Yes, that was Anord breaking all the walls. But that's to be expected right? I mean what kind of God of Chaos would he be if he didn't do chaotic things.
I honestly thought he was dead but I suppose its no surprise he's not. Nor is it too big of a surprise that I found that on the page after reading through it again once I'd published it.
I did mention this is enhanced non-fiction right? Nah, you probably didn't even read that far into my synopsis. Oh well, back to the story then.
One second I was watching as the place we were in was collapsing around us the next I was standing in a hallway. The way I'm facing giving off a warm glow from the light inside, and the other disappeared into darkness.
"Do come in, now that we are out of there we can talk more properly." A voice drifted from inside welcoming me.
Heeding their call I take a step forward and am introduced to the sight of a large library. Fionna could be seen sitting down at a table off to the left pouring a dark liquid into a cup, steam rising out of it.
"would you like a drink?" Gesturing to cup as I walk over. "Please, have a seat, enjoy. Tae Órga is made from leaves straight out of Fiáin's garden. Anything out of the wilderness goddesses garden is bound to be miraculous, but this one is exceptional. Consider the benefits you get from it as.... Restitution. Even in part for the trouble my peers have caused you."
"I," Thinking about her words, I sit down. "thank you."
"This was all supposed to go a lot differently, but I can't change the past. Only Lucas could do that, but he has been lost in time. I suppose Anord could as well. But as he might say."
"There's no fun in that." I finish for her. taking a sip of the golden liquid I can't help but exclaim "Good tea!" as it hits my tongue. The taste undescribable because I've never had anything as good as it. Swallowing I feel a energy spread through out my body originating from everywhere it touches.
"Yes, exactly. You seem to have already picked up on his behavior. But that's not his only personality so don't expect the same from him every time." Taking a sip from her own cup a nostalgic look appears on her face. "I guess I will just tell you. The point of me calling you wasn't so that any of the three could take you on as their champion. It was actually to give you some information as well as a warning."
"Yes, well... The Gods used to be very active in this world. But a disaster happened, and we could can no longer directly influence this world. It's why you're here actually." Pausing Feonna looked at me for a moment before continuing. " I know it was kind of selfish of us but to be honest, we needed help. The majority of the gods have either gone into an endless sleep or lost themselves to their own aspect. In a desperate attempt Lucas called out and you responded. But the price was high, and our king was lost to that which he held power over."
Stuck between taking another sip of the tea I awkwardly gulped gulped what was in my mouth. "But... Why?"
"Lucas was nearing his end anyways, time is something that not even a good aspected to it can hope to fully control. Anord, well he wasn't always the God of Chaos. But as payment for invoking the probability his mind was broken. Perhaps twisted would be more apt. He was the same, but different. They both knew the price, but there was no other way to guarantee that Ardtús would be saved unless Astra went against fate to read into the depths of the universe. After she came back and told what he Lucas needed she went mad. Lucas was torn with grief, but still sacrificed him self."
Sorrow spread across her face after talking to this point. Not wanting to disturb her I waited patiently while continuing to sip from my cup.
After collecting her self, Fionna continued. "Thus, Anord came into being and Lucas fell from his seat of power. You must be asking your self, why they would pay such a price for you? That, I can't tell you because I don't know my self. I don't know what Astra saw, but I do know that the fates believe you are the best chance to help Ardtús. Our planet is housing more than humans. They are actually the minority, the rest of the planet is housing monsters. Not all of them bad, nor are they all strong. But the ones in power know that we have called for help, they will be looking for you. There is also those in higher seats within the people that have been corrupted by those beasts."
At some point I had put my cup down and just stared. This was too much, "I'm just one person.." what could I do to help. But thinking about it, there was a lot I could do. I have no need to be cautious, I wouldn't be reckless but this burden wouldn't be the death of me. Feeling my resolve, I looked into Feonna's eyes. "What can I do to help?
"For now, all you can do is grow and with that growth get stronger. I've already remedied the situation at the temple, no one there will speak nor be able to recall anything of your ascension. Once you get back you will go through another ceremony. Lucas and Astra know of your ability. So they left behind their insights into the aspects they had power over. I won't tell you of their location now, but once you have 'Returned to Origin' we will talk again."
Letting me digest everything for a bit Fionna turned her attention to her tea. Taking another sip my self and finishing off the cup I pondered on what she had told me. I suppose I am sort of like a hero, in a way it's kind of exciting but.. All I feel is the pressure. If I fall it's just game over for me, but then everyone else will suffer because of it.