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80.36% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 131: Diglett's Cave

Chapitre 131: Diglett's Cave

"Here you go Dratini." I said to my newborn dragon, lifting the bottle of milk for her so that she could drink.

"Tini!" She cried out happily, before latching onto the nipple and suckling away.

It had been a couple days since we left Bill's, and, despite her still basically being a baby, I was surprised to see that Dratini had already grown several inches since she hatched. Must be all the nutritious Miltank milk.

Currently, we were inside the greenhouse after having finished our morning workout, which Ash, Gary and Tracey had adapted fairly well to. Last I knew, Gary was even making plans to acquire his own Chansey and Miltank so he could continue the program once we stopped traveling together.

But first he needed to acquire a Breeder's license so they wouldn't count against his carry limit. That should be easy enough for him though, as the grandson of the famous professor Oak.

One positive that I've noticed since we started traveling together, was that Gary had mellowed out quite a bit after everything that had happened back at Bill's. We would even have our pokemon train together in the evening's in sparring matches, helping them all work on improving their fighting and learn moves.

Not only that, but there was a noticeable increase in how strong Ash's Pikachu had become after absorbing the Light Ball. To say nothing of the power and intensity of his attacks, both physical and non-physical, Pikachu's electric attacks were now able to deal damage against even ground type pokemon.

I'd sent this information to Bill after we realized it, who lamented not being able to see it in person.

"Tini tini!" Dratini cried out suddenly, stirring me from my thoughts of the last few days to say that she had finished with the bottle of milk.

"Alright, but before you go, I have a little treat here for you to try." I told her, making Dratini curious as I turned towards the small pile of fruit sitting in the basket beside me, all freshly picked from the greenhouse of course.

First I picked up an Oran berry and peeled it, before using a knife to slice small pieces off of it for her to try. Dratini was a bit hesitant at first, sniffing it as if to see if it was ok, before slowly taking a nibble off of it.

"Tini!" She declared before happily consuming the rest of the offered piece.

"You like that one? Well I got a lot more here for you to try as well." I said while gesturing to the small pile of berries.

A short while later I had an idea of what Dratini did and didn't like after she sampled every single berry, which was impressssive in itself considering she'd just downed an entire bottle of milk. For example she didn't like Leppa berries very much, but she LOVED Sitrus berries, just like her father. She even ate the entire Sitrus berry while I had to collect the rest to make some Pokeblocks.

I then left her to splash around in the pond for a little while as I went to finish the rest of my morning routine, namely eating my breakfast and making some Pokeblocks before we pack up and start moving.

"Hey Ace. How's Dratini doing?" May asked as I entered the kitchen.

"She's doing good. I tried giving her some berries to try out, and now she's swimming around in the pond." I told her while setting the basket of berries on the counter.

I then took a seat at the table where the breakfast that Joy had made for us earlier sat, pancakes, bacon and hashbrowns this morning, with our choice of either Bluk, Jaboca or Rawst berry syrup.

While I was dishing up my plate May started rinsing her's off in the sink before loading the dishes into the dishwasher, before she returned to the table to take the seat beside mine.

"Breakfast was good, but I think I'm in the mood for something little.....extra today." She said with a suggestive smirk as I started cutting my pancakes.

I said nothing while slowly bringing my fork up to my mouth, maintaining eye contact the entire time while extending my psychic consciousness towards her.

May's smile lit up as I projected some....less than proper words into her mind, before she slowly slunk under the table.

I continued eating my breakfast like nothing was going on as May moved beneath the table, my mind focused on the excellent flavor of the Bluk berry syrup as it filled my mouth. Then, I felt May fumbling with the waistband of my workout shorts before lowering them so that my cock flopped out, and apparently smacked her across the face.

Almost immediately I felt May run her tongue up the underside of my cock, from balls to the tip, before she planted a quick kiss atop it. She then followed up by taking the head into her mouth, and sucking on it while swirling her tongue.

"Hey Aniki!" Ash suddenly cried out as he barged into the house, followed by Tracey and Gary.

"Sorry about this Ace." Tracey quickly apologized in Ash's stead.

"Don't worry about it. I grew up with Ash, remember?" I pointed out with a wry smile, while also feeling grateful that our table had a tablecloth covering it. Especially when May, unperturbed by the sudden company, started moving her mouth further and further down my cock, and one of her hands reached up to fondle and massage my balls.

"So what's up?" I asked while maintaining a perfect poker face.

"We just wanted to discuss possibly taking a slight detour today!" Tracey declared while pulling out a paper map. On it he pointed to a certain location that wasn't too far from where we were at.

"Diglett's Cave, huh?" I asked while debating on it.

Diglett's Cave was a series of caves under this particular area of Kanto, we could even be on top of some now and not even realize it. Unlike the games though, the cave did NOT extend under the sea all the way to Pewter city. I did however know that there were talks of expanding Diglett's Cave under all of Kanto and Johto, similar the Grand Underground that was in Sinnoh. But it was such a large project that it was all purely speculation for the moment.

"I don't see why not. Diglett and Dugtrio are quite industrious when it come to digging, so it would be worth it to have a few around in case we ever need them." I said after a moment of thought.

"Alright!" Ash cried out, happy just to get to go and see the Diglett/Dugtrio.

While he celebrated along with Tracey, and Gary just acted uninterested, I was practically willing the three of them to leave as May began to deep-throat me. Arceus, it felt so good.

Instead the three of them stuck around to make a few more plans while I just slowly ate my breakfast, before Tracey finally dragged them away by the time I just about finished with my breakfast. And the second the front door closed, I flipped up the tablecloth to see May down there, her lips wrapped around the base of my cock with her chin resting on my balls.

"You really enjoyed that, didn't you?" I asked knowingly.

Obviously May didn't immediately answer, due to her mouth being full, but after releasing my now saliva-covered cock, she said with a smirk, "Isn't it much more exciting when we're about to be caught."

Instead of giving her an answer, I pulled May out from under the table before bending her over it. Her skirt went up, and her spats went down to reveal her moist cunt. Of course she wasn't wearing panties underneath.

"You dirty little girl." I sneered, prompting May to wiggle her butt at me inticingly.

Invitation or no, I lined the head of my cock up with her needy cunt and speared into her from behind

"AHHHHHHHHHHHN!" May moaned as I bottomed out inside her, filling her up completely before I began to violently thrust my hips.


"AH AH AH AHN!" May moaned continuously as my hips slammed into her ass, with my balls repeatedly slapping her exposed clit.

A part of me wondered if the guys could hear her outside, while another part of me savagely declared that I didn't care as I thouroughly plowed her pussy, making sure to hit every single one of her sensitive spots while also hammering into her cervix.

Soon enough I could feel the pressure building within my balls from all the foreplay with the earlier deep-throating, however I will myself not to explode until May was ready as well. I didn't have to wait long though as I saw her aura growing more intense as it built up to her climax, making me time my thrusts as I waited for the exact moment.

And right as May was teetering on the edge, I plunged the entire length of my cock into her with one final push, putting the tip right at the entrance to her womb, and proceeded to flood it with a seemingly inhuman torrent of seed.


May screamed as the orgasm surged through her body, making her spasm slightly on the table for nearly a minute before the tension eventually began to leave her body.

I let her have her moment to come down from the high, before pulling her up so that she was leaning back into my chest.

"Ace...?" She asked tiredly.

"Come on, lets go clean up before we have to leave." I told her, bfore proceeding to walk the two of us up the stairs and into my room to use the shower, with me still buried inside her the entire time.

We didn't end up packing camp up until nearly noon, by which point May was so tired that she ended up riding on Tropius' back instead of walking.


"So where is it?" Ash asked impatiently for what seemed like the hundreth time.

"I'm pretty sure it's around here somewhere." I said, having cultivated a near infinite amount of patience where my brother was concerned after living with him for seventeen years.

"Haaa.... I REALLY don't want to go into ANOTHER cave after the last one..." Misty complained loudly, obviously recalling the entire Mt. Moon debacle.

"What happened?" Tracey asked curiously.

"Misty fell down a hole while I dove down to save her, and the two of us were nearly eaten by a hidden horde of Paras and Parasect. There were even numerous alpha Parasect there, along with my Parasect that I used in the battle against Gary. After we finally got out of there, there was a Team Rocket hit squad waiting for us outside that led to our first encounter with Mewtwo." I summarized for the three of them, making Ash, Gary and Tracey all look at me incredulously.

"Thats sounds so cool Aniki! Tracey and I found a bunch of Clefairy that were building a rocket ship when we went by Mt. Moon." Ash shared as he told us his experience going through the mountain.

"Wait, so Clefairy actualy ARE from space!?!" Dawn exclaimed in shock.

"Sounds about right. I wonder if they were one of the pokemon Mew and Rayquaza granted amnesty to." I wondered out loud, while also thinking about the other pokemon believed to come from space, like Solrock and Lunatone.

"Regardless, I don't really want to go into another cave if I can help it." Misty reiterated, to which I nodded in understanding.

"That's ok Misty. We're just going to explore a little bit anyways, so you can stay outside if you want." I told her. All I was interested in doing down there was getting myself some Diglett or Dugtrio, maybe two mating pairs, and setting my Meowth loose to see what they could find in the dark cave.

Soon enough we discovered the entrance to Diglett's cave, which was a literal hole in the ground surrounded by fencing to keep people from accidentally falling in, and had a ladder to allow those who wanted to delve within to do so. A quick meeting and we decided that Joy and Misty would be staying up here, with the former setting up her Pokemon Center to get some work done in it, while the rest of us will be going down to explore.

After swapping out some of my pokemon, Lucario and I both ignored the ladder as we stepped out over the hole and dropped down.

"I can feel an abundance of ground type energy here..." Lucario said as the two of us looked around after landing.

"Yeah, it might be a Soft Sand deposit like in Cerulean Cave. That's probably why the Diglett and Dugtrio like it here so much." I replied, readily grabbing my pokeballs. Before I could let any of them out though...


"Owwwwwww!" Ash whined as he crashed down into the ground beside Lucario and I, apparently trying to copy us.

"You're not graceful enough to do stuff like that Ash." I told him bluntly, not at all worried about him. If there were two things my brother had going for him, it was his raw strength and durability.

Even when I tried to teach him how to use aura all Ash could do was reinforce those two attributes, though by doing so he was able to surpass even my strength before we set out on our journey. (A.N. Just to cut people off who would complain about it, Ash is not 'stronger' than Ace. Ace just knows how to balance his aura use for his entire body, as well as other external uses, whereas Ash uses 100% to reinforce his body to make himself stronger and more durable. He's basically like a Rook from DXD as far as aura is concerned.)

Aside from Ash, the rest of our group climbed down using the ladder provided for them one at a time. Of course, May and Dawn came down first with their skirts. Ash, Lucario and I however looked around the cave curiously as we waited on them.

"It feels alive..." Ash said, impressing me that he was able to feel what Lucario and I felt as soon as we arrived. His aura was becoming stronger after I forced him to meditate with me the last few days.

"That's because it is." Lucario replied, right before a little head popped out of the ground by our feet.

"Diglett?" It asked curiously, before another one popped out, and then another, and another.

Soon dozens of heads were popping out of the ground around us, chanting together as they did so.

"""Diglett dig! Diglett Dig! Diglett Dig!"""

"""Trio! Trio! Trio!"""

The three of us watched as the Diglett and Dugtrio all hurried around us, burrowing their way through the ground, even rocks, as if it were water.

"It is truly amazing to see them dig in this way." Lucario said.

"You should try to learn from them while we're here." I told him, half jokingly. But, since Lucario did know the move Dig, he apparently decided to take my joke seriously as he joined the dozens of pokemon in digging through the tunnels.

By this point May, Dawn, Gary and Tracey had all joined us, with the two girls looking around excitedly while Gary just looked unimpressed, and Tracey hurriedly dug out his sketchbook. Gary had told us that he already stopped by here on his way to Bill's, and caught himself a few Diglett when he did.

"They're actually kinda cute!" Dawn said as she hurried forward, Prinplup and May beside her as they both prepared to challenge some of them to capture. After all, as far as I was aware there were no Diglett or Dugtrio in either Hoenn or Sinnoh, so the professors would probably love a chance to study them.

With everyone going off to do their own thing, I finally sent my pokemon out as well. Aside from Persian and my two Meowth, I also had Graveler, Tyrunt, Cranidos and Cubone with me for the moment.

Persian immediately started trying to bat at some of the Diglett and Dugtrio out of curiosity, partially because he no longer possessed the Pickup ability. The two Meowth on the other hand immediately went to explore the darkness, probably following their senses as they searched for treasure.

Cubone, Tyrunt and Cranidos all began to look around excitedly as they felt at home, as all three were either rock or ground types. That just left me with Graveler, who was looking at me expectantly.

"The ground type energy here is pretty good. How about trying to get some training in?" I asked him while sending out Ditto.

"Grave!" Graveler declared, eager to get started.

I was still giving him and my other rock/ground type pokemon almost nightly scrubs with the Soft Sand I got from Cerulean Cave, while Daisy was doing the same back at professor Oak's lab with the sand I sent to them. But, it wouldn't beat actually training in place with such potent ground type energy like this one, especially since I was trying to get Graveler to evolve.

"Ditto, Transform into Graveler." I ordered the pink blob, who gave me a salute before doing just that.

Soon there were two identical Graveler standing before me, both ready to do combat as they stared competitively at one another.



Both of them shot forward at one another before clashing in the middle of the cave, producing a sound akin to a rock slide as they grappled with one another.

I could could feel numerous eyes turning towards the two of them curiously, before numerous Diglett and Dugtrio started appearing around me to watch the match.

"I hope you all don't mind." I said to them, worried slightly that they would be mad if we trashed their home.

"Trio, trio, trio." One of the Dugtrio said to me, saying that they didn't mind it. In fact, they quite enjoyed the show.

Nodding slightly in affirmation, I turned back to Graveler and Ditto as the two continued to duke it out. Their fighting style reminded me of sumo wrestlers as they grappled and tried to force the other back, except I'm pretty sure it was far more violent than a typical sumo match.

The match continued until Ditto reached the limit that it was able to maintain it's transformationed, and devolved from a pile of living rock back to the usual pink blob.

"Excellent. Go ahead and take a quick break you two." I told them, knowing it would take a few minutes for Ditto to be able to make another Transformation. But, the time limit for it's Transformations had extended quite a bit since i first caught it, so that was good.

I then turned towards the Diglett and Dugtrio gathered around me, and asked, "While we're waiting on them, are any of you perchance interested in joining me?"


"I'm looking for some Diglett and Dugtrio that are willing to work when I need them to, like plowing fields and digging holes and such, as well as the occasional battle. Preferably a couple mated pairs if possible, but it's ok if not."

The few dozen or so Diglett and Dugtrio gathered in a circle when they heard my request, and began muttering amongst themselves as they debated on it. I just waited patiently as Graveler and Ditto got ready to go another round, until I felt something nudging my foot.

""Diglett dig!"" A pair of Diglett cried as I looked down at them, saying they would like to join me, before a pair of Dugtrio joined them as well.

"Are you sure?"

""Diglett dig!""

""Trio! Trio! Trio!""

"Alright then." I said while pulling out four pokeballs, and swiftly capturing all four of them. I then readily sent them back to professor Oak's before turning my attention back right as Graveler and Ditto started sparring once more, the latter having already Transformed.

The same pattern continued for a couple hours as Ditto and Graveler trained, while several of us watched on in interest. Even Tyrunt, Cranidos and Cubone joined us after they had their fill of exploring, along with Persian when he was unable to catch any of the Diglett or Dugtrio.

My Meowth on the other hand were bringing various items that they had found to me, like some pokeballs, gems, and even a gold nugget. Though I wsn't necessarily short on cash anymore, it was still much appreciated.

"Alright, that's enough." I called out to Graveler and Ditto as evening began to fall onto us, meaning we should probably get back to the surface and set up camp.

"Grave!" Graveler called out defiantly, wanting to go just a little bit longer.

"It's ok Graveler, you don't need to keep going." I tried to tell him, as it was obvious that both he and Ditto were exhausted by this point. And even if he felt as if he were about to reach some kind of breakthrough, it wasn't worth it if he completely wore himself down or hurt himself.

I could hear Graveler grind his teeth in frustration as he clenched his fists, his aura broadcasting his feelings as he fought the desire to keep going. But even if he wanted to he couldn't as Ditto released it's Transformation, and slumped down into a puddle of goo.

"You did really well today Ditto. Take a well deserved rest." I said while approaching it.

"Ditto..." It said tiredly, before promptly falling asleep as I returned it to it's pokeball.

I then approached Graveler, who was still incredibly frustrated, and said, "Hey, don't beat yourself up. There's always tomorrow."

As I said that I raised a fist up and held it out to him, to which Graveler sighed in resignation before bumping one of his own fists against mine.

"Take a LONG rest Graveler." I told it, returning it to it's pokeball as well.

I then returned the rest of my pokemon to their pokeballs as well, before saying to all of the gathered Diglett and Dugtrio, "Thanks for having us. If we ever get a chance, we may come back to visit someday."

"""Diglett dig! Diglett dig! Diglett dig!"""

"""Trio! Trio! Trio!"""

I then followed the rest of the group up the ladder as we made our way out, taking up the rear after Dawn, as I kept my gaze directly upwards. My doing so definitely had nothing to do with the fact that Dawn wasn't wearing any panties. Not at all.

That made me think, Misty only ever wore her bikinis under her clothes, May wasn't wearing panties under her spats, and Dawn also seemed to be going commando more often than not nowadays. There was also that time Joy tripped and her nurses dress flipped up to reveal SHE wasn't wearing any panties either, though she quickly claimed it was an 'accident'.

I decided to have a talk with the girls when I got a chance since, as much as I liked views like the one I currently had, them not wearing panties had too many risks if they tripped or it was windy. Plus seeing the panties themselves had it's own type of charm compared to everything being bared all the time.

As I made my decision we reached the top of the ladder and crawled out of the cave, where Joy and Misty were waiting for us.

"Welcome back. Did everything go ok down there?"

"We heard what sounded like a cave-in or something all day!"

First Joy greeted us before Misty expressed her worry.

"We're all fine, May, Dawn and I even managed to catch some Diglett and Dugtrio. I was just having Graveler train while we were down there to try and get him to evolve. Unfortunately he wasn't able to." I explained to them.

"I see. I'm sorry for Graveler, but at least nothing happened!" Joy said cheerfully, before herding all of us into the Pokemon Center for dinner, which she had just finished preparing a few minutes ago. I swear, I had the best assistant/nurse ever.

We all eagerly ate the meal of Torchic alfredo accompanied by garlic toast, before packing up the Pokemon Center to keep going a bit further towards Vermillion city.

Diglett's Cave had been a nice side stop, but we still had to get to the city to deal with Surge. Especially with the SS. Anne getting closer and closer by the day.

May had even heard from her dad that he had already boarded the cruise ship in Hoenn, meaning that it only had to stop in Johto before reaching Kanto.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

thanks for reading!

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