"I hear wedding bells."
Startled by the voice, both Wu Wang and Yang Ziyi frantically pulled away and stood at the side awkwardly. Wu Wang lifted his eyes to see Li Qiao, He Jian, and Lin Shen looking at him with amused looks on their faces.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Wu Wang clenched his jaw since his stupid best friends really knew how to ruin the moment. Yang Ziyi immediately tried to slip away again but her luck wasn't on her side as Wu Wang again stopped her and said, "We are not done here." Whatever he meant by that, it made Yang Ziyi blush profusely as she ran out of there.
Wu Wang ascended the stairs to get to his friends and glared at them. "I asked you a question."
"We were having a discussion," Li Qiao answered calmly.
"Here?" Wu Wang asked skeptically and all of them shrugged their shoulders indifferently. "Okay, so what's the discussion about?"