Two cities separated Linyin City from Baishi City; It was not an easy trip to make. This was mainly because the territory of Linyin City, which was inside a huge swathe of densely packed woodland, teemed with Hunters. And since more and more players were crossing the level-40 threshold, the number of Hunters in the jungle increased by the day, too. Given that it was the peak hours for gamers to be online in the server right now, encirclements and traps abounded in every few steps.
Ye Xiaowu, who had more knowledge of this VR world than anyone out there, was able to tap into this in such a time like this. He might not know how the Linyin City's players divided the entire jungle among themselves, but he at least knew the monster distribution in every area in this region. No matter how messy these players set their traps, there was no way that they would set them in places without monsters, right?
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