"That year, Sun Dongqing and Ye Zhifan were the ones who collected Ye Jian's mother's items. The jade was given back to them. I didn't know this until the day Ye Zhifan was transferring to the city for work. After he drank, he spouted some gibberish that was coincidentally heard by the village leader whom I had requested to take care of Ye Jian. Basically, it meant that he was able to become who he was today thanks to a piece of jade."
When he talked about the past, Uncle Gen wasn't as energetic as he was when he was talking to Ye Jian. He sounded like fallen leaves that blew in the Autumn wind. "… After I came back from the military unit, I found out that Ye Zhifan took the jade. I observed him and noticed that Ye Zhifan rose from the position of the minister of finance to the deputy town mayor."
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