The girl's words were akin to a tight slap across Zhou Che's face. She had directly rejected the idea of meeting him. For some unknown reason , he suddenly felt as if someone was trying to strangle him to death. Did this mean that he had no chance to even see her again ? How could he live all his life burdened by the regrets of his wrongdoings ? He couldn't definitely afford to live like that. That would be too suffocating for him...
Most importantly , ever since he had known about the truth behind Zhou Zhichen's death , he had started to think everything from Rong Xinghe's perspective. Because that was his only mistake six years ago. Had he trusted Rong Xinghe's intentions all those years back , the circumstances would've been quite different now. So he was going to take things slowly this time.
"I will wait.", the man smiled sadly.
Rong Xinghe raised her brows ever so slightly as a smirk appeared across her lips ,"Get out of Yuan's territory in the next five seconds !"
My name is VEDA DHAPKE and I am a girl hailing from India.
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