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100% I Dare the Devil. Now I'm the Devil.(JMaian) / Chapter 1: God on the making or is it
I Dare the Devil. Now I'm the Devil.(JMaian) I Dare the Devil. Now I'm the Devil.(JMaian) original

I Dare the Devil. Now I'm the Devil.(JMaian)

Auteur: JMaian

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: God on the making or is it

The sermon, there is no such thing as good/kind or evil/bad spirits/souls or gray/neutral/white lie. There's only the good and evil minds of human desires and the number of deaths a person made even if it's an accident as long as there's a connection your hands are still stain by the blood of the innocent(All living things). The more good/evil you've made the more you desire it and make a world around it and rare once the seeker of the death of another.

___=====+===+____[author: try reading while listening to nightcore]

One day.

Thugs wearing all black with mask hiding their faces dragging a guy asleep on a wheelchair or is that rolling. They enter the back of what looks like a military or government sponsored hospital it's so high class/tech your jaws would be hanging for hours.

- I kind of like it+

After they got in you'll see one hell of a sinister fuck face scientist or is it doctor his got a stethoscope round his neck. You'd not want to be his patient and it's not the anxious one it's the I don't wanna die one.

- so good luck+

The duck face scientist waiting at the long tunnel super blood color bulbs by the way. When they got to the end creepiness starts if your guessing an experiment lab. Oh no, it's a fucking white elevator.

- Boom, it's like I was there+

- Okay, I was there+

After getting to the underground laboratory and passing some transparent jail cells. I think it's bulletproof and it's full people/not so people and is that a crack.

- I want out of here+

- Was that me?.. nah.nevermind continue+

The scientist pick cell no.667 and by the way there's no cell no.666 they think it's bad luck. Well.goodbye.science, the place so nice so clean.

- I want to stay here+

___===+==+__(time skip with some explanations)

3yrs. 6months 6days and 6hrs. ago, Super torture or experiment so they call it. And it starts with the lost of hairs and by hair it means all of them. Is that scary, creepy or downright traumatic you choose, I don't like choosing.

-i triple choose+

Then they takeout their big-ass camera or is it. And the cutting starts I think the scientist wants one of his ribcage bone for the medicals and some bone marrow. [author: I'm no scientist or science fiction nerd(no offense, nerds are much hardworking than me so they're awesome.) just your lazy old wannabe creator.]

- wow that felt nice+

Then the tubes and needles, the tubes goes to every holes you have and the needles one of the 3 can knock you out for a year.

- best day ever+ [author: reading that you just gotta do a gut pose]

They put the guy in a bigger tube, the one you can make clones with and close to all his new and dying friends.

- gotta miss them+

The fuck face scientist gets mad breaking his keyboard on his assistant face because of his pretty face or maybe not. He sees the calendar 2yrs. have passed still no progress his face goes pale. Then he looks at one of the guards and goes back to his work quietly.

- oh they're gonna have his brain+

1yr. 6months 5day 18hrs. later, all patients except for one are dead. The duck face scientist gets the guy out of his big-ass tube and then strapped the guy on the operating table. The operating room was surrounded by 11 guards fully equip not a thing missing.

- oh it's independence day I that like the movie or is it+

__=Present=__ 🎁

Transmigration begins____

10secs. remaining...

One of the thugs moves close behind the scientist raising his left hand holding a cruel looking shiny buzzard. When the thug was one step away he started shaking(trembling hard) like a vibrator the one you masturbate with.









Boom!, head blows up the scientist turn his head not even a little bit fazed like he knows his next. He turns again and sees the guy on the table open his eyes all black like space. It's like when the alien invaded New York with no nuke and alien just the rift in space.

- YES!, here comes the darkness like no other+

- and no more plus and minus I'll be the one thinking here now+

The scientist look at me and then he looks at the needle and sharp objects. Well surprise he goes for the 1yr. I like him, so he dies with his body in perfect shape. Wow, I'm good at this so I drain his blood slowly. Eh, is he opening his mouth this is going to be ugly and the other 3 things to the 'T'. The blood can't be seen as it's being drained somewhere not here. I can see 3 colors, can't see what they are clearly is it because I just woke up.

"why are you doing this I'm the reason your even alive and this, what is this why do I feel so weak" The scientist start letting go of the 1yr.

"EH" I think.

"please don't do this we can help each other they're going to kill me anyways because I didn't make it in time please" The scientist slowly kneel down I think his going to beg.

"oh oh ooh no noO!!" The scientist goes down I think his dead.

I look around and see that the thugs been standing their for awhile now. I think they're talking to someone. And they're using loud voices saying their team leader's head blow up and that the doctor deflated. Oh they're pointing their guns at me now. Wow, that's high tech sh!t like the thing that penetrate tanks and fortresses.[author: is that a dildo]

"No don't do it don't shoot!" I raise my hand begging

"fire!" One of the thugs shouted again with a loud voice.

"fire fire!" Shouted everythugs in the room.

sparks of electricity from every bullets shoot bang x10 *sfx of sci-fi guns 🔥

"ow ow ow!" I started shouting to.

The high speed bullets phase through me and destroy the operating table. Ahh that was my favorite table I had so much memory there.

Boom! heads blow up 36 people died I whistle. What the fuck they're all dead and I need to control this. Whatever this is I need to... Okay I don't have control what the fuck.

"who are you" I feel power and someone and his powerful.

'-are we talking about this now+' said the power's voice.

"no we got to call someone anyone" I get a familiar feeling about him.

'-the cops maybe+' said the power guessing.

"yeah, your right.. your right let's call the cops" raising my hand and pointing my finger into darkness.

'- naturally because we're geniuses+' Of course we're genius I think.

Scratching the back of my head with my raised hand. I go find something to make a call with, there a cellphone. I dial 911 and its ringing and I put it on speakerphone.

The phone stops ringing "hello, I need help" I panic a little it's my 1st time calling 911.[author: I know 911 is like a call center and like a middleman for PIGS, this is more interesting, maybe you'll like it]

"what's the problem sir." said the person on the phone.

"I killed people please help me" I said with all the courage I have.

"where are you tell me the place" said the rattling voice.

"the place I don't know it's some kind of underground hospit.. '-oi tell him I'm at the door+' I'm at the door" The place starts going dark.

'-lets do this+' said the excited voice.

"what was that sir?" said the person on the phone.

Boom! sfx of a car tyre bursting

"what the fuck was that noise" the 3 police officer said covering their ringing eardrums.

"what!" Shouted the colleague of the person I was talking with.

Then I see the walls of what seems to be a police station HQ. And that boom was not because I got transported to this fuck up place its the dead people getting bang against the walls. And it kinda looks like some tunnel that I remember the one with blood color. But this one is way more in the people with no heads and mutilated bodies side of town or is it a tomb.

"what the fuck happen, we did this how" I said confuse by this.

'-that's a solid yes oh by the way start raising your hand+' said the satisfied voice.

"oh wow what happen here -blarg.h-" says one of the officers with extra vomit on the side.

door opening sfx.

"wht? blarg" officer no.2 vomited his donut with sprinkles.

"blarg" officer no.3 out goes his mom's homemade pack lunch.

"blar..." the person at the phone sees the hallway too.

"bl.." his colleague almost passing out.


The last one was me and 5 officers who saw it stops puking starts pointing there gun at me. The other guy wants to kill some more and but kneel and about to say something but 3 cops starts shooting bullets. I saw this coming, bullets pass through me they quickly ran out of bullets.

The power guy wants to start dead heading everyone starting with the once shooting. I reason with him and I successfully calm him down because we don't know where this place is yet.

We see the t.v. news its CNN reporting some man in an iron suit a macho green guy and a hammer carrying blonde a guy wearing a flag a guy with a bow and exploding arrow and a super sexy woman in tightsuit. I get the idea where this place is, that tightsuit loving it. Almost like in GANTZ sexy right I'm loving this place muchx2 more.

'we should stop killing or some maybe watching' I explain to the power.

'-yeah, I'm with you we'd be in deep shit if we're seen by them and they're not gonna like us messing the place to much+' I think his not liked by those watching this place.

Officer no.1 see me still alive and moving stops his colleagues. And starts walking slowly to me looking at the things around the place again. The officer calls for back-up and his superior looking like his about to do vomiting fit again.

"chief we have trouble at the hotline center come quickly and may want to call all the forensic team." officer no.1 talking loudly at his phone.

The officer no.1's phone looks like a touchscreen iPod with 2 taps his already connected to his superior. Its wrap tightly to his right chest and there seems to be a camera on it. This place is so advance and rich they even provide portable camera/police radio to every officers.

When officer no.1 is one step away from me tries to touch my shoulder he gets confuse. Because his hand didn't phase through me and points his gun at me again. Pointing his gun at me he calls the other 2 officers shouting and barking loud.

"hey Mike, Ryan come here help me handcuff this bastard." he loudly bark at officer no.2&3.

"don't you think it's dangerous george" said Mike vomiting again.

"ri..right" nodding Ryan then vomits too.

"STOP! fucking vomiting your making me nauseous" said angry george still pointing the gun at me.

The 2 officer comes closer not sure if this was a good idea. Then george commands them to cuff me. Mike reach out for his handcuff and ask for Ryan's help cuffing me. After they all look surprise that the handcuff didn't just slides off my hands.

Then back-up arrives S.W.A.T. arm to the teeth. They look around the seemingly large hall ready to shoot holes at the walls again. Then the police chief and head of the forensic team show up too. The chief calls for george and on the other side of the door of the hotline center 2 colleagues are peeking at their half open door.

"Hey george, what happened here" said the chief looking constipated.

"Yeah, what happened" the forensic head said mimicking like a loyal monkey.

Looking at the forensic head George then explain everything from start to finish like how there was a loud noise. And then like magic the place was filled with dead bodies and a guy raising his hands up.

The chief feeling like sh!t is coming out but nothing was there, looks at the fuck up mess again. Then he sees heads poking out of the hotline center's half open door. The chief eyes goes blood red face purple then shouting loudly at the heads to come out of their hiding place.

"Chase why were you and Reynolds hiding, what do you 2 know about this mess" the chief said with prying eye pointed at the 2 raccoons.

Chase explains that there was a call saying that guy in handcuffs killed people. And asking the guy where the place was the guy said it was at the hospit then he suddenly said ("I'm at the door"). Then there was a loud banging noise and Reynolds opened the door and see the place already been fuck up. And george and buddies reach for their guns and they all started shooting. But the bullets just phase through the guy.

"Hmm, is this inhuman or mutant, what do you think Kent" the chief said to monkey.

"Hmm, inhuman or mutant, Aw!" Kent scratching his head.

"What the fuck are you doing, I ask what you think of this" the chief feeling constipated again.

"i..I don't know sir!" Kent said covering his head afraid of getting hit.

"What! you useless piece of sh!t, Okay get that guy on to the white cage nobody tell what happened here to anyone not even those bitches from the media are we clear" Chief shouting at his pigs.

I was dragged by the s.w.a.t.'s to what the chief called white cage. I think this is where they lockup the supers and the place is so shiny and clean.

"are we going to stay here" I ask the power with puppy dog eyes.

'-of course, told you were geniuses+' the power said smugly at me.

I touch the walls of white cage knocking at it a little and it's harder than steel and not cold at all. The room is big it can accommodate up to 10 people and its not going to be crowded. Then I close my eyes process everything that happened so far.

'-hey, what are doing+' said the power.

The power suddenly appeared before me in what seems to be a dark empty space while I still have my eyes close. He comes closer to me walking as if there's gravity and I see his face. He looks just like me but there's a shadowy fire around his edges.

Then I open my eyes the power with the same face as me disappeared and I start looking for a mirror. I get close to the mirror and have a proper look at my face. I was shock my face change it's not my face and body looks so healthy no fats as far as you can see. I have short spiky black hair and violet iris to red pupil and my face look like a younger Ben Affleck.

Closing my eyes again I have a heart to heart with the power who looks like the past me and not just some sentient power. He tells me that his the one who brought me to this world. And the reason for his face is because where he comes from there was nothing just eternal darkness and that when his mind was about to be corroded. He spot a thread that link him to me and that's when his mind got revive then joined memory with me. So were like 2 sides of the same coin.

And as for what our power is their are 3 starting with the [eyes of desire and death] the power to see good/evil in the human mind and the number of death you've made, [body of nothingness] the power to be nothing and you can separate any parts of your body and be replace by dark energy and [inborn dark energy manipulation] it can do anything like exploding head to taking blood to nowhere not here and as long as there's darkness you can be all powerful and be a calculated all knowing like a strategic missile.

"are we immortal now with that body of nothingness power" I said super excited about this information.

"-YEAH, no+" Jeffrey said while I look devastated.

"Whyyyy!" shouting like my fantasy world was being broken.

"-didn't you hear me say that my mind almost got corroded, we may have a body that can't be destroyed but our minds have an expiration date+" '-or if the author is still alive or dropped his fucking stupid fan-fic+' Jeffrey curse at the fucking author for not making us immortal and making his origin boring. [author: Oh so were all breaking the 4th wall now, why not call deadpool for a sausage party and your name is so long Jeffrey I'm gonna change your name to Jr from now on, hahaha fuck you junior] ([{<DEADPOOL: CHIMICHANGA!>}])

As for what I was doing before I got here that's a story for another date because that's the origin story it always comes last.

I start trying out our powers. Jr and me created a living room in this dark space with a 70-inch flat screen tv and surround sound. Then he tells me that it's time to see what this marvel world is like and maybe stalking some of my favorite hero and get some vanity on the way.

Opening my eyes I start separating my head except left eye, ear and mouth. Now I can see my face but where the left eye, ear and mouth are supposed to be it's just a shadowy fire of the missing parts. Then I create items in the physical world 1st a wireless headphones to hide my ear, 2nd are sunvisor cap and one piece lens sunglasses to hide my eyes, 3rd a anti-pollution mask for my mouth, the last item are for my body a windbreaker jacket with turtleneck, long jeans, gloves and shoes all the items are black. And this all happened is just a few seconds.

Saying goodbye to my almost headless body and letting Jr monitor what the body see and watch what I'm doing too in his living room flat screen tv. I look at him being lazy by closing my left eye.

'hey why do you get to be lazy and not me' I complained at Jr.

'-because were the same and they'll see me faster if I'm the one in control+' Jr smiling at me like he just won a lottery.

'sh!T' I feel like quitting and is he listening to nightcore.

Then I start levitating up out of the white cage. After passing through some pipes and the pig station C.R. 3 times I finally got to the rooftop. I would have stayed at the 2nd floor C.R. if not for Rebel Wilson entering the place.

I raise my left hand let out a dark energy in ball form. After forming the basketball I change it to an orb shape spy camera. Then I command it to spy and follow people to learn more about the place so I can see want the eyes of DD can do. The orb starts separating turning to dust and the stalking begins.

※Change pov:[in the police chief's office room]

I was telling Kent to have the place clean up and they have to be silent about it. When a call from the council to report what happened at the hotline center came. I made Kent leave my office hastily so I can do my report privately. I explain what Chase and George told me to the council. And after identifying the headless dead bodies. I got to know that they were guards and researchers of one of the many super soldier experimentation laboratory of the council.

"that's all I know sirs, ma'am" I said to the council saluting at them.

"HAIL HYDRA" I shouted.

"ha..il" stopping one the council's member.

"we are all undercover, why are you saluting" said the madam with anger in her voice.

I look apologetically at the madam of the council and good thing my office is soundproof with no windows just one door and a one way mirror glass so I can see the officers in their transparent glass little cubicles.

"how is the guy doing are you keeping monitor of his every move in the white cage" inquired the council.

"yes we're keeping watch of test survivor Jason White and are in the process of identifying who are his family, wife and kids if he do have one." I said and was about to salute again when I see the madam giving the stink eye.

"good report everything you find about Mr.White's family, we may have some use for them" said the madam of the council still eyeing me.

※Change pov:[Main Character]

"Ehehehehe'-Hahaha+'Hahaha" we both laugh at our good great godly idea.

JMaian JMaian

I forgot about this

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