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Chapitre 7: The Battle Begins...

As the Water Serpent emerges from the water, the Boss Clawbsters eyes are filled with determination. As he's just itching to get his claws on the opponents in front of him

Bruce could only watch from the sidelines as the two sides stared each other down, waiting for their leaders to make the first move

(Bruce) 'The tensions killing me... I'm a little worried for the Clawbsters, but at the same time I'm super excited... This will be a battle between two B class creatures, and I'm sure it will be entertaining to watch'

As the tension in the air rises, the Water Serpent is about to make the first move. However, just as the serpent decides to do this. He is shocked to find the largest of the over sized lobsters charging straight towards himself at full speed, kicking up a cloud of water and sand behind him as he charges towards the massive serpent

(Bruce) 'Seriously!, well... Now that I think about it the serpents did get the first move last time... So I guess he didn't want to let them have it this time either...'

As the Boss Clawbster charges forward with fire in his eyes, it inspires his companions to do the same. And depending on the person, this scene could be considered a terrifying nightmare. Or a hilarious spectacle... You decide...

(Bruce) 'Oh yeah, since the Clawbsters are part of my dungeon now, I can appraise their full status'

{Appraisal Results}


Name: None

Race: Silver Clawbster (Rank D+)

Status Effects: NONE

Titles: Dungeon Monster [I decided to add in titles, they'll make some things easier for me]

Level: 1/50

EXP: 0/100 [So... I know what your thinking *Exp cultists*... And the answer, may surprise you...]

HP: 300/300 [Average LVL 1 Human - HP: 100/100]

MP: 200/200 [Average LVL 1 Human - MP: 50/50]

SP: 250/250 [Average LVL 1 Human - SP: 75/75]

STR: 40 [Average LVL 1 Human - ATK: 5] [Also doing STR instead of ATK on living things now]

DEF: 35 [Average LVL 1 Human - DEF: 5]

AGI: 20 [Average LVL 1 Human - AGI: 10]

Skills: Greater Water Bullet (D-) {20 MP}, Claw Attack (E) {10 SP}


Name: NONE

Race: Gold Clawbster (Rank C)

Status Effects: NONE

Titles: Dungeon Mini Boss {Gives a bonus to all stats}

Level: 1/75 {+50 Level Cap}

EXP: 0/200

HP: 750/750 {+50}

MP: 400/400 {+50}

SP: 500/500 {+50}

STR: 80 {+10}

DEF: 75 {+10}

AGI: 25 {+10}

Skills: Water Bolt (C-) {40 MP}, Greater Water Bullet (D-) {20 MP}, Greater Flamethrower (D-) {5 MP per second), Fire Cloak (C-) {5 MP per second}, Greater Claw Attack (D-) {20 SP}


Name: NONE

Race: Platinum/Diamond Clawbster (Rank B-)

Status Effects: NONE

Titles: Dungeon Boss {Gives a large bonus to all stats}

Level: 1/100 {+50 Level Cap}

EXP: 0/400

HP: 2000 {+100}

MP: 1000 {+100}

SP: 1250 {+100}

STR: 150 {+25}

DEF: 125 {+25}

AGI: 30 {+25}

Skills: Aqua Geyser (B) {25 MP per second}, Greater Water Bolt (C+) {80 MP}, Greater Water Bullet (D-) {20 MP}, Greater Flamethrower (D-) {5 MP per second}, Fire Cloak (C-) {5 MP per second}, Greater Claw Attack (D-) {20 SP}, Mana Claw (C) {10 MP per second}


Bruce stares at the status screens in silence.....

(Bruce) '...'

The sound of an all out battle snaps Bruce out of his trance

(Bruce) 'I was expecting a stat difference... But that was just stupid!'

(System) 'I did tell you that the stat difference between ranks is around double'

(Bruce) 'I know you told me that... It just feels so much more crazy when you see it with your own eyes...'

After Bruce finished his conversation with system, he turned his attention towards the battle happening on Sandbox...

Two giant creatures could be seen interlocked in combat. Massive amounts of water shooting up into the air every time the creatures lash out at each other

[Battle POV]

The Boss Clawbster has had enough waiting around, he was getting tired of waiting and there was no way he was going to give the serpents the first move again

So when the Water Serpent began to slightly move, a switch went off in his brain. The Boss Clawbster went into full battle mode, and with fire in his eyes he charged towards the enemy at full speed

This seemed to shock the Water Serpent, as it was just planning to charge just now. Just to find that the enemy was already charging. Not wanting to be outdone, the Water Serpent charged at the Boss Clawbster as well

With the leaders of both sides charging full speed ahead, the other Serpents and Clawbsters joined the fray. Charging full speed to join their leaders in combat

When the two leaders clashed a powerful gush of air swept the area, and a giant gush of water shot out from the collision zone

The Boss Clawbster body slams the Water Serpent, sending all the momentum he had built up into it. The Water Serpent is dazed for a few seconds from the impact, and once the Water Serpent has regained its senses, it quickly dodges the massive pincer trying to grab his body

Just as the Water Serpent moves out of the way of the attack, the claw opens up, and flames come roaring out of the claw, enveloping the serpent

As the flames come in contact with the serpent, it roars out in pain before it proceeds to thrash its tail, sending a massive amount of water flying into the air, blocking out the flames

The Boss Clawbster stops firing its flames and shuts its claws, taking up a defensive stance for the onslaught that is to come

The Water Serpent now free from the Boss Clawbsters flames, roars out in fury. It see's the Boss Clawbster taking up a defensive stance and decides not to charge in recklessly

The Water Serpent opens its mouth and fires off a series of water bolts to test the Clawbsters defenses. And when the standard water bolts have no effect, the serpent fires off a greater water bolt towards the Clawbster. The bolt rockets through the air, creating a shock wave in its wake. When it collides with the Boss Clawbsters shell, it sends a loud metallic ringing sound coursing through the air from the impact

After the impact, the Water Serpent is glad to see a big dent on one of the Boss Clawbsters Claws. Seeing this, the Boss Clawbster clacks its claws in anger before firing a greater water bolt from both of its claws towards the serpent

The Water Serpent tries to dodge the incoming projectiles, with the first one grazing him before creating a massive water explosion off in the distance, but the second projectile nails the serpent in the side, shattering its scales and sending blood flying

This sends the Water Serpent into a frenzy. And the Boss Clawbster readies its claws in anticipation as the Water Serpent charges towards him at full speed

When the Water Serpent gets close, the Boss Clawbster tries to grab it with its claws, but the serpent just uses its superior agility to dodge and circle around to the Clawbsters side

The Clawbster tries to turn around to face the Water Serpent, but it was to quick. Now that the Water Serpent is in the Boss Clawbsters blind spot, it quickly dashes foward and wraps around the middle of the Boss Clawbsters body

The Water Serpent starts to constrict more and more, sending a eerie metallic screeching sound through the air. The Water Serpent then tries to dig its fangs into the Boss Clawbster, but to no avail, sending a ting sound through the air at its fain attempts to pierce the Boss Clawbsters shell

As the Boss Clawbster tries to shake off the Water Serpent before it is crushed. The Water Serpent keeps trying to bite into the Boss Clawbsters shell in order to inject its venom

As the struggle continues between the two giants, the other creatures have now engaged in combat

Each Gold Clawbster engages a Lesser Water Serpent one on one. When the 5th serpent tries to break the balance, it finds itself painfully pelted by greater water bullets from the 10 Silver Clawbsters that have yet to make it to the battle

The painful volley of water bullets ended up getting the Lesser Water Serpents attention, so it decided to quicken the Silver Clawbsters entry into the battle by charging towards them full speed

As the battle between the creatures on the sidelines begin one at a time. The Water Serpent wrapped around the Boss Clawbster can be seen with a mischievous look in its eyes. The reason behind that look would be how the Water Serpent thinks it's found the Boss Clawbsters weak point

The Water Serpent was making progress on killing the Boss Clawbster already through its constriction, but the metallic shell of the Boss Clawbster was so tough, that by the time the Water Serpent starts dealing any real damage, the Water Serpent will have ended up using up all its SP. So the Water Serpent was looking for a way to inject its venom into the Boss Clawbster before that happens

And the weakness the Water Serpent thinks it found would be in the Boss Clawbsters joints. Because it would only be common sense that the joints would be where the Water Serpent can slip its fangs in

The Water Serpent moved its head over to the nearest joint on the Boss Clawbsters body, and slowly forced its fangs into the Boss Clawbsters joints in an attempt to torment him by taking his time to bite into the Boss Clawbster

Just as the cocky Water Serpent was doing all this. The Boss Clawbster felt what was happening and stopped thrashing around... Not out of fear... But because he had just won

If the Boss Clawbster had a human face. There would 100% be a big sh#t eating grin on it

The Water Serpent was confused as to why the Boss Clawbster had stopped thrashing around so much... And then suddenly... The Water Serpent got its answer

[(Water Serpent) "Its over, I've found your weakness, now your going to die by my venom!" Suddenly, the Boss Clawbster turns its head towards the Water Serpent, and then Kenshiro's face appears... Saying... (Kenshiro Clawbster) "Omae Wa Mou... SHINDEIRU!!!" (Already Dead Water Serpent) "NANI!!!")]

The Boss Clawbsters body tenses up, and then his joint squeezes shut on the serpents fangs. Digging into them just deep enough to where they won't break, and to where the Water Serpent can't free itself if it tries to pull out... [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]... its fangs... [( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)]...

The edges of the Boss Clawbsters metallic carapace is lined with a diamond like substance. So when the Water Serpent decided to take its time with Boss Clawbster, it gave Boss Clawbster enough time to counter attack by trapping the Water Serpents fangs in its armor

[By the way, Diamond is a dumb choice for armor. In simple terms, it's brittle. The reason for its brittleness is due to it's hardness. Simply put again, its uncuttable/unscratchable, but it is absolutely smashable. This is also the reason I decided to have a diamond lining for the Boss Clawbsters carapace... One more thing, if you don't believe diamond is brittle... Look it up...]

The Water Serpent is surprised at the recent development, but not deterred from it. Because to the Water Serpent, it just seems like the Boss Clawbster has trapped itself. So the Water Serpent decides that when he starts to run low on SP, he'll just wait and recover some more before finishing off the Boss Clawbster

However, that won't happen... The Water Serpent seems to sneer at the Boss Clawbsters attempt to counter his attack. And the Boss Clawbster just looks back at the Water Serpent... And sneers right back and dashes towards land at full speed

This development also confused the Water Serpent, and thought that the Clawbster was going to try and knock him off by slamming into some tree's

This was proven to be immediately wrong. Because just as the Boss Clawbster reached the dry sandy beach of Sandbox. He proceeded to summon up all the mana he could, and pumped it all into one skill... Fire Cloak...

The cocky attitude of the Water Serpent was immediately changed into a fearful one as the scorching flames of the Boss Clawbster enveloped him

The Water Serpent did everything he could do get free from the Boss Clawbster, but couldn't due to how his fangs where trapped within the Boss Clawbsters hard carapace

In a desperate attempt to escape the flames. The Water Serpent uncoiled from around the Boss Clawbsters body and thrashed around violently, kicking up large clouds of sand, as well as creating enormous amounts of wind pressure. However, uncoiling may have saved the snakes body from most of the fire damage, but it left his body wide open for another kind of damage

Seeing the golden opportunity in front of him. The Boss Clawbster used his claws to hack and slash at the Water Serpents flailing body

The Water Serpent, seeing how desperate the situation was, partially recoiled around the Boss Clawbsters body, and used most of all his remaining strength to pull his fangs from the Boss Clawbsters burning carapace

With his fangs not wanting to budge from the Boss Clawbsters shell, the Water Serpent mentally braced itself and then pulled with all its might, causing his fangs to snap

The Water Serpent briefly hissed in pain before sucking it up and moving on

Using all his remaining strength, the serpent tried to escape into the ocean. While trying to escape towards the ocean however, the Water Serpent felt a tug of resistance. When the Water Serpent looked back, he could see that the Boss Clawbster had grabbed his tail and was reeling him in

The Water Serpent desperately fired off multiple greater water bolts at the Boss Clawbster. Causing a couple more large dents and cracks to form on the Boss Clawbsters carapace, but he didn't care. It was game over for the Water Serpent

The Boss Clawbster continued to manhandle the struggling Water Serpent until he eventually was able to grab a hold of its head with one claw, and forced the other claw into the serpents mouth. After the Boss Clawbster manages to get the claw into the Water Serpents mouth, he opens the claw and fires off aqua geyser. The point blank, high pressure water blast completely destroys the Water Serpents Brain, and even proceeds to blast through the back of the Water Serpents head

Just as the Aqua Geyser fires through the Water Serpents head however. The Clawbster spawn point spawns in a brand new Clawbster... The moment the newbie Clawbster appears, he is instantly painted red by the Water Serpents blood as a result of the Boss Clawbsters finishing blow

[Ima just refer to that Clawbster as Newbie from now on... Actually, I'm going to name him that...]

Seeing that happen, Bruce decides to name the unfortunate Clawbster Newbie...


Newbie stands still... Painted in the Water Serpents blood..... If thats not PTSD material... I don't know what is...

The Boss Clawbster looks at the blood drenched Newbie and clacks a couple of times in apology... Newbie responds by quietly scampering into the tiny forest in Sandbox's center...

There's a moment of silence from the Boss Clawbster before he refocuses back on the task at hand. As the other Clawbsters are still engaging the Lesser Water Serpents in combat

When the Clawbsters see that their boss is victorious, they focus their efforts more on restraining the Lesser Water Serpents than on actually defeating them. And with that, the Boss Clawbster helped finish off all of the Lesser Water Serpents that remained near Sandbox

After the last Lesser Water Serpent was finished off, the Clawbsters dragged their bodies back to Sandbox, and stuck them in the newly renovated corpse pit, made to be able to fit larger creatures like the Water Serpents

(Bruce) '...'

(Bruce) 'Wow...'

Bruce stares at the large pit filled with massive snakes...

(System) 'I recommend that you calm down... Your practically drooling. Well... Mentally that is'

(Bruce) 'Yeah I know that, but seriously. How much DP are all those oversized snakes worth!!!, when they turn into DP I'm going to this, oh and that too, and don't forget about tha...'

<-----To be continued----- [Is that a JOJO reference!!!] [...]


[Here's some of the stuff I want to fit into the Authors Thought but can't]

[1: Some clarification on magic and skills...]

[Magic and skills don't do a set amount of damage, and don't need to use a set amount of MP/SP to activate, the MP cost I put next to a skill is just the minimum amount of MP needed. If a person or monster wants to add extra MP/SP to make the skill do more damage, they can absolutely do that]

[Also, if a person/monster knows a spell/skill like greater water bolt, they are also able to use the normal and lesser versions of that skill as well]

[I also wanted to explain physical skills like claw attack. It isn't just a standard attack from the user, it is a full fledged skill. This means when claw attack is used, it pretty much reinforces the users claw, as well as giving the claw a little more power than normal in order to attack their target]

[2: Just my own thoughts]

[Hi, this is just me talking to you guys reading. So yeah...]

[First of all I would adore more comments on my chapters. And I jump at the opportunity to read them. They also work as a great motivator for me to keep writing, and it kinda makes me feel like people are actually reading and enjoying the story I'm trying to tell...]

[I would also appreciate it if you'd leave a review on my story. Because if I can get enough good reviews, it may attract more readers to my story... ALSO! I need to call out a certain someone who kept SPAMMING my reviews section with random crud that isn't relevent *cough cough* StaticCharacter *cough cough*... I'm not going to be to harsh on him however because I already talked to him about it in real life. So it shouldn't happen again..... Okay StaticCharacter..... Don't do it dude..... THIS DOESN'T MEAN to start spamming my reviews again by the way if I wasn't being clear M-KAY!!!]

[3: That's about it...]

[Actually never mind, just one more thing...]

[Even though the Clawbster spawn point only spawns a Clawbster every 3 hours, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't 3 hours when Newbie spawned... The reason behind his spawning was (Insert super long and BS reason he spawned early here...).............. You know what, he spawned because of plot... That's it okay...]

BackroundCharacter BackroundCharacter

Just the usual...

1: Life... somehow... through some dumb magic... always finds a way... to get in the way... of me writing my chapters...

2: Sorry this chapter was late even though I have no deadlines

3: The comments section is lonely

4: I still love writing this story (I'm not bored by a longshot)

5: That's all folks...

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