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71.18% God succession system / Chapter 414: Migrations

Chapitre 414: Migrations

As the next few days passed them, a number of changes took place within Asora after Alex's coronation.

Firstly was within Alex's own home as he used Spatial magic to remodel the dining room in the Misty Manor, firstly so that there was more than enough room for their constantly expanding family, and secondly to create a large pit running up the middle of the room. This pit was where Hestia moved her hearth from Olympus, officially making the Misty Manor the seat of her power while also fully bringing the Manor under her protection.

With a great U shaped table wrapping around her hearth, the once simple looking dining room had turned into a great dining hall that could fit well over a hundred people at once, something Hestia greatly appreciated when they had their meals. Aside from that though, Alex also went out of his way to use Spatial magic to link all of the fire places in the Misty Manor with the hearth in the dining room, allowing Hestia to tend to it regardless of where she was in the manor.

Another change made to Asora itself was the establishment of numerous temples on the mountains surrounding the Capitol, where the gods of each faction could be represented, and stay during their visits. As someone who had always encouraged religious freedom, Alex had absolutely no problem with the different gods wanting to represented in Asora, especially when many of their younger followers were in the process of moving to attend the Academy. Of course, Alex would not tolerate any acts of violence from one faction towards another based on which gods they followed.

What he hadn't expected though, was the creation of an extra temple sitting on the highest mountain peak amongst those surrounding the Capitol, which was larger and more grand than any other temples that had been built. It of course, was the temple meant to pay homage to none other than the Asoran gods, meaning Alex, his wives, and a few others.

Through a number of different methods to hide the construction of the temple from his view, such as Kurumu's illusions, Alex had no idea it was being constructed until the grand temple was already complete. When he tried to dismantle it though, those who had been in on its construction immediately reminded Alex of his encouraging others to worship whomever they wanted, meaning he couldn't interfere with those who wanted to worship him and his wives.

They weren't the only ones though, as a part of the temple even included statues of Sairaorg, Vali, and Hajime for people to worship as well. While Sairaorg hadn't been particularly concerned with having a giant statue of himself for others to worship, Vali snorted in indifference and ignored it altogether, and Hajime had tried(and failed) to destroy the entire temple with a blast from his orbital cannon weaponry.

Aside from the changes within his own family, and the construction of the temples, Alex also saw a sudden surge of people rushing to move to Asora, increasing their population by quite a bit. Naturally there were many people who wanted to live in Asora because they knew that they would have better opportunities there than they did in their homelands, while they also received numerous waves of new residents due to new students as Sona's Academy, and the members of their families.

With more people on the way, Alex made the decision to send these new waves of people out across Asora to establish new settlements and communities, all of which would have a teleportation gate back to the Capitol for immediate travel. Alex didn't like the idea of cramming too many people within too small an area, and used this chance to create more outposts to further develop settle Asora.

There were however numerous individuals who did in fact remain closer to home, such as the groups that Alex was already expecting to move there like the two he was looking at now. On one side was a group of several hundred beautiful women dressed in matching silver armor with a certain blond haired goddess at their head, Freya. On the other was a group of well over a hundred composed of men, women, and children, with the fiery headed Brigid at their head.

"My Lord Husband." Brigid began as she gestured to those gathered behind her. "As promised, I brought the majority of my most devoted followers with me to Asora, along with their families. They are amongst the most talented smiths, poets, and healers we have, and all are eager to begin working for their new emperor."

Alex nodded slowly as he ran his gaze over the gathered crowd, scrutinizing them as he did so. For the most part his gaze was returned with interest or excitement, while a few men appeared angry at him due to him 'stealing' their goddess from them. Ignoring them though, Alex stated to them,

"I am grateful to all of you for taking this chance and moving to Asora along with Brigid. People of your various talents are greatly appreciated here, and will be welcomed by all who already call Asora home." After greeting them, Alex then directed his attention back to Brigid and continued,

"Ingvild and Serafall are the ones in charge of entertainment in Asora, so you might want to send the poets to them; and the healers should go to the hospital in order to compare their knowledge to ours before we send them out. As for the smiths and your own forge, once everything is set up go and talk to Sairaorg, Sona, and Hajime. The first two would probably be your biggest sources of work since Sairaorg is in charge of militant affairs, and the Academy will be introducing the Peerage system soon so they'll need a proper armory for the students to choose from.

"Hajime is our current head of crafts and already has a number of orders for certain weapons and armors, so you'll initially be taking a large amount of work off his shoulders so he can focus on his more important projects. He'll also be the one to talk to about supplies for forging since one of his specialties involves the production, and utilization of certain minerals that he needs for his works. Any questions?"

While a number of Brigid's followers began to mutter amongst themselves, only one of the healers stepped forward and asked,

"I've heard that Asorans use magics like no ones every seen before. What if we can't use the types of magics that other Asorans can?" With several others nodding in agreement as they too awaited Alex's answer, he simply said,

"That'll be fine since we don't expect everyone to perfectly conform to our way of doing things. Especially in the hospital, my empress, Anne, actually prefers to use herbal and natural remedies for her patients, and typically saves magic for a last resort or emergencies. We welcome those who join us sharing their knowledge and helping everyone become better at the things they do, as long as they don't utilize techniques or practices that would put others at harm." As none of Brigid's followers had actually met Anne before, many of them were surprised to hear that she welcomed the use of traditional and herbal remedies compared to things like magic; which was incredibly useful, but was often a crutch that users couldn't go without.

While the healers shared their thoughts amongst one another, another person stepped forward, an elderly man this time, and asked,

"What about us in the smithies? Will I be able to take on an apprentice here in Asora to pass my knowledge and techniques down to? Or will every young lad and lass be taught to fight instead?" With both the smiths and the poets listening this time, Alex smiled reassuringly as he answered,

"Don't worry, I've already discussed with Sona of the Academy about spreading word to the students about apprenticeships in various professions that they would be able to take. While we will encourage all of our youth to at least learn some type of combat, wether physical or magical, the simple truth of the matter is that not everyone will be able to, or willing, to fight. As such, we've already made plans to ensure that everyone will have several alternatives to chose from, while all the students in general will be encouraged to pick a skill aside from fighting to learn."

This news was very much appreciated by those who wanted to make sure the techniques and secrets passed down to them through the generations survived, and the parents who were still a bit anxious about their children learning how to fight.

Alex then turned back towards Brigid and asked,

"Is there anything else you need Brigid?" The goddess however shook her head as she replied,

"No, I'm fine. I'll see you later tonight, my Lord Husband~." She then sent Alex a wink that promised a night full of fun and passion later, prompting Alex to suddenly pull her in close to steal a kiss while he grabbed a handful of the goddess' firm ass, making her squeal against his lips in excitement.

Alex was quickly learning that Brigid was a fun goddess that was full of surprises, transitioning from her usual 'pure' and 'warm' exterior to one like that of a little kid in a heartbeat when she saw the weapons Alex and his wives used. Of course, Brigid had also been very disheartened when she found out that no one but Alex could handle his scythe, as if they tried then it would suck their very soul out of them into itself.

She had also surprised everyone quite a bit as well when she requested a sparring match with Erza, and showed up in full body plate armor with a sword that looked like it was merely a massive slab of metal with an edge. Everyone then watched in amazement as Brigid fought Erza to a standstill, making them wonder why she hadn't been on the front lines during the battle against Alex.

Then there was when Alex would get her into bed, and the 'warm' and 'gentle' woman would disappear to reveal a vicious and insatiable 'beast'. The moment that switch was flipped, the goddess would ride him for hours without end as if a part of her divinity was also related to sex.

So, looking forward to yet another sexual frenzy of a night, Alex prolonged the kiss with Brigid for over a minute until she had to literally pry herself off of him so as not to pounce then and there. As Brigid tried to compose herself though, Alex happened to catch a glimpse of Freya, who was watching the two of them with both amusement, and jealousy in her eyes.

After a few days together in the space-time orb, Freya had confided in Alex that the relationship between the two of them was better than she could have hoped for, at least compared to similar such arrangements in the past.

One of the most common occurrences for Freya was some man trying to lay claim to her hand in marriage due to her beauty, which the Norse gods as a whole were more than willing to agree to if it benefitted them. Typically they found some way to allow her not to go through with the arrangement, but if it took them a few days longer than expected, then she would still have to endure several days of being 'married' to these men.

Typically such a life meant that they waited on her hand and feet, all the while not treating her like a wife, but instead a particularly beautiful trophy to be locked up, cared for, and fucked when they were feeling horny. Then there were the men who tried to use their position as her 'husband' to abuse and mistreat her, only to receive a very harsh reminder that she was a goddess of Death as well.

What pleasantly surprised her though was that Alex did none of these things, instead he treated her as both a proper warrior and woman. Within minutes of her mentioning it he arranged a meeting between her and Rosswiese, whom Freya recalled from the latter's time as Odin's attendant, and the Valkyrie readily accepted her amongst her ranks, though it was planned that Freya would play a more important role for them in the future.

On top of that Alex also showed her his almost divine level of skill in lovemaking, giving her the best sex she'd had in at least the last several centuries, if not the last thousand years.

So, despite also wanting to jump him then and there, Freya held herself in check as she helped Rosswiese welcome the hundreds of women from the Norse faction looking to join her Valkyries. Alex however promised to give the two goddesses all of the attention they desired and more after settling the newcomers, so, after making sure that the two groups were taken care of, he then took flight as he headed for two other new groups.


Already with them though, at the base of the Great Tree, was Anne, who looked out over the excessively large crowd of women with excitement. As Alex predicted, the Arch-druid Mirana had brought only female members of their order with her, while all of the huntresses who followed Artemis had also arrived.

Watching them all look around excitedly, as they all felt the effects of the Great Tree on their surroundings, Anne then said,

"Welcome all of you, to Asora. For those who don't know, I am Anne Morningstar, main wife of the Dragon Emperor, and the empress of Asora." At that moment two young children appeared, both with similar similar facial features, darker skin tone, and matching brown monkey tails. The biggest difference between the two was that one was a girl with longer black hair, while her brother had shorter and wilder black hair.

Smiling warmly at them, Anne then added,

"And these two little troublemakers are our children, Alec and Anna Morningstar. Say hello to everyone Alec, Anna." Obeying their mother, the twins looked up at the crowd of women and flashed a cheeky smiled as they mirrored the other and said,

""Hi everyone!"" They then took off once more to go and play in the underbrush, making their mother chuckle as she watched them go. Anne then turned her attention back to the group's before her, before continuing,

"Now then, along with being empress and running the hospital, I am also in charge of the conservation of the nature in Asora. Our ideal is to expand, but to ensure that ur impact on the world around is mitigated as much as possible. To this end, I am also assisted by these two young ladies, Nana and Momo." As she trailed off Anne, directed everyone's attention towards the two to her side, the busty Momo, and the unfortunately 'flat' Nana.

Even more unfortunate for Nana, the moment everyone directed their attention to her someone else appeared right behind her, and grabbed her tail.

"HIYAAAAN!" She cried out as Alex began to expertly massage her tail, which was a major erogenous zone for her and her sisters. pretending not to notice Nana collapsing as she desperately tried to keep her voice from leaking any more, Alex looked out over the two groups as he said,

"And I, if anyone doesn't know yet, am the Dragon Emperor, Alexander Morningstar." While the Druids gave Alex various looks, many of which were quite suggestive, the huntresses of Artemis openly glared at him.

Despite coming to Asora, several amongst their ranks were openly hostile towards Alex due to the fact that Artemis was given to him, many considering him their 'enemy' for defiling the goddess they pledged themselves to centuries prior. However, even though several fingers itched towards their bows or arrows, none of them dared move due to the fact that Artemis expressly forbade them from attacking him, none of them even knowing that Zeus added them into the bargain when he gave Artemis to Alex.

So, pretending not to notice the writhing Nana in front of him, or the numerous women that seriously considered trying to murder him right then and there, Alex continued unperturbed,

"Welcome to Asora. What do you all think so far?" While the female Druids all praised Asora and how wonderfully 'pure' and 'uncontaminated' the world was, the huntress standing directly next to Artemis stated in a snarky voice,

"It'd be perfect, if it wasn't ruled by a pig of a man who molests any girl unfortunate enough to cross his path." There was a series of snickers from the girls behind her at the girl's comment, while Artemis' eyes went wide and she rounded on her immediately.

"Phoebe! Don't speak to our new emperor that way!" Though the girl, Phoebe, recoiled slightly from being scolded by Artemis, she quickly retorted,

"But lady Artemis, this man stands for everything we huntresses resent in men! You can't honestly expect us to remain at ease knowing he could possibly attack us at any moment!" Though Alex's brow twitched in response to Phoebe's remark, Artemis visibly flinched since technically Zeus had given her huntresses to Alex as well to do with as he pleased, she just hadn't told either Alex or her followers about it yet.

Though they looked to be in their early to late teens, the truth was that almost every single one of her huntresses were anywhere between several hundred, to several thousand years old. While several amongst them were in fact girls that simply wished to join Artemis in her hunts for eternity, the vast majority were young women that joined her for protection, or had in some way suffered at the hands of men.

As such, she still couldn't yet bring herself to tell them that Zeus had sold all of them to Alex as well, but she knew she would have to eventually. By that time though, hopefully the opinions her huntresses had of Alex improved so that they wouldn't be completely devastated by the news.

However, as they all watched Alex proceed to molest Nana to the point where she looked as if she was going to climax any second, she had a hard time believing that would happen. With Phoebe and her other followers looking as if they were going to attack Alex at any moment as he manhandled Nana, Artemis was about to intervene when Alex suddenly released Nana's tail, and stepped back to leave her hanging just short of climaxing.

This confused most of those present until the brush nearby rustled loudly, and a couple of little monkeys appeared as they cried out,

"Daddy! Look what we found!" Alec then ran ahead of Anna with a large frog grasped in his hands that they presumably caught, while Anna followed behind with a giant fluffy rabbit.

"Look daddy look! It's Shia!" Alex had to hold back a snicker as he looked down at the poor rabbit caught in Anna's clutches, which seemed to be glaring at him with indignation in its beady eyes.

It was only when the twins were right in front of him that they noticed Nana writhing on the ground, to which Alec asked curiously,

"What's Nana doing daddy?" Before replying Alex picked both children up in his arms, allowing their catches the chance to escape, and said,

"I don't know, she's being weird again." This earned him a round of giggles as Anna replied,

"Nana's always being weird!"

"That she is." Alex chuckled as the girl in question glared up at him with reproach, her eyes promising revenge. She didn't know how, or when, but she would get it someday.

Rather than being concerned with that though, Alex gently passed the children over to Anne, promising they'll play in a few minutes as he did so, and turned back towards the gathered Druids and huntresses.

"Now then, I'm aware that you have just arrived to Asora, but I have a job for the majority of you." Before any of the women could respond he then projected a map of Asora for them to see, with one VERY small dot to represent the area that was currently settled.

"As you all can see Asora is quite large, and only a small fraction of it has been thoroughly explored and mapped in detail. Along with all of this unmapped terrain is a myriad of creatures like none that we have seen before, all of which are ripe for hunting and identifying." Instantly Alex felt a hundred predatory gazes center on him as, instead of the anger they felt a moment ago, the huntresses of Artemis were now hanging onto his every word. Even more so when he said,

"Whoever hunts one first though gets the rights to officially name that animal, similar with the majority of any distinguishable locations that are discovered as well." The hundred or so young looking women immediately erupted into a series of low and excited murmurs as they discussed such an amazing offer, which was better than anything they might have received from their previous world. Mirana however asked,

"And do we have a role in this expedition as well?" With hundreds of eyes again centering on him, Alex answered,

"A few of you yes, I want at least one Druid with every group of huntresses since they would probably notice the things that the huntresses would otherwise miss. Or would that be a problem?" Artemis quickly stepped forward before Phoebe or any of her other huntresses could answer, and replied,

"Not at all. Due to our similar purposes my huntresses and the Druids have always remained on courteous terms with the other, and we've even helped one another from time to time." With her huntresses and the Druids nodding in affirmation, Alex felt relieved that he wouldn't have to worry about the two groups clashing for one reason or another, as typically people would create one if one didn't exist.

He then said to Mirana,

"Any Druids that don't go with the huntresses will stay here to work with Anne wherever she needs it." Trailing off, Alex then gestured towards the wife in question as she stepped forward, and began to detail some of the various projects she was working on, and wanted their help with. Afterwards they decided who was going to stay and who would go, while Alex also handed out numerous storage rings that had all of the equipment he wanted them to take with them.


In her office, overlooking the entire Academy, Sona was busy working on a literal mountain of paperwork while two other figures were staring out the window that allowed them to admire the entire grounds of the Academy.

"Thats a lot of new students." One of the figures, Sairaorg, remarked off handedly. To which the other figure, Athena, added,

"Will we be able to handle them all?" Sona didn't even look up from her paperwork as she replied,

"No matter what, we will. I will not back down from my promise to teach anyone who desires to learn, no matter what." While Sairaorg simply nodded silently in affirmation, Athena looked at Sona with admiration, respect, and pride.

Not only did Sona possess one of the most strategic and analytical minds she had ever seen, but she also genuinely cared about her position as an instructor and the success of her students, while most institutions for learning now a days treated their students like they were merely cattle that needed to be herded through. Even now, Sona was reviewing and signing the applications of every single student who was entering her Academy, each of which contained enough information about each student that she was able to personalize the schedule of every single one to maximize their potential, while also giving them plenty of time to rest and enjoy their youth of course.

She only stopped working when a soft knock at the door caught their attention, prompting Sona to magic away the massive stack of paperwork as she sat upright at her now clear desk. With Sairaorg and Athena also making themselves ready, she then said in soft but firm voice,


The group that entered the office was the very trio that they had been waiting on, starting with a young Dagon man who had a noticeable layer of muscle under his uniform, with his emerald green hair growing to the point that it threatened to cover his eyes. Next to him was a young Yuuki-Onna woman, with long braided purple hair and a pair of glasses resting on her face. And then finally was the youngest of the group, Millicas.

While Millicas was fairly calm due to how well he knew Sona, the other two appeared slightly nervous as the Dagon said,

"You wanted to see us headmistress?" Sona nodded and pointed to the three chairs on the other side of her desk and said,

"Yes, please have a seat." Millicas and the Yuuki-Onna girl sat themselves down right away, but when the Dagon boy took his eyes off Sona he saw who else was in there with them, and his eyes lit up.

"Lord Sairaorg! It's an honor to meet you sir!" He immediately said as he walked straight up to Sairaorg and excitedly shook his hand, who's brows shot up as he asked,

"Oh? Are you a fan or something?" He was then surprised as the boy excitedly said,

"Of course! All of my people admire and respect you, who was born without the power of Destruction but still fought to become one of the strongest of your generation!" As one of the races making up the 'defective' Demihumans of Tortus, many of the Dagons found inspiration to become stronger after hearing the almost identical circumstances of Sairaorg, and how he chose to move forward with what he had rather than giving up.

Smiling himself now, Sairaorg said to the young man,

"Is that so? I'll watch over you closely then to see how strong you become in the future. Who knows, maybe we'll end up fighting side by side one day!" Though the young Dagon doubted that he'd ever get the honor to fight alongside someone like Sairaorg, he kept this to himself as his idol clapped him on the shoulder while giving his hand one last quick squeeze, before sending him to his seat while everyone else wanted on them.

"Sorry..." He then said sheepishly to Sona, who instead shook her head as se replied,

"Not at all, it is good to have goals and dreams, they are good motivators. Especially when you consider why I summoned all of you here today." While the three students looked at her curiously, Athena then retrieved three small wooden boxes, and a thick folder to go with each one.

Their curiosity only lasted until the Yuuki-Onna girl opened her box though, and she said questioningly,

"Chess pieces?" Instantly knowing what they were though, Millicas' eyes went wide as he exclaimed,

"We're getting our own peerage?!" Both of the other students looked up in alarm when they heard that, while Sona slowly nodded and answered,

"Indeed you are." With their confusion increasing, Sona continued as she stood and looked out at the new students through the window behind her,

"My original intention was to create a school for the Rating Games. It may have taken a while, but now we have enough students that we can introduce our own peerage system and Rating Games, starting with you three." While Millicas getting his own peerage was more of a foregone conclusion due to his status in the Underworld, the other two students grew increasingly confused as the girl asked,

"But headmistress, I'm n it sure if I'm suitable to lead a peerage..." With the boy nodding in agreement, Sona turned back to look at them as she suddenly said,

"Miyuki Satou, a Yuuki-Onna of fifteen years old. While the other Yuuki-Onna of your age were rushing on finding a partner to have children already, you instead dove headfirst into your studies as you strove to learn more about magical theory in particular.

"Along with your studies, you also worked to make the natural abilities to control ice and snow that you were born with more powerful, to the point that you can now summon an actual blizzard and also freeze the blood of your opponent even as it coursed through their veins. You then used yourself as an example to try and encourage your fellow Yuuki-Onna to train and focus on their studies as well, resulting in a drastic difference in both their performance, and behavior."

While Miyuki simply sat there stunned at how well the headmistress knew about her, Sona then turned towards the Dagon boy and said,

"Sanran of the Dagon race, sixteen years old. Despite the negative stigma you and your people were raised under, after enrolling in the Academy you hit the ground running as you dedicated yourself to becoming stronger. Instead of using magic or a weapon though, you instead chose to follow the same path as Sairaorg to turn your own body into a weapon as you also started learn how to use both Ki and Touki.

"You didn't stop there though. Along with your own strengthening and improvement, you also worked to help your classmates to be one stronger as well, motivating them to continue training and giving them tips to help them also learn how to control their own Ki. You're so admired and looked up to by them, that you're often regarded as the unofficial boss of the Dagons within the Academy."

Sanran awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he fought back the embarrassment he felt from all of Sona's praise, until she then directed her attention to the youngest of them, Millicas.

"I doubt I need to go over it, but Millicas is a prodigy in terms of both academics and combat, dedicating himself to training for hours on end even though his strength already eclipses that of his classmates. And as the son of one of the four Maou, he is often the one that the Devils within the Academy look towards for advice, and leadership, even if they're older than him." Sona then looked over all three of them once more as she continued,

"All three of you possess several qualities that are valued in potential 'Kings', from drive to leadership. That is why we've decided that the three of you are the most qualified to be the first to receive their peerage, and be recognized as 'Kings' within the Academy." As Sona finished speaking and sat back down, Athena this time stepped forward and added,

"As 'Kings' though, you'll all be required to take a class that I'll begin teaching in the coming days, one focused on subjects like strategy and keeping a level head in battle." This time Sairaorg spoke up as he told them,

"Not only that, but when the time comes for all of you to graduate you'll also be able to enlist under me as one of the squads entrusted with protecting Asora, and fighting for our emperor if the need ever arose." When they heard that the excitement seemed to drain out of the expressions of the three students, and was instead replaced by a marginally more serious expression.

As everyone knew there was no official standing army for Asora, the only thing even remotely close to it being the Valkyries that were under Rossweisse's control, but they typically acted as a policing unit when there wasn't any major battles. Instead the majority of any fighting would be fought by the few peerages that were led by Alex, Rias, Sona, Sairaorg, Seekvaira, Ravel, and Roygun; as well as the non-peerage combatants such as Bova, Vali, Hajime, and a few others.

So naturally, anyone who wanted to lead or become a part of a peerage would also have to contribute to the defense of Asora should the need ever arise, a condition that none of the three students had an issue with. In fact, had any of them been old enough, they also would have participated in the battle against Darius' forces after Edith had been kidnapped.

With all of the major points covered, Sona then spent roughly the next thirty minutes detailing some of the things that would be required of them as 'Kings', such as how they would be required to participate in at least one Rating Game per month at the Academy in order test their progress. There would also be a ranking system that they would be able to earn points for through their Rating Games, as well as by taking monster subjugation quests in the Great Labyrinths that Hajime was due to finish soon.

When the time came that she finally had to wrap things up, Sona took one last lingering look at the three 'Kings' before saying,

"Remember, this is responsibility as well as a privilege. You will all be held to a higher standard as 'Kings' than your classmates, and if any of you try to abuse this little bit of power, or try to lord it over your classmates, then it will be revoked. Do I make myself clear?"

All three of the students quickly nodded their heads at Sona's question, understanding perfectly well that if they misbehaved as 'Kings' then their scary headmistress would definitely make them pay for it. Sona had to deal with obnoxious and entitled youth for most of her early life in the Devil society, and she'll be damned if she allowed the same thing to occur in the institution she ran.

Watching the three of them leave, Sona then turned once more to look out the window behind her desk, where their many new students were still flooding into her Academy. Knowing many of them will eagerly apply once they heard about the peerage system, a small smile showed itself on her lips as she muttered to neither Sairaorg or Athena, but to herself,

"I'm looking forward to the next few months."


(A.N. Here's a list of those who are being considered the gods of Asora, and what they're being recognized for. Welcome to suggestions and additions if there's any I missed.

Nagumo Hajime- God of Crafts, Firearms, and Perseverance. Patron to craftsmen, gun users, and those in dire survival situations.

Sairaorg Bael- God of Strength, War, and Self Improvement. Patron to those who seek strength or to better themselves, while also represented by big cats, specifically lions.

Vali Lucifer- God of Devils and Power.

Ravel Phenex- Goddess of Wealth, Accounting, and Fire. Matron to those who seek wealth, or who specialize in the fire attribute.

Ingvild Leviathan- Goddess of Song, Dance, Performance, and water.

Sona Sitri- Goddess of Academics, Knowledge, and Strategy. Matron to those who wish to become smarter, though ironically almost none of her students pray to her for fear of their headmistress finding out that they hadn't studied.

Levi McGarden- Minor deity of Books and Text.

Mirajane Strauss- Goddess of Demons and Transformation. Matron goddess of Demons(not to be confused with Devils), and those who specialize in transformation abilities.

Elfman Strauss- Minor Deity of Monster Transformations.

Lisanna Strauss- Minor deity of Animal Transformations.

Lucy Heartfilia- Goddess of Bonds, Friendship, and Matron of Tamers.

Yami/Golden Darkness/Eve- Goddess of Change, Light, and Darkness. Named so due to her ability to transform into 'Darkness', which turns her personality into the complete opposite of her normal self.

Lala Satalin Deviluke- Goddess of Innovation, Technology, and Innocence.

Son Otonashi- Goddess of Purity and Death, named so due to her kind and caring nature, while also being able to even kill her opponents without them even knowing what happened.

Kurumu Kurono- Goddess of Beauty, Love, and Lust. Self explanatory.

Grayfia Lucifuge- Matron goddess of those dedicated to serving others.

Erza Scarlet- Goddess of Combat, Weapons, and Knights.

Shizuku Yeagashi- Goddess of Swordplay, Stealth, and Shadows.

Moka Akashiya- Goddess of Martial Arts and Vampirism

Shia Haulia- Goddess of Endurance, Rabbits, and Divination.

Yue/Aletia Galdea Vesperito Avatarl- Goddess of all Vampires, Magic, and the Moon.

Rias Gremory- Goddess of Destruction.

Asia Argento- Minor deity of Healing.

Kuroka Toujo- Goddess of all Cats, Space, and Time.

Anne Morningstar- Goddess of Kindness, Healing, and Nature.

Nana Astar Deviluke- Minor deity of Animals.

Momo Belia Deviluke- Minor deity of Plants.

Alexander Morningstar- Chief Divine of all, ruler of all gods, and all pantheons.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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