''We are alive!" William shouted with emotion loudly, I can understand his sentiment.
The Sandstrom was really dangerous and there was a high chance that we could have died we our handnt been able to hold on.
We get out to camp one by one, only to notice we were buried in the sand as large amount camp entering inside through the tear of the old camp.
It's going to be hell to get out of this and I am thinking of different kind ways to get out when I heard rhea's voice.
''Deedee dig the tunnel for us to get out!" Rhea asked DeeDee to open a tunnel to the up.
How can I forget, DeeDee is an earth elemental monster, it is effortless for her to dig the tunnel.
Deedee started to dig the tunnel as we waited in our old camp for the safety, the tunnel could collapse and we all could get buried in it, it better be safe and waits in the camp till tunnel is fully dug.
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