"Ok now there is the four riders, what are they and how do they involve themselves in this huge play?"
Jason asked.
"The four riders are also called the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, they bring the four major things that will lead to the suffering of living beings till they finally die from being erased"
Else said.
"Wait a minute, it doesn't get over in one swift blast, it's a long torturing process?"
Jason asked.
"Indeed, the four horsemen are the cruelest thing that could happen to humanity and other living beings, the final blast would actually be the thing that will save them from suffering"
Else said.
"How are these four idiots so dangerous?"
Jason asked.
"First is War, she will be the one who will start the apocalypse, once she starts moving all the world will suffer from cruel war, then Pollution will come along, he will cause everything to be unbearable, Famine will cause hunger among the masses and Death, he will write everyone's name on his book to end it all, Death is also the strongest of the group, he is also the only Immortal of the world, even gods can be killed but Death cannot"
Else said.
'Fuck this is getting more stupid than I thought, characters that will cause apocalypse and Death, what the fuck, there is actually a person who can bring death, that bullshit, and even Gods can't escape him, what the fuck is really wrong with this universe?'
Jason is about to go through another breakdown.
"This is too much"
Jason said and closed his eyes, now he knows everything that is going to happen in the future and there is no meaning to the life of those who are still young and planning a big future ahead of themselves, but what does it have to do with Jason, he is a selfish bastard, he doesn't care what others have to do, what he is worried about is if he is ready to die and if he dies there will be no one to protect Derry and its troublesome for Jason.
After a few minutes of thinks he finally calmed down he still had one question in this, how is he related to all this, why did that old woman send him here to meet her great-granddaughter.
"Ok, now the final question, how am I related to this, how am I going to even save you from all this celestial bullshit"
"Because you don't exist"
Else said.
"What? Be clear"
"A future with your existence doesn't exist"
Else said once again.
"That means everyone is going to die?"
Jason asked.
"No, even if Armageddon took place there would be a future, but your existence itself made it so that there is no future at all, everything is just past a present, there is no future"
Else said.
"What the fuck, I really don't know what you are talking about, tell me why are you saying this"
Jason is really confused, he is pissed off and wants to beat the crap out of this young lady in front of him for pulling it off for such a long period of time.
"Ok, let me explain this carefully, you remember right that my Great Grandmother is the strongest Magic-user in this world?"
"Yes, but I still don't know how that fragile old lady can be the strongest magic user in the whole world"
"She was, she was as strong as the Emperor Vampire of our world, she had the most concentrated bloodline of our ancestor and a genius, she got so good at magic, that she was able to even dabble with the magic of time, with her new founding she dedicated her whole life in it trying to see the future and then she finally saw it, Armageddon"
Else said.
"What did she see?"
Jason asked.
"She saw the Evil child getting the hold of me and destroyed the universe, all the angels were killed and the Archangels made an escape for their lives as they didn't want to get killed, the Evil Child along with his father started a new universe which was dominated by the Demons, unlike the previous Armageddon with the Angels won"
Else said.
"Then the future is still the end, the Evil child will win this time and win so what's new, that is what you have been saying from the first"
Jason said.
"No, it won't end like that"
Else said.
"My God, make up your mind, how will it end?"
Jason said and slapped his forehead
"I don't know"
Else said.
"What? please tell me what is going on, I am fed up of this"
Jason said as he finally gave up, unlike the previous encounters this person in front of him is not scared of death at all so it was useless for him to torture her, even his powers didn't work against her.
"It's because of you. Because of you, there is nothing but a black void in my Great grandmother's prediction, your existence shouldn't be possible, as soon whatever happened to you the future changed, the vision of Armageddon that my great grandmother had got shattered into fragments, with no knowledge of future my great grandmother tried many times to see what will happen next but she couldn't she felt as is someone is forcefully trying to stop her look into the future, like this she used her limited energy and died, since she knew that the future has changed and she cannot look into it, she decided to sacrifice herself and used her last bit of energy to send all her memory into me"
Else said.
"Really, what the fuck, after all, that you say the future is unknown, then why did your great grandmother even risk her life to send your her memories?"
Jason asked as he found all this information useless when she said she didn't know the future, he did find about what happens in Armageddon but what use was those memories when it won't help him anymore.
"You don't understand, your existence itself has made so that even gods can't look into anything that is related to you, what do you think that means, the gods will try to find out why they cannot see the future, they will look into it, you know right?"
"What about the gods, aren't they the part of Armageddon as well?"
Jason asked.
"Yes, they are involved but just as spectators, Armageddon is just like a game to them, the gods choose a side and maybe even support the side they choose, whoever wins will be the dominant gods that the beings will worship in the new universe, it is just a big game for them"
Else said.
"Wait, all this thing is just a huge chessboard for the gods so they can have fun?"
Jason asked.
As Else answered she felt the sudden change the room, she felt chaotic energy all around her trying to destroy everything, she looked at Jason and saw him sitting there with his head down as he breathed heavily, the area around his seemed very distorted but Else didn't react at all, she is just like a doll with no feelings.
She sat there silently waiting for Jason to calm down. After he calmed down he looked at Else but didn't talk to her.
"Tell me, how do I fuck up these gods up, this really put me off the edge, they will regret doing such a stupid thing"
Jason said.
"I don't know what you can do but its best for me to not get in their hands that is why you will take me with you"
Else said.
"Then what do you know, you are completely useless and I will not take you away with me, why should I even do that, I will find my own ways"
Jason said and got up, he is pissed and ready to leave.
"Don't go, if you go I won't be safe and once I am captured by one of the two forces, it would be the end of everything, do you really want this to end like this?"
Else asked but there is no emotion on her face.
Jason turned around and stared at her.
"How can you be useful to me?"
Jason asked.
"I can do anything that you want, even look into the future for the next 33 years but if anything that is directly connected to you, I cannot see them"
Else said.
Jason thought for a while before nodding his head, no matter what she seems useless now, she can be very useful for him in many ways.
"Ok, get your stuff, I don't want to stay here any longer"
Jason said and walked outside and saw a bunch of old man standing outside trying to listen to what is going on inside, seeing Jason suddenly they all started to sweat and made their escape by giving different reasons.
Jason sat down on the wooden corridor and looked at the fountain in front of him and took out a cigarette and smoked it as he closed his eyes and went into a deep thought process.
'Why the fuck didn't that old woman see the future after I turned into this, and why can't even the gods see it, I don't understand, was me turning into this is not just some big coincidence or was it planned, I don't like it, whatever it is, I hate it, my life is being controlled directly by someone and I have no idea what that is'
Jason thought and smoked his cigarette.
Soon Else walked out of her room wearing a long black robe over her body and covering her head with a hood.
"I am ready"
Else said.
Jason nodded and started to walk away as Else followed him, some of the old men rushed behind them to bid farewell to Else, they had no power or control over her, they see her as a goddess so whatever she did, no one questioned it.
Once they got out of this huge magical area, Jason finally sighed.
"I still don't understand why the reason for the change of the future is me"
Jason said.
"One day when you were heading out, my Great grandmother had predicted your death, but she was in shock when you came back alive. When she tried to look into you, she failed horribly. You should have died that day, no one can escape death but you did, something happened that day that changed everything, one is its either a huge coincidence and the other is that someone saved you that day by doing something"
Else said.
Jason didn't say anything, he just stayed silent and listened to her, he also wondered, what are the chances of him coming alive of that without getting killed by the potent blood of a Viscount level vampire, no matter how strong he was, he was still a human, nothing should survive that.
'If there is someone out there playing with my life, you are in a huge trouble as I am coming for your life'
Jason thought.
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