The painful voices could be heard as one man was shot in the hand, but the other one with Jiang Yuyan was at another level of pain as he screamed.
When Jiang Yuyan flipped him, she made sure to twist his hand at the shoulder and almost dislocated it. The gun in his hand fell somewhere, and he was screaming in pain while lying on the floor. That was the hand that dared to touch her, so how could she not break it.
The third man holding a knife was controlled by the two policemen and the knife in his hands fell on the floor.
They dealt perfectly with all three men, but no one noticed Lu Lijun as they were busy. Lu Lijun's cold sight was fixed on the knife that was on the floor. Lu Lijun stepped forwards and picked up the knife intending to stab the man who threatened Jiang Yuyan but before that, someone came and held him back.
Lu Lijun tried to get out of the hold of that person, but he stopped when he heard something.
Today was my off day but this is to compensate as yesterady there was only one chap.. tomorrow sunday, so you can expect to get more chapters...
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