"This ..." The People's soldiers 'three views were all refreshed. What was going on out of the blue? moreover, the woman and the man had come more than once and kept on slandering. At the end, they vaguely heard a key word, but it was covered by the woman's moans.
More than an hour passed, and they finally stopped. The man urged the woman to hurry up and leave. His strength was merciless. The woman laughed and played with him for a while, but soon she was panting again.
The woman said,"what are you waiting for? why don't you ... Don't we have that thing? we can do it without anyone knowing. His assets will all be ours."
"No, this is what the master wants. You can't touch it. Have you hidden it well?"
"Don't worry, I've hidden it well. I guarantee that no one will find it. You're too careful. You don't trust me when I do things. "
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