Jiang Yuyan continued looking at him, trying to figure out what must go in his mind. He looked so different and mysterious.
Just then Lu Lijun, who didn't know Jiang Yuyan was on the lawn and was looking at him, happened to turn his head and saw her standing there as his lips were open to let out cigarette smoke.
Under the starry sky, while hair moved along the pleasant breeze, she looked dreamy to him. For a moment he thought it was his imagination but immediately moved his head back to look ahead toward the water bed and mountain which he was doing a while ago and continued smoking.
Jiang Yuyan left and went back inside her room. Through the corner of his eyes, he noticed it and stayed in his place as if nothing mattered to him.
After some time, he heard someone coughing.
Cough! Cough!
Lu Lijun turned to look at the one who was coughing. Jiang Yuyan came to the gallery but started coughing from the smoke.
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