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27.94% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 57: Chapter 56: A Big Fat Dragon Courtship

Chapitre 57: Chapter 56: A Big Fat Dragon Courtship

At Ume's directions, I use [Portal] to move us to the field where I fought the monster mob yesterday morning, where she revealed herself to me as a Dragon seeking a mate to help save her kind from extinction. I take Nyra along for safety precautions, my MIB to carry our clothes, and had Ume write a note for the other girls in case they wake up before we come back.

As it's still early in the morning, the field is quite dark, but I could see the many stars above me are starting to fade as the sky slowly starts to change in accordance to the approaching daylight.

For such a romantic setting, it's a little off-putting to have my briefs dropped when we get there as requested by Ume, but since this is a custom by Dragons who usually don't wear clothes in their true forms anyway, she probably wants to make this procedure to match that as much as possible, and so I oblige.

And besides, how could I possibly complain about it when I get to marvel Ume in all of her naked glory in Dragonoid form as well?

"Now then, Jin, it looks like we have some time before the sun rises. Is there anything you'd like to say before we make this official?" Ume asks.

{If we're making this as much legit in Dragon standards as it is in marriage, I should probably come clean with some things while I have the chance,} I decide.

"I was going to save some of this when Ms. Gallofree joins back with us, and while there were so many things going on yesterday, there's something I need you to know about me if we're going to be living together," I say while I take her reptilian hands in mine, trying to make this as serious as possible by looking at her face only and not look down on her bodacious body. "The truth is, Ume, I'm … a Champion."

While Ume expresses shock, I reach into my MIB and pull out the IEB to show proof.

"You may be thinking this is how I'm so strong from other humans, right? That might be part of it, but the biggest contributor may be my capabilities as a Brawler as I quickly leveled up …"

With the limited time we have before the sun rises, I try to explain as much of what I know so far about this class as I could, including the titles and skills I've gained, how quickly I've leveled up, and my multiple classes. I even demonstrated a little by pulling up my status and changing what I could display in real time, something that's considered impossible in this world's standards.

Ume stays silent throughout that time, taking in every word that's given.

"Ren, Erizora, Lili, Ms. Raize, and Winny are already aware of my identity under certain circumstances, but they have yet to know how crazy this Brawler class is, I don't even know how much crazier this class can get until I reach a level cap, if there is one, but this is the gist of what I know so far," I finish my explanation.

"Do you mind if I speak my thoughts?" Ume finally asks, to which I nod. "I've read quite a bit of the Champions' accomplishments over the courses of my studies, and truthfully, some of the other Dragons have come to resent Champions for how much the Immortals seem to favor the humans compared to the other kin in this regard."

I flinch at that statement and avert my gaze. I could understand how others would view us in that perspective, it may be part of why the relations between kin is so bumpy. Hell, I'm questioning how broken this system is for how far I've come within three days since I came here.

"It just proves how much my judgment was correct in choosing you as my mate."

Ume's following statement widens my eyes before she takes a reptilian hand to hold my chin and direct my gaze back at her, a gentle smile is etched on her lips.

"I'm a little annoyed I'm not the first to know your identity, but unveiling my own as a Dragon yesterday must've also been shocking to you as well, so I think we can call it even between us on that front. I believe you should try to keep your capabilities as a Brawler on the down low for now though, as much as you can among the others in the party unless it's absolutely necessary if it extends to the rest of us. I just know how much of a riot this will turn to be if others got word of such a discovery. Although, since Eugus Gallofree was there to see your class and race as a 'D-Human' and he has to report it to this association, I think we're in a tight bind already, but we'll figure out how to work through it when we get there.

"Going back to us, while there were Dragons who resent or even fear the Champions to have possible means for falling them, I actually played with the hypothetical idea of meeting one to help me save us from extinction, knowing how different they are from a regular human. So, really, I'm thrilled it didn't turn out to be left as a hypothetical, and knowing you actually still have much more room for growth even with how strong you already are just being a Brawler would make things better for all of us down the line."

Ume then pulls me in for a hug, squeezing and pressing as much of her generous breasts onto me as she could. "It was a bit late, but I'm happy you trust me enough to give such a big secret now than never. Just know that Champion or not, I know that you're still the same Jinma Kotori who saved me in multiple ways, who accepts everyone around you for who they are and treat them accordingly. That's just a piece of why I love you, how that love will never change, and though I've yet to learn much about you, I'll accept everything as I see you are like you have for me."

"Ume …"

'I'll accept everything as I see you are.' Something about how those words were said clicked something inside of me that I respond in hugging Ume back quite strongly and hold back the urge to break into tears.

Other than Mom, I could only guess that Hyo-chan, Komi, and my aunts didn't see me as such a bad delinquent just on my looks than what most others would think no matter what I tried to change their minds.

{"The majority of them will look at you with sneers, questioning why such a 'creature' is living among them, and no matter what good you'll do for them, their opinion of you will never change …"}

Those familiar words ring in my head for a moment and I think I've lived with such an ingrained fear of not being accepted for who I really am for longer than I might've noticed. I was scared I would meet the same, if not worse people to not accept me when I came to this world, especially if the likeliness to getting killed is higher. It didn't help that I was all alone back then with no family or friend to help me relax even a little just by being there for me.

Ume mentioned how I saved her in multiple ways, but she saved me more than she knew when she said those words. Knowing now how there's really someone out there who can truly accept me, not only am I grateful to be chosen as her mate, but I really feel like I don't need to be scared as much about living in this world than I did when I first came here.

[You have now reached 'Fear Resistance' LV 6!]

{Wow, seriously? I was 'that' scared? And I thought my fear of heights was pathetic enough.}

"And with that said, shall we get started with our official courtship?" Ume asks as she pulls back, to which I nod with a smirk.

As instructed by Ume, we have both of our hands interlocked together and at our sides, eyes closed, our bodies as close as possible with foreheads, noses, chests, and pelvises touching. Ume's wings are fully flared out behind her while her larger than normal tail wraps around my legs. I was even asked to wear the IEB while we're like this, and so I obliged. I also have Nyra laid on the grass and touching my foot so I know where she is just in case if we were ambushed.

Traditionally, both Dragons who are acknowledging each other as mates have their wings flared out and tails curling together in the presence of others so they know who would soon belong to whom. When this was explained, I offered to use my 'Darkness Manipulation' and make shadows of my own 'Dragon Parts' to follow procedures down to the nose, but Ume turned that down.

While she wants to replicate it as much as possible, she knows I'm not a Dragon and we're only by ourselves. That's why she wants our relationship to be acknowledged in a way that we know 'who' we're doing it with and are together because of that instead of 'what race' we're doing it with. I'm a [D-]human, a Champion who obviously can't change into a Dragon's size, and Ume's adapting herself to make this work while still maintaining as much of her true appearance as she can while in Dragonoid Form to bare who she really is, and both of us are here together with nothing aside from my bracelet in the way to hide any part of ourselves from each other.

Or so she said.

Ume must've thought this through for quite a while if our unique 'ritual' is symbolized that much in her mind. Seeing how she's so earnest in these matters just makes me love her all the more.

"And now, with the two of us like this, there would usually be a third party acquainted with us who would serve as a witness and help us exchange our vows, but since it's just the two of us …" Ume trails off.

<"Then would you perhaps allow me to fill in that role in this special occasion, Ms. Umeiyon?">

""<"Huh?!">"" Me, Ume, and even Nyra for the first I've heard from her since I woke up jump a little from the sudden uninvited guest. Ume and I opened our eyes in shock while in this position

"M-Ms. … Obina? Is that you?" I ask while looking at my bracelet.

"Obina?! As in the Goddess of Lust, Obina?! You're representing her as a Champion, Jin?!" Ume asks.

<"The one and only~.">

<"O-Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, is this really happening?! Am I really hearing the Great and Lascivious Goddess Obina's erotically ethereal voice?!"> Nyra exclaims in a panic?

"Who the fuck was that?!"

"Wait, you can hear Nyra, too, Ume?!"

<"You can hear me?!">

<"Surpriiiise~! I've made some special arrangements through the bracelet in order for you to act as a bridge between Nyra and your friends whenever you're all in physical contact. Anytime Nyra's on Jinma's person and he's wearing the bracelet, anyone who touches him can speak to her through telepathy. You're welcome.">

"S-So this is the same Pixie who speaks to Jin in his mind?" Ume asks while looking down to the tanto touching my foot.

<"Um … y-yeah, right. I'm Nyra, of the Pixies. It's a pleasure to meet with you properly, Umeiyon.">

"L-Likewise …"

"What's with the sudden change of formality, Nyra? Actually, you've been quiet for a while, did you just wake up?" I ask her.

<"Oh, no, I've been awake for quiiiite a long while, but with the four of us now able to speak to each other like this, I guess I'll just have to play as a witness to your official courtship with her. I-If that's all right with the Great Goddess Obina, I mean!">

<"But of course! And it's not just the four of us, either. Everyone is here!">

"… E-Everyone?" Ume asks.

<"This is the first time a Dragon has ever officially courted with a human, let alone a Champion, so of course all of us Immortals have to step out of our posts to witness such a special occasion while enchanting the area to not let anything interfere it.">

"All … of the Immortals?"

<"Woo~! Looking good out there, girly!">

<"Ah~, two different kin, yet their love is as spontaneous and joyous as any other pairing with their own. What a wonderful era we're now witnessing.">

<"So sleepy … I want to go to bed, but I don't want to miss a second of this.">

Those among other voices from different Immortals also ring in our heads.

{All of those people are watching and we're both buck naked … the only thing that could make this any more awkward than it already is would be Mom also being in on this.}

<"Oh, that reminds me, I brought along a special guest for the occasion~!"> Ms. Obina sings as if responding to my thoughts.

<"Yo~, Jin-chan~, looking good in the au naturelle look!">

"MOM?!" I could practically feel my whole body getting cold and pale.

<"It's about time you finally snagged yourself a beauty! Or I should better say 'beauties' with your other two girls out of commission at the moment, and at such a short time, too. Took long enough for me to finally be in my own son's wedding, or something close to it, anyway!">

"S-So this is … Jin's mother?" Ume asks.

<"It's a shame that we can't properly meet under these circumstances, but it's a pleasure to speak with you, Ms. Umeiyon. Name's Mikan Kotori, but you can call me 'Mom.'">

"N-No! The honor and pleasure are all mine, ma'am—I-I mean, Mom! And please, call me Mei!" Ume exclaims, getting flustered.

<"Wait, doesn't Jinma call you 'Ume,' though? Why 'Mei?'"> Nyra asks.

"The parts of our names that are addressed differentiates what relationship we Dragons have with each other. I use 'Mei' for close friends and relatives to address me, even Father has called me so when he spoke with me. 'Ume' is for my mate's use of referral only."

<"I see! In that case, would 'Mei-chan' be okay?">

"Th-That's fine!"

<"Dude, Jinma, you're looking white as a sheet. What gives?"> Nyra asks.

"For my own mother to show up now of all times while we're both in the nude … Immortals, please, shoot me now," I mutter with my head down.

<""Not gonna happen,""> the Immortals in the 'room' respond in sync.

<"Oh, come now, Jin-chan, you've seen me naked practically all the time back home and I've washed your cute little pooper when you were still a brat. What's the difference now?">

"Don't talk about it like thaaaaaaat!" I'm tempted to chuck the bracelet as far away from here as possible while the Immortals laughed at my expense, but Ume's wish for me to wear it during this ritual and the slight happiness I'm feeling from hearing Mom's voice again after so long is preventing that.

<"Okay, okay, let's settle down before Jinma explodes from embarrassment, we got a Dragon Courtship Ritual/Wedding to continue!"> Ms. Obina exclaims while clapping her hands. <"Sexy Lovebirds! Back to your positions and let's get this started while the sun's rising!">

"R-Right! Come on, Jin! Let's get through this, already!"

"Sure …" {This is probably the weirdest and most embarrassing thing I'm experiencing right now. Standing in a full classroom in only my underwear at the least might be better than this,} I think as we interlock each other's hands and resume our previous positions with eyes closed.

"*Gushi. Gushi.*"

"Ume, are you crying?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Sh-Shut up! Our courtship is being witnessed and acknowledged by the Immortals and your mother despite how different we are! How could I not be so happy about this?!"

<""Awwww,""> the Immortals awe.

<"Jin-chan can be pretty stubborn and reserved for silly reasons, so don't be afraid to smack him up the head when you need to straighten him out. I expect you and the other girls to keep him from doing anything stupid while taking care of him in my place. Can I count on you for that, Mei-chan?"> Mom asks.


<"Nyra-chan, since you're stuck at the hip with my boy, you're pretty much as close to a best friend as he could get right now. Unless you get your body back somehow, help him out however you can when he needs it, all right?">

<"Right, sure …"> Nyra says, sounding a little wary for some reason.

"Mom … how much have you known about what's going on already?" I ask.

<"Oh~, I know more than you want me to and will continue doing so from this point on, Jin-chan~, so you best be getting used to it~.">

"Wait, is she saying she somehow knows we've already … including what went on last night?" Ume asks.

"Highly likely," I dread, and I could feel how cold and sweaty Ume's forehead is getting after hearing it.

<"Now then, from seeing enough Dragon Courtship Rituals myself from the Sacred Realm, I will begin moving the ritual along,"> Ms. Obina says before clearing her throat.

<"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to commemorate the joining of these two esteemed, unique individuals in matrimony. Jinma Kotori of the Humans and Champion representing yours truly, as the male head of your harem, before all of these witnesses, do you take Umeiyon of the Dragons to be your officially courted wife? Do you take all of her faults and strengths while offering yourself with all of your own faults and strengths? To be there for her in sickness and health, in rich and poor? To honor and care for her, to share your life openly and speak the truth to her in love, and to cherish and encourage her own fulfillment as an individual as you spend the rest of your lives together until death do you part?">

{Damn, this is really happening, isn't it? Being here with Ume while naked, I wouldn't be surprised if I was still dreaming, but this is all real. The heat, the racing hearts, the nervous breathing, the clammy hands, this is really happening. I didn't think I'd get this far with anyone so soon, but … I made my decision a while ago, and so I must proclaim it, right here and now.}

"I do," I say firmly with my eyes closed.

"<Umeiyon of the Dragons, as the female head of the harem, before all of these witnesses, do you take Jinma Kotori of the Humans and Champion representing yours truly to be your officially courted husband? Do you take all of his faults and strengths while offering yourself with all of your own faults and strengths? To be there for him in sickness and health, in rich and poor? To honor and care for him, to share your life openly and speak the truth to him in love, and to cherish and encourage his own fulfillment as an individual as you spend the rest of your lives together until death do you part?">

"*Gushi.* I-I do," Ume cries. I squeeze her reptilian hands tight to ease her worries.

<"Now, open your eyes, look into each other's souls, the reflections of yourselves inside them, and let their inner and outer beauties be ingrained into your mind as you accept them to be a part of your life.">

We do as she instructed and I look deep into Ume's reptilian turquoise eyes, her pupils fully dilated instead of being slit. I don't think I've ever seen anyone's eyes shine and glimmer so bright like hers is right now even with the built-up tears taken into account. It's as if I'm seeing one's magic in its purest form dwelling inside them. The light from the sunrise also adds to the effect, making her all the more beautiful.

[You have achieved the 'Spouse' title!

[Umeiyon has been registered as your wife.

[You have now learned 'Magic Synthesis*'!

[You have achieved the 'Magic Dragon's Consort' title!

[You have now learned 'Magic Dragon's Blessing*'!

[Your MP, SP. ATK, and SP. DEF. have been increased!

[You have reached Umeiyon's Affinity LV 3! Total Level of Affinity: 7

[Your Affinity with Umeiyon has acquired 'AP Boost.' Amount of AP generated from performing skinship with her has increased.]

"W-Whoa … I got a bunch of crazy stuff, here," I say after the scrolls of notices were finished and I lean back in surprise.

"M-Me too …"

<"The vows have been exchanged and your relationship has been confirmed,"> Ms. Obina continues. <"We'll talk about your benefits after the ritual ends, but for now, by the powers vested in me as the Goddess of Lust, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss.">

<""KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!""> everyone in the metaphorical 'room' chants. I could even hear Mom amongst that crowd.

"Does kissing usually happen in these courtship rituals?" I ask Ume.

"Not among other Dragons, but this is not like any other courtship ritual I've seen in my lifetime. Although~, I think it's fitting for us to end it this way," she answers before smiling mischievously. "C'mere, big boy!"



With the cheers of the Immortals and my mother in our minds, Ume passionately kisses me while on top after a powerful tackle, still as much buck-naked as we were when we started. Thus, the last-minute, altered Dragon Courtship Ritual comes to a close.

Little did I know that this is only the first of many other crazy 'weddings' I'm involved in later down the line.

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

Mr. Kotori's Dragon Wife, ladies and gentlemen.

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