As they exited the sugarcane farm, they prayed it should not be that what they were thinking. While on the way, Chandranshu heard some voice in the bushes. He clearly understood that it was a trap. He warned everyone with a show of his hand. As soon as he did that, everyone came into formation. The infantry was in front, the cavalry in the middle and archers at the back. Again, the cavalry followed and finally, the infantry. As they did this, suddenly, ten warriors came running through the bushes as the war began finally. The nemesis was not able to become stable as Ramdra killed one of them mid-air. Chandranshu, who was fighting his first war, was not nervous; he simply charged at the enemies and, in no time, he sliced them. The war was over. It was a small war as the enemy was outnumbered in front of them. They started running toward their village. They were now close to their village and could smell the fire, and when they finally reach their village, all the warriors trembled as they saw two unknown creatures fighting with the four Allure Rise warriors. At first, the warriors thought about it, but still, they attacked the creature and in a blink of the eye, the creature died. Ramdra was shocked to see that unknown creature. When he looked around his village, he only saw burned houses and dead bodies. He saw Chandranshu gazing at something, and he was filled with horror. Ramdra was about to asked Chandranshu what it was but suddenly, he sprinted across the dead bodies. Ramdra also thought for a moment, but then he realized Chandranshu's house was burning. Ramdra was confused about what to do but he ran to his house and saw his house slightly burned, but his wife and daughter were safe. Chandranshu reached his house, he broke the door and went inside. He screamed "Mother,"but his mother was nowhere. He came out of his burning house and searched for his mother. When he looked down, his legs weren't strong enough to hold him any longer. He suddenly got on his knees, as below him lay his mother's dead body. The way she had died was horrible. An arrow was fitted deep inside her neck, and her eyes were open in horror. Seeing it, Chandranshu was not able to control himself. He screamed, and tears fell from his eyes. Ramdra thanked God as his family was safe, but poor Chandranshu, the way he screamed for his mother was unbearable. People ran to him to control him, but still, he was uncontrollable. Suddenly, Ramdra came forward and hugged Chandranshu. He stopped screaming, but the anger was seen in his eyes. Ramdra asked him to be quiet, but his emotions were uncontrollable. He pushed Ramdra away and bent down, took his mother's neck, put it on his neck and slowly removed the arrow which was fitted deep inside her neck. Tears were falling while he was doing that. That scene was the worst he had ever seen. Ramdra made him stand, hugged him and said, "A person dies only after he has completed his destiny on earth."Chandranshu looked at Ramdra and said, "Then my destiny is to destroy Ambeir.""No, your destiny is beyond that,"said Ramdra to himself. Chandranshu moved toward the raised platform built on the center of the village. "Today, not only I, but many of you have lost someone (everyone gazed at Chandranshu). We never thought about attacking Ambeir. We thought we would live in peace, so I asked every one of you a question. Are you happy with the loss of our beloved?"yelled Chandranshu. Everyone screamed to destroy Ambeir. "Then we will take revenge till their last breath."Ramdra smiled. A warrior who survived the war was called upon by Ramdra who asked, "What happened?""Chief, the unknown creature."Suddenly, the warrior stopped. Fear was seen in his eyes, Ramdra also remembered when those creatures had entered the village. The warrior continued, "Chief, after you left the village, we were all standing alert as suddenly, an arrow came across and fitted itself in Chandranshu's mother's neck when she was walking back to her house. After this, we got shocked when suddenly, more arrows came. We warned everyone and saved many, but some were late. After this, suddenly, 25 to 30 warriors came rushing to our village. We got into our formation."He added, "They entered our village by breaking the barrier of our village and charged at us. Our formation was clear as after the infantry defended the first charge, the cavalry charged at them, and this stunned them. We charged at them. They were also powerful, but not enough. We soon got the weak point of their formation and finally broke it. We were winning when suddenly, three unknown creatures came running with a sword in one hand. As they entered, they killed everyone that came in their way, and when we tried to stop them, the enemy burned our houses, but later, we killed them and then we cost twenty-one men to kill 1 of them. Finally, you all entered, and we killed them."*
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