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94.68% God succession system / Chapter 551: A Typical Bath

Chapitre 551: A Typical Bath

"Sniff... I'm so embarrassed..." Shirahoshi whimpered and sniffled dejectedly.

"It's ok Shirahoshi..."

"Yeah! We managed to pull Alex out!"

"He isn't mad at you or anything!"

Several of the girls in Alex's harem said to comfort Shirahoshi while they were taking a bath, after she had donned both rings Alex made for her to turn her tail into legs, and to shrink down to a normal size.

Even as they comforted her though, several women had to bite back their rising laughter at the previous scene that they had stumbled upon. With the entire villa shaking, and a shrill cry piercing the air, several women had gone to investigate what was wrong, only to find Alex's feet sticking out between Shirahoshi's butt cheeks.

"This one must congratulate thee!" One voice declared amidst the consultations, which belonged to none other than Tio.

"Mine first meeting with master resulted in this one taking his entire arm mine rectum! This one congratulates thee for breaking mine record!" Tio continued as she recounted her first meeting with Alex.

"EH!?!" Shirahoshi exclaimed with a quickly reddening face from her rising embarrassment.

"Yes! This one had mine awakening from the experience, revealing mine true purpose in life as mine masters sex slave!"

As she said that, Tio unhesitatingly turned and bent over to spread her cheeks for them all to see her wrinkled hole.

It was still tightly puckered after all of the constant use and abuse it had received thanks to Regeneration magic, but around it was a brand that marked Tio as Alex's slave. And of course, when presented with such a sight, Shirahoshi grew even redder as she became increasingly embarrassed.

"So then, mine comrade and rival!" Tio continued as she turned around and took Shirahoshi's hands in her own. "Shall thee get one to match mine own?"

"LIKE HELL!" Shia roared from beside Shirahoshi as she spun and planted her foot into Tio's face to send her flying.

"THANK YOU VERY MUUuuuuuuuch!"

Tio's voice cried out as she was sent flying away, naked and writhing in ecstasy disgustingly from the pain.

"Nice kick~! What do you say?" Exclaimed a male voice as they all watched Tio fly away.

"The distance and execution! Such flawless movements! Easily at LEAST a nine out of ten!" Loki declared with a look of awe, before pulling a card out with a big number nine on it.

"Humph! Perhaps, but there was no elegance or beauty in her movements! She did however eject a disgusting person from the premises though, so I will grant her a seven out of ten!" Hancock harrumphed haughtily while holding up her card.

"Well I agree with Loki, PLUS the fact that I'm fucking the contestant. Ten out of ten for me." Alex declared as he in turn held up his own card.

In response to their antics, Shia proceeded to hold her hands up and pump them in the air like a reigning champion showboating for all of their fans. Someone even used magic to create a background applause for her, both to go along with their antics and to applaud Shia for getting rid of Tio.


Shirahoshi meanwhile grew embarrassed and covered ever face when she saw Alex enter the bath, recalling the previous situation even as she watched him through a gap in her fingers.

Alex however acted completely casual, as if it had never happened since he didn't want to embarrass the mermaid princess further. Instead, he made his way over to wash stations as several more women poured into the baths to join them.

Hancock readily went to wash Alex's back for him, but before she could a certain scarlet-haired knight appeared behind at such speeds that Hancock would've sworn she teleported.

"Shall I wash your back?" Erza asked with the courtesy and dignity of an Asoran knight.

"I'd like that very much." Alex replied, even as Erza grabbed the scrubber and lathered it with suds. He then enjoyed the pleasant sensation of her scrubbing his back, despite the fact that she scrubbed hard enough to remove the skin of a normal person.

Alex enjoyed it though since his body was so durable, especially whenever her breasts rubbed up against his back as well.

Hancock meanwhile was livid, since Erza had so shamelessly taken her place!

Never before had she been so blatantly disregarded! So dismissed! Hancock was furious beyond words at the scarlet haired knight, who even now pointedly ignored her as she focused on scrubbing Alex's back.

Very well then!

Hancock thought to herself as she decided to wash Alex's front. That was where the fun bits were anyways!

Before she could even take a single step towards him though...

"I'll wash your front!" Cried out a comically short woman with big boobs that bounced with every one of her movements.

Regardless of how comical she was though, Hancock grew even more agitated when she casually slid down between Alex's legs to wash his front. Of course she started by soaping up her boobs before enveloping his cock in them, and then she moved them up and down it erotically.

Did none of them know who she was!?!

She was an empress!

Even when she declared he was to be the husband of every woman on Amazon Lily, Hancock still had priority as the empress and captain of the Kuja Pirates! And yet here they were completely disregarding her like she was nothing!


Hancock was so focused on Alex and the harlots surrounding him, that she had completely missed the group of women passing by her as they headed for the baths. Up until one of them accidentally bumped her that was.

"Halt!" She decreed, all her building anger exploding at once upon the offender, a girl with wild black hair, and a monkey tail extending from her backside.

"What?" She asked her with irritation in her voice from being called out.

"How DARE you bump me and not apologize! Do you know not who I AM!" Hancock cried as she pointed at the offender and tilted her head back to look directly up, one of her signature moves where she looked down on someone so much she ended up looking up instead.

"Pft! Are you serious?" The girl inelegantly snorted while holding back her laughter, along with all of the women around her with matching tails.

As this happened Alex just watched on even as Hestia continued her titfuck, having already figured this would happen sooner or later.

"You DARE mock me!?!" Hancock demanded incredulously, her fury rising with each passing second.

"How dare you show such disrespect and inelegance!"

"Apologize to Onee-Sama right now!"

Sandersonia and Marigold both cried as they drew their weapons and pointed them at the offender, while the rest of the Kuja behind them similarly drew their bows. The benefit of their weapons being live snakes apparently, since it meant they could pretty much take them everywhere.

The offender however, Caulifla, just snorted inelegantly yet again at the weapons in her face and the army of angry women, her expression less than amused now.

"Per-LEASE! I have more 'elegance' in my shitter than she does in her whole body!" She declared while pointing her ass at Hancock, and patting it tauntingly.

Hancock's fury reached levels she never thought possible when Caulifla did that, and even more so when she glanced around and saw nearly every woman in the baths watching the scene with amusement in their eyes. As if she were a mere sideshow for them!

"Hancock." Alex said suddenly, drawing her attention away from the offenders.

"Yes dear?" She asked with reddened cheeks, her mind already racing as she imagined him defending her honor like a knight and his princess.

"I'm just warning you now, your position as an empress means nothing here. If someone willingly lowers themselves to you, then that is one thing. But don't expect everyone else to automatically cater to your usual behavior.

"Also, I will not tolerate any hostility and conflict within my family. Several of my wives may argue or bicker with one another, but at the end of the day we are all one family and would fight to the death to defend each other. I would expect no less from you as well."

Hancock was stunned as Alex directed a fierce look at her for the first time, making her feel a certain pressure bearing down on her at the same time despite Alex doing nothing of the sort.

Instead, he was telling Hancock exactly what she needed to hear considering her specific circumstances.

Hancock was an empress, used to always getting her way no matter what due to her position, strength, and beauty. But none of that mattered amongst Alex's family.

There were plenty of women that outranked her, were stronger than her, and were more beautiful, not that Alex cared for comparing them. The sooner she came to realize that though, the better for all of them.

So, Alex turned his attention back to Hestia as she used her tits to fuck him, only hearing what happened next as Hancock used her move Slave Arrow on Caulifla. With how fast she could move, it was child's play for Caulifla to dodge every single one of the pink arrows that would turn her to stone, all while appearing to not be moving at all to Hancock and the others.

Afterwards, Caulifla used her speed to then appear behind Hancock faster than the empress could react, and threw a punch at her with no hesitation, except she stopped just short of actually touching her. The result was the same though, as Hancock was blasted backwards into the nearby wall with enough force to create a crater in it before slumping to the ground.



Her sisters and the rest of the Kuja present all declared as they hurried to her worriedly, while the newbies just looked between Hancock and Caulifla in awe.

"THIS is the level of strength you need to properly stand at Alex's side! If it's too much for you, then just get out of the way." Caulifla said to her coldly as she rejoined her bandit tribe.

Even as she struggled to breathe, Hancock felt a bitter feeling well up within her as she realized she had actually been so easily beaten.

What she didn't realize was that Caulifla wasn't completely correct in her words, since not all of Alex's wives were even combatants. But Hancock and her tribe obviously were, so it was important for them to see what level they'd need to reach to actually be considered strong.

And the first things she'd need to do in order to start working on that was training her Conquerer's Haki, and awakening her Devil Fruit powers like Alex had with Nika.

The same thoughts were going through both Alex and Hancock's minds as the former was receiving a tit/blow job, and the latter was being comforted by her sisters. But then Alex recalled something as he said,

"Oh yeah! I also have some more Devil Fruits from my stop at the largest and most secure prison in this world, Impel Down. Anyone interested in them?"

"What kind are they?" Shia asked with interest, which barely concealed her desire to get a power to give her even more of an edge.

Several other girls also looked up in interest despite them all being able to buy said Devil Fruits from the Chatroom shop, though Alex, Anne and Cara all couldn't. But then again, if they could get one for free, why not?

"Well let's see.... There's a chop fruit, a wax fruit, a sand fruit, a size fruit... Actually...."

Trailing off suddenly, Alex looked up at the naked giantess that Hancock had brought with her. The giantess blushed slightly from his attention, since it was fairly difficult for her to hide her naked body from his gaze.

"Think fast!" Alex suddenly while throwing something her way.

"Wha-?!" The giantess exclaimed, before the item he threw entered her open mouth, and she instinctively swallowed it.

"What was that!?!" She demanded with anger in her voice.

"A Devil Fruit." Alex said casually.

"A Devil Fruit!?!" She exclaimed irritably, since she had no intention of ever eating a Devil Fruit.

Before she could say anything else though, the already giant woman began to grow to several times her original height as she went from the size of a large building to that of a mountain.

"Yep. The Deka Deka no Mi, or the huge huge fruit. It makes the user able to grow to several times their original height, which could be pretty big when it's eaten by a giant." Alex explained for everyone to hear.


The giantess was struck speechless from the ability she now had, which effectively made her the largest being in her entire home world.

"Hey! What if I wanted that one!" Shia whined while stamping her feet lightly, otherwise she'd had leveled the entire villa.

"Oh? I thought this one might suit you more." Alex said as he tossed a different fruit to Shia.

"What's this one?" She asked while scrutinizing it.

"Just eat it. Or don't you trust me?" Alex asked as her made his eyes grow to mimic a certain boot-wearing cat.

"Alright alright already!" Shia groaned from the face he was making, and bit into the fruit.


Of course, she almost gagged at the taste.

"You guys weren't kidding!" Shia exclaimed, before she choked the rest of the fruit down. "So what was it anyways?" She asked without looking at the update on her status.

"That, was the Moa Moa no Mi. It's ability allows the user to increase the size and speed of anything they touch."


In an instant Shia's attitude had switched as she grew excited.

"Let's try it!" She declared while summoning her beloved hammer from her personal storage.

And the second she touched it, the hammer grew to a truly massive size in Shia's hand until it dwarfed even the entire villa.

"AWSOME!!!" Shia exclaimed as her eyes gleamed like stars, and she proceeded to swing her hammer around like it was a toy.

"Watch it Shia. You won't want to accidentally kill someone." Alex told her, even as he casually stretched his arm out to flick her hammer away. "If you want to try out your new abilities, then go to the proper place."


Declaring such, Shia suddenly appeared right behind Caulifla and the other members of her clan.

"Give me a hand Caulifla!"

Snatching the Saiyaness' tail as she said that, Shia then dragged her away as she prepared to leave the baths.

"WAAAAAAAAAIT! NOOOOOOOO!" Caulifla, the incredibly strong and fearless Ancient Saiyan bandit chief, cried out in despair as Shia dragged her away.

"Hold on Shia!" Alex cried out, making Caulifla look at him with hope in her eyes.

However he didn't say anything else for a moment as he pulled out numerous materials to use Creation magic on, before tossing a ring to Shia.

"Here's another storage ring. It's full of a few thousand metal balls for you to use your new power on. And the ring is enchanted to recall whatever has been put in it by the wearer. Also, go ahead and take the rest of Caulifla's clan with you to properly test yourself with."

Shia's smile widened as she readily put the new ring on her finger, and looked back at the now horrified Saiyanesses. Meanwhile, in a different part of the space-time orb, the former Saiyan Princess Sala felt a chill go up her spine.

As Shia dragged Caulifla away though, Hancock watched with wide eyes as she realized that even THAT filthy Saiyan that beat her was still considered weak to someone else aside from Alex.

As they left, the man himself looked around and asked, "anyone else interested in a Devil Fruit? How about you Lala?"

Tossing one to her as he said that, Lala looked the Devil Fruit over curiously to examine it with the numerous shapes on its surface, before happily declaring, "thank you for the meal~!"

She then bit down into the fruit, before showing a reaction that stunned everyone, including Alex.


"This is so good!" Lala cried as she happily ate the rest of the fruit.

"Just what is wrong with her?" Shizuku asked incredulously, still recalling the horrible taste when she ate the Kage Kage no Mi.

"The princess has always had a....unique pallet. Her favorite seasoning is even dark matter itself." Yami added, as she too shuddered from the horrible taste of the Yami Yami no Mi, and Lala's cooking that she had sampled in the past.

Soon the rest of the fruit disappeared down Lala's gullet, and she stilled for a moment as she probably received the notification that she had received a new ability through her system.


"This is so cool!" Lala declared as she readily pulled out several of her own materials that she used to make her inventions. Except, instead of putting them together like usually did, all of the parts began to move and connect themselves to each other to create yet another of Lala's incredible inventions.

"The Gasha Gasha no Mi, which allows the user to disassemble and reassemble anything around them telepathically as they please. I figured that with how much Lala likes to create new gadgets, it was the most fitting for her." Alex explained to all of those watching.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Lala cried as she finished building her latest invention experimentally, before rushing Alex as she smothered his face in her breasts.

"You're welcome Lala." Alex said from within her breasts, though it didn't look as if she was going to let go of him any time soon.

"Um..." Came a small voice from Alex's side, prompting Lala to loosen her hold on him as he looked over to see someone who physically looked like a child. But they were in fact a fully grown woman from the Pallum race, Liliruca.

"Yes Lili?" Alex asked her.

"Is it possible for Lili to get one of those Devil Fruits too?" She asked shyly.

"Of course." Alex said immediately, knowing how big of her it was to ask for help after everything she'd been through.

"However, it would be best to find a fruit with abilities that suit you. Even if it seems like just any old ability would be fine, that's not always the case. Unless you want to end up with the mucus fruit I got a while ago."

Naturally, Lili made a look of disgust as Alex referenced the horrible Devil Fruit. A look that was supported as another voice piped up nearby, "true. Trebol was disgusting."

Everyone turned to look at the speaker, another petite girl with green hair that was sitting beside an older woman with similar looks. Sugar and Monet.

"Yeah, I could never stand being around him very long." Agreed Baby 5, who was still wearing her frilly bonnet, even in the bath.

"See what I mean? Not only that, but you would also want to avoid picking a relatively useless fruit, like the Bara Bara no Mi, also known as the chop chop fruit."

"Chop chop fruit?" Lili asked curiously.

"Yeah. It's a Devil Fruit that makes it to where your body can separate and be chopped up into many pieces. The only situations I'd say the fruit has any use in is against swordsmen and such, but that's about it."

As he said that Alex produced the fruit in question, which looked like a red pineapple with swirled sections on it.

Then, to further demonstrate what he was talking about, Alex ate the fruit right there in front of them. Thanks to his rubbery body he managed to down his third Devil Fruit without having to chew, which spared his tastebuds a little bit.

"Why'd you eat such a 'useless' Devil Fruit?" Asked Erza.

"Just to give an idea what I was talking about. I'll probably use Regeneration magic on myself later to get rid of it." Alex explained, before he proceeded to pull one of his hands off in front of everyone.

"No way..." Lili exclaimed in awe as there was no blood, and Alex wiggled the fingers on his severed hand for them all to see.

"See? I can separate and control the parts of my body still, and then reattach them at will." Saying such, Alex then stuck his hand back to his arm like it was nothing, making him whole again.

"So, it works with your entire body?" Xenovia asked from beside him.

"Yep." Alex replied.

"EVERYTHING?" Irina asked next from the other side.

"Of course." Alex affirmed.

The two girls looked at one another after his affirmation, before Irina suddenly grabbed his cock, while Xenovia pulled out a knife.


A flash of the blade, and suddenly Alex's cock was severed from his body along with his balls.

"We'll be borrowing this!" Irina declared as the two of them raced out of the baths.


Alex, had no idea what to say about the sudden development.

"Did that just happen?" Hestia asked in dumbfoundment.

"I think so..." Alex said as he looked between the entrance to the bath, and his now smooth crotch.

Truthfully, he felt slightly nauseous from literally having his dick and balls cut off, despite not feeling any pain thanks to eating the chop chop fruit. He could even feel Irina's fingers wrapped around his dick, before it was soon replaced by a pleasurable feeling as they seemingly began using it like a dildo.

"What was that about?" Nami asked this time.

"I'm pretty sure they just wanted to monopolize my dick for a while to try and get pregnant." Alex said as he recalled back when both of the girls first joined his harem.

Their goal had been to have a child with strong genes, and Alex was the prime candidate for them as the current user of the Boosted Gear, and as a Saiyan. The two of them mellowed their desire a bit when they started hopping into the different worlds, probably because there was so much for them to see and do. But chances were they both decided now was the time to finally be impregnated.

Not that Alex minded, all they'd have needed to do was to tell him.

"Now what do WE do?" Baby 5 asked as she looked directly to Alex's missing cock.

"Horo Horo Horo Horo! Did someone get the better of YOU this time?" Came Perona's voice as she too appeared, in her ghost form.

"Nah. Not really." Alex answered, as he used Spirit Control to produce another cock right where his first one usually was.

While there was a sense of relief from the women around him, Alex's attention was on Perona as he asked, "did you really think I'd be bested that easily? No matter what, I will find a way to have sex!"

As he declared such, Alex used Dress Break to shred Perona's actual body of its clothes, resulting in her ghost form similarly being stripped.

"W-what!?! How did you do that!?" She demanded irritably, since she liked those clothes so much.

But the biggest surprise yet happened just then, as Alex stretched his arm out and grabbed her spectral ankle.


Perona couldn't react as Alex brought her back down towards him, before impaling her all at once on his newly formed cock.

"H-h-h-h-HOW!?!" She cried out as Alex began to fuck her spirit form.

"I do what I want, that's how!" Alex answered, though he was really using Spirit magic to touch her, and to make her feel pleasure despite not having a physical body at the moment.

It was a surreal experience though, fucking Perona while Xenovia and Irina were also having their own fun with his cock elsewhere. Like when he used his dual cock technique normally, but this time he only had one attached to his body while the other was out of his sight.

But even as he only fucked Perona's spiritual body, the pleasure was also being transmitted to her physical body. Not that Perona was aware of that just yet, until Alex made her cum so strongly that she lost her concentration, and slipped back into her physical body.

And once back she found herself in the middle of a mess of soaked blankets and pillows from her own juices.

"That dummy!" Perona cursed Alex angrily as she began crawling out of the mess to clean herself up.

Alex meanwhile was left in the middle of the baths wth a raging hard on, not having been allowed to cum before Perona's spirit form dissipated.

"Ok... Who's next?" He asked while looking around.

"Me!" Hestia declared excitedly, readily laying back while spreading her legs to give Alex access to her wet and ready twat.

Alex of course readily got down and positioned himself at her burning hot entrance, before sheathing himself inside of her. And as he did so, the goddess sang out for everyone to hear as Alex began to fuck her.

Beside them was Lili, their earlier discussion on Devil Fruits forgotten as she rubbed her thighs together with her own increasing arousal. But even as her body wanted Alex inside of her, she herself couldn't muster up the courage to ask him to go that last step in claiming her.

Instead, she had a front row seat as Alex plowed her goddess into a state of ecstasy, with Hestia's ridiculous boobs flopping in every direction from every single one of Alex's thrusts. This continued until he finally reached his own climax, in which he filled her womb with his seed.

When Alex pulled out of her his cock was followed by a steady stream of white fluid that oozed out of Hestia's well fucked folds, but he was far from truly finished as he turned to determine his next 'victim'.

"Darling~!" Akeno purred as she clung to his back. "May I borrow this?"

Stroking his still hard cock as she asked that, the meaning of Akeno's request was pretty clear after what Xenovia and Irina did earlier.

"Alright then." Alex relented, separating his cock from from his body willingly this time, before a new one sprouted in its place.

"Thank you~!" Akeno cooed while kissing him on the cheek, before running off to try whatever it was she wanted his cock for.

But soon Alex felt a second sensation of him being sheathed in velvety smoothness, which was Akeno using his cock like a strap-on to fuck her new test toys, Domino and Sadi.

"Interesting..." Alex muttered from the creative use of a relatively useless ability, before he noticed several other women giving him intense looks.

Soon Alex had separated numerous cocks from his body and cloned them again and again, making it to where he was literally fucking numerous women at the same time. He'd created a similar effect by linking their physical sensations with Spirit magic in the past, but now it was effectively being reverse as they all used his replicated and removed cocks as either dildos or strap-ons.

And Alex could feel the combined stimulation of every single cock at the same time.

He was getting hand jobs, blow jobs, tit fucks, scissoring, vaginal, and anal sex all at once, and still they wanted him to produce more and more cocks for them.

"I think he just put our Dragon Dick Dildo collection out of business..." Suzu muttered to Aika Kiryuu and Momioka Risa.

"Maybe... Or maybe he just gave us the next level of it!" Risa stated as the ideas started forming in her mind. After all, all of the dicks Alex was making for his wives weren't replacements for him, they were all essentially dildos that could cum an that he could feel being used. It was literally one of the projects they'd been working on for years!

And even if the women all preferred these copy dicks compared the dildos and strap-ons they used before, it still didn't measure up to the real thing as they eagerly flocked to Alex for an actual fucking when they got the chance.

Unaware of the plans being made by their very own perverted trio, Alex continued the fuck-fest with zeal as he received stimulation on a level like never before. Every girl noticed it too, as he came more often and in greater volumes than ever before. If not for his Endless Sexual Stamina skill, Alex probably would've been completely dried up within the first few minutes.

It was the closest the girls had ever come to actually competing with Alex when it came to sex, and they might have been able to gain the lead if the overwhelming stimulation didn't apparently help two of his skills evolve just then.

[NOTICE! The skill 'Endless Sexual Stamina' has evolved into 'Divine Sex Drive'! The skill 'Lovers Embrace' has evolved into 'Godly Embrace'!] (A.N. 'Godly Embrace' is a skill that drastically benefits those the user has sex with, healing them of any injuries, curing them of any ailments, and greatly increasing their body's health and physical state. It can also make the recipient significantly stronger after repeated exposure.)

Alex's mind briefly stalled when he heard the notification about his two evolved skills, before he dismissed it and went on fucking Loki into oblivion, after the cheeky goddess decided to challenge him herself.

At least, until two voices sounded within his head.

"Honestly! Can't your guy think about anything other than sex?!" Jenny, Anne's 'Angel' demanded irritably.

"I don't think I'd like to answer that..." Lauren answered with an exasperated voice. Apparently, they had seen the update to his status.

"Hey, I CAN hear you two you know." Alex stated irritably, right as he creampied the trickster goddess.

"Oh, did you hear that? He can hear us." Jenny said sarcastically.

"Please don't argue..." Lauren groaned. Needless to say that Alex and Jenny still did NOT get along after she attacked him previously.

"Yes, please don't." Elaine added bitingly as she intruded on their conversation.

"You know how strong his perverted skills are, what if it comes back to bite you?"

Jenny was about to comment on Elaine's warning, but before she could something appeared before all three of them, along with every single girl connected to Alex's Chatroom.




All participants must post the most vulgar picture possible of themselves to the Chatroom for the Dragon Emperor.


PENALTY: Those who do not post a picture, or posts a picture that does not meet the criteria, will suffer the move Dress Break at the next most inconvenient time!

TIME LIMIT: 30:00]

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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