For the first time, Musical Note sensed a chill that came from the bottom of her heart, and the cause of it was this young man who had not graduated from university and entered the society yet.
After all, the reason for this entire event was because Mu Clan had boldly stationed themselves in Yangzhou by setting up a branch in Towering Palace, which was why they stirred up displeasure in Towering Palace and made them want to fight back. Then, as Class One Hall egged them on, all sorts of other reasons caused them to want to destroy Mu Clan.
But not only had Towering Palace not gained any benefits in their plan to destroy Mu Clan, they had even lost tens of thousands of people!
As for Mu Clan, they managed to devour all cities at the south of the coastal area in one ago, causing Towering Palace to lose another tens of thousands of people.
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