"That can't be right!"
"This is stupid! You're all stupid! She was self sacrificing! Any idiot can see that!"
"No you're stupid! She was self gratifying!"
"How can you think she was self sacrificing? She felt happy she gave everything to the boy?"
"She was happy because she gave up everything! She wanted to feel good about herself!"
"I can't do this anymore! What's the answer?!"
"Yes! Give us the answer!"
"We want a proper answer!"
"Give us a proper answer!"
"You can't leave us like this!"
Students shouted over top of one another, filling the once quiet library with a huge commotion, demanding a response. A loud and clear laugh silenced the crowd. Ariana hugged her sides tightly as tears ran down her cheeks. "It's an opinionated piece! You're answer is correct no matter what anyone says."
Happy New Year! I was a little late in wishing everyone a new year. ???