Dear beloved readers,
Alright. So, things happened, and I ranted all about it in a perfect blog post, which I ask you to give a read. It's going to be just a 4mins read. Please do!
So, a summary would be:
I was about to take a break after that last chapter upload. But I got invited to a few family gatherings and ended up getting sick. The following two weeks were tough, and I simply rested. Batting with stress alongside recovering from the cold had left me unable to work.
I am all better now!
Don't worry. Nevertheless, I recommend you guys read that blog post because I made a few important and exciting announcements. Since GET BACK TO YOU is coming to an end, we need a place to meet and greet. My website will allow my readers to subscribe to the mailing list. And you also have links to all my social media profiles. I know I've been bad by rarely posting stuff. Fear not, because I have no choice but to only post on social media and information through blog posts.
Therefore, I request all my readers, who wish to continue their journey with me, shall follow me on social media platforms and join my mailing list to stay updated.
About the Newsletter, I still have to finalize and design the ideas. So, it's going to take some time. But, I already mentioned this in the blog post. Still, I shall repeat it.
If you subscribe now, you can get a FREE copy of the volume 1 eBook.
You will need an email address, and You will get Volume 1 for free after joining. This is an important announcement. That's why I'm repeating it here as well.
So, yeah, I hope you guys check out the blog post. Those who wish to get a free copy of Volume 1, which is professionally edited and formatted to the industry standards, consider subscribing today!
What else?
I do have other announcements, which you can know from reading the post. If you want to have a link, I shall share it on my Instagram and Facebook. I'm not sure if Webnovel is going to show the link in its format.
That's it, guys! I said it all in the post. So, read it and drop your comments. I shall reply to them. And don't forget to follow through with the announcements. See you in your comments.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis