Kei woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of Akame mumbling in her sleep, he noticed that he could move a little on his own, he tried to crawl to the door. He got to the door but he couldn't stand up and unlock the handle... Akame woke up startled, she was shocked that she dreamed of her past it was something she tried to repress in memory. She tried to peer around the dark room looking for Kei she reached over didn't feel him at the foot of her bed, she got nervous thinking he may have gotten freed from the curse. She cautiously stumbled around the room her eyes still not completely adjusted to the darkness, she walked towards the door and tripped over Kei massive figure "OWW" she stood up rubbing her bruised forehead she didn't have time to notice Kei's escape attempt as a scream of rage echoed through the castle. Emma walked into Persephone from carrying a tray of food, she was concerned for the Princess and made a special meal just for her, Grilled chicken with rice and broth on the side (her favorite). "My lady I brought fo--" she screamed dropping the tray making broth and rice go everywhere... Alexander was finally on his way home, he looked like he had aged five years since he left, He had hopefully found a way to separate Kei and the demon and was deep in thought trying to formulate a plan. As the carriage rolled down the cobbled road through the gates he was happy to be home but he also sensed something bad was about to happen he dismissed it because he thought it was just his frayed nerves. He walked into the door "I'm back" he soon noticed Emma crying on the floor he rushed to her fearing something happened to Kei "what happened?!" Emma looked up her eyes red and mascara running down her face from crying "it's your daughter". On the other side of the castle, Akame was laughing to herself "so I guess that worked" she pulled out a vial of poison from her pocket, she specially made the poison to trap the person it infected in a permanent nightmare state till they eventually died of fear. She got her self ready for a fight and commanded Kei to stand by her side, she didn't seem to notice his hesitation, she had Kei suit up in his armor and she summoned her claws and wings ready for the inevitable fight. Alexander and Emma were by Persephone's bedside, she was clammy, and slightly shaking "I've tried everything I know to do, she is still unresponsive" Alexander kneeled by her bed his hands folded in prayer he cried out for a way to help her. He stayed by her side for a while with his head down once he finally looked up he noticed something on her arm, he lifted it up and saw the scratches which were surrounded by green skin and had purple veins branching out from it. He called over Emma and they examined the cuts "it's a form of demonic poison your Highness" luckily Alexander spent the last few days learning about demons from the village elders he had Emma and her team of maids start working on a potion to save her "I hope I can save both of them". Persephone was in the middle of thick pink fog, she could barely see a few feet in front of her (where am I, what happened?) she couldn't remember anything and was very confused. She started walking forward and noticed a silhouette in front of her she kept walking and saw that it was her mom, her mom turned around but what she was wasn't her mom it was scarecrow that was made of her mom's rotting corpse it suddenly opened its eye sockets which were filled with black. Persephone screamed and ran in the other direction but she hit a barrier and couldn't move she turned around to see the scarecrow coming towards her at an alarming speed, it opened its mouth a jaw healed on by bare sinews. She woke up in her room screaming her dad rushed in "honey what's wrong" she was relieved to see her father, he sat on the bed and she told him about her dream "wow that was a scary dream, don't worry I'm here now. She looked up at him but then noticed Akame behind him "DAD WATCH OUT" but it was too late. Akame drove her claws through him, Persephone saw them pierce through his chest spraying her with blood, Akame thrust her claws into her eyes. She was back in the memory when she and Kei were sitting on the grass outside, he was about to depart on his mission. She told him to be safe and form him to come back, he stood up said "I don't care about you, leave me alone" she was shocked but decided he was joking. Akame appeared behind him and started kissing him, they got naked and started having sex in front of her, she tried to look away but couldn't. Alexander noticed her start to shake more violently and foam at the mouth he urged the maids to finish. Akame and Kei walked to the main corridor of the castle, a hiding maid ran to alert Alexander. He reluctantly left Persephone and grabbed something out of his bag, a 163cm sword wrapped in black cloth.
Akame, Kei, and Alexander stood face to face. Separated by 5 meters of hallway fully armored Kei in front of full demon Akame and Alexander on the other side brandishing his sword "let' begin".
Emma and her team were in front of a black, large, bubbling, cauldron. It was filled with a steaming dark green liquid, They laid Persephone on a chalk reverse summoning circle she was turning blue and still shaking, they finished the potion and Emma hurridly ran and tried to force some down Persephone's throat. She started to reject it choking on a lot of it but Emma didn't give up she poured some in her mouth and kissed her trying to get her to drink some, Emma pulled away and laid her back down. She started to stabilize and the circle started glowing green, tendrils of energy wrapped around her body encasing her in a cocoon of energy. Emma ( still red-faced) prayed for her safety. "CHARGE" Kei ran towards Alexander his footsteps shook the castle sounding like thunder, Alexander raised the sword, it was a European long sword with a black double-edged blade engraved with silver magical runes, a large brass hand guard, a handle wrapped in aged leather with brass studs for grip, and a brass pommel in the shape of a cross. He slashed the sword through the air sending a wave of energy towards Kei, it barely affected Kei but gave Alexander enough time to get passed him, Alexander rushed at Akame sword extended. Akame barred her fangs as she used her claws to brush the blade aside to the left, Alexander changed his direction spinning to the right arching the sword. She extended her claws and created an X to block, Alexander pressed harder starting to crack her claws, but he was too distracted to notice Kei behind him. Kei grabbed his head and clamped down, Alexander grunted in pain as Kei gripped his skull, Alexander pointed the pommel over his shoulder shooting another beam at Kei. The secret ability of the sword was purifying demonic spirits, as it hit Kei he dropped to his knees his head dealing with the pain of trying to break the curse. Akame jumped from behind slashing her claws down Alexanders back wanted to poison him, his back started steaming as the sword neutralized the poison. Alexander turned around his eyes full of rage because of everything she had caused, he swung the sword cutting off a few of her claws. She yelled in rage flying above both of them, Kei was still on the ground holding his head his brands flashing. Akame tried to swoop down to him but Alexander stood guard swinging, on her way down Alexander clipped one of her wings. She screamed in pain as the sword started dissolving her wing. Emma and all the other maids surrounded Persephone holding their breath, suddenly the energy cocoon started unraveling, Persephone stood up blinking at the light while Emma dropped her glass "Dear God". Sounds of ringing metal resounded throughout the castle Alexander sweating profusely as he got fatigued while Akame showed no signs of giving up she kept slashing and slashing pushing him farther back. Alexander kept trying to gain ground but was steadily being pushed up against the wall, Akame eventually pushed him back all the way and disarmed him of his sword. She stabbed and ripped her claws through his stomach wounding him, she was about to finish him off when a pair of strong dark arms wrapped around her head and neck. Kei had broken from his curse and put her in a headlock, rasing her off the ground. "L L Let me down, I didn't mean any harm" Akame tried to use her charm but Kei wasn't hearing it he just tightened his grip around her neck shutting her up. Alexander stood up holding his entrails in his hand he was covered in blood and on the verge of death but he had a smile on his face, he grabbed his sword and stabbed it through Akame then he collapsed on the ground. She shrieked in pain the sword starting to dissolve her existence but she still had a trick up her sleeve she unfurled her wings cutting Kei with them. He let go of her and she pulled out the sword and threw it behind her, weakened as she was she still tried to keep fighting. Then Persephone ran into the room but she had changed, her hair was pink, and her eyes red she had turned into a succubus. The sight of seeing her dad dead put her into a rage she screamed and picked up the sword, Akame made the mistake of turning around Kei grabbed her again and held her as Persephone charged. The blade pierced her heart but also Kei's, Akame dissolved into ash and Kei fell to the ground, Persephone realized what she had done and fell beside him trying to heal him. Kei awoke in a void of white light he blinked at the bright and tried to look around. He heard a booming voice "WELCOME" he looked up and saw a huge man dressed in all white with long white and billowing beard. "I AM THE GOD OF THIS WORLD, I HAVE BEEN MONITORING YOU SINCE YOU CAME HERE" he paused and looked at Kei with his milky eyes. Kei spoke up "why the hell is I here, in this world, and what happened to the princess---!" "SILENCE" Kei against his will shut up "I HAVE SUMMONED YOU HERE BECAUSE I NEED YOU TO BEAT THE DEMON KING, I WILL PROVIDE A MAP YOU MUST TRAVEL TO THE LOCATIONS AND COLLECT THESE ARTIFACTS ONLY THEN CAN YOU DEFEAT HIM". Kei had many questions but he couldn't ask because God started to disappear. "I SHALL SEE YOU SOONER THAN YOU EXPECT" he vanished and Kei turned around to see Alexander also clad in all white, "hello Kei, I hope you can watch over Persephone and the kingdom for me" he waved him farewell and Kei woke up back on earth. Persephone hugged him crying and Kei hugged him back he pulled away and looked into her tear-filled eyes and kissed her. Persephone was shocked but kissed him back after about 10 seconds they broke and Kei stood up to survey the damage. First, they had a royal burial for Alexander and his wife which they found dead in a workshop outside the castle with claw marks in her chest. The whole kingdom paid their respects and shut down all work for three days. Next, they had inauguration for Kei as the new king the pope of the land crowned him king, he was dressed in purple robes and held a royal scepter and had the regal look of a king. All the kingdom bowed before him and chanted "LONG LIVE THE KING". The next night was the wedding of Kei and Persephone, they had a large outdoor wedding and invited the whole kingdom, people were concerned with having a succubus as the queen but one look from Kei shut them up. And later that night the sound of a bed rocking could be heard all night long. They stayed in the castle getting the kingdom settled for a few months, Kei sat on his throne thinking about how at age 17 he was the ruler of a kingdom and how less than a year ago he was homeless. As he was thinking Persephone snuck up behind him nibbling on his neck, he laughed and swung her on his lap they were flirting and laughing when a guard rushed into the throne room. He bowed "my liege there is a--" a girl rushed in she was 121cm tall, porcelain skin, and long white-white hair. Kei looked into her honey eyes and she said: "I am your guide
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