Day 40 – 10:20 PM – Outer District, East Port Settlement, Barangay Dinahican, Infanta, Quezon
Leaving the guard post, Mark, Alana and Karlene made walked through the outer district of the settlement towards the middle district that was still several streets away.
The East Port Settlement was a rather large settlement. The northern wall had a length of about seven hundred meters while the eastern and western walls were around three hundred meters long. As for the southern walls it was even longer due to the fact that the walls where build following the shape of the coastline and the fishing port.
The large settlement was divided into four divisions which they called districts. Each district was divided by shorter walls and people had restrictions on entering every district.
He finally started to search for the [BloodChildren] but found something else the moment he left.
It looks like that the Demon Lord will strike once more next chapter.