and dad speaking to you through your dreams.They said how proud they were for you.When you were about to wake up, you hugged them and said goodbye.You woke up and said "That was amazing.", J Hope was next to you admiring you.You said "Hyung, why aren't you sleeping.Look at the time.It is 5 pm.", J Hope said "I can't stop looking at you since you kept your cute smile when you sleep.", You started crying all of a sudden,you got an anxiety attack.J Hope hugged you and said "Why are you crying?!!", You said "I-i'm seeing all o-of you d-d-ead", he calmed you down and said "You are just hallucinating, It's not real.", You were hugging him and said "Hyung, where is Y/N?!!!", He said "She had to go somewhere.", you sighed with relief and said "I hope she won't get hurt.", J Hope said "Yoongi and Kook are buying your medicine to stop your hallucinations since your brain is still recovering from the hit.",You imagined what would they have to do if it won't stop.You said "If they do surgery on me and I don't survive.", he hugged you and said "That won't happen, trust me.", Yoongi came inside as Kook was following him.You smiled at him and said "Yoongi,I need to talk to you about something private.", he nodded and signalled J Hope and Kook to leave.They both left as he sat next to you.You said "You know, I am a dragon prince right.", he nodded and said "I know, but I want to know the reason you're here.", you said with a gloomy tone "My parents threw me out of my kingdom and made me live like a mortal.", He said "As your twin brother, I love you whatever you are.", you smiled at him and said "Thank you.", He asked "Can I see your true form?", you nodded and said "Let my form free and let me show everyone my true me.", your skin slowly turned to ruby red scales, red wings sprouted out your back, a tail sprouted out below your wings, and horns sprouted above your head.A gold crown adorned with rubies rested on your head.He was shocked seeing you in your true form.He kept your secret quiet and said "Turn back to a human but leave your wings on.", You said "Put me back in my mortal form, but let the wings untouched when I transform.", You were a mortal again but your wings were visible.You said "Wings hide", they slowly disappeared.Yoongi said "Can you heal yourself?", you nodded but said "I can't stop my hallucinations though.", he said "It's okay.", you said "Heal my injured legs so I can finally walk.", your legs healed, Yoongi said "Guys, you can come in now!!", they came in and said "What is the secret?", Yoongi gave you a tell them look.You sighed and told the truth."I am a dragon prince.", they were Jungshook but asked "Are you a good dragon?!", you said "I am, but not unlike other dragons, I am very generous, kind, and always there if anyone needs help.", You suddenly got a call, It was Jin, he said "Ummm, can I tell you something." in a nervous tone, you said "Of course hyung", he said "Y/N is with someone else, we saw her with a guy walking back to the hospital to visit you.", your world burned into flames, you hung up and cried.Yoongi pulled you in a hug and said "Its okay, just cry on my shoulder.", Y/N was heading to your room with Jackson.He said "I can finally meet your boyfriend.", he said "Oppa, you can't come in, I have a bad feeling on what is gonna happen.", your anger was slowly turned into dark energy.Y/N entered the room.You slept and ignored her.You gave Yoongi a signal to check outside.Y/N sat next to you.She tried to talk to you but you said "Why are you cheating on me?!!!", she said "I'm not!!!", you said "then who was the guy with you?!!!", Yoongi entered the room holding Jackson by the neck.Your ruby red eyes looked at him with anger.Your fire powers were about to come out.Y/N said "He is not my boyfriend, he is my brother.", you signalled Yoongi to let him go.You said "I'm sorry for accusing you." while hugging her.She said "I forgive you.", you introduced yourself to him and said "I am sorry my brother hurt you.", he said "No, its okay.", he said "So you are her boyfriend.", you nodded.You slowly got close and became friends.He then asked "What happened to you?", J Hope explained about what happened, he said "I know how to stop your hallucinations.", you said "What?!!!", he said "Y/N knows how to make you a herbal medicine to stop them,drink it before you sleep.", you faced Y/N and said "Do you have some with you right now Jagi?", she nodded as she pulled out a tumbler of it from her bag.She said "Remember, only drink one cup.", yoy nodded as you poured some in a glass.You said "Guys, can you leave for a while and buy dinner?", they nodded and left.You said "Jagi, come near me.", she came near you and said "Why?", you kissed her passionately as you lifted her in your bed.You removed her shirt and kissed her neck.Your left hand went down her pants, entered her panties and went inside her.She moaned as you kept on pushing your finger in.She said "F-f-faster jagiya-a", You fastened your pace, she came on your fingers, you put your fingers in your mouth and said "You taste so sweet, Jagi" with lust in your eyes.You pulled her pants off and panties.You went near her core and said "Let me taste you now, Jagiya", Your tongue entered her core, she moaned every time you fastened your pace.You took off your clothes and entered her without warning, you went fast immediately and hit her good spot in every thrust.Both of your breathed heavily when both of you came in the same time.You laid next to her and said "I Love You, Jagiya" while pecking her lips.She said "I Love You Too." kissing your lips.Your brothers went inside to see both of you in the bed.Jin said "No meh baby, he just did "it" with her.", Yoongi and Kook were smiling and said "WOW, WE ARE GONNA BE UNCLES SOON!!", you said "Give me a break then when our child is born okay.", Namjoon said "We will give you a break to spend time with your baby soon enough.", he smiled at you and said "JACKSON, YOU ARE GONNA BE A UNCLE SOON!!", Jackson burst through the door and said "Thank You.", you said "Can all of you keep quiet, my princess is sleeping.", you laid next to her and hugged her.You slept hugging her, your brothers and Jackson were silently celebrating.Jin said "Now, I can teach him how to take care of a baby.", Jungkook said "Now, the others can meet their baby.", All of them were hoping it was a boy but you wanted a girl so you can call her princess.
I know this novel has been mostly about BTS and all but I will add a new group for the next chapter.It will be a 8 membered group.Author nim out.
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