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97.02% Forbidden Alpha / Chapter 97: Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 96 "One Day...She'll be yours."

Chapitre 97: Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 96 "One Day...She'll be yours."

There's one person I hate more than anything. Not that he's a bad person, although his anger could use some attention, there is nothing I could say about him. I knew from the moment he entered the pack as a child that he would be my rival. Seeing him grow from a sorrowful child into a strong independent man guided by a beautiful light. I tried snatching her away, I tried turning her against you but you still won. No matter where you are or where you go you'll eventually find each other. I was never a match for you. I hate you but I know you'll make her happy.

Blake, "A-Ally?" There wasn't even a solid emotion they could attach to this scene. It was a shock, worry, happiness, hope all molded together. George was so stunned he stumbled to the floor as a vicious set of teeth targetted him. But the most shocked was in fact...Sol.

Sol, "Why can't I feel you?" Every pair of eyes were fixated on a florescent silver coat and gleaming turquoise eyes. They didn't need to ask or speak, the way this beautiful wolf looked at them with its head tilted and watery eyes made them all filled with happiness.

Isaac, "You took your time." he chuckled. Ally's ears pricked up at his voice meaning she could understand them even in that form. How could she be so calm, why wasn't she rabid like the others?

Luther, " So you did it after all. That's my girl." He whispered under his breath proudly watching her pace around Sol and George daring them to make a false move. George was trapped between watching this vicious wolf he hadn't seen in the formation and his son's lifeless body in a puddle of blood. He wanted to call his name, tell him to stop playing around but he knew those words wouldn't reach him. That boy was no longer here...and it made his chest hurt.

"Isn't it agonizing? What you feel in your stomach, in your chest?" He startled as a voice invaded his mind pressuring him to feel. Then like a huge wave had crashed into him, his breath got quicker. All he could hear was the obnoxious beating of his heart.

"Welcome to my world." George froze as tears began falling from his eyes. Fear so intense it made his legs shake. What was happening to him? Sol could see what was happening and acted quickly to block her influence. His bright yellow eyes clashed with its turquoise pools.

Sol, "What do you want from us? We've already listed the benefits, why are you going against protocol?" It took a few seconds for her to respond but it wasn't in the way he'd hoped. Lives and glory were on the line, yet one wolf hadn't taken the bait and independently took a stand against them.

Helen, "Welcome home honey." she said almost choking on her own tears. Slowly she turned her back on Sol and walked towards her pack with gleaming eyes. Luther squatted down until their eyes met, her pace quickened seeing someone familiar, then one by one she recognized the people ahead of her. Not one person feared this person or form. It surprised her as one by one they put a hand on her white fur and felt one emotion. It was intense but in a happy way...pure love.

Blake, "I knew you wouldn't let us down sis." It was the first time in her whole life Ally felt she belonged. These people let their tears drip onto her silver fur allowing her to feel their emotions.

Sol, "Was this your backup plan?" He said still slightly fearful of the power in this wolf, he could feel it like electricity shooting through the ground bouncing off every blade of grass.

Aiden, "Nope. We're just as surprised as you but maybe you should rethink your strategy." He said stroking her head as she nudged him. This was Ally without a doubt but they were worried she was stuck.

Luther, "You're still in there right?" He said sheepishly but he didn't have to worry. Ally walked over and nudged his arm to pet her.

Ally, "You can't get rid of me that easily." Luther smiled as a bright white light blinded everyone on the green. Sol looked completely dumbfounded as the light faded revealing a girl with short white cut hair flowing in the wind like sand and striking blue eyes looking straight at him. Isaac couldn't believe his eyes, was that really Ally? She looked so different even the air around her. It was peaceful and didn't carry its sharpness like before. Helen couldn't contain herself watching her daughter come back from her void, it made her think back to the small child she once was and how far she'd come walking over the shattered glass that was her life.

Sol, "N-Not possible. Where is she? WHERE IS MY SISTER!" He screeched across the field. Ally smiled at her family patting Luther's shoulder gently as if saying 'It's okay, I'm here now.'

Ally, "Luna is where she belongs, and believe me when I say this. Where your going is nowhere near where she is, after all, you've done, your biggest punishment is loneliness, Sol. You failed." He roared sending a large gust of wind there way but it didn't touch them at all. Ally raised her hand stopping the dirt from reaching her family and like it was frozen in thin air it's specs stayed before her eyes.

Sol, "W-What have you done!" It clearly terrified him watching his power almost fade whenever Ally glared at him. George was still in shock after seeing his precious hybrid take a stand against them. Even his army of wolves was still frozen on the spot.

Aiden, "Your doing this aren't you? Keeping them at bay..." They all looked around noticing that they were all practically glued to Ally even outside of wolf form.

Ally, " I gave up something very important in order to gain something even more important." With that Ally raised her hand and like a swarm of bees, the wolves growled and began circling George and Sol. Froth dripped from their gaping jaws and their rabid red eyes sent shivers down their spines. Was this really how fear felt...somehow the receiving end wasn't how they imagined... it was ten times worse.

George, "You've really outdone yourself, Ally." He laughed hysterically feeling defeat on the horizon. Had she really taken everything away from him again? Ally then began walking towards them, nervously her family watched not knowing if she was completely safe or not. Camilla and Eli both looked at each other realizing what was happening. Sol backed up as the wolves parted to let her through.

Ally, "I thought you would have realized by now who exactly you're trying to defeat." Sol could see a dark swirl inside her eyes, but it wasn't hatred. It was superiority.

Sol, "You killed my sister..." Ally shook her head slowly. That pain she experienced while letting her soul mate go was equal to the pain she experienced after losing Isaac however this time she gained something from that agony.

Ally, "You couldn't be more wrong Sol. I set us both free." Sol clenched his fists, she must have discovered the calamity god rule. Still, to forcefully eject his sister made him tear with rage.

Sol, "Why! Just to spite me?" Ally shook her head, this wasn't out of spite at all and it still killed her inside knowing she wasn't there in her head guiding her through this.

Ally, " I'm not so petty to do something like this out of spite. I did it for my family, as a normal person would." she glanced at George, he was still looking over Shadow's body with a blank expression. She left Sol on his knees and walked over to George leaning over his shoulder startling him but his feet wouldn't move.

Ally, "As for you... Everything I've done in my life was to protect the people I love, right now I would happily lay down and die to ensure they are safe. Now look at your son, what do you feel? Agony, sharp pain in your chest? Or...do you feel nothing at all like the monster you are." His eyes filled red with rage as he swung around with his gun in hand and pointed it at her head. That's right, he always had a trick up his sleeve. Most likely it was a lethal bullet filled with silver.

Isaac, "No!" Panicked he lunged forward but a firm hand gripped his shoulder. Luther looked at him kindly and shook his head. Aiden felt another jolt of anxiety in his veins, there was another odd behavior. Before he didn't care what Isaac did. Blake was also slightly surprised he stopped him, every member wanted to run onto that field and snatch her up before anything bad happened.

George, "You f*cking b*tch! You planned this didn't you, who did you see! What the hell are you!" Ally smirked, so he'd caught on after all.

Ally, " Planned? Don't be ridiculous that's just an excuse for being caught off guard. Did you know that once a person turns into a vampire they give up part of their soul? Your an expert in this aren't you? Now, what do you suppose happens when a wolf and a vampire combine, they become a small percentage of outcasts. Luckily for me, I found a place to belong with supportive people by my side. But it doesn't discount the fact that I affect the natural order. Still, I have no intention of giving up my title or anything else which makes me what?" George's shaking hand stopped still, there was no way she'd accepted this role. Of everything she could have been, Ally chose this. To control even the strongest of creatures, a superior among superiors.

Blake, "What does she mean? What are they talking about?" Aiden couldn't help but smile worriedly. So...it wasn't a myth after all. It was taboo yet like always Ally King had defied all odds.

George, "Impossible..." Ally glared at him coldly, that's right asshole, you can't destroy what you cant understand.

George, "Forbidden Alpha, you accepted but there's only one person who could..." His eyes widened, the only person powerful enough to allow such a transition was...Layla.

Ally, "Your sister helped me a lot, I should thank her as soon as tear you apart. Now then what's it going to be? Pull the trigger, or accept your fate?"

Everyone waited apprehensively for his decision. Surely Ally was fast enough to kill him before he pulled that trigger so they weren't too worried but still for Ally things always had a way of going against her. Wolves still circled them growling viciously, George scanned around when he spotted Kazo mixed in with the few, he knew because of the deep color of his brown coat. Sadly for him, he wanted at least him on his side and not under the control of this child that had ruined everything.

George, "I see. So it was Layla, I'm assuming Luna told you, looks like you even have my sister wrapped around your little finger. Well then are you proud of yourself? You've taken everything from me, my company, my family and now you want my life? Would you like my soul also?"

They conversed in the distance observed by a frozen few waiting for the moment that man left the world so they could carry on with their lives without lingering fear in the air. Isaac and Aiden moved next to Luther after noticing how calm and quiet he was. A gun pointed at his mate yet his body stood still like he was waiting for something.

Luther, "Isaac..." He startled as he called out to him. It was strange...Luther was looking at him but also looking through him.

Isaac, "What's going on, you know something. Tell me." With a big sigh he looked straight into his eyes, it was annoying how sharp he was but it eased him. Isaac watched his throat clench almost like he was swallowing glass then slowly his face dropped.

Luther, "You'll never leave her will you?" Isaac didn't know what to say, every single piece of hatred he had towards this person suddenly melted away...as crystal tears fell from his face. Aiden also noticed and wanted to somehow help whatever was happening. Was he crying because Ally was going to die! No...he would never let that happen he loved her too much. Blake and Helen also felt a weird atmosphere around the two most prominent men in Ally's life. Whatever they were discussing pushed all others aside, it didn't include them. This was between them alone.

Isaac, "What are you talking about? Of course, I would never leave her, you're freaking me out what's going on?" Luther didn't answer instead he looked over at the girl he adored. Her glowing crystal blue eyes that no longer looked clouded, the soft breeze blowing through her short white hair. Everything about her made his heartbeat again.

Luther, "I've done a lot of horrible things in my life. Things I wish I could take back...but there was always one thing I will never forget." He choked up making Isaac even more worried. Something was climbing up inside of him, like a critter underneath his skin. Why was he saying these things while yearning for her?

Isaac, "Your talking like you'll never get to see her again..." he said quietly. Tell me I'm wrong, say you'll never give her up. Do something about what you've seen. I hate you for taking her away not as a person. All of these whirled around in his head until his brain throbbed.

Luther, "Isaac, I need you to promise me something." He stood watching Luther smile on at his mate with such love it almost made Isaac feel inferior. Why are you making that face? What are you going to do?

Luther, "No matter what happens, you have to make them happy. Ally and Lilly need someone to rely on when things get tough, you've always been good for that type of thing even though it was tough watching you guide her rather than myself. But after watching you all this time I realized your the only one." Isaac felt a little bit of rage in his stomach...

Isaac, "Why are you telling me this now! Don't you despise me?"

Ally twitched hearing Isaac's bellowing voice across the field, he had Luther in his grasp but he didn't look angry, he looked...scared.

George, "So this is how it ends for me. How hilarious to be killed by the girl I dedicated my life's work too. I can't even use the power I gave you as leverage, look at you...you don't need it anymore." That's right, she was stronger now than ever before. George never stood a chance against this girl. So many lives lost. So many tears. Ally didn't feel any sympathy for this man at all. Jackson died by his hand, Lilly almost did too.

Ally, "I've had enough of you hurting my family, I've had enough of your stupid f*cking games. Don't worry I won't make this quick." George fell to the floor as the wolves began closing in on him, death staring him right in the face. Centuries of surviving just to go out like this. But, what can I say karma's a bitch...


An ear-shattering gunshot rang out sending a high pitched squeal inside her ears. Had George finished himself before the wolves could tear him apart? Or was he still putting up a fight? Disorientated she turned back around to see but George wasn't moving. Blood covered the mouths of her wolves as he cried out in pain but...that agonizing scream soon turned into laughter. Ally looked herself up and down to see if the bullet had hit her. There was nothing...if it hadn't hit her then who did it h-

Camilla, "FATHER!"

Damien, "N-NO!"

Aiden, "Quick someone get a first aid kit!" Erratic screams filled the field, people ran around in a blind panic. Before she could even register what was going on her long legs began sprinting across the field. Who was it? Who needed help? It was one of the longest runs of her life, her swollen heart stuck in her mouth.

Then her feet stood inches away from a fallen body shivering in pain. This was a lie right, there was no way you were hurt. No-one could touch you. You have to get up. Please get up! PLEASE GET UP!

Blake, "A-Ally...what do we do..." Blood splattered across her feet as she stood there unable to comprehend the scene ahead of her. Aiden was so in shock his body shook violently. Heavy tears fell onto his face as a gentle hand caressed his pale cheek, it was so calming to feel her touch again after all this time...It made the pain go away.

Ally, "L-Luther..."

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