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11.58% Age of Adventure / Chapter 45: BACKSTORY

Chapitre 45: BACKSTORY




A person push the door slowly, his eyes could not hide his excitement.

The doors of the Library leading to the Secret Archive slowly opened as the dust from the door sill slowly floats down.

A person wipes the dust on his fingers with one of his handkerchief. The footsteps halted for a moment and then it resumes as that person walks forward

'It is dusty. As expected of an old library' He seems to be complaining but his tone is full of excitement

He look around for a moment before moving again

Then he walked deeper inside, his footstep echoes endlessly as he steps inside the room, his head look left and right, marveling at the large library.

This is the Library that leads to the Secret Archive of Vanheim, housing thousands of precious books.

The smell of books fills the library, and also dust.

Aero was given access to Vanheim secret archive because of his stellar achievement in the war.

And today he is about to enter and search for something he hope would be in the archives.

How could he not be excited?

Vanheim most priceless artifacts and secrets lies here. Treasures not many are privileged enough to see.

Only The Royal family can enter the Secret Archive. Access is permitted only by decree of the reigning King of Vanheim.

'And I got that.' He thought to himself smiling all the while.

Aero believes that there may be some books or documents that could explain his skill weirdness.

He's referring to Sacred Sword Finger skill and his Divine Sword Technique.

Lizhu Gerard stayed in Vanheim region after the war, got married and his descendants also lived here.

Logic dictates that if there is anywhere that I can find information about him, it would be here.

Aero has always been interested in this person called Lizhu Gerard since the day he got his class.

He seems to be mentioned in history book but any mention of him was obscure and in some text he found, his achievement was even erased.

If the Sage of Trethelm words could be believed Lizhu Gerard did not approve the Empress behavior so he retreated from public life.

As he walks inside the Secret Archive he could see some statue of the Seven Celestial carved on the main pillars

The Secret Archives is located at the far end of the Altar of Seven Celestial just behind the Throne room.

Aero was not surprised to see the statues of the Gods. He did not know how devout the royal family is toward the Seven Celestials but he is going to bet they are not that religious.

But culture is hard to erase. Aero must praise the creator of this game for making the NPCs so realistic and having such a rich culture.

Aero was given the key and the password for entering the door. He saw the statues and nodded.

The statue acts as a direction guide. Each of the Seven Celestials statue fingers pointed to the same direction.

Aero just have to follow the direction of the finger and then he arrived in front of a wall of bricks.

The brick wall look like an ordinary brick wall if not for the fact that it is evident that the brick wall is protected by barrier spells that prevent anyone who doesn't know the password from entering.

It is a high security place, guarded by hundreds of spells and magic. Looking at the door, Aero only smiles and then he said

"Acta Deos Numquam Mortalia Fallunt"

Aero said the password.

Then, he heard some gears turning. And slowly but surely the brick walls behind the altar started rearranging themselves to form a door.

'Cool' He said.

After that Aero entered the room. It was darkness all around.

Aero started walking forwards without hesitation or fear. The bricks behind him are already arranging themselves back to its original position.

George had told him that there will be torches all around the archive and one just have to say a magic word and the mechanism will start by itself, lighting the entire path.

"Crescente Luce" Aero chanted in the dark

Then all the candles in the archives started flaring up and the Secret Archives was revealed to him

'Hoh' he gasped. There was also awe in his tone.

Aero was shocked looking at the Secret Archive as the lighting now shows him the layout of this place.

His eyes look at his left and right, taking the magnificent sight in front of him and burning it into his mind.

From what Aero can see, this Secret Archive contains almost by his own rough estimates around one hundred fifty thousand volumes of books and various treasures.

He saw a curved red sword and a gold axe hanging in some part of the walls. It is no doubt it is a treasure of the Kingdom

Aero could not help but smile. Aero strode powerfully and full of vigor, knowing somehow he will find the answers here.

Aero took a deep breath as he walks, trying to calm his own excited heart.

He felt his thoughts straying and he needs to reel himself back.

'Don't forget why you are here' he reminds himself.

Then he started scouring the books. The librarians of the Secret Archive categorized the books by years of publishing.

So he started during the time he estimated Lizhu finished his campaign and the founding of the Vers Empire.

Then after almost three hours of searching for book, and almost pulling his hair in frustration, he finally found something that is about Lizhu.

He opened the book and walk closer to the torches to see the words.

And he started reading it with his silent voice, the torches around him illuminating the words



The land fractured, the world in chaos, and the common people suffered.

Kingdoms rise up from greedy Dukes and Princes, tormenting the people and bringing the flames of war to the four directions.

Divided was the trend of the world. And when the world is long divided, the trend of heavens once again come and desire for the world to be united.

From one of those Kingdoms rose a man named Alva. Strong and cruel he unified the continent under him by steel and blood.

Millions of men were slaughtered by him as he created a throne build upon the suffering of his fellow men

He named himself the First emperor of Alva Empire. He ruled with iron law punishing the people for the slightest mistakes.

The lives of the people were hard under his rule, and everyone lamented their fates to the Gods.

Twenty years after he united the land, by the will of the Gods he passed away. The will of the people rises up and people picked up steel and declare independence.

Immediately after the death of the First Emperor, rebellions occurred everywhere, the luck and fate of his dynasty slowly faded away.

His heir was a fatuous ruler that only knew how to enjoy himself with women and wine, angering the ministers and mocked by the people, hated by the scholars.

The heir continued his father practice of tyranny, fearing not the Gods punishment, or the condemnation of the world.

Lizhu Gerard a humble man in Zhulian, now Tian Dynasty felt a responsibility to right the wrong that has been done to the people, possessing a heart of justice and compassion for the common people.

But Lizhu Gerard was not strong in fighting so he could not pick up a sword and end the dynasty by himself.

He has a weak body but he is known to have a brilliant mind, his fame as a great strategist is famed throughout the land.

His desire for the world to return to peace and for it to be ruled under a wise ruler prompted him to hire an assassin to the kill the First Emperor.

This act won him the praises of all the heroes in the land.

Hunted in his failed attempts of assassination and living by the compassion of others, Lizhu lamented the fact of his weak body.

It is at this time a farmer in the vicinity of Niod now Niovar started a rebellion with the people of his village, rebelling against the unreasonable orders of the Count of his village.

With affable personality and understanding the hardship that the commoners felt, many joined his cause.

Persuaded by his advisor he made the trip to ask the famous Lizhu to help him. Lizhu at the time was lost in self-pity and would not entertain him.

The famer was relentless and always come to Lizhu house and lifted up the strategist spirit.

Lizhu after seeing the farmer humble personality and his determination was moved and vowed to the Gods to put this man on the throne.

With Lizhu by his side, the farmer rose to fame and glory, all of his obstacles with the wave of a Phoenix fan will be solved.

Lizhu Gerard is a man with great foresight, a sagely minister and a divine strategist. He is modest in his action, diligent in his work, supporting the good and eradicates evil.

He recommends many people that would help his master, never being envious. He performs his duty with integrity, upright and outspoken, unafraid to remonstrate his master.

With such able advisor by his side, that farmer by sheer force of character topple the short lived Vers dynasty.

In ten years the land was conquered by the farmer, the world once again was united, and the Gods once again smiled upon the land.

The Alva Empire only lasted for thirty years and crumbled. That farmer was Alain the Wise.

After becoming Emperor, he abolished draconic laws and started a reform for the prosperity of the Empire.

He reduces taxes and corvee, privatized the coinage, and emphasizes education in his reign.

He ruled the people wisely and was known to be benevolent. So wise was his rule that his empire lasted a thousand years.

By the end of the Empire the bickering nobles seceded and we are left with the Kingdoms and countries.

And once again the world was divided waiting once again for a rightful monarch.


'This is not what I'm looking for.' Aero sighed as he finished reading the excerpt of the book about the Vers Empire.

He put down the book and scanned the library. Then he started searching again. Finally he found it after another hour of perusing many books.

The Manual of White Sword Technique.

The moment he opened the book a lot of status windows popped up.

You have learned Crimson Strike

You have learned Autumn Slice

You have learned Blowing Fire

You have learned Slithering Slash

You have learned Opening Blow

You have unlocked five sword techniques of Divine Sword Technique.

Restriction has been lifted.

You have gained an understanding of the sword technique.

Crimson Strike

Mana consumption : 400

Damage : 150

With this method, you will cause your adversary's sword to drop through a strike from your sword, and then bring yourself immediately back to a readiness to strike. This method is combined with (Not learned yet), in which you will always strike with true force by swinging your sword toward the ground when your opponent's sword is about to drop.

As Divine Sword Technique level increases so does the damage

Autumn Slice

Mana consumption : 600

Damage : 180

With this method, you are to start off by assuming a posture in which you are not to use your hands. You are to think of getting your body close to your opponent before striking him. However, if you think of reaching out both of your hands, your body will remain distant. This is why you must always think of quickly getting your body close to the enemy. When you are distant, you will exchange blows of the sword, and it will be rather easy to move closer to your opponent

As Divine Sword Technique level increases so does the damage

Blowing Fire

Mana consumption : 900

Damage : 220

If you are currently within a situation in which you and your opponent's swords are to clash, you must strike extremely hard without raising your sword to any extent. This is Blowing Fire technique. If you are to perform this technique, you must first strike quickly with the three combined forces of your legs, your hands, and your body. This blow will be rather difficult to perform if you do not train it at frequent times. If you diligently train yourself, you will be able to increase the overall force of the technique's impact.

As Divine Sword Technique level increases so does the damage

Slithering Slash

Mana consumption : 1200

Damage : 250

With this technique, one's objective is to get close to the opponent and stick to him. When one is to do this, one must first behave as though one had been strongly glued to him with one's feet, head, and body. It is generally known that during combat, most fighters will have a tendency to have their body hang back while their heads and feet are extended forward. One must attempt to paste one's body against the opponent's without leaving any area in which the bodies are not touching.

As Divine Sword Technique level increases so does the damage

Opening Blow

Mana consumption : 1500

Damage : 280

When you first start off by striking, your opponent will try to parry by hitting or by blocking your sword. At this point in time, you need to completely equip yourself into the action of striking with your sword, and strike whenever you may see an opening, whether it may be the legs, arms, or head. Following the single way of the sword and performing a strike such as this is known as the Opening Blow. This technique will be useful at moment while fighting, so it should be trained regularly.

As Divine Sword Technique level increases so does the damage

'Whoa, finally after a long time, I have learned a new skill.'

And after checking his status windows Aero is relieved that he finally can use the Divine Sword Technique

Like he expected, the answer was in the archive

Divine Sword Technique [6] Intermediate

One of Lizhu Gerard techniques. Lizhu Gerard learned many styles of attack that are foreign for this continent. This technique is rarely seen in Vilajeri Continent.

Mana Consumption: 900(will decrease when the proficiency increase)

Increase attack power to 140 points

Have learned the set of the sword art.

Restriction is lifted.

But still Sacred Sword finger doesn't change at all. But at least one thing is clear. These two techniques are not at its full potential.

For Divine Sword Technique they have their own sword art, so probably Sacred Sword Finger also has its own set of art he need to finds and learn.

The technique, Aero realized also need him to perform exactly as the description to activate the sword art.

Finally his martial art lessons will be paying off. He has never finished learning any of the martial arts he learned.

For him, he just needs to learn the basic. Using the time in Brave World, he could learn by himself.

But he understands the need for a teacher.

But still he doesn't have the money necessary to study for a long time. It is thanks to his father insurance that he could afford playing the game.

Not to mention his mother's salary from her company before she fell sick.

His mother told him that they have enough money for at least one more year. And for this one year he will try to gain money by playing this game.

If that doesn't work, then he will have to face reality and work in the real world. But who would want a college dropout?

Then he checked his level.




PROFESSION Grand Strategist





FAME 3050


HEALTH 11720+600

MANA 1090+200


STRENGTH 175+ 50

AGILITY 595+200


STAMINA 154+40

WISDOM 425+80



LUCK 119

CHARISMA 190+110




ATTACK 576+ 40

DEFENSE 262+ 40




FIRE 25%




+ All stats are added 20 points in battle

+ 30% increase to Stats on the Battlefield.

+ Enables equipped items for the secret class

+ Decrease mana consumption for Divine sword technique

+ Easier to raise proficiency in any area.

+ Affinity with scholars increased.

+ Affinity with wise men increased

+ Easier to influence statesmen and scholars.

+ Decrease in Mana Consumption for the Divine Sword Techniques based on level of INT

+ Gained ability to learn secret skills based on your level in Language.

+ Fame increase upon solving any quest involving the nobility.

+ Can talk to spirit and understand divine meaning

+ High leadership enables your troops to enjoyed 10 points of stats increase in strength

+ High leadership enables you to raise your troops marching speed by 20%

+ High Charisma enables you to establish rapport with townspeople quickly

+ High charisma enables you gain secret information ( Orders Of Letters unlocked[Click to get more info])

+ High wisdom enables you to join Celestials Scholars [Click to get more info]

+ High intellect enables you to join Council Of Athena [Click to get more info]

+ You have unlocked Baron status

+ You have unlocked Lord status.

+ Intellect is added extra 100 points

+ 80 points added to Wisdom.

+ 10 points added to CHM

+ Strength is added 150 points because of the title effect

+ Charisma is added 100 points because of the title effect

+ Leadership is added 50 because of the title effect

+ Attack and defense is added 40 points because of the title effect

The title effect is good. It's what one would expect with the conferment of a title by a King.

Then Aero began his search again to see if there is any more sword art he could learn.

After five hours of searching finally Aero is satisfied. He got what he wanted.

He walked slowly to the exit. But before he exits the Archive he takes a look back and marvel at the Archive.

'So many books. So many secrets'

He has also read some documents about some nobles cover up ages ago, Kings that died suspiciously but never recorded in the story books.

It is truly a secret archive. A secret archive that was created three hundred years ago by the reigning King at the time.

But Aero could not have the time to read all of them.

It is at this point Aero has the thought that maybe the NPCs somehow developed feelings.

To have recorded so many books, the NPCs seems to have a thirst for knowledge.

'That's absurd' He said to himself. They are data.

But, Mom once said to me even we are also probably just data if viewed from other dimensions.

Though Aero had never understood that.

Then with a last look, he exited the archive.


Load failed, please RETRY


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