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72.72% The Princess Story / Chapter 8: The Confrontation

Chapitre 8: The Confrontation

*With Treyvon and William (3rd P.O.V.)*

It seemed as if Treyvon and William had been locked inside the dungeon for eternity.

"How does no one notice that you are missing?" William asked. "You're royalty for Heaven's sake!"

"I don't know," Treyvon said sadly. "But I don't know how to get out here. I'm sorry, William."

"Do not apologize," the servant said. "This is not your fault. Who knows how long Andrew has been planning this."

"And who knows what he could be planning right now," Treyvon added.

Knock knock knock.

"Did you hear that?" William asked, sitting up.

"Yes," Treyvon replied quickly.

The knocking continued until they heard something fall. A stone from the left wall had fallen and light rushed inside. More knocking came, and more stones fell. The two men shielded their eyes as more light came. Finally, a single roped dropped in. A figure climbed down through the hole and walked up to their cells.

"Who are you?" Treyvon asked.

"Right now, I'm your savior," the figure said evenly. It was a man. "I'll tell you more details when you can actually see my face." The mysterious man unlocked their cells. "Follow me."

"How do we know if we can trust you?" Treyvon questioned.

"I don't think guards break into castle walls to help prisoners escape, would they?" the stranger answered matter-of-factly.

"Well, people that were supposed to be on our side turned on us and made us prisoners," William countered. "Right now, I don't know what to think." He and Treyvon heard the stranger laugh.

"Touche," he said simply. "Well, I made a deal with the princess to help you. So whether you follow me or not, I still hold up my end of the bargain." The man turned around and climbed up the rope he dropped in earlier. When he got to the top, he paused.

"Your choice." He disappeared through the hole.

"I guess he's the best choice," Treyvon said. William nodded and they both climbed up. When they reached the outside, the sun burned their eyes. It took them a few seconds to adapt to everything until their eyes finally landed on the man's retreating form.

"Sir!" Treyvon called out to him.

The man only waved beckoningly at them and continued to walk. The followed him and he led them to another part of the castle that was in the lower level. It was empty, except for random items on the floor. Now that they had stopped, Treyvon had finally gotten a good look at the man who rescued him and William. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, a slightly thin frame, light skin, and stood as tall as the prince.

"To explain everything from the beginning, my name is Xavier Mason," he started. "Please do not interrupt, being that we do not have enough time. I am a thief, and I'm very good at it. Using that one talent, I would often sneak around the castle and get information when I was bored. On the day of the wedding celebration, I snuck in to talk to Christina because I needed her help. In return for her favor, I gave her advice on how to save your life. Since Andrew's plan was to get rid of you, he now thinks he has. Right now, everyone is at the chapel, getting ready for the wedding-"

"Wedding?!" Treyvon gasped. "How long have-"

"We don't have time for details," Xavier said. He picked up a bag and took out some fruit. "I'm sure you men are hungry. You need to eat before we get there, so busy your mouths with this." He handed it to them. "We have to get back to that chapel before it's too late." He walked away to a door and opened it.

"I know you practice sword fighting, Treyvon, but how good at you, William?" Xavier asked. A smile came to the servant's face.

"Do you really think I've only sat and observed Treyvon all these years?" he asked. Xavier smiled back and handed both of them the sword and kept one for himself.

"Good, now let's get the horses and stop the wedding," he said seriously.

After they mounted their horses, they set out for the chapel.

"The chapel isn't that far from here," Xavier said aloud. "So I'll tell you the plan I have right now." He glanced back at Treyvon and William before starting.

"I'm very certain that the wedding will have started by the time we arrive. I'm equally certain that Andrew has told the guards that you won't be coming. As an effect, when we do arrive, the people will alert him. Other guards that are in Andrew's command, like the ones who imprisoned you, will try to stop us from getting inside. I will fight them off myself. William, you go with Treyvon and defend him."

"Do you really think you can fight all of those guards?" Treyvon asked worriedly.

"I haven't been caught for years for a reason," Xavier said blandly. "But that's beside the point. Treyvon, you need to get inside and stop that wedding, I have a deal to finish." Treyvon and William nodded their heads.

"There!" William pointed out. Ahead of them was the pristine, white chapel. The three men could see the red and white uniforms of the guards on the front steps. There was also a large crowd of people standing outside, waiting for the newly crowned king and queen to walk out. As the men drew closer, they heard astonished voices.

"What is Prince treyvon doing here?" a woman asked.

"Prince Andrew said he wasn't going to be able to make the wedding because of business," a guard said.

"He's such a wonderful brother!" another woman gushed. "He rushed back just to see the wedding!" Xavier, Treyvon, and William dismounted their horses and ran up the steps. Before Treyvon could open the large doors, a guard stopped him.

"You cannot go in right now," the guard said.

"But I have to!" Treyvon told him. "It's my brother's wedding!" The crowd began to get loud.

"What kind of man are you?" a villager shouted at the guard. "Let him see this glorious day!"

"You have no respect!" an old lady scolded. The crowd began shouting louder and louder in protest and the guard started panicking.

"But-but-Prince Andrew said-" he stopped himself. Anthony stepped out of the crowd.

"You should let him go," Anthony told him. "The new king will be very angry if he heard you stopped his brother from attending his wedding." Intimidated by Anthony's words, the man nodded and opened the doors.

"Thanks, Anthony," Treyvon called out. He dashed inside and, just as planned, William ran in right behind him while Xavier stayed outside. William and Treyvon ran past surprised guards.

"Your Majesty!" a few of them called out. Some clearly knew more than others as they chased the pair.

"Stop them!" they shouted. "Prince Treyvon is not supposed to be here!"

Guards rushed in front of them, and Treyvon and William readied their weapons. Side by side, they clashed with the guards fiercely. Metal clanged with metal, and feet scuffed across the floor. Treyvon parried and dodged a couple of swings then brought down his sword onto a guard's shoulders. The man cried out, and Treyvon winced. However, he didn't enough time to feel remorse because more men shouted their battle cries and rushed him.

On the other side of the room, William was handling two guards at the same time. As one struck out with his sword, the servant twisted around it and kicked the man's legs out from under him. He toppled over, and the other guard took it as his opportunity to strike while William's back was turned. He quickly glanced back and held up his sword to block the attack. The strength of the blades hitting each other made William's sword fly out of his hand. The man went of the offensive, swiping left and right every second. William dodged, stepping one foot back with every swing. Finally, he saw an opening and kicked the man's hand. He immediately dropped his weapon and was faced with William's fists.

In the back of Treyvon's mind, he was worried. He had no way of telling how much time had passed, and they needed to get to Christina as soon as possible. However, more guards kept coming from inside the halls. He and William were doing alright, but Treyvon knew better. Knocking down one guard, Treyvon ran up to his friend.

"William, we must keep moving!" he shouted. William turned to him quickly.

"Duck!" he commanded.

Treyvon immediately ducked and William ran around him to block the sword of another guard. His back foot began to slide and the guard pushed down harder on him. The guard then kicked out and knocked William onto his back. Treyvon readied his sword, but William refused.

"No, keep going!" he said. Treyvon looked at him reluctantly as the guard stood atop of his friend, pressing his weapon further and further down towards his chest.

"GO! You don't have much time!"

Against his own judgment, Treyvon ran away. He ran down the hallway and stopped at the intersection and glanced back one final time. He watched as William kicked his feet up and tossed the large man over his own body with a thud. He jumped up and followed Treyvon.

"You mustn't worry about little things such as that," William said, smiling. They ran down the hallways together and, after some turns, reached the door to Andrew and Christina's wedding. They could clearly hear the sound of music playing and people murmuring.

"This is it," Treyvon thought.

*Earlier at the Wedding (3rd P.O.V.)*

Everyone was getting ready to go to their places. Michael noticed Andrew standing at the altar by himself and walked up to him.

"So you love Christina?" he asked.

"Yes, of course," Andrew said quickly. "She's a very smart, beautiful, and strong-minded woman." Before Michael could ask another question, Andrew continued.

"We have already talked about our future together," he boasted. "She knows that our kids will be brilliant, we'll be a perfect family."

"Uh huh," Michael said plainly, raising an eyebrow. "Well, that seems a little fast, don't you think? Just like this wedding."

"What do you mean?" Andrew questioned.

"Her older sister, Delilah, and I have been courting for a while," Michael explained. "You see, I believe arranged rapid marriages aren't a profitable thing. How would you know if all this really works out? I've known Christina for a very long time now, and I've never heard her gush about having kids. Furthermore, the wedding was moved twice now. Are you sure you know what she wants?"

"I assure you that I understand my wife just fine," Andrew snapped. "I prefer for you to not question me. This is my kingdom, this is how things go here." Michael chuckled. "I'll go look for your bride," he said. He left the room and walked down a hallway. Stopping at the door, he knocked.

"Are you decent?" he called out.

"Come in," he heard Christina say. He opened the door to see her looking thoughtfully out of her window.

"Everyone is ready," he told her. "Are you?" She turned around but only looked at the floor.

"I don't know," she said softly.

"You look beautiful to me, and I'm sure he'll think the same," Michael said honestly. "You have nothing to worry about...unless you feel a certain way about Andrew." Christina's head shot up.

"What do you mean?" she asked him.

"You know him better than the rest of us," he shrugged. "But it has only been a few weeks since you have left. That's a short time. I've only met him today and have an opinion about him. What is yours?"

"I already told you that I think he is smart-" before Christina could continue, Michael interrupted.

"You hesitated," he stated seriously. "From previous experiences, I've learned that hesitation is another step closer to lying. Now either you can tell me the truth, or you can live with this lie for the rest of your life." His gaze was intense on her, so Christina looked back at the floor.

"Andrew can be...complicated sometimes," she said slowly. "But I haven't known him for very long, so maybe it can get better. It is normal." Before Michael could respond, the door opened to reveal Queen Brianna.

"The wedding is about to start," she said quickly.

"Okay, mother," Christina said. The queen looked at Michael.

"Go in the sanctuary and wait for the wedding to start," she told him. Michael looked at Christina again, sighed, then left. A few minutes later, King Jordan and Christina stood in front of the closed doors of the sanctuary.

"You look so beautiful, Christina," he said with teary eyes. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, father," Christina told him. "But you don't have to cry."

"I know," he said, smiling. "I just can't help it."

The doors opened and the piano music flowed through their ears. As they walked arm in arm, Christina felt as if one thousand eyes were on her. She looked forward to see Andrew standing at the altar with a bright smile on his face. Instantly, she felt tears prick her eyes. This was it. She was going to marry Andrew.

She wished the aisle would stretch longer and longer so that it'll never reach him. She panicked on the inside, everything was moving much too fast. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of her groom and her father handed her over to him. The priest started speaking but Christina spaced out into her own world.

"Where is Treyvon?" she thought. She glanced around and couldn't see him. Then she remembered what she told him at the wedding celebration.

"I am such a horrible person," she thought. "I broke his heart and now I want him at my wedding. He'll never know how I feel about him, but it's for the best. I just hope he is safe."

"If anyone objects to this wedding, please say so now or forever hold your peace," the priest announced.

Everyone in the chapel was silent. Christina looked at the large doors. No matter how much her mind said it was for the best, her heart pleaded that Treyvon would burst through those doors and save her. After a few seconds of silence, the priest continued.

"Prince Andrew, do you take Princess Christina, in sickness and in health, through rich or poor, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"I do," Andrew answered quickly. The priest turned to the princess.

"Princess Christina, do you take Andrew, in sickness and in health, through rich or poor, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Everyone looked at her.

"I…," the word barely came out of her mouth when everyone heard a loud bang. Right after, a yell came.

"Cease this wedding NOW!"

All heads turned to see Treyvon and William at the entrance. The audience gasped and stared as Treyvon marched up the aisle, straight up to Andrew and Christina. Some guards moved to stop him, but he commanded them to stay put.

"Treyvon, what are you doing here?" Andrew asked, surprised.

"I escaped from the dungeon you ordered some guards to put me in," Treyvon shouted. "And do not feign innocence!" Everyone looked at Andrew in astonishment.

"Brother, why would I do such a thing?" Andrew asked. "No one knew where you were, so we had to start the wedding without you."

"I told you to not lie, Andrew," Treyvon said angrily. "I have witnesses, so you cannot cover all of this up!" Before Treyvon could reach his brother, two guards rushed him and grabbed his arms.

"What are you doing?" he yelled at them. "He did this!" Andrew let go of Christina's hands and turned to Treyvon.

"I didn't want it to come to this," Andrew said darkly. "But it seems you have left me no choice." He paused and looked at all of the anxious faces in the crowd. He breathed out heavily in a dramatic manner.

"My people," he announced. "Your beloved Treyvon has committed an act of treason!" Everyone gasped. "He has attempted to get closer to my bride on several occasions. If some of you do not comprehend this, in simpler terms, he wants more than friendly relations with Christina." Everyone looked at Treyvon but he just glared at his brother.

"I eventually found out and knew it had to be stopped," Andrew continued. "However, Treyvon wouldn't listen to my warnings. Consequently, I decided to punish him for his horrid acts. I wanted to do it quietly so I wouldn't embarrass his name, but I guess he did that himself." Before Treyvon could say anything, Andrew spoke again. "But I wouldn't expect anything less from a man born through treason."

"What are you talking about?" Treyvon asked him. Andrew pointed to a fatigued Queen Sheryll and King Caldwell.

"They know this already but didn't want to spread it around the kingdom," Andrew said, shrugging. "It would make people think less of them. Besides, why do you think you have no similar features with my mother?" Treyvon stopped struggling.

"You know nothing!" Treyvon said desperately. "You're lying!" He looked at the king and queen for reassurance.

"Mother, father, tell me he's lying!" The king and queen made no move to deny the claims. The sickly king avoided eye contact and bowed his head in shame.

"You are in such denial that it is embarrassing to look at you," Andrew said mocking him. "They only kept you here because they had to. You are a mistake, nothing more, nothing less. Father had a mistress and you were later born. My mother banished the vile woman from the kingdom. By mistake, a servant found you in their room. They knew there would be questions. Finally, everyone knew about the false story of Queen Sheryll having a second child."

Treyvon was silent and still, eyes looking to the floor. So many emotions rushed through him, he didn't even notice Andrew had stopped right in front of him. Confusion, sadness, betrayal, and humiliation swirled around inside him. They knew. Everyone knew. Andrew had known. For how long did he know? Is that why he hated him? He was doomed by his father since he was born. Everything Andrew said had been right. He didn't belong here. Andrew smiled at Treyvon's mental state.

"Now for the final step," he thought.

"Do you know what this means, Treyvon?" he asked happily. His brother didn't speak nor move.

"Since you are a naturally impure man, you are not royalty," Andrew continued. "That means you have no right to state your opinion on this marriage. You will not stop God's will, and you have no choice but to surrender to your true nature." Satisfied with what he said, Andrew turned around and walked back to his place at the altar. He grabbed Christina's hands and opened his mouth to tell the priest to continue. However, Treyvon spoke up.

"No," he said angrily. "I have a right to say what I want!" Treyvon glared a million daggers at his brother, and his voice grew louder with every word. "You have been evil for long enough! You have no friendly bone in your body! You do not care for this kingdom but only for yourself! I will not let you ruin the lives of these people with your dictatorship! And I most certainly will not allow you to ruin Christina's life because I love her more than you could possibly ever dream!"

Everyone in the church had shock written all over their faces. They were silent before, but now they were bursting with questions and murmurs. Andrew gave Treyvon a deathly gaze. His fists were gripped, his body tense and his breathing became heavy.

"You ungrateful, filthy animal!" he roared. "You lived in this palace for many years, being treated like the royalty though you are not, yet you defy me when I tell you who really are. I have exhausted all of my warnings. As soon as I am king, you will draw your last breath!" Andrew angrily looked back at the priest.

"Hurry up and finish!" The frightened elderly man jumped and tore open the Bible.

"Princess Christina, do you take Prince Andrew, in sickness and in health, through rich or poor, to be your husband?" he asked.


Christina was frozen.

"You can't force her to do anything!" Treyvon yelled to his brother. "She doesn't love you and you know it!"

"Shut your mouth!" Andrew countered. Michael jumped up.

"You can't force her to marry you!" he shouted at Andrew. The older prince called more guards and they surrounded the South Kingdom royal family. King Jordan jumped out of his seat.

"What are you doing?" he demanded. "Stop all of this at once!" Andrew cackled.

"South King, you have no power here," Andrew told him smartly. "If you do not wish to be punished, you will sit down and be quiet." The people in the crowd continued to whisper.

"What is wrong with Prince Andrew?"

"Treyvon isn't royalty?" The crowd grew louder and louder every second.

"Silence!" Andrew yelled. He looked at Christina. "Now what are you going to say?"

"...I-I...," she said softly. Her uncertainty made her words vibrate in her throat. Noticing her hesitation, Andrew decided to take matters into his own hands. He turned and nodded to one of the guards.

*Christina's P.O.V.*

I felt my heart beat a thousand times in one second as I saw the man pull a dagger out of his pocket.

"He's going to kill him," I thought worriedly. "I can't do this to him." I tugged Andrew's hands to get his attention.

"Andrew!" I pleaded. "Please don't kill him. You promised you wouldn't."

"And you promised that you would do as you were told here," he said icily. "Fulfill your promise." Tears filled my eyes as I watched Treyvon struggle against the guards.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that I love you," I said in my mind.

"Don't do it, Christina!" Treyvon yelled out to me. "You don't have to give yourself to him!" Oh, how I wish we could just run out of here together and live happily ever after. But life doesn't work that way, and Andrew will never stop.

"Christina, I love you!" Treyvon screamed.

"...I do," I told Andrew. I do...because I love him.

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