Although Arran was in a hurry to leave the caverns, he still took a few hours to transfer half a hill of starmetal chunks to his void ring.
Not to do so would be a pointless waste — he already carried enough riches to cost him his life if anyone discovered them, and while starmetal could not compare to Living Shadow, it still ranked among the most valuable materials in the world.
If he was going to risk death for his possessions, he might as well make it count. And enough treasure to last him ten lifetimes would be a good start.
When he had gathered enough starmetal to equip a decently sized army with arms and armor, he made his way back up the giant spiral staircase that led to the city above.
Arran did not bother to search the city for more treasure — with the help of his sword, he'd already found anything worth taking. Whatever might be left wasn't worth the time it would take to find.
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