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64.81% The Locked System / Chapter 68: Foes part: 2

Chapitre 68: Foes part: 2

After a day of traveling back, they arrived at the castle, they destroyed the carriage and burned the corpses for more caution, Zeran buried the place with his Earth and Water magic combination, the Mud Trap

" I have to go to report my return if you excuse me " Gareth bowed a little and left

" Now, what's the next step, Zeran? " Asked Mark with interested

Zeran responded with a solemn face " Mark, Liam, you two will go to Shokan city to propose a marriage using the armors of the knights that we stole, take the medal too, it will take you 3 days to arrive there, you can rest or you can leave now " he gives it the medal to Mark

" We will leave now, I'm not too tired " Liam responded with a confident smile, Mark shakes his head with a smile

They began to put on the armors that they have stolen and Mark asks " Then, Zeran, we tell them that we go in the name of the fatso? "

Zeran shakes his head and says " No, use my name, but use the Duke's last name "

Liam frowns and says " Why? it would be risky to use your name, don't you think?

Zeran grins coldly and says " I know, but with that, I will send a message to the Loran Kingdom "

" Hahaha " Mark laughed and says " In that case, I think I will use my name too "

Liam smiles and says " I think all of us will do that, now let's go Mark " and then they left the castle again

Leon turns to see Zeran with doubt " Then what about us? "

Zeran walked in the hallway with Leon behind him until they arrived at the door of the empty room he turns to see Leon" Leon, I need you to create a Homunculus "

Leon makes a surprised face and says " A Homunculus!? for what reason!? you know that that needs a sacrifice! "

" Yes, I know, but my necklaces can't hide my true powers for too long at least not yet and I have the feeling that we need to stay there for a long time, so I will give you my right eye " Zeran opens his right eye with the fingers of his right hand and then " Ack " Zeran clench his teeth and puts out his right eye, he began to bleed from his empty eye socket until half of his face is drenched with blood, he extended his right hand to Leon

Leon has an incredulous face " Sh*t man! without hesitation!? "

" Take it now " Zeran frowns with his right eye closed, Leon grabbed the right eye and Zeran puts his right hand in his empty socket, then he began to release a white light stopping the bleeding, and says with a cold face " I hate Light Magic, it makes me feel like those stupid nobles "

" Maybe, but is the only magic that can cure " Leon responded with an ironic smile " Well, I will start the preparations for the Homunculus, it will take me 1 or 2 days to create it, maybe " Zeran left Leon in the room, then he went to his father room

Zeran enters the room and his father was sitting on a chair next to a window wearing a black robe. His father heard the door opening and he turned to see him with a very unhealthy face

" Zeran *COUGH* " Zeran's father said in a soft voice

Zeran walked in front of him and kneels " Father, I came here to report my return "

Zeran's father closes his eyes and he points at Zeran with his right hand then a black light came from his hand and it began to enter Zeran's empty eye socket " Now you can open your eye son "

Zeran opens his right eye and now it looks sinister " Thanks Father " Zeran bows his head a little and he stands up

" Remember *COUGH* that eye is made with magic so you have to provide it some of your magic power every day to don't lose it " Zeran's father turned to see the window again

" Yes, Father, I need something else from you " Zeran sees his father with a calm face. Zeran's father didn't turn to see him he only spook in a soft voice " What do you need? "

Zeran says with a calm face " I need some of the Stalkers that you stored in marbles and I want to take a Shadow Reaper too "

" You can take them, but you can tell me why did you need them " Zeran's father asked with doubt

" I found a girl with Azure's Dragon blood. " Zeran said with a serious face

Zeran's father is surprised and says " *COUGH* Then, that means that she is unique, you want to capture her? "

Zeran makes a grin and says " Yes, Father. Spies investigations found that she can provide great benefits through her blood just like an Adult Dragon but the best of all is the benefit that his sexual partner could gain, something we have been waiting for, break the human limits "

Zeran's father says with a serious face " Finally if you bring her, we can use her to increase our military power *COUGH* now go for her "

Zeran responded to him with a calm face " I'm on it, father, don't worry, I will bring her here, I will leave now, Father"

" Hmm " Zeran's father nods and closes his eyes

Zeran left his father's room and walked into the hallway of the castle. The castle is really big but, it looks abandoned with the stone walls cracked and some windows broken. Zeran enter a place that looks like a library and he walks in front of a bookshelf then he removes some books and behind them, there were three bags with marbles, he took two bags, and after that he put the books in the same place to then walk to another place of the library and grab a big red book to then open it, inside of the book, there were five marbles he took the smallest of all and put it in the bag, then he put the book on his place and he left the library

Zeran walked until he stopped in front of a wooden door, he entered the room and there is only an old bed there, he sat on the bed cross-legged and closes his eyes, after he closed his eyes some white energy began to surround his body

Zeran stayed there for 4 days without moving an inch when a sudden shine from his body made him open his eyes, he gets up from the bed and he sees his hands ' I finally break through the category of an Intermediate Sky Magic Swordsman, it took me a few months, now the path from here on will be harder, I need the blood of that woman ' Zeran has a small grin on his face when he heard that someone knock the door

" Zeran I finished the Homunculus, you can check him " Leon's voice came from the other side of the door

Zeran opened the door and says to Leon " Let's go now "

Zeran and Leon walked to the empty room and there it was an exact copy of Zeran using the golden armor that they stole from the fat young man

Leon spoke with a calm face " It took me more time than I was expecting, but it has the power of an Advance Earth Magic Swordsman, it's the best thing I can make with my current level "

Zeran nods and observes the Homunculus " It's perfect Leon, just what I wanted, now how can I control him? "

Leon points at the red circle under Zeran's feet " You have to sit in the red circle under him and close your eyes, the spell will do the rest "

Zeran turns to see the ground " Great " and they left the room. They went to eat something, after that, they waited for Mark and Liam and after 4 hours they finally arrive

Liam approaches them with a smile " Zeran, it looks like the city lord wanted to see you personally "

Zeran spoke with a serious face " So I have to go, I will use the Homunculus "

" Homunculus!? that explains your weird eye " Liam said with a wry smile

Zeran shakes his head and grins " Yes, that way they can't detect my true intentions but maybe we have to act a little "

" Oh! Zeran, when we made a contact in the city, a stupid noble there wanted to join the Duke's Knights " Mark said with a smile

" So? " Leon makes a face of disdain

Zeran interrupts him and says " He can have some good uses, what's his name? "

" Lenard, he is part of a small noble family in Shokan City " Mark responded with a grin

" Then when we leave? " Asked Leon

" We will go when you rested enough " Zeran smiled and left, the three of them nodded and left after him, the next day they reunited at the entrance waiting for Zeran until...

" Finally! I was getting bored of waiting " Mark had a bored expression until he saw Zeran

Zeran smirks and says " I was getting used to this body, it was a little hard to control "

Liam inspects him closely " So that's a Homunculus, I can't see the difference between this and you "

" What did you expect, it was made by me " Leon spoke proudly

Liam snorts and says " Tch! Presumptuous! "

" Let's go, remember that we have to act like nobles all the time, so, forgive me if I act like an idiot " Zeran smiled and they leave the castle, with Mark guiding them, they run like always without stopping until they arrived at Shokan City in 2 Days

They saw all the crowd waiting at the entrance of the city, then Zeran says " What it's going on, Mark? "

" I don't know either, maybe the Knights on the entrance know? " Said Mark in surprise

" Then let's go " Liam smiled and then he yells " Get out the way! The son of the Duke has arrived! " making all the people turn to see them with surprise, but they moved aside

' Good work Liam ' Zeran makes a cold face and they walked until they arrived next to the entrance

A knight that was behind a desk gets up and said with a humble voice " H-Hello Sir Mark, how can I help you? "

Mark responded to him with a proud voice " My young lord wants to know what's going on "

" Greetings, young lord Zeran! " The rest of the knights hear him and all of them bow to Zeran " Well to answer your question the city lord organized a tournament for the hand of his daughter " The knight makes a nervous smile

" What!? how dare he!? can someone guide us to see him?! " Mark spoke with anger

The knight makes a scared face and says " Y-Y-yes sir, can someone guide young lord Zeran and his knights to the city lord manor!? " After he yelled a knight comes running beside Mark and bows to them. He guides them to the city lord's manor, they walked for a few minutes until they arrived at the manor where the city lord was waiting for them at the entrance

" It's an honor to finally meet you, young lord Zeran " The city lord bowed his head as he was speaking humbly

Zeran bows his head a little and says with a grin " The honor is mine, can we talk about what's going on outside "

The city lord raises his eyebrows with surprise and says " Y-Yes, my lord, please enter "They entered the manor. The city lord guide them to the living room where he made them sit on some large couches

Zeran was the first one to talk and he said " I have understood that you made some kind of tournament for the hand of your daughter "

The city lord has a tense face and he responded with a nervous smile " Yes, my lord, I hope you don't misunderstand this "

Zeran makes a serious face and says with a cold voice " Then, can you explain to me what's going on? "

The city lord bows his head and makes a sad smile " To tell you the truth, I don't know much about you if it wasn't for the medal that your knights show before, I wouldn't know which kingdom you come from, the Loran Kingdom is very far away from here, that's why I can't accept so easily "

Zeran responds to him with a smile " Well, seeing that from your point of view, I understand that, even in my kingdom I'm not very well known, I passed all the time in the castle "

The city lord turns to see Zeran with a happy smile " Thanks for taking this so calmly, my lord "

Zeran smiles and nods " Don't worry, that's why I can show you that I have the power to protect her "

Zeran saw a thin arm around the corner he knew that it was the city lord's daughter and he says " You know, the moment I saw your daughter in the magic academy in the Slyorn Empire everything changed for me, unfortunately, I just enrolled in the academy so I could talk to her after all she left a day later, I couldn't take her out of my mind, that's why I came here, just to see her and if it is possible to be the one only in her life " he spoke with a voice full of love

Zeran saw her leave and he shows a small grin

The city lord makes a smile and nods " Can you tell me at least in what Category are you? "

" I'm an Advance Earth Magic Swordsman, and all my knights are at least in the category of an Intermediate Earth Warrior, you wanted we can check our powers? " Zeran made a proud smile and he pointed at Mark, Leon, and Liam

" I don't want to bother you, with that is fine! " The city lord denies with his hands

After that, they talked about a few things about the tournament, and other things without importance. The city lord offered them his manor to stay till the tournament begins but Zeran denied his invitation, so they left the manor with a map that the city lord gave them

When they found a place to stay, Zeran made sure that no one heard his conversation from the outside with a spell

Mark makes a mocking smile " That was a very good acting skill, Zeran, or did you fall in love with her? "

Zeran makes a proud smile " No, she's just part of my plan, I'm a good actor, didn't I? "

" Yes, then what, we will crush the participants and next bring her with us? " Liam said with excitement

Zeran shakes his head and says with a serious face " No, I could feel some good powers at the entrance of the city, we have to make another plan just in case "

" Then, what is the plan? " Leon asked with curiosity

Zeran sees Mark with a serious face and says " When we came here, I could see a very good size lake, Mark you and I will go there to evaporate it, that way will rain, I will use Water Magic to speed the process "

" For what reason? " Mark makes a face of doubt

Zeran takes out the map that the city lord gave them and points to the east of the map to then see Leon " There is a cemetery at the east side of the city, Leon prepares everything to create some Undeads from there, the rain will make them easy to escape from their tombs "

Leon makes an evil grin " I see I can put the spell on waiting but I need a catalyst for that "

Zeran smiled and says " That's where that knight you mentioned before will be useful, Liam, find everything about his family, you have till tomorrow morning, we will use that to threaten him "They wait until night and then they left for their respective tasks.

When the knights saw Zeran and Mark at the entrance they asked why they wanted to leave the city, Zeran lied to them telling them he wanted to practice a little before the tournament, they believed that immediately without asking any more questions

Zeran and Mark went to the lake, and Zeran began to use fire magic to evaporate the lake, he gives Mark the bag with Stalkers and the Shadow Reaper and told him to bury that near a forest that was close to the city wall

When Zeran finish evaporating the lake he used Water magic to concentrate the cloud above the city and then it began to rain

" That takes us a lot of time, let's go back before the sun rises. " Said Mark with a calm face. They walked to the city again, to then went to their Hostel there it was only Leon

" I finish the preparations, I can activate the spell whenever I wanted " Said Leon with a proud smile

Zeran nods and says with a serious face " Just in case I lost the final, or she escapes, I need some blood from that girl if she stays use a stalker if not, Mark you have to go to this place after you helped Liam about with the location of the bag

" Of course. " Mark said with a confident smile

Went they were in the center of the city with all the participants, Liam finally arrived

" What took you so long? " Said Leon with exasperation

Liam smiles a little and says " Well, I found that knight in the way so I took the chance and I send him to the cemetery, Leon, you can use him when you arrive there "

" Now, let's focus on the tournament " Things went as Zeran expected and he treated his partners with hate, but all of that was an act to make Liam, Leon, and Mark go to their positions when no one notices them, on the forest was Liam digging up the bag that was buried by Mark

" Well, then if something strange happens, I will activate these things in groups, but the Shadow Reaper must go first " After a few minutes Liam could see a blue cube inside the center of the city " I think that's the signal " Liam break the marbles of the Shadow Reaper and some stalkers, then he sends them to the city

Leon went to the cemetery and there it was the knight, and when the knight sees him he made an angered face

" You bastard! I will never help you! " The knight said with anger

Leon makes mockingly smiles " That's a shame, it seems that your daughter, son, and wife will die, my partners are already there "

The knight clenches his fist and says " Grr! What do you want from me?! "

" Stay in that circle " Said Leon with a mocking smile then he clapped his hands together and the Undead began to get out from their tombs then he send them to the center of the city, the knight was surprised but he didn't get out from the circle " Put this " Leon throws him a black robe that the knight wear reluctantly then Leon says " One more thing if you say something about us, your family is going to pay with their lives " Then he went with Liam to create more Stalkers

In a wide alley, Mark was waiting " Damn, that Zeran he acted like a stupid noble, now he said that maybe she will take this route " Mark waited for a few minutes then he sees a beautiful woman jumping from roof to roof while she was crying " There she is, now " he jumped when she was crossing in above him and cut his face with the sword

Two days later after the siege in Shokan City, they arrived at their castle where Mark give Kara's blood to Zeran

" Take this, it is not too much but it will help us to increase our powers " Mark gave Zeran the test tube with blood

Zeran took the test tube but he says with a smile " I don't need the blood for that " Then he sees the blue blood with curiosity and says " We will use a tracking spell to search her "

" Zeran, what about that guy who fought against the Homunculus" Asked Mark with doubt

Leon frowns and says " The one who destroyed the Homunculus? "

Zeran says with a serious face " That guy, well, I tried the make him show me all of his powers when we fight but I'm sure that he is hiding more "

" Then he is really powerful " Liam made a serious face

Zeran nods and says " Yes, maybe he is stronger than me, that's why we need that girl before we fight that guy "

" Then, when we will go for her? " Mark asked with doubt

Zeran shakes his head and says" I'm not going to go, you will handle her, I have to stabilize my new powers before "

" But she is stronger than the three of us " Leon said in surprise

Zeran makes a grin and snorts " Hmph, yes, but if you don't let her sleep or eat that will weaken her, and maybe when she becomes really weak you can capture her, cut her legs and arms, but bring her alive " then he makes an evil smile and says " I will give this blood to my father, he will put a searching spell in an artifact that you can use later, now you three go to rest "


Present-day, in the castle of the Lyrel Kingdom

Ellen, the princess of Lyrel kingdom is wearing a white mask that only lets us see her eyes, she was grabbing a man by the neck and the man is shining with a red light, and then *BOOM* the light disappeared from the body of the man and Ellen has her eyes narrow with happiness " So this is the power of an Amateur Sky Magic Swordsman " Ellen turned to see the door and yelled " Captain Kurt! take this hobo out of my room, and make sure that my father doesn't see him! "

The knight entered the room and bowed " As you wish princess " The knight took the man by the head and then put him on his shoulder

" Tell the knight in charge that my next guest can enter. " Ellen said with a happy voice

The knight turned to see her with a calm face and says " As you wish " Then he left

Ellen removed the mask and she shows her short hair that makes her look like a tomboy, she had some scars all over her face ' Just you wait, sister, I made sure that you enjoy my company a little better than before '


In an Unknown place in the Demon Continent

" Sister, we awaken the three Legendary Monsters but we found something else... " A young man around 15 years old says with a serious voice. He has red eyes, grey skin, and pointed ears, he was talking to a beautiful young woman around 25 years old she wears a long black dress, a black necklace, and high heels. She is different from him, she doesn't have grey skin but a white milky skin that only the dead people have, she has pointed ears but of a smaller size compared to the young man, and a very sensual body that will make any man drool for her, she is gorgeous with red blood eyes and a long black hair. They were walking in a dark castle where the light can't enter

" Now what? you have done your job, so stop bothering me " She spoke with an annoyed face, but when she opens her mouth two long fangs can be seen

The young demon makes a serious face and says " Sister, Addanack and I found a human with red eyes, he can even use Space Magic " They keep walking until they arrive at a black door

The young woman makes an uninterested face and says " It doesn't sound interesting, so I pass I have a ritual to attend "The young woman opens the door

The young demon speaks with desperation " But sister, he could be a hybrid, someone who can help us to use human magic "

The young woman turned to see the young man before she enters the black door and says with a cold face " You better be right, for your safety " The woman closes the door leaving the young demon speechless

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