The students were all crowded in the same area when they started the journey game. They had to follow the red ribbon that Kevin and Kanae had tied to the trees. Inside this lush green forest, the red color stood out even more.
Misae exclaimed when she saw the red ribbon. "We're going the right way."
"Yup," Mike nodded his head. He looked towards the ribbon that was tied quite high up the tree. It must be Kevin who tied it up. Kanae wouldn't be able to reach this height.
"How long is the journey?"
Mike thought about the time Kanae and Kevin took last night. They disappeared for around three hours, so that should be the time needed to finish this trail course and return back to the inn. Of course, that was only if they maintained the same pace as the two of them.
He smiled wryly. Considering these two's stamina, he doubted that the other students would be able to finish the journey as fast as them. It would take them much longer compared with those two.
Edit (18 July 2019) Editor: Coraphyll